1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2012, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  */
  24 /**
  25  * @test 4235519 8004212 8005394 8007298 8006295 8006315 8006530 8007379 8008925
  26  *       8014217 8025003 8026330 8028397
  27  * @summary tests java.util.Base64
  28  * @key randomness
  29  */
  31 import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
  32 import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
  33 import java.io.InputStream;
  34 import java.io.IOException;
  35 import java.io.OutputStream;
  36 import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
  37 import java.util.Arrays;
  38 import java.util.Base64;
  39 import java.util.Random;
  41 public class TestBase64 {
  43     public static void main(String args[]) throws Throwable {
  44         int numRuns  = 10;
  45         int numBytes = 200;
  46         if (args.length > 1) {
  47             numRuns  = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
  48             numBytes = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
  49         }
  51         test(Base64.getEncoder(), Base64.getDecoder(), numRuns, numBytes);
  52         test(Base64.getUrlEncoder(), Base64.getUrlDecoder(), numRuns, numBytes);
  53         test(Base64.getMimeEncoder(), Base64.getMimeDecoder(), numRuns, numBytes);
  55         Random rnd = new java.util.Random();
  56         byte[] nl_1 = new byte[] {'\n'};
  57         byte[] nl_2 = new byte[] {'\n', '\r'};
  58         byte[] nl_3 = new byte[] {'\n', '\r', '\n'};
  59         for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
  60             int len = rnd.nextInt(200) + 4;
  61             test(Base64.getMimeEncoder(len, nl_1),
  62                  Base64.getMimeDecoder(),
  63                  numRuns, numBytes);
  64             test(Base64.getMimeEncoder(len, nl_2),
  65                  Base64.getMimeDecoder(),
  66                  numRuns, numBytes);
  67             test(Base64.getMimeEncoder(len, nl_3),
  68                  Base64.getMimeDecoder(),
  69                  numRuns, numBytes);
  70         }
  72         testNull(Base64.getEncoder());
  73         testNull(Base64.getUrlEncoder());
  74         testNull(Base64.getMimeEncoder());
  75         testNull(Base64.getMimeEncoder(10, new byte[]{'\n'}));
  76         testNull(Base64.getDecoder());
  77         testNull(Base64.getUrlDecoder());
  78         testNull(Base64.getMimeDecoder());
  79         checkNull(new Runnable() { public void run() { Base64.getMimeEncoder(10, null); }});
  81         testIOE(Base64.getEncoder());
  82         testIOE(Base64.getUrlEncoder());
  83         testIOE(Base64.getMimeEncoder());
  84         testIOE(Base64.getMimeEncoder(10, new byte[]{'\n'}));
  86         byte[] src = new byte[1024];
  87         new Random().nextBytes(src);
  88         final byte[] decoded = Base64.getEncoder().encode(src);
  89         testIOE(Base64.getDecoder(), decoded);
  90         testIOE(Base64.getMimeDecoder(), decoded);
  91         testIOE(Base64.getUrlDecoder(), Base64.getUrlEncoder().encode(src));
  93         // illegal line separator
  94         checkIAE(new Runnable() { public void run() { Base64.getMimeEncoder(10, new byte[]{'\r', 'N'}); }});
  96         // malformed padding/ending
  97         testMalformedPadding();
  99         // illegal base64 character
 100         decoded[2] = (byte)0xe0;
 101         checkIAE(new Runnable() {
 102             public void run() { Base64.getDecoder().decode(decoded); }});
 103         checkIAE(new Runnable() {
 104             public void run() { Base64.getDecoder().decode(decoded, new byte[1024]); }});
 105         checkIAE(new Runnable() { public void run() {
 106             Base64.getDecoder().decode(ByteBuffer.wrap(decoded)); }});
 108         // test single-non-base64 character for mime decoding
 109         testSingleNonBase64MimeDec();
 111         // test decoding of unpadded data
 112         testDecodeUnpadded();
 114         // test mime decoding with ignored character after padding
 115         testDecodeIgnoredAfterPadding();
 116     }
 118     private static void test(Base64.Encoder enc, Base64.Decoder dec,
 119                              int numRuns, int numBytes) throws Throwable {
 120         Random rnd = new java.util.Random();
 122         enc.encode(new byte[0]);
 123         dec.decode(new byte[0]);
 125         for (boolean withoutPadding : new boolean[] { false, true}) {
 126             if (withoutPadding) {
 127                  enc = enc.withoutPadding();
 128             }
