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1012     } else {
1013       return parser->lookup_interface_for_current_class(class_name);
1014     }
1015   } else {
1016     // The VM is not trying to resolve a super type of parser->current_class_name().
1017     // Instead, it's resolving an error class (because parser->current_class_name() has
1018     // failed parsing or verification). Don't do anything here.
1019     return NULL;
1020   }
1021 }
1023 DumpTimeSharedClassInfo* SystemDictionaryShared::find_or_allocate_info_for(InstanceKlass* k) {
1024   MutexLocker ml(DumpTimeTable_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
1025   if (_dumptime_table == NULL) {
1026     _dumptime_table = new (ResourceObj::C_HEAP, mtClass)DumpTimeSharedClassTable();
1027   }
1028   return _dumptime_table->find_or_allocate_info_for(k);
1029 }
1031 void SystemDictionaryShared::set_shared_class_misc_info(InstanceKlass* k, ClassFileStream* cfs) {
1032   assert(DumpSharedSpaces || DynamicDumpSharedSpaces, "only when dumping");
1033   assert(!is_builtin(k), "must be unregistered class");
1034   DumpTimeSharedClassInfo* info = find_or_allocate_info_for(k);
1035   info->_clsfile_size  = cfs->length();
1036   info->_clsfile_crc32 = ClassLoader::crc32(0, (const char*)cfs->buffer(), cfs->length());
1037 }
1039 void SystemDictionaryShared::init_dumptime_info(InstanceKlass* k) {
1040   (void)find_or_allocate_info_for(k);
1041 }
1043 void SystemDictionaryShared::remove_dumptime_info(InstanceKlass* k) {
1044   MutexLocker ml(DumpTimeTable_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
1045   DumpTimeSharedClassInfo* p = _dumptime_table->get(k);
1046   if (p == NULL) {
1047     return;
1048   }
1049   if (p->_verifier_constraints != NULL) {
1050     for (int i = 0; i < p->_verifier_constraints->length(); i++) {
1051       DumpTimeSharedClassInfo::DTConstraint constraint = p->_verifier_constraints->at(i);
1052       if (constraint._name != NULL ) {

1168 }
1170 class ExcludeDumpTimeSharedClasses : StackObj {
1171 public:
1172   bool do_entry(InstanceKlass* k, DumpTimeSharedClassInfo& info) {
1173     if (SystemDictionaryShared::should_be_excluded(k)) {
1174       info.set_excluded();
1175     }
1176     return true; // keep on iterating
1177   }
1178 };
1180 void SystemDictionaryShared::check_excluded_classes() {
1181   ExcludeDumpTimeSharedClasses excl;
1182   _dumptime_table->iterate(&excl);
1183   _dumptime_table->update_counts();
1184 }
1186 bool SystemDictionaryShared::is_excluded_class(InstanceKlass* k) {
1187   assert(_no_class_loading_should_happen, "sanity");
1188   assert(DumpSharedSpaces || DynamicDumpSharedSpaces, "only when dumping");
1189   return find_or_allocate_info_for(k)->is_excluded();
1190 }
1192 class IterateDumpTimeSharedClassTable : StackObj {
1193   MetaspaceClosure *_it;
1194 public:
1195   IterateDumpTimeSharedClassTable(MetaspaceClosure* it) : _it(it) {}
1197   bool do_entry(InstanceKlass* k, DumpTimeSharedClassInfo& info) {
1198     if (!info.is_excluded()) {
1199       info.metaspace_pointers_do(_it);
1200     }
1201     return true; // keep on iterating
1202   }
1203 };
1205 void SystemDictionaryShared::dumptime_classes_do(class MetaspaceClosure* it) {
1206   IterateDumpTimeSharedClassTable iter(it);
1207   _dumptime_table->iterate(&iter);
1208 }
1210 bool SystemDictionaryShared::add_verification_constraint(InstanceKlass* k, Symbol* name,
1211          Symbol* from_name, bool from_field_is_protected, bool from_is_array, bool from_is_object) {
1212   assert(DumpSharedSpaces || DynamicDumpSharedSpaces, "called at dump time only");
1213   DumpTimeSharedClassInfo* info = find_or_allocate_info_for(k);
1214   info->add_verification_constraint(k, name, from_name, from_field_is_protected,
1215                                     from_is_array, from_is_object);
1217   if (DynamicDumpSharedSpaces) {
1218     // For dynamic dumping, we can resolve all the constraint classes for all class loaders during
1219     // the initial run prior to creating the archive before vm exit. We will also perform verification
1220     // check when running with the archive.
1221     return false;
1222   } else {
1223     if (is_builtin(k)) {
1224       // For builtin class loaders, we can try to complete the verification check at dump time,
1225       // because we can resolve all the constraint classes. We will also perform verification check
1226       // when running with the archive.
1227       return false;
1228     } else {
1229       // For non-builtin class loaders, we cannot complete the verification check at dump time,
1230       // because at dump time we don't know how to resolve classes for such loaders.
1231       return true;
1232     }

