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  81    if [ -n "$1" ] ; then
  82           TESTJAVA=$1
  83       else
  84           TESTJAVA=$JAVA_HOME
  85    fi
  86    TESTSRC=.
  88    #Deal with .class files:
  89 fi
  90 #
  91 echo "JDK under test is: $TESTJAVA"
  92 #
  93 CP="-classpath ${TESTCLASSES}${PATHSEP}${TESTJAVA}/lib/jconsole.jar"
  94 # Compile the test class using the classpath we need:
  95 #
  96 env
  97 #
  98 set -vx
  99 #
 100 #Compile.  jconsole.jar is required on the classpath.
 101 ${TESTJAVA}/bin/javac -source 1.5 -d "${TESTCLASSES}" ${CP} -g \
 102                          "${TESTSRC}"/"${TARGETCLASS}".java
 103 #
 104 #Run the test class, again with the classpath we need:
 105 ${TESTJAVA}/bin/java ${CP} ${TARGETCLASS}
 106 status=$?
 107 echo "test status was: $status"
 108 if [ $status -eq "0" ];
 109    then pass ""
 111    else fail "unspecified test failure"
 112 fi

  81    if [ -n "$1" ] ; then
  82           TESTJAVA=$1
  83       else
  84           TESTJAVA=$JAVA_HOME
  85    fi
  86    TESTSRC=.
  88    #Deal with .class files:
  89 fi
  90 #
  91 echo "JDK under test is: $TESTJAVA"
  92 #
  93 CP="-classpath ${TESTCLASSES}${PATHSEP}${TESTJAVA}/lib/jconsole.jar"
  94 # Compile the test class using the classpath we need:
  95 #
  96 env
  97 #
  98 set -vx
  99 #
 100 #Compile.  jconsole.jar is required on the classpath.
 101 ${TESTJAVA}/bin/javac -d "${TESTCLASSES}" ${CP} -g \
 102                          "${TESTSRC}"/"${TARGETCLASS}".java
 103 #
 104 #Run the test class, again with the classpath we need:
 105 ${TESTJAVA}/bin/java ${CP} ${TARGETCLASS}
 106 status=$?
 107 echo "test status was: $status"
 108 if [ $status -eq "0" ];
 109    then pass ""
 111    else fail "unspecified test failure"
 112 fi