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 219                 deprecationHandler.report(pos, Warnings.HasBeenDeprecatedModule(sym));
 220             } else {
 221                 deprecationHandler.report(pos, Warnings.HasBeenDeprecated(sym, sym.location()));
 222             }
 223         }
 224     }
 226     /** Warn about unchecked operation.
 227      *  @param pos        Position to be used for error reporting.
 228      *  @param msg        A string describing the problem.
 229      */
 230     public void warnUnchecked(DiagnosticPosition pos, Warning warnKey) {
 231         if (!lint.isSuppressed(LintCategory.UNCHECKED))
 232             uncheckedHandler.report(pos, warnKey);
 233     }
 235     /** Warn about unsafe vararg method decl.
 236      *  @param pos        Position to be used for error reporting.
 237      */
 238     void warnUnsafeVararg(DiagnosticPosition pos, Warning warnKey) {
 239         if (lint.isEnabled(LintCategory.VARARGS) && Feature.SIMPLIFIED_VARARGS.allowedInSource(source))
 240             log.warning(LintCategory.VARARGS, pos, warnKey);
 241     }
 243     public void warnStatic(DiagnosticPosition pos, Warning warnKey) {
 244         if (lint.isEnabled(LintCategory.STATIC))
 245             log.warning(LintCategory.STATIC, pos, warnKey);
 246     }
 248     /** Warn about division by integer constant zero.
 249      *  @param pos        Position to be used for error reporting.
 250      */
 251     void warnDivZero(DiagnosticPosition pos) {
 252         if (lint.isEnabled(LintCategory.DIVZERO))
 253             log.warning(LintCategory.DIVZERO, pos, Warnings.DivZero);
 254     }
 256     /**
 257      * Report any deferred diagnostics.
 258      */
 259     public void reportDeferredDiagnostics() {

 869             public Boolean visitCapturedType(CapturedType t, Void s) {
 870                 /* Any type variable mentioned in the inferred type must have been declared as a type parameter
 871                   (i.e cannot have been produced by capture conversion (5.1.10))
 872                 */
 873                 return false;
 874             }
 876             @Override
 877             public Boolean visitArrayType(ArrayType t, Void s) {
 878                 return visit(t.elemtype, s);
 879             }
 881             @Override
 882             public Boolean visitWildcardType(WildcardType t, Void s) {
 883                 return visit(t.type, s);
 884             }
 885         };
 887     void checkVarargsMethodDecl(Env<AttrContext> env, JCMethodDecl tree) {
 888         MethodSymbol m = tree.sym;
 889         if (!Feature.SIMPLIFIED_VARARGS.allowedInSource(source)) return;
 890         boolean hasTrustMeAnno = m.attribute(syms.trustMeType.tsym) != null;
 891         Type varargElemType = null;
 892         if (m.isVarArgs()) {
 893             varargElemType = types.elemtype(tree.params.last().type);
 894         }
 895         if (hasTrustMeAnno && !isTrustMeAllowedOnMethod(m)) {
 896             if (varargElemType != null) {
 897                 JCDiagnostic msg = Feature.PRIVATE_SAFE_VARARGS.allowedInSource(source) ?
 898                         diags.fragment(Fragments.VarargsTrustmeOnVirtualVarargs(m)) :
 899                         diags.fragment(Fragments.VarargsTrustmeOnVirtualVarargsFinalOnly(m));
 900                 log.error(tree,
 901                           Errors.VarargsInvalidTrustmeAnno(syms.trustMeType.tsym,
 902                                                            msg));
 903             } else {
 904                 log.error(tree,
 905                           Errors.VarargsInvalidTrustmeAnno(syms.trustMeType.tsym,
 906                                                            Fragments.VarargsTrustmeOnNonVarargsMeth(m)));
 907             }
 908         } else if (hasTrustMeAnno && varargElemType != null &&
 909                             types.isReifiable(varargElemType)) {

