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*** 22,32 **** * */ /* * @test ! * @summary Use ClassLoader.defineClass() to load a class with rewritten bytecode. Make sure * the archived class with the same name is not loaded. * @requires vm.cds * @library /test/lib * @modules jdk.jartool/sun.tools.jar * @compile test-classes/RewriteBytecodes.java test-classes/Util.java test-classes/Super.java test-classes/Child.java --- 22,32 ---- * */ /* * @test ! * @summary Use Lookup.defineClass() to load a class with rewritten bytecode. Make sure * the archived class with the same name is not loaded. * @requires vm.cds * @library /test/lib * @modules jdk.jartool/sun.tools.jar * @compile test-classes/RewriteBytecodes.java test-classes/Util.java test-classes/Super.java test-classes/Child.java
*** 50,60 **** // command-line arguments ... use_whitebox_jar); OutputAnalyzer output = TestCommon.exec(appJar, // command-line arguments ... - "--add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED", use_whitebox_jar, "-XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions", "-XX:+WhiteBoxAPI", "RewriteBytecodes", superClsFile); TestCommon.checkExec(output); --- 50,59 ----
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