1 /*
   2 * Copyright (c) 2016, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4 *
   5 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8 *
   9 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13 * accompanied this code).
  14 *
  15 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18 *
  19 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20 * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21 * questions.
  22 *
  23 */
  28 #include "memory/allocation.hpp"
  29 #include "runtime/handles.hpp"
  31 class ModuleEntryTable;
  32 class Symbol;
  34 class Modules : AllStatic {
  36 public:
  37   // define_module defines a module containing the specified packages. It binds the
  38   // module to its class loader by creating the ModuleEntry record in the
  39   // ClassLoader's ModuleEntry table, and creates PackageEntry records in the class
  40   // loader's PackageEntry table.  As in JVM_DefineClass the jstring format for all
  41   // package names must use "/" and not "."
  42   //
  43   //  IllegalArgumentExceptions are thrown for the following :
  44   // * Module's Class loader is not a subclass of java.lang.ClassLoader
  45   // * Module's Class loader already has a module with that name
  46   // * Module's Class loader has already defined types for any of the module's packages
  47   // * Module_name is syntactically bad
  48   // * Packages contains an illegal package name
  49   // * A package already exists in another module for this class loader
  50   // * Module is an unnamed module
  51   // * num_packages is negative
  52   // * num_packages is non-zero when packages is null
  53   //  NullPointerExceptions are thrown if module is null.
  54   static void define_module(jobject module, jboolean is_open, jstring version,
  55                             jstring location, const char* const* packages,
  56                             jsize num_packages, TRAPS);
  58   // Provides the java.lang.Module for the unnamed module defined
  59   // to the boot loader.
  60   //
  61   //  IllegalArgumentExceptions are thrown for the following :
  62   //  * Module has a name
  63   //  * Module is not a subclass of java.lang.Module
  64   //  * Module's class loader is not the boot loader
  65   //  NullPointerExceptions are thrown if module is null.
  66   static void set_bootloader_unnamed_module(jobject module, TRAPS);
  68   // This either does a qualified export of package in module from_module to module
  69   // to_module or, if to_module is null, does an unqualified export of package.
  70   // The format for the package name must use "/' not ".".
  71   //
  72   // Error conditions causing IlegalArgumentException to be throw :
  73   // * Module from_module does not exist
  74   // * Module to_module is not null and does not exist
  75   // * Package is not syntactically correct
  76   // * Package is not defined for from_module's class loader
  77   // * Package is not in module from_module.
  78   static void add_module_exports(jobject from_module, const char* package, jobject to_module, TRAPS);
  80   // This does a qualified export of package in module from_module to module
  81   // to_module.  The format for the package name must use "/' not ".".
  82   //
  83   // Error conditions causing IlegalArgumentException to be throw :
  84   // * Module from_module does not exist
  85   // * Module to_module does not exist
  86   // * Package is not syntactically correct
  87   // * Package is not defined for from_module's class loader
  88   // * Package is not in module from_module.
  89   static void add_module_exports_qualified(jobject from_module, const char* package, jobject to_module, TRAPS);
  91   // add_reads_module adds module to_module to the list of modules that from_module
  92   // can read.  If from_module is the same as to_module then this is a no-op.
  93   // If to_module is null then from_module is marked as a loose module (meaning that
  94   // from_module can read all current and future unnamed  modules).
  95   // An IllegalArgumentException is thrown if from_module is null or either (non-null)
  96   // module does not exist.
  97   static void add_reads_module(jobject from_module, jobject to_module, TRAPS);
  99   // Return the java.lang.Module object for this class object.
 100   static jobject get_module(jclass clazz, TRAPS);
 102   // Return the java.lang.Module object for this class loader and package.
 103   // Returns NULL if the class loader has not loaded any classes in the package.
 104   // The package should contain /'s, not .'s, as in java/lang, not java.lang.
 105   // NullPointerException is thrown if package is null.
 106   // IllegalArgumentException is thrown if loader is neither null nor a subtype of
 107   // java/lang/ClassLoader.
 108   static jobject get_named_module(Handle h_loader, const char* package, TRAPS);
 110   // If package is defined by loader, return the
 111   // java.lang.Module object for the module in which the package is defined.
 112   // Returns NULL if package is invalid or not defined by loader.
 113   static jobject get_module(Symbol* package_name, Handle h_loader, TRAPS);
 115   // Marks the specified package as exported to all unnamed modules.
 116   // If either module or package is null then NullPointerException is thrown.
 117   // If module or package is bad, or module is unnamed, or package is not in
 118   // module then IllegalArgumentException is thrown.
 119   static void add_module_exports_to_all_unnamed(jobject module, const char* package, TRAPS);
 121   // Return TRUE if package_name is syntactically valid, false otherwise.
 122   static bool verify_package_name(const char *package_name);
 124   // Return TRUE iff package is defined by loader
 125   static bool is_package_defined(Symbol* package_name, Handle h_loader, TRAPS);
 126   static ModuleEntryTable* get_module_entry_table(Handle h_loader);
 127 };