bundler.name=Mac App Store Ready Bundler bundler.description=Creates a binary bundle ready for deployment into the Mac App Store." param.signing-key-app.name=Application Signing Key param.signing-key-app.description=The full name of the signing key to sign the application with. param.signing-key-pkg.name=Installer Signing Key param.signing-key-pkg.description=The full name of the signing key to sign the PKG Installer with. param.mac-app-store-entitlements.name=Entitlements File param.mac-app-store-entitlements.description=File location of a custom mac app store entitlements file param.installer-suffix.name=Installer Suffix param.installer-suffix.description=The suffix for the installer name for this package. .pkg. resource.mac-app-store-entitlements=Mac App Store Entitlements resource.mac-app-store-inherit-entitlements=Mac App Store Inherit Entitlements error.parameters-null=Parameters map is null. error.parameters-null.advice=Pass in a non-null parameters map. error.cannot-create-output-dir=Output directory {0} cannot be created. error.cannot-write-to-output-dir=Output directory {0} is not writable. error.no-system-runtime=Bundle Configured to use the System JRE error.no-system-runtime.advice=Do not set 'runtime' to null, either don't set it or set it to a valid value. error.must-sign-app-store=Mac App Store apps must be signed, and signing has been disabled by bundler configuration. error.must-sign-app-store.advice=Either unset 'signBundle' or set 'signBundle' to true. error.no-app-signing-key=No Mac App Store App Signing Key error.no-app-signing-key.advice=Install your app signing keys into your Mac Keychain using XCode. error.no-pkg-signing-key=No Mac App Store Installer Signing Key error.no-pkg-signing-key.advice=Install your app signing keys into your Mac Keychain using XCode. message.config-save-location=Config files are saved to {0}. Use them to customize package. message.building-bundle=Building Mac App Store Bundle for {0} mesasge.intermediate-bundle-location=Intermediate application bundle image\: {0}