 129             for (int i=0; i<numRuns; i++) {
 130                 for (int j=1; j<numBytes; j++) {
 131                     byte[] orig = new byte[j];
 132                     rnd.nextBytes(orig);
 134                     // --------testing encode/decode(byte[])--------
 135                     byte[] encoded = enc.encode(orig);
 136                     byte[] decoded = dec.decode(encoded);
 138                     checkEqual(orig, decoded,
 139                                "Base64 array encoding/decoding failed!");
 140                     if (withoutPadding) {
 141                         if (encoded[encoded.length - 1] == '=')
 142                             throw new RuntimeException(
 143                                "Base64 enc.encode().withoutPadding() has padding!");
 144                     }
 145                     // --------testing encodetoString(byte[])/decode(String)--------
 146                     String str = enc.encodeToString(orig);
 147                     if (!Arrays.equals(str.getBytes("ASCII"), encoded)) {
 148                         throw new RuntimeException(
 149                             "Base64 encodingToString() failed!");
 150                     }
 151                     byte[] buf = dec.decode(new String(encoded, "ASCII"));
 152                     checkEqual(buf, orig, "Base64 decoding(String) failed!");
 154                     //-------- testing encode/decode(Buffer)--------
 155                     testEncode(enc, ByteBuffer.wrap(orig), encoded);
 156                     ByteBuffer bin = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(orig.length);
 157                     bin.put(orig).flip();
 158                     testEncode(enc, bin, encoded);
 160                     testDecode(dec, ByteBuffer.wrap(encoded), orig);
 161                     bin = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(encoded.length);
 162                     bin.put(encoded).flip();
 163                     testDecode(dec, bin, orig);
 165                     // --------testing decode.wrap(input stream)--------
 166                     // 1) random buf length
 167                     ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(encoded);
 168                     InputStream is = dec.wrap(bais);
 169                     buf = new byte[orig.length + 10];
 170                     int len = orig.length;
 171                     int off = 0;
 172                     while (true) {
 173                         int n = rnd.nextInt(len);
 174                         if (n == 0)
 175                             n = 1;
 176                         n = is.read(buf, off, n);
 177                         if (n == -1) {
 178                             checkEqual(off, orig.length,
 179                                        "Base64 stream decoding failed");
 180                             break;
 181                         }
 182                         off += n;
 183                         len -= n;
 184                         if (len == 0)
 185                             break;
 186                     }
 187                     buf = Arrays.copyOf(buf, off);
 188                     checkEqual(buf, orig, "Base64 stream decoding failed!");
 190                     // 2) read one byte each
 191                     bais.reset();
 192                     is = dec.wrap(bais);
 193                     buf = new byte[orig.length + 10];
 194                     off = 0;
 195                     int b;
 196                     while ((b = is.read()) != -1) {
 197                         buf[off++] = (byte)b;
 198                     }
 199                     buf = Arrays.copyOf(buf, off);
 200                     checkEqual(buf, orig, "Base64 stream decoding failed!");
 202                     // --------testing encode.wrap(output stream)--------
 203                     ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream((orig.length + 2) / 3 * 4 + 10);
 204                     OutputStream os = enc.wrap(baos);
 205                     off = 0;
 206                     len = orig.length;
 207                     for (int k = 0; k < 5; k++) {
 208                         if (len == 0)
 209                             break;
 210                         int n = rnd.nextInt(len);
 211                         if (n == 0)
 212                             n = 1;
 213                         os.write(orig, off, n);
 214                         off += n;
 215                         len -= n;
 216                     }
 217                     if (len != 0)
 218                         os.write(orig, off, len);
