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 602      * {@code X509Certificate} that has no extendedKeyUsage extension
 603      * implicitly allows all key purposes.
 604      * <p>
 605      * Note that the {@code Set} is cloned to protect against
 606      * subsequent modifications.
 607      *
 608      * @param keyPurposeSet a {@code Set} of key purpose OIDs in string
 609      * format (or {@code null}). Each OID is represented by a set of
 610      * nonnegative integers separated by periods.
 611      * @throws IOException if the OID is invalid, such as
 612      * the first component being not 0, 1 or 2 or the second component
 613      * being greater than 39.
 614      * @see #getExtendedKeyUsage
 615      */
 616     public void setExtendedKeyUsage(Set<String> keyPurposeSet) throws IOException {
 617         if ((keyPurposeSet == null) || keyPurposeSet.isEmpty()) {
 618             this.keyPurposeSet = null;
 619             keyPurposeOIDSet = null;
 620         } else {
 621             this.keyPurposeSet =
 622                 Collections.unmodifiableSet(new HashSet<String>(keyPurposeSet));
 623             keyPurposeOIDSet = new HashSet<ObjectIdentifier>();
 624             for (String s : this.keyPurposeSet) {
 625                 keyPurposeOIDSet.add(new ObjectIdentifier(s));
 626             }
 627         }
 628     }
 630     /**
 631      * Enables/disables matching all of the subjectAlternativeNames
 632      * specified in the {@link #setSubjectAlternativeNames
 633      * setSubjectAlternativeNames} or {@link #addSubjectAlternativeName
 634      * addSubjectAlternativeName} methods. If enabled,
 635      * the {@code X509Certificate} must contain all of the
 636      * specified subject alternative names. If disabled, the
 637      * {@code X509Certificate} must contain at least one of the
 638      * specified subject alternative names.
 639      *
 640      * <p>The matchAllNames flag is {@code true} by default.
 641      *
 642      * @param matchAllNames if {@code true}, the flag is enabled;
 643      * if {@code false}, the flag is disabled.

 798             throws IOException {
 799         // clone because byte arrays are modifiable
 800         addSubjectAlternativeNameInternal(type, name.clone());
 801     }
 803     /**
 804      * A private method that adds a name (String or byte array) to the
 805      * subjectAlternativeNames criterion. The {@code X509Certificate}
 806      * must contain the specified subjectAlternativeName.
 807      *
 808      * @param type the name type (0-8, as specified in
 809      *             RFC 5280, section
 810      * @param name the name in string or byte array form
 811      * @throws IOException if a parsing error occurs
 812      */
 813     private void addSubjectAlternativeNameInternal(int type, Object name)
 814             throws IOException {
 815         // First, ensure that the name parses
 816         GeneralNameInterface tempName = makeGeneralNameInterface(type, name);
 817         if (subjectAlternativeNames == null) {
 818             subjectAlternativeNames = new HashSet<List<?>>();
 819         }
 820         if (subjectAlternativeGeneralNames == null) {
 821             subjectAlternativeGeneralNames = new HashSet<GeneralNameInterface>();
 822         }
 823         List<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>(2);
 824         list.add(Integer.valueOf(type));
 825         list.add(name);
 826         subjectAlternativeNames.add(list);
 827         subjectAlternativeGeneralNames.add(tempName);
 828     }
 830     /**
 831      * Parse an argument of the form passed to setSubjectAlternativeNames,
 832      * returning a {@code Collection} of
 833      * {@code GeneralNameInterface}s.
 834      * Throw an IllegalArgumentException or a ClassCastException
 835      * if the argument is malformed.
 836      *
 837      * @param names a Collection with one entry per name.
 838      *              Each entry is a {@code List} whose first entry
 839      *              is an Integer (the name type, 0-8) and whose second
 840      *              entry is a String or a byte array (the name, in
 841      *              string or ASN.1 DER encoded form, respectively).
 842      *              There can be multiple names of the same type. Null is
 843      *              not an acceptable value.
 844      * @return a Set of {@code GeneralNameInterface}s
 845      * @throws IOException if a parsing error occurs
 846      */
 847     private static Set<GeneralNameInterface> parseNames(Collection<List<?>> names) throws IOException {
 848         Set<GeneralNameInterface> genNames = new HashSet<GeneralNameInterface>();
 849         for (List<?> nameList : names) {
 850             if (nameList.size() != 2) {
 851                 throw new IOException("name list size not 2");
 852             }
 853             Object o =  nameList.get(0);
 854             if (!(o instanceof Integer)) {
 855                 throw new IOException("expected an Integer");
 856             }
 857             int nameType = ((Integer)o).intValue();
 858             o = nameList.get(1);
 859             genNames.add(makeGeneralNameInterface(nameType, o));
 860         }
 862         return genNames;
 863     }
 865     /**
 866      * Compare for equality two objects of the form passed to
 867      * setSubjectAlternativeNames (or X509CRLSelector.setIssuerNames).
 868      * Throw an {@code IllegalArgumentException} or a

