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  84   struct FileMapHeader : FileMapHeaderBase {
  85     // Use data() and data_size() to memcopy to/from the FileMapHeader. We need to
  86     // avoid read/writing the C++ vtable pointer.
  87     static size_t data_size();
  88     char* data() {
  89       return ((char*)this) + sizeof(FileMapHeaderBase);
  90     }
  92     int    _magic;                    // identify file type.
  93     int    _crc;                      // header crc checksum.
  94     int    _version;                  // (from enum, above.)
  95     size_t _alignment;                // how shared archive should be aligned
  96     int    _obj_alignment;            // value of ObjectAlignmentInBytes
  97     int    _narrow_oop_shift;         // compressed oop encoding shift
  98     bool   _compact_strings;          // value of CompactStrings
  99     uintx  _max_heap_size;            // java max heap size during dumping
 100     Universe::NARROW_OOP_MODE _narrow_oop_mode; // compressed oop encoding mode
 101     int     _narrow_klass_shift;      // save narrow klass base and shift
 102     address _narrow_klass_base;
 103     char*   _misc_data_patching_start;

 105     struct space_info {
 106       int    _crc;           // crc checksum of the current space
 107       size_t _file_offset;   // sizeof(this) rounded to vm page size
 108       union {
 109         char*  _base;        // copy-on-write base address
 110         intx   _offset;      // offset from the compressed oop encoding base, only used
 111                              // by string space
 112       } _addr;
 113       size_t _capacity;      // for validity checking
 114       size_t _used;          // for setting space top on read
 115       bool   _read_only;     // read only space?
 116       bool   _allow_exec;    // executable code in space?
 117     } _space[MetaspaceShared::n_regions];
 119     // The following fields are all sanity checks for whether this archive
 120     // will function correctly with this JVM and the bootclasspath it's
 121     // invoked with.
 122     char  _jvm_ident[JVM_IDENT_MAX];      // identifier for jvm

 172   ~FileMapInfo();
 174   static int current_version()        { return _current_version; }
 175   int    compute_header_crc()         { return _header->compute_crc(); }
 176   void   set_header_crc(int crc)      { _header->_crc = crc; }
 177   void   populate_header(size_t alignment);
 178   bool   validate_header();
 179   void   invalidate();
 180   int    version()                    { return _header->_version; }
 181   size_t alignment()                  { return _header->_alignment; }
 182   Universe::NARROW_OOP_MODE narrow_oop_mode() { return _header->_narrow_oop_mode; }
 183   int    narrow_oop_shift()           { return _header->_narrow_oop_shift; }
 184   uintx  max_heap_size()              { return _header->_max_heap_size; }
 185   address narrow_klass_base() const   { return _header->_narrow_klass_base; }
 186   int     narrow_klass_shift() const  { return _header->_narrow_klass_shift; }
 187   size_t space_capacity(int i)        { return _header->_space[i]._capacity; }
 188   struct FileMapHeader* header()      { return _header; }
 189   char* misc_data_patching_start()            { return _header->_misc_data_patching_start; }
 190   void set_misc_data_patching_start(char* p)  { _header->_misc_data_patching_start = p; }

 192   static FileMapInfo* current_info() {
 193     CDS_ONLY(return _current_info;)
 194     NOT_CDS(return NULL;)
 195   }
 197   static void assert_mark(bool check);
 199   // File manipulation.
 200   bool  initialize() NOT_CDS_RETURN_(false);
 201   bool  open_for_read();
 202   void  open_for_write();
 203   void  write_header();
 204   void  write_space(int i, Metaspace* space, bool read_only);
 205   void  write_region(int region, char* base, size_t size,
 206                      size_t capacity, bool read_only, bool allow_exec);
 207   void  write_string_regions(GrowableArray<MemRegion> *regions);
 208   void  write_bytes(const void* buffer, int count);
 209   void  write_bytes_aligned(const void* buffer, int count);
 210   char* map_region(int i);
 211   bool  map_string_regions();