 219                     os.close();
 220                     buf = baos.toByteArray();
 221                     checkEqual(buf, encoded, "Base64 stream encoding failed!");
 223                     // 2) write one byte each
 224                     baos.reset();
 225                     os = enc.wrap(baos);
 226                     off = 0;
 227                     while (off < orig.length) {
 228                         os.write(orig[off++]);
 229                     }
 230                     os.close();
 231                     buf = baos.toByteArray();
 232                     checkEqual(buf, encoded, "Base64 stream encoding failed!");
 234                     // --------testing encode(in, out); -> bigger buf--------
 235                     buf = new byte[encoded.length + rnd.nextInt(100)];
 236                     int ret = enc.encode(orig, buf);
 237                     checkEqual(ret, encoded.length,
 238                                "Base64 enc.encode(src, null) returns wrong size!");
 239                     buf = Arrays.copyOf(buf, ret);
 240                     checkEqual(buf, encoded,
 241                                "Base64 enc.encode(src, dst) failed!");
 243                     // --------testing decode(in, out); -> bigger buf--------
 244                     buf = new byte[orig.length + rnd.nextInt(100)];
 245                     ret = dec.decode(encoded, buf);
 246                     checkEqual(ret, orig.length,
 247                               "Base64 enc.encode(src, null) returns wrong size!");
 248                     buf = Arrays.copyOf(buf, ret);
 249                     checkEqual(buf, orig,
 250                                "Base64 dec.decode(src, dst) failed!");
 252                 }
 253             }
 254         }
 255     }
 257     private static final byte[] ba_null = null;
 258     private static final String str_null = null;
 259     private static final ByteBuffer bb_null = null;
 261     private static void testNull(final Base64.Encoder enc) {
 262         checkNull(new Runnable() { public void run() { enc.encode(ba_null); }});
 263         checkNull(new Runnable() { public void run() { enc.encodeToString(ba_null); }});
 264         checkNull(new Runnable() { public void run() { enc.encode(ba_null, new byte[10]); }});
 265         checkNull(new Runnable() { public void run() { enc.encode(new byte[10], ba_null); }});
 266         checkNull(new Runnable() { public void run() { enc.encode(bb_null); }});
 267         checkNull(new Runnable() { public void run() { enc.wrap((OutputStream)null); }});
 268     }
 270     private static void testNull(final Base64.Decoder dec) {
 271         checkNull(new Runnable() { public void run() { dec.decode(ba_null); }});
 272         checkNull(new Runnable() { public void run() { dec.decode(str_null); }});
 273         checkNull(new Runnable() { public void run() { dec.decode(ba_null, new byte[10]); }});
 274         checkNull(new Runnable() { public void run() { dec.decode(new byte[10], ba_null); }});
 275         checkNull(new Runnable() { public void run() { dec.decode(bb_null); }});
 276         checkNull(new Runnable() { public void run() { dec.wrap((InputStream)null); }});
 277     }
 279     private static interface Testable {
 280         public void test() throws Throwable;
 281     }
 283     private static void testIOE(final Base64.Encoder enc) throws Throwable {
 284         ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(8192);
 285         final OutputStream os = enc.wrap(baos);
 286         os.write(new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9});
 287         os.close();
 288         checkIOE(new Testable() { public void test() throws Throwable { os.write(10); }});
 289         checkIOE(new Testable() { public void test() throws Throwable { os.write(new byte[] {10}); }});
 290         checkIOE(new Testable() { public void test() throws Throwable { os.write(new byte[] {10}, 1, 4); }});
 291     }
 293     private static void testIOE(final Base64.Decoder dec, byte[] decoded) throws Throwable {
 294         ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(decoded);
 295         final InputStream is = dec.wrap(bais);
 296         is.read(new byte[10]);
 297         is.close();
 298         checkIOE(new Testable() { public void test() throws Throwable { is.read(); }});
 299         checkIOE(new Testable() { public void test() throws Throwable { is.read(new byte[] {10}); }});
 300         checkIOE(new Testable() { public void test() throws Throwable { is.read(new byte[] {10}, 1, 4); }});