 981                 Type varArg = types.elemtype(last);
 982                 while (args.tail != null) {
 983                     JCTree arg = args.head;
 984                     Warner warn = convertWarner(arg.pos(), arg.type, varArg);
 985                     assertConvertible(arg, arg.type, varArg, warn);
 986                     args = args.tail;
 987                 }
 988             } else if ((sym.flags() & (VARARGS | SIGNATURE_POLYMORPHIC)) == VARARGS) {
 989                 // non-varargs call to varargs method
 990                 Type varParam = owntype.getParameterTypes().last();
 991                 Type lastArg = argtypes.last();
 992                 if (types.isSubtypeUnchecked(lastArg, types.elemtype(varParam)) &&
 993                     !types.isSameType(types.erasure(varParam), types.erasure(lastArg)))
 994                     log.warning(argtrees.last().pos(),
 995                                 Warnings.InexactNonVarargsCall(types.elemtype(varParam),varParam));
 996             }
 997         }
 998         if (useVarargs) {
 999             Type argtype = owntype.getParameterTypes().last();
1000             if (!types.isReifiable(argtype) &&
1001                 (!Feature.SIMPLIFIED_VARARGS.allowedInSource(source) ||
1002                  sym.baseSymbol().attribute(syms.trustMeType.tsym) == null ||
1003                  !isTrustMeAllowedOnMethod(sym))) {
1004                 warnUnchecked(env.tree.pos(), Warnings.UncheckedGenericArrayCreation(argtype));
1005             }
1006             TreeInfo.setVarargsElement(env.tree, types.elemtype(argtype));
1007          }
1008          if ((sym.flags() & SIGNATURE_POLYMORPHIC) != 0 && !target.hasMethodHandles()) {
1009             log.error(env.tree, Errors.BadTargetSigpolyCall(target, Target.JDK1_7));
1010          }
1011          return owntype;
1012     }
1013     //where
1014     private void assertConvertible(JCTree tree, Type actual, Type formal, Warner warn) {
1015         if (types.isConvertible(actual, formal, warn))
1016             return;
1018         if (formal.isCompound()
1019             && types.isSubtype(actual, types.supertype(formal))
1020             && types.isSubtypeUnchecked(actual, types.interfaces(formal), warn))
1021             return;
1022     }
1024     /**
1025      * Check that type 't' is a valid instantiation of a generic class
1026      * (see JLS 4.5)
1027      *
1028      * @param t class type to be checked
1029      * @return true if 't' is well-formed

 219                 deprecationHandler.report(pos, Warnings.HasBeenDeprecatedModule(sym));
 220             } else {
 221                 deprecationHandler.report(pos, Warnings.HasBeenDeprecated(sym, sym.location()));
 222             }
 223         }
 224     }
 226     /** Warn about unchecked operation.
 227      *  @param pos        Position to be used for error reporting.
 228      *  @param msg        A string describing the problem.
 229      */
 230     public void warnUnchecked(DiagnosticPosition pos, Warning warnKey) {
 231         if (!lint.isSuppressed(LintCategory.UNCHECKED))
 232             uncheckedHandler.report(pos, warnKey);
 233     }
 235     /** Warn about unsafe vararg method decl.
 236      *  @param pos        Position to be used for error reporting.
 237      */
 238     void warnUnsafeVararg(DiagnosticPosition pos, Warning warnKey) {
 239         if (lint.isEnabled(LintCategory.VARARGS))
 240             log.warning(LintCategory.VARARGS, pos, warnKey);
 241     }
 243     public void warnStatic(DiagnosticPosition pos, Warning warnKey) {
 244         if (lint.isEnabled(LintCategory.STATIC))
 245             log.warning(LintCategory.STATIC, pos, warnKey);
 246     }
 248     /** Warn about division by integer constant zero.
 249      *  @param pos        Position to be used for error reporting.
 250      */
 251     void warnDivZero(DiagnosticPosition pos) {
 252         if (lint.isEnabled(LintCategory.DIVZERO))
 253             log.warning(LintCategory.DIVZERO, pos, Warnings.DivZero);
 254     }
 256     /**
 257      * Report any deferred diagnostics.
 258      */
 259     public void reportDeferredDiagnostics() {