1079      * <p>
1080      * Note that the {@code Set} is cloned to protect against
1081      * subsequent modifications.
1082      *
1083      * @param certPolicySet a {@code Set} of certificate policy OIDs in
1084      *                      string format (or {@code null}). Each OID is
1085      *                      represented by a set of nonnegative integers
1086      *                    separated by periods.
1087      * @throws IOException if a parsing error occurs on the OID such as
1088      * the first component is not 0, 1 or 2 or the second component is
1089      * greater than 39.
1090      * @see #getPolicy
1091      */
1092     public void setPolicy(Set<String> certPolicySet) throws IOException {
1093         if (certPolicySet == null) {
1094             policySet = null;
1095             policy = null;
1096         } else {
1097             // Snapshot set and parse it
1098             Set<String> tempSet = Collections.unmodifiableSet
1099                                         (new HashSet<String>(certPolicySet));
1100             /* Convert to Vector of ObjectIdentifiers */
1101             Iterator<String> i = tempSet.iterator();
1102             Vector<CertificatePolicyId> polIdVector = new Vector<CertificatePolicyId>();
1103             while (i.hasNext()) {
1104                 Object o = i.next();
1105                 if (!(o instanceof String)) {
1106                     throw new IOException("non String in certPolicySet");
1107                 }
1108                 polIdVector.add(new CertificatePolicyId(new ObjectIdentifier(
1109                   (String)o)));
1110             }
1111             // If everything went OK, make the changes
1112             policySet = tempSet;
1113             policy = new CertificatePolicySet(polIdVector);
1114         }
1115     }
1117     /**
1118      * Sets the pathToNames criterion. The {@code X509Certificate} must
1119      * not include name constraints that would prohibit building a
1120      * path to the specified names.
1121      * <p>
1122      * This method allows the caller to specify, with a single method call,

1250     public void addPathToName(int type, byte [] name) throws IOException {
1251         // clone because byte arrays are modifiable
1252         addPathToNameInternal(type, name.clone());
1253     }
1255     /**
1256      * A private method that adds a name (String or byte array) to the
1257      * pathToNames criterion. The {@code X509Certificate} must contain
1258      * the specified pathToName.
1259      *
1260      * @param type the name type (0-8, as specified in
1261      *             RFC 5280, section
1262      * @param name the name in string or byte array form
1263      * @throws IOException if an encoding error occurs (incorrect form for DN)
1264      */
1265     private void addPathToNameInternal(int type, Object name)
1266             throws IOException {
1267         // First, ensure that the name parses
1268         GeneralNameInterface tempName = makeGeneralNameInterface(type, name);
1269         if (pathToGeneralNames == null) {
1270             pathToNames = new HashSet<List<?>>();
1271             pathToGeneralNames = new HashSet<GeneralNameInterface>();
1272         }
1273         List<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>(2);
1274         list.add(Integer.valueOf(type));
1275         list.add(name);
1276         pathToNames.add(list);
1277         pathToGeneralNames.add(tempName);
1278     }
1280     /**
1281      * Returns the certificateEquals criterion. The specified
1282      * {@code X509Certificate} must be equal to the
1283      * {@code X509Certificate} passed to the {@code match} method.
1284      * If {@code null}, this check is not applied.
1285      *
1286      * @return the {@code X509Certificate} to match (or {@code null})
1287      * @see #setCertificate
1288      */
1289     public X509Certificate getCertificate() {
1290         return x509Cert;
1291     }
1293     /**