 301         checkIOE(new Testable() { public void test() throws Throwable { is.available(); }});
 302         checkIOE(new Testable() { public void test() throws Throwable { is.skip(20); }});
 303     }
 305     private static final void checkNull(Runnable r) {
 306         try {
 307             r.run();
 308             throw new RuntimeException("NPE is not thrown as expected");
 309         } catch (NullPointerException npe) {}
 310     }
 312     private static final void checkIOE(Testable t) throws Throwable {
 313         try {
 314             t.test();
 315             throw new RuntimeException("IOE is not thrown as expected");
 316         } catch (IOException ioe) {}
 317     }
 319     private static final void checkIAE(Runnable r) throws Throwable {
 320         try {
 321             r.run();
 322             throw new RuntimeException("IAE is not thrown as expected");
 323         } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {}
 324     }
 326     private static void testDecodeIgnoredAfterPadding() throws Throwable {
 327         for (byte nonBase64 : new byte[] {'#', '(', '!', '\\', '-', '_', '\n', '\r'}) {
 328             byte[][] src = new byte[][] {
 329                 "A".getBytes("ascii"),
 330                 "AB".getBytes("ascii"),
 331                 "ABC".getBytes("ascii"),
 332                 "ABCD".getBytes("ascii"),
 333                 "ABCDE".getBytes("ascii")
 334             };
 335             Base64.Encoder encM = Base64.getMimeEncoder();
 336             Base64.Decoder decM = Base64.getMimeDecoder();
 337             Base64.Encoder enc = Base64.getEncoder();
 338             Base64.Decoder dec = Base64.getDecoder();
 339             for (int i = 0; i < src.length; i++) {
 340                 // decode(byte[])
 341                 byte[] encoded = encM.encode(src[i]);
 342                 encoded = Arrays.copyOf(encoded, encoded.length + 1);
 343                 encoded[encoded.length - 1] = nonBase64;
 344                 checkEqual(decM.decode(encoded), src[i], "Non-base64 char is not ignored");
 345                 byte[] decoded = new byte[src[i].length];
 346                 decM.decode(encoded, decoded);
 347                 checkEqual(decoded, src[i], "Non-base64 char is not ignored");
 349                 try {
 350                     dec.decode(encoded);
 351                     throw new RuntimeException("No IAE for non-base64 char");
 352                 } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {}
 353             }
 354         }
 355     }
 357     private static void testMalformedPadding() throws Throwable {
 358         Object[] data = new Object[] {
 359             "$=#",       "",      0,      // illegal ending unit
 360             "A",         "",      0,      // dangling single byte
 361             "A=",        "",      0,
 362             "A==",       "",      0,
 363             "QUJDA",     "ABC",   4,
 364             "QUJDA=",    "ABC",   4,
 365             "QUJDA==",   "ABC",   4,
 367             "=",         "",      0,      // unnecessary padding
 368             "QUJD=",     "ABC",   4,      //"ABC".encode() -> "QUJD"
 370             "AA=",       "",      0,      // incomplete padding
 371             "QQ=",       "",      0,
 372             "QQ=N",      "",      0,      // incorrect padding
 373             "QQ=?",      "",      0,
 374             "QUJDQQ=",   "ABC",   4,
 375             "QUJDQQ=N",  "ABC",   4,
 376             "QUJDQQ=?",  "ABC",   4,
 377         };
 379         Base64.Decoder[] decs = new Base64.Decoder[] {
 380             Base64.getDecoder(),
 381             Base64.getUrlDecoder(),
 382             Base64.getMimeDecoder()
 383         };
 385         for (Base64.Decoder dec : decs) {
 386             for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i += 3) {
 387                 final String srcStr = (String)data[i];
 388                 final byte[] srcBytes = srcStr.getBytes("ASCII");
 389                 final ByteBuffer srcBB = ByteBuffer.wrap(srcBytes);
 390                 byte[] expected = ((String)data[i + 1]).getBytes("ASCII");
 391                 int pos = (Integer)data[i + 2];
 393                 // decode(byte[])
 394                 checkIAE(new Runnable() { public void run() { dec.decode(srcBytes); }});
 396                 // decode(String)
 397                 checkIAE(new Runnable() { public void run() { dec.decode(srcStr); }});
 399                 // decode(ByteBuffer)
 400                 checkIAE(new Runnable() { public void run() { dec.decode(srcBB); }});