 869             public Boolean visitCapturedType(CapturedType t, Void s) {
 870                 /* Any type variable mentioned in the inferred type must have been declared as a type parameter
 871                   (i.e cannot have been produced by capture conversion (5.1.10))
 872                 */
 873                 return false;
 874             }
 876             @Override
 877             public Boolean visitArrayType(ArrayType t, Void s) {
 878                 return visit(t.elemtype, s);
 879             }
 881             @Override
 882             public Boolean visitWildcardType(WildcardType t, Void s) {
 883                 return visit(t.type, s);
 884             }
 885         };
 887     void checkVarargsMethodDecl(Env<AttrContext> env, JCMethodDecl tree) {
 888         MethodSymbol m = tree.sym;

 889         boolean hasTrustMeAnno = m.attribute(syms.trustMeType.tsym) != null;
 890         Type varargElemType = null;
 891         if (m.isVarArgs()) {
 892             varargElemType = types.elemtype(tree.params.last().type);
 893         }
 894         if (hasTrustMeAnno && !isTrustMeAllowedOnMethod(m)) {
 895             if (varargElemType != null) {
 896                 JCDiagnostic msg = Feature.PRIVATE_SAFE_VARARGS.allowedInSource(source) ?
 897                         diags.fragment(Fragments.VarargsTrustmeOnVirtualVarargs(m)) :
 898                         diags.fragment(Fragments.VarargsTrustmeOnVirtualVarargsFinalOnly(m));
 899                 log.error(tree,
 900                           Errors.VarargsInvalidTrustmeAnno(syms.trustMeType.tsym,
 901                                                            msg));
 902             } else {
 903                 log.error(tree,
 904                           Errors.VarargsInvalidTrustmeAnno(syms.trustMeType.tsym,
 905                                                            Fragments.VarargsTrustmeOnNonVarargsMeth(m)));
 906             }
 907         } else if (hasTrustMeAnno && varargElemType != null &&
 908                             types.isReifiable(varargElemType)) {

 980                 Type varArg = types.elemtype(last);
 981                 while (args.tail != null) {
 982                     JCTree arg = args.head;
 983                     Warner warn = convertWarner(arg.pos(), arg.type, varArg);
 984                     assertConvertible(arg, arg.type, varArg, warn);
 985                     args = args.tail;
 986                 }
 987             } else if ((sym.flags() & (VARARGS | SIGNATURE_POLYMORPHIC)) == VARARGS) {
 988                 // non-varargs call to varargs method
 989                 Type varParam = owntype.getParameterTypes().last();
 990                 Type lastArg = argtypes.last();
 991                 if (types.isSubtypeUnchecked(lastArg, types.elemtype(varParam)) &&
 992                     !types.isSameType(types.erasure(varParam), types.erasure(lastArg)))
 993                     log.warning(argtrees.last().pos(),
 994                                 Warnings.InexactNonVarargsCall(types.elemtype(varParam),varParam));
 995             }
 996         }
 997         if (useVarargs) {
 998             Type argtype = owntype.getParameterTypes().last();
 999             if (!types.isReifiable(argtype) &&
1000                 (sym.baseSymbol().attribute(syms.trustMeType.tsym) == null ||

1001                  !isTrustMeAllowedOnMethod(sym))) {
1002                 warnUnchecked(env.tree.pos(), Warnings.UncheckedGenericArrayCreation(argtype));
1003             }
1004             TreeInfo.setVarargsElement(env.tree, types.elemtype(argtype));

1005          }
1006          return owntype;
1007     }
1008     //where
1009     private void assertConvertible(JCTree tree, Type actual, Type formal, Warner warn) {
1010         if (types.isConvertible(actual, formal, warn))
1011             return;
1013         if (formal.isCompound()
1014             && types.isSubtype(actual, types.supertype(formal))
1015             && types.isSubtypeUnchecked(actual, types.interfaces(formal), warn))
1016             return;
1017     }
1019     /**
1020      * Check that type 't' is a valid instantiation of a generic class
1021      * (see JLS 4.5)
1022      *
1023      * @param t class type to be checked
1024      * @return true if 't' is well-formed

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