1012     } else {
1013       return parser->lookup_interface_for_current_class(class_name);
1014     }
1015   } else {
1016     // The VM is not trying to resolve a super type of parser->current_class_name().
1017     // Instead, it's resolving an error class (because parser->current_class_name() has
1018     // failed parsing or verification). Don't do anything here.
1019     return NULL;
1020   }
1021 }
1023 DumpTimeSharedClassInfo* SystemDictionaryShared::find_or_allocate_info_for(InstanceKlass* k) {
1024   MutexLocker ml(DumpTimeTable_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
1025   if (_dumptime_table == NULL) {
1026     _dumptime_table = new (ResourceObj::C_HEAP, mtClass)DumpTimeSharedClassTable();
1027   }
1028   return _dumptime_table->find_or_allocate_info_for(k);
1029 }
1031 void SystemDictionaryShared::set_shared_class_misc_info(InstanceKlass* k, ClassFileStream* cfs) {
1032   assert(Arguments::is_dumping_archive(), "only when dumping");
1033   assert(!is_builtin(k), "must be unregistered class");
1034   DumpTimeSharedClassInfo* info = find_or_allocate_info_for(k);
1035   info->_clsfile_size  = cfs->length();
1036   info->_clsfile_crc32 = ClassLoader::crc32(0, (const char*)cfs->buffer(), cfs->length());
1037 }
1039 void SystemDictionaryShared::init_dumptime_info(InstanceKlass* k) {
1040   (void)find_or_allocate_info_for(k);
1041 }
1043 void SystemDictionaryShared::remove_dumptime_info(InstanceKlass* k) {
1044   MutexLocker ml(DumpTimeTable_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
1045   DumpTimeSharedClassInfo* p = _dumptime_table->get(k);
1046   if (p == NULL) {
1047     return;
1048   }
1049   if (p->_verifier_constraints != NULL) {
1050     for (int i = 0; i < p->_verifier_constraints->length(); i++) {
1051       DumpTimeSharedClassInfo::DTConstraint constraint = p->_verifier_constraints->at(i);
1052       if (constraint._name != NULL ) {

1168 }
1170 class ExcludeDumpTimeSharedClasses : StackObj {
1171 public:
1172   bool do_entry(InstanceKlass* k, DumpTimeSharedClassInfo& info) {
1173     if (SystemDictionaryShared::should_be_excluded(k)) {
1174       info.set_excluded();
1175     }
1176     return true; // keep on iterating
1177   }
1178 };
1180 void SystemDictionaryShared::check_excluded_classes() {
1181   ExcludeDumpTimeSharedClasses excl;
1182   _dumptime_table->iterate(&excl);
1183   _dumptime_table->update_counts();
1184 }
1186 bool SystemDictionaryShared::is_excluded_class(InstanceKlass* k) {
1187   assert(_no_class_loading_should_happen, "sanity");
1188   assert(Arguments::is_dumping_archive(), "only when dumping");
1189   return find_or_allocate_info_for(k)->is_excluded();
1190 }
1192 class IterateDumpTimeSharedClassTable : StackObj {
1193   MetaspaceClosure *_it;
1194 public:
1195   IterateDumpTimeSharedClassTable(MetaspaceClosure* it) : _it(it) {}
1197   bool do_entry(InstanceKlass* k, DumpTimeSharedClassInfo& info) {
1198     if (!info.is_excluded()) {
1199       info.metaspace_pointers_do(_it);
1200     }
1201     return true; // keep on iterating
1202   }
1203 };
1205 void SystemDictionaryShared::dumptime_classes_do(class MetaspaceClosure* it) {
1206   IterateDumpTimeSharedClassTable iter(it);
1207   _dumptime_table->iterate(&iter);
1208 }
1210 bool SystemDictionaryShared::add_verification_constraint(InstanceKlass* k, Symbol* name,
1211          Symbol* from_name, bool from_field_is_protected, bool from_is_array, bool from_is_object) {
1212   assert(Arguments::is_dumping_archive(), "called at dump time only");
1213   DumpTimeSharedClassInfo* info = find_or_allocate_info_for(k);
1214   info->add_verification_constraint(k, name, from_name, from_field_is_protected,
1215                                     from_is_array, from_is_object);
1217   if (DynamicDumpSharedSpaces) {
1218     // For dynamic dumping, we can resolve all the constraint classes for all class loaders during
1219     // the initial run prior to creating the archive before vm exit. We will also perform verification
1220     // check when running with the archive.
1221     return false;
1222   } else {
1223     if (is_builtin(k)) {
1224       // For builtin class loaders, we can try to complete the verification check at dump time,
1225       // because we can resolve all the constraint classes. We will also perform verification check
1226       // when running with the archive.
1227       return false;
1228     } else {
1229       // For non-builtin class loaders, we cannot complete the verification check at dump time,
1230       // because at dump time we don't know how to resolve classes for such loaders.
1231       return true;
1232     }

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