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*** 57,69 **** "-XX:CMSWaitDuration=50", "-XX:MetaspaceSize=" + MetaspaceSize, "-Xmn" + YoungGenSize, "-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC", "-XX:" + (enableUnloading ? "+" : "-") + "CMSClassUnloadingEnabled", ! "-XX:+PrintHeapAtGC", ! "-XX:+PrintGCDetails", ! "-XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps", TestCMSClassUnloadingEnabledHWM.AllocateBeyondMetaspaceSize.class.getName(), "" + MetaspaceSize); return new OutputAnalyzer(pb.start()); } --- 57,67 ---- "-XX:CMSWaitDuration=50", "-XX:MetaspaceSize=" + MetaspaceSize, "-Xmn" + YoungGenSize, "-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC", "-XX:" + (enableUnloading ? "+" : "-") + "CMSClassUnloadingEnabled", ! "-Xlog:gc", TestCMSClassUnloadingEnabledHWM.AllocateBeyondMetaspaceSize.class.getName(), "" + MetaspaceSize); return new OutputAnalyzer(pb.start()); }
*** 77,96 **** public static void testWithoutCMSClassUnloading() throws Exception { // -XX:-CMSClassUnloadingEnabled is used, so we expect a full GC instead of a concurrent cycle. OutputAnalyzer out = runWithoutCMSClassUnloading(); ! out.shouldMatch(".*Full GC.*"); ! out.shouldNotMatch(".*CMS Initial Mark.*"); } public static void testWithCMSClassUnloading() throws Exception { // -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled is used, so we expect a concurrent cycle instead of a full GC. OutputAnalyzer out = runWithCMSClassUnloading(); ! out.shouldMatch(".*CMS Initial Mark.*"); ! out.shouldNotMatch(".*Full GC.*"); } public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { testWithCMSClassUnloading(); testWithoutCMSClassUnloading(); --- 75,94 ---- public static void testWithoutCMSClassUnloading() throws Exception { // -XX:-CMSClassUnloadingEnabled is used, so we expect a full GC instead of a concurrent cycle. OutputAnalyzer out = runWithoutCMSClassUnloading(); ! out.shouldMatch(".*Pause Full.*"); ! out.shouldNotMatch(".*Pause Initial Mark.*"); } public static void testWithCMSClassUnloading() throws Exception { // -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled is used, so we expect a concurrent cycle instead of a full GC. OutputAnalyzer out = runWithCMSClassUnloading(); ! out.shouldMatch(".*Pause Initial Mark.*"); ! out.shouldNotMatch(".*Pause Full.*"); } public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { testWithCMSClassUnloading(); testWithoutCMSClassUnloading();
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