1654         }
1655     }
1657     /**
1658      * Clone and check an argument of the form passed to
1659      * setSubjectAlternativeNames and setPathToNames.
1660      * Throw an {@code IOException} if the argument is malformed.
1661      *
1662      * @param names a {@code Collection} with one entry per name.
1663      *              Each entry is a {@code List} whose first entry
1664      *              is an Integer (the name type, 0-8) and whose second
1665      *              entry is a String or a byte array (the name, in
1666      *              string or ASN.1 DER encoded form, respectively).
1667      *              There can be multiple names of the same type.
1668      *              {@code null} is not an acceptable value.
1669      * @return a deep copy of the specified {@code Collection}
1670      * @throws IOException if a parsing error occurs
1671      */
1672     private static Set<List<?>> cloneAndCheckNames(Collection<List<?>> names) throws IOException {
1673         // Copy the Lists and Collection
1674         Set<List<?>> namesCopy = new HashSet<List<?>>();
1675         for (List<?> o : names)
1676         {
1677             namesCopy.add(new ArrayList<Object>(o));
1678         }
1680         // Check the contents of the Lists and clone any byte arrays
1681         for (List<?> list : namesCopy) {
1682             @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // See javadoc for parameter "names".
1683             List<Object> nameList = (List<Object>)list;
1684             if (nameList.size() != 2) {
1685                 throw new IOException("name list size not 2");
1686             }
1687             Object o = nameList.get(0);
1688             if (!(o instanceof Integer)) {
1689                 throw new IOException("expected an Integer");
1690             }
1691             int nameType = ((Integer)o).intValue();
1692             if ((nameType < 0) || (nameType > 8)) {
1693                 throw new IOException("name type not 0-8");
1694             }
1695             Object nameObject = nameList.get(1);
1696             if (!(nameObject instanceof byte[]) &&
1697                 !(nameObject instanceof String)) {

2380     /* match on policy OIDs */
2381     private boolean matchPolicy(X509Certificate xcert) {
2382         if (policy == null) {
2383             return true;
2384         }
2385         try {
2386             CertificatePoliciesExtension ext = (CertificatePoliciesExtension)
2387                 getExtensionObject(xcert, CERT_POLICIES_ID);
2388             if (ext == null) {
2389                 if (debug != null) {
2390                   debug.println("X509CertSelector.match: "
2391                       + "no certificate policy extension");
2392                 }
2393                 return false;
2394             }
2395             List<PolicyInformation> policies = ext.get(CertificatePoliciesExtension.POLICIES);
2396             /*
2397              * Convert the Vector of PolicyInformation to a Vector
2398              * of CertificatePolicyIds for easier comparison.
2399              */
2400             List<CertificatePolicyId> policyIDs = new ArrayList<CertificatePolicyId>(policies.size());
2401             for (PolicyInformation info : policies) {
2402                 policyIDs.add(info.getPolicyIdentifier());
2403             }
2404             if (policy != null) {
2405                 boolean foundOne = false;
2406                 /*
2407                  * if the user passes in an empty policy Set, then
2408                  * we just want to make sure that the candidate certificate
2409                  * has some policy OID in its CertPoliciesExtension
2410                  */
2411                 if (policy.getCertPolicyIds().isEmpty()) {
2412                     if (policyIDs.isEmpty()) {
2413                         if (debug != null) {
2414                             debug.println("X509CertSelector.match: "
2415                                 + "cert failed policyAny criterion");
2416                         }
2417                         return false;
2418                     }
2419                 } else {
2420                     for (CertificatePolicyId id : policy.getCertPolicyIds()) {

