bundler.name=Mac Application Image bundler.description=A Directory based image of a mac Application with an optionally co-bundled JRE. Used as a base for the Installer bundlers param.signing-key-developer-id-app.name=Apple Developer ID Application Signing Key param.signing-key-developer-id-app.description=The full name of the Apple Developer ID Application signing key. param.icon-icns.name=.icns Icon param.icon-icns.description= Icon for the application, in ICNS format. param.config-root.name= param.config-root.description= param.configure-launcher-in-plist=Configure Launcher in Info.plist param.configure-launcher-in-plist.description=Should the legacy method of configuring hte launcher in the Info.plist be used. param.category-name=Category param.category-name.description=Mac App Store Categories. Note that the key is the string to display to the user and the value is the id of the category. param.cfbundle-name.name=CFBundleName param.cfbundle-name.description=The name of the app as it appears in the Menu Bar. This can be different from the application name. This name should be less than 16 characters long and be suitable for displaying in the menu bar and the app's Info window. param.cfbundle-identifier.name=CFBundleIdentifier param.cfbundle-identifier.description=An identifier that uniquely identifies the application for MacOSX (and on the Mac App Store). May only use alphanumeric (A-Z,a-z,0-9), hyphen (-), and period (.) characters. param.cfbundle-version.name=CFBundleVersion param.cfbundle-version.description=An computer readable version for the CFBundle. May contain only digits and from zero to two dots, such as "1.8.1" or "100". param.bundle-id-signing-prefix.name=Bundle Signing Prefix param.bundle-id-signing-prefix.description=When signing the application bundle this value is prefixed to all components that need to be signed that don't have an existing CFBundleIdentifier. param.raw-executable-url.name=Launcher URL param.raw-executable-url.description=Override the packager default launcher with a custom launcher. param.default-icon-icns=Default Icon param.default-icon-icns.description=The Default Icon for when a user does not specify an icns file. param.runtime.name=JRE param.runtime.description=The Java Runtime to co-bundle. The default value is the current JRE running the bundler. A value of null will cause no JRE to be co-bundled and the system JRE will be used to launch the application. param.images-root.name= param.images-root.description= error.cannot-create-output-dir=Output directory {0} cannot be created. error.cannot-write-to-output-dir=Output directory {0} is not writable. error.invalid-cfbundle-version=Invalid CFBundleVersion - ''{0}'' error.invalid-cfbundle-version.advice=Set a compatible 'appVersion' or set a 'mac.CFBundleVersion'. Valid versions are one to three integers separated by dots. error.explicit-sign-no-cert=Signature explicitly requested but no signing certificate specified. error.explicit-sign-no-cert.advice=Either specify a valid cert in 'mac.signing-key-developer-id-app' or unset 'signBundle' or set 'signBundle' to false. error.non-existent-runtime=The file for the Runtime/JRE directory does not exist. error.non-existent-runtime.advice=Point the runtime parameter to a directory that containes the JRE. error.cannot-detect-runtime-in-directory=Cannot determine which JRE/JDK exists in the specified runtime directory. error.cannot-detect-runtime-in-directory.advice=Point the runtime directory to one of the JDK/JRE root, the Contents/Home directory of that root, or the Contents/Home/jre directory of the JDK. resource.app-info-plist=Application Info.plist resource.runtime-info-plist=Java Runtime Info.plist message.config-save-location=Config files are saved to {0}. Use them to customize package. message.bundle-name-too-long-warning={0} is set to ''{1}'', which is longer than 16 characters. For a better Mac experience consider shortening it. message.no-mac-jre-support=Currently Macs require a JDK to package message.creating-app-bundle=Creating app bundle\: {0} message.null-classpath=Null app resources? message.preparing-info-plist=Preparing Info.plist\: {0} message.icon-not-icns= The specified icon "{0}" is not an ICNS file and will not be used. The default icon will be used in it's place. message.version-string-too-many-components=Version sting may have between 1 and 3 numbers: 1, 1.2, 1.2.3. message.version-string-first-number-not-zero=The first number in a CFBundleVersion cannot be zero or negative. message.version-string-no-negative-numbers=Negative numbers are not allowed in version strings. message.version-string-numbers-only=Version strings can consist of only numbers and up to two dots. message.creating-association-with-null-extension=Creating association with null extension. message.using-default-resource=Using default package resource {0} (add {1} to the class path to customize) message.using-custom-resource-from-file=Using custom package resource {0} (loaded from file {1}) message.using-custom-resource-from-classpath=Using custom package resource {0} (loaded from {1}) message.using-default-resource-from-classpath=Using default package resource {0} (add {1} to the class path to customize)