  84   struct FileMapHeader : FileMapHeaderBase {
  85     // Use data() and data_size() to memcopy to/from the FileMapHeader. We need to
  86     // avoid read/writing the C++ vtable pointer.
  87     static size_t data_size();
  88     char* data() {
  89       return ((char*)this) + sizeof(FileMapHeaderBase);
  90     }
  92     int    _magic;                    // identify file type.
  93     int    _crc;                      // header crc checksum.
  94     int    _version;                  // (from enum, above.)
  95     size_t _alignment;                // how shared archive should be aligned
  96     int    _obj_alignment;            // value of ObjectAlignmentInBytes
  97     int    _narrow_oop_shift;         // compressed oop encoding shift
  98     bool   _compact_strings;          // value of CompactStrings
  99     uintx  _max_heap_size;            // java max heap size during dumping
 100     Universe::NARROW_OOP_MODE _narrow_oop_mode; // compressed oop encoding mode
 101     int     _narrow_klass_shift;      // save narrow klass base and shift
 102     address _narrow_klass_base;
 103     char*   _misc_data_patching_start;
 104     address _cds_i2i_entry_code_buffers;
 105     size_t  _cds_i2i_entry_code_buffers_size;
 107     struct space_info {
 108       int    _crc;           // crc checksum of the current space
 109       size_t _file_offset;   // sizeof(this) rounded to vm page size
 110       union {
 111         char*  _base;        // copy-on-write base address
 112         intx   _offset;      // offset from the compressed oop encoding base, only used
 113                              // by string space
 114       } _addr;
 115       size_t _capacity;      // for validity checking
 116       size_t _used;          // for setting space top on read
 117       bool   _read_only;     // read only space?
 118       bool   _allow_exec;    // executable code in space?
 119     } _space[MetaspaceShared::n_regions];
 121     // The following fields are all sanity checks for whether this archive
 122     // will function correctly with this JVM and the bootclasspath it's
 123     // invoked with.
 124     char  _jvm_ident[JVM_IDENT_MAX];      // identifier for jvm

 174   ~FileMapInfo();
 176   static int current_version()        { return _current_version; }
 177   int    compute_header_crc()         { return _header->compute_crc(); }
 178   void   set_header_crc(int crc)      { _header->_crc = crc; }
 179   void   populate_header(size_t alignment);
 180   bool   validate_header();
 181   void   invalidate();
 182   int    version()                    { return _header->_version; }
 183   size_t alignment()                  { return _header->_alignment; }
 184   Universe::NARROW_OOP_MODE narrow_oop_mode() { return _header->_narrow_oop_mode; }
 185   int    narrow_oop_shift()           { return _header->_narrow_oop_shift; }
 186   uintx  max_heap_size()              { return _header->_max_heap_size; }
 187   address narrow_klass_base() const   { return _header->_narrow_klass_base; }
 188   int     narrow_klass_shift() const  { return _header->_narrow_klass_shift; }
 189   size_t space_capacity(int i)        { return _header->_space[i]._capacity; }
 190   struct FileMapHeader* header()      { return _header; }
 191   char* misc_data_patching_start()            { return _header->_misc_data_patching_start; }
 192   void set_misc_data_patching_start(char* p)  { _header->_misc_data_patching_start = p; }
 194   address cds_i2i_entry_code_buffers() {
 195     return _header->_cds_i2i_entry_code_buffers;
 196   }
 197   void set_cds_i2i_entry_code_buffers(address addr) {
 198     _header->_cds_i2i_entry_code_buffers = addr;
 199   }
 200   size_t cds_i2i_entry_code_buffers_size() {
 201     return _header->_cds_i2i_entry_code_buffers_size;
 202   }
 203   void set_cds_i2i_entry_code_buffers_size(size_t s) {
 204     _header->_cds_i2i_entry_code_buffers_size = s;
 205   }
 207   static FileMapInfo* current_info() {
 208     CDS_ONLY(return _current_info;)
 209     NOT_CDS(return NULL;)
 210   }
 212   static void assert_mark(bool check);
 214   // File manipulation.
 215   bool  initialize() NOT_CDS_RETURN_(false);
 216   bool  open_for_read();
 217   void  open_for_write();
 218   void  write_header();
 219   void  write_space(int i, Metaspace* space, bool read_only);
 220   void  write_region(int region, char* base, size_t size,
 221                      size_t capacity, bool read_only, bool allow_exec);
 222   void  write_string_regions(GrowableArray<MemRegion> *regions);
 223   void  write_bytes(const void* buffer, int count);
 224   void  write_bytes_aligned(const void* buffer, int count);
 225   char* map_region(int i);
 226   bool  map_string_regions();

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