 602      * {@code X509Certificate} that has no extendedKeyUsage extension
 603      * implicitly allows all key purposes.
 604      * <p>
 605      * Note that the {@code Set} is cloned to protect against
 606      * subsequent modifications.
 607      *
 608      * @param keyPurposeSet a {@code Set} of key purpose OIDs in string
 609      * format (or {@code null}). Each OID is represented by a set of
 610      * nonnegative integers separated by periods.
 611      * @throws IOException if the OID is invalid, such as
 612      * the first component being not 0, 1 or 2 or the second component
 613      * being greater than 39.
 614      * @see #getExtendedKeyUsage
 615      */
 616     public void setExtendedKeyUsage(Set<String> keyPurposeSet) throws IOException {
 617         if ((keyPurposeSet == null) || keyPurposeSet.isEmpty()) {
 618             this.keyPurposeSet = null;
 619             keyPurposeOIDSet = null;
 620         } else {
 621             this.keyPurposeSet =
 622                 Collections.unmodifiableSet(new HashSet<>(keyPurposeSet));
 623             keyPurposeOIDSet = new HashSet<>();
 624             for (String s : this.keyPurposeSet) {
 625                 keyPurposeOIDSet.add(new ObjectIdentifier(s));
 626             }
 627         }
 628     }
 630     /**
 631      * Enables/disables matching all of the subjectAlternativeNames
 632      * specified in the {@link #setSubjectAlternativeNames
 633      * setSubjectAlternativeNames} or {@link #addSubjectAlternativeName
 634      * addSubjectAlternativeName} methods. If enabled,
 635      * the {@code X509Certificate} must contain all of the
 636      * specified subject alternative names. If disabled, the
 637      * {@code X509Certificate} must contain at least one of the
 638      * specified subject alternative names.
 639      *
 640      * <p>The matchAllNames flag is {@code true} by default.
 641      *
 642      * @param matchAllNames if {@code true}, the flag is enabled;
 643      * if {@code false}, the flag is disabled.

 798             throws IOException {
 799         // clone because byte arrays are modifiable
 800         addSubjectAlternativeNameInternal(type, name.clone());
 801     }
 803     /**
 804      * A private method that adds a name (String or byte array) to the
 805      * subjectAlternativeNames criterion. The {@code X509Certificate}
 806      * must contain the specified subjectAlternativeName.
 807      *
 808      * @param type the name type (0-8, as specified in
 809      *             RFC 5280, section
 810      * @param name the name in string or byte array form
 811      * @throws IOException if a parsing error occurs
 812      */
 813     private void addSubjectAlternativeNameInternal(int type, Object name)
 814             throws IOException {
 815         // First, ensure that the name parses
 816         GeneralNameInterface tempName = makeGeneralNameInterface(type, name);
 817         if (subjectAlternativeNames == null) {
 818             subjectAlternativeNames = new HashSet<>();
 819         }
 820         if (subjectAlternativeGeneralNames == null) {
 821             subjectAlternativeGeneralNames = new HashSet<>();
 822         }
 823         List<Object> list = new ArrayList<>(2);
 824         list.add(Integer.valueOf(type));
 825         list.add(name);
 826         subjectAlternativeNames.add(list);
 827         subjectAlternativeGeneralNames.add(tempName);
 828     }
 830     /**
 831      * Parse an argument of the form passed to setSubjectAlternativeNames,
 832      * returning a {@code Collection} of
 833      * {@code GeneralNameInterface}s.
 834      * Throw an IllegalArgumentException or a ClassCastException
 835      * if the argument is malformed.
 836      *
 837      * @param names a Collection with one entry per name.
 838      *              Each entry is a {@code List} whose first entry
 839      *              is an Integer (the name type, 0-8) and whose second
 840      *              entry is a String or a byte array (the name, in
 841      *              string or ASN.1 DER encoded form, respectively).
 842      *              There can be multiple names of the same type. Null is
 843      *              not an acceptable value.
 844      * @return a Set of {@code GeneralNameInterface}s
 845      * @throws IOException if a parsing error occurs
 846      */
 847     private static Set<GeneralNameInterface> parseNames(Collection<List<?>> names) throws IOException {
 848         Set<GeneralNameInterface> genNames = new HashSet<>();
 849         for (List<?> nameList : names) {
 850             if (nameList.size() != 2) {
 851                 throw new IOException("name list size not 2");
 852             }
 853             Object o =  nameList.get(0);
 854             if (!(o instanceof Integer)) {
 855                 throw new IOException("expected an Integer");
 856             }
 857             int nameType = ((Integer)o).intValue();
 858             o = nameList.get(1);
 859             genNames.add(makeGeneralNameInterface(nameType, o));
 860         }
 862         return genNames;
 863     }
 865     /**
 866      * Compare for equality two objects of the form passed to
 867      * setSubjectAlternativeNames (or X509CRLSelector.setIssuerNames).
 868      * Throw an {@code IllegalArgumentException} or a

