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  51     {
  52         self->_remoteLayerID = RemoteLayerGetIdForRemote(self->_remoteLayer);
  53         if (self->_remoteLayerID != 0)
  54         {
  55             [self->_remoteLayer retain];
  56         }
  57         else
  58         {
  59             NSLog(@"RemoteLayer ERROR: 0 _remoteLayerID for serverName:%@", serverName);
  60         }
  61     }
  62     else
  63     {
  64         NSLog(@"RemoteLayer ERROR: nil remoteLayer for serverName:%@", serverName);
  65     }
  66 }
  68 - (id)initWithSharedContext:(CGLContextObj)ctx
  69            andClientContext:(CGLContextObj)clCtx
  70              withHiDPIAware:(BOOL)HiDPIAware

  71 {
  72     LOG("GlassLayer3D initWithSharedContext]");
  73     self = [super init];
  74     if (self != nil)
  75     {
  76         self->_serverPort = MACH_PORT_NULL;
  77         self->_remoteLayer = nil;
  78         self->_remoteLayerID = 0;
  80         self->_painterOffscreen = [[GlassOffscreen alloc] initWithContext:clCtx];
  81         self->_glassOffscreen = [[GlassOffscreen alloc] initWithContext:ctx];
  82         [self->_glassOffscreen setLayer:self];
  83         LOG("   GlassLayer3D context: %p", ctx);
  85         self->isHiDPIAware = HiDPIAware;
  87         [self setAsynchronous:NO];
  88         [self setAutoresizingMask:(kCALayerWidthSizable|kCALayerHeightSizable)];
  89         [self setContentsGravity:kCAGravityTopLeft];
  91         // Initially the view is not in any window yet, so using the
  92         // screens[0]'s scale is a good starting point (this is most probably
  93         // the notebook's main LCD display which is HiDPI-capable).
  94         // Note that mainScreen is the screen with the current app bar focus
  95         // in Mavericks and later OS so it will likely not match the screen
  96         // we initially show windows on if an app is started from an external
  97         // monitor.
  98         [self notifyScaleFactorChanged:GetScreenScaleFactor([[NSScreen screens] objectAtIndex:0])];
 100         [self setMasksToBounds:YES];
 101         [self setNeedsDisplayOnBoundsChange:YES];

  51     {
  52         self->_remoteLayerID = RemoteLayerGetIdForRemote(self->_remoteLayer);
  53         if (self->_remoteLayerID != 0)
  54         {
  55             [self->_remoteLayer retain];
  56         }
  57         else
  58         {
  59             NSLog(@"RemoteLayer ERROR: 0 _remoteLayerID for serverName:%@", serverName);
  60         }
  61     }
  62     else
  63     {
  64         NSLog(@"RemoteLayer ERROR: nil remoteLayer for serverName:%@", serverName);
  65     }
  66 }
  68 - (id)initWithSharedContext:(CGLContextObj)ctx
  69            andClientContext:(CGLContextObj)clCtx
  70              withHiDPIAware:(BOOL)HiDPIAware
  71              withIsSwPipe:(BOOL)isSwPipe
  72 {
  73     LOG("GlassLayer3D initWithSharedContext]");
  74     self = [super init];
  75     if (self != nil)
  76     {
  77         self->_serverPort = MACH_PORT_NULL;
  78         self->_remoteLayer = nil;
  79         self->_remoteLayerID = 0;
  81         self->_painterOffscreen = [[GlassOffscreen alloc] initWithContext:clCtx andIsSwPipe:isSwPipe];
  82         self->_glassOffscreen = [[GlassOffscreen alloc] initWithContext:ctx andIsSwPipe:isSwPipe];
  83         [self->_glassOffscreen setLayer:self];
  84         LOG("   GlassLayer3D context: %p", ctx);
  86         self->isHiDPIAware = HiDPIAware;
  88         [self setAsynchronous:NO];
  89         [self setAutoresizingMask:(kCALayerWidthSizable|kCALayerHeightSizable)];
  90         [self setContentsGravity:kCAGravityTopLeft];
  92         // Initially the view is not in any window yet, so using the
  93         // screens[0]'s scale is a good starting point (this is most probably
  94         // the notebook's main LCD display which is HiDPI-capable).
  95         // Note that mainScreen is the screen with the current app bar focus
  96         // in Mavericks and later OS so it will likely not match the screen
  97         // we initially show windows on if an app is started from an external
  98         // monitor.
  99         [self notifyScaleFactorChanged:GetScreenScaleFactor([[NSScreen screens] objectAtIndex:0])];
 101         [self setMasksToBounds:YES];
 102         [self setNeedsDisplayOnBoundsChange:YES];