 402                 // wrap stream
 403                 checkIOE(new Testable() {
 404                     public void test() throws IOException {
 405                         try (InputStream is = dec.wrap(new ByteArrayInputStream(srcBytes))) {
 406                             while (is.read() != -1);
 407                         }
 408                 }});
 409             }
 410         }
 411     }
 413     private static void  testDecodeUnpadded() throws Throwable {
 414         byte[] srcA = new byte[] { 'Q', 'Q' };
 415         byte[] srcAA = new byte[] { 'Q', 'Q', 'E'};
 416         Base64.Decoder dec = Base64.getDecoder();
 417         byte[] ret = dec.decode(srcA);
 418         if (ret[0] != 'A')
 419             throw new RuntimeException("Decoding unpadding input A failed");
 420         ret = dec.decode(srcAA);
 421         if (ret[0] != 'A' && ret[1] != 'A')
 422             throw new RuntimeException("Decoding unpadding input AA failed");
 423         ret = new byte[10];
 424         if (dec.wrap(new ByteArrayInputStream(srcA)).read(ret) != 1 &&
 425             ret[0] != 'A')
 426             throw new RuntimeException("Decoding unpadding input A from stream failed");
 427         if (dec.wrap(new ByteArrayInputStream(srcA)).read(ret) != 2 &&
 428             ret[0] != 'A' && ret[1] != 'A')
 429             throw new RuntimeException("Decoding unpadding input AA from stream failed");
 430     }
 432     // single-non-base64-char should be ignored for mime decoding, but
 433     // iae for basic decoding
 434     private static void testSingleNonBase64MimeDec() throws Throwable {
 435         for (String nonBase64 : new String[] {"#", "(", "!", "\\", "-", "_"}) {
 436             if (Base64.getMimeDecoder().decode(nonBase64).length != 0) {
 437                 throw new RuntimeException("non-base64 char is not ignored");
 438             }
 439             try {
 440                 Base64.getDecoder().decode(nonBase64);
 441                 throw new RuntimeException("No IAE for single non-base64 char");
 442             } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {}
 443         }
 444     }
 446     private static final void testEncode(Base64.Encoder enc, ByteBuffer bin, byte[] expected)
 447         throws Throwable {
 449         ByteBuffer bout = enc.encode(bin);
 450         byte[] buf = new byte[bout.remaining()];
 451         bout.get(buf);
 452         if (bin.hasRemaining()) {
 453             throw new RuntimeException(
 454                 "Base64 enc.encode(ByteBuffer) failed!");
 455         }
 456         checkEqual(buf, expected, "Base64 enc.encode(bf, bf) failed!");
 457     }
 459     private static final void testDecode(Base64.Decoder dec, ByteBuffer bin, byte[] expected)
 460         throws Throwable {
 462         ByteBuffer bout = dec.decode(bin);
 463         byte[] buf = new byte[bout.remaining()];
 464         bout.get(buf);
 465         checkEqual(buf, expected, "Base64 dec.decode(bf) failed!");
 466     }
 468     private static final void checkEqual(int v1, int v2, String msg)
 469         throws Throwable {
 470        if (v1 != v2) {
 471            System.out.printf("    v1=%d%n", v1);
 472            System.out.printf("    v2=%d%n", v2);
 473            throw new RuntimeException(msg);
 474        }
 475     }
 477     private static final void checkEqual(byte[] r1, byte[] r2, String msg)
 478         throws Throwable {
 479        if (!Arrays.equals(r1, r2)) {
 480            System.out.printf("    r1[%d]=[%s]%n", r1.length, new String(r1));
 481            System.out.printf("    r2[%d]=[%s]%n", r2.length, new String(r2));
 482            throw new RuntimeException(msg);
 483        }
 484     }
 486     // remove line feeds,
 487     private static final byte[] normalize(byte[] src) {
 488         int n = 0;
 489         boolean hasUrl = false;
 490         for (int i = 0; i < src.length; i++) {
 491             if (src[i] == '\r' || src[i] == '\n')
 492                 n++;
 493             if (src[i] == '-' || src[i] == '_')
 494                 hasUrl = true;
 495         }
 496         if (n == 0 && hasUrl == false)
 497             return src;
 498         byte[] ret = new byte[src.length - n];
 499         int j = 0;
 500         for (int i = 0; i < src.length; i++) {
 501             if (src[i] == '-')
 502                 ret[j++] = '+';
 503             else if (src[i] == '_')
 504                 ret[j++] = '/';
 505             else if (src[i] != '\r' && src[i] != '\n')
 506                 ret[j++] = src[i];
 507         }
 508         return ret;
 509     }
 510 }