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  35  *
  36  * This notice and attribution to Taligent may not be removed.
  37  * Taligent is a registered trademark of Taligent, Inc.
  38  *
  39  */
  41 package sun.text.resources;
  43 import java.util.ListResourceBundle;
  45 public class FormatData_sv_SE extends ListResourceBundle {
  46     /**
  47      * Overrides ListResourceBundle
  48      */
  49     protected final Object[][] getContents() {
  50         return new Object[][] {
  51             { "NumberPatterns",
  52                 new String[] {
  53                     "#,##0.###;-#,##0.###", // decimal pattern
  54                     "#,##0.00 \u00A4;-#,##0.00 \u00A4", // currency pattern
  55                     "#,##0%" // percent pattern
  56                 }
  57             },
  58         };
  59     }
  60 }

  35  *
  36  * This notice and attribution to Taligent may not be removed.
  37  * Taligent is a registered trademark of Taligent, Inc.
  38  *
  39  */
  41 package sun.text.resources;
  43 import java.util.ListResourceBundle;
  45 public class FormatData_sv_SE extends ListResourceBundle {
  46     /**
  47      * Overrides ListResourceBundle
  48      */
  49     protected final Object[][] getContents() {
  50         return new Object[][] {
  51             { "NumberPatterns",
  52                 new String[] {
  53                     "#,##0.###;-#,##0.###", // decimal pattern
  54                     "#,##0.00 \u00A4;-#,##0.00 \u00A4", // currency pattern
  55                     "#,##0 %" // percent pattern
  56                 }
  57             },
  58         };
  59     }
  60 }