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@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
 bundler.description=A Directory based image of a mac Application with an optionally co-bundled JRE.  Used as a base for the Installer bundlers
 param.signing-key-developer-id-app.name=Apple Developer ID Application Signing Key
 param.signing-key-developer-id-app.description=The full name of the Apple Developer ID Application signing key.
-param.icon-icns.name= .icns Icon
+param.icon-icns.name=.icns Icon
 param.icon-icns.description= Icon for the application, in ICNS format.

@@ -51,11 +51,11 @@
 error.cannot-detect-runtime-in-directory=Cannot determine which JRE/JDK exists in the specified runtime directory.
 error.cannot-detect-runtime-in-directory.advice=Point the runtime directory to one of the JDK/JRE root, the Contents/Home directory of that root, or the Contents/Home/jre directory of the JDK.
 resource.app-info-plist=Application Info.plist
 resource.runtime-info-plist=Java Runtime Info.plist
-message.config-save-location=\  Config files are saved to {0}. Use them to customize package.
+message.config-save-location=Config files are saved to {0}. Use them to customize package.
 message.bundle-name-too-long-warning={0} is set to ''{1}'', which is longer than 16 characters.  For a better Mac experience consider shortening it.
 message.no-mac-jre-support=Currently Macs require a JDK to package
 message.creating-app-bundle=Creating app bundle\: {0}
 message.null-classpath=Null app resources?
 message.preparing-info-plist=Preparing Info.plist\: {0}

@@ -65,8 +65,8 @@
 message.version-string-no-negative-numbers=Negative numbers are not allowed in version strings.
 message.version-string-numbers-only=Version strings can consist of only numbers and up to two dots.
 message.creating-association-with-null-extension=Creating association with null extension.
 message.using-default-resource=Using default package resource {0} (add {1} to the class path to customize)
-message.using-custom-resource-from-file=\   Using custom package resource {0} (loaded from file {1})
-message.using-custom-resource-from-classpath=\  Using custom package resource {0} (loaded from {1})
-message.using-default-resource-from-classpath=\  Using default package resource {0} (add {1} to the class path to customize)
+message.using-custom-resource-from-file=Using custom package resource {0} (loaded from file {1})
+message.using-custom-resource-from-classpath=Using custom package resource {0} (loaded from {1})
+message.using-default-resource-from-classpath=Using default package resource {0} (add {1} to the class path to customize)
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