1079      * <p>
1080      * Note that the {@code Set} is cloned to protect against
1081      * subsequent modifications.
1082      *
1083      * @param certPolicySet a {@code Set} of certificate policy OIDs in
1084      *                      string format (or {@code null}). Each OID is
1085      *                      represented by a set of nonnegative integers
1086      *                    separated by periods.
1087      * @throws IOException if a parsing error occurs on the OID such as
1088      * the first component is not 0, 1 or 2 or the second component is
1089      * greater than 39.
1090      * @see #getPolicy
1091      */
1092     public void setPolicy(Set<String> certPolicySet) throws IOException {
1093         if (certPolicySet == null) {
1094             policySet = null;
1095             policy = null;
1096         } else {
1097             // Snapshot set and parse it
1098             Set<String> tempSet = Collections.unmodifiableSet
1099                                         (new HashSet<>(certPolicySet));
1100             /* Convert to Vector of ObjectIdentifiers */
1101             Iterator<String> i = tempSet.iterator();
1102             Vector<CertificatePolicyId> polIdVector = new Vector<>();
1103             while (i.hasNext()) {
1104                 Object o = i.next();
1105                 if (!(o instanceof String)) {
1106                     throw new IOException("non String in certPolicySet");
1107                 }
1108                 polIdVector.add(new CertificatePolicyId(new ObjectIdentifier(
1109                   (String)o)));
1110             }
1111             // If everything went OK, make the changes
1112             policySet = tempSet;
1113             policy = new CertificatePolicySet(polIdVector);
1114         }
1115     }
1117     /**
1118      * Sets the pathToNames criterion. The {@code X509Certificate} must
1119      * not include name constraints that would prohibit building a
1120      * path to the specified names.
1121      * <p>
1122      * This method allows the caller to specify, with a single method call,

1250     public void addPathToName(int type, byte [] name) throws IOException {
1251         // clone because byte arrays are modifiable
1252         addPathToNameInternal(type, name.clone());
1253     }
1255     /**
1256      * A private method that adds a name (String or byte array) to the
1257      * pathToNames criterion. The {@code X509Certificate} must contain
1258      * the specified pathToName.
1259      *
1260      * @param type the name type (0-8, as specified in
1261      *             RFC 5280, section
1262      * @param name the name in string or byte array form
1263      * @throws IOException if an encoding error occurs (incorrect form for DN)
1264      */
1265     private void addPathToNameInternal(int type, Object name)
1266             throws IOException {
1267         // First, ensure that the name parses
1268         GeneralNameInterface tempName = makeGeneralNameInterface(type, name);
1269         if (pathToGeneralNames == null) {
1270             pathToNames = new HashSet<>();
1271             pathToGeneralNames = new HashSet<>();
1272         }
1273         List<Object> list = new ArrayList<>(2);
1274         list.add(Integer.valueOf(type));
1275         list.add(name);
1276         pathToNames.add(list);
1277         pathToGeneralNames.add(tempName);
1278     }
1280     /**
1281      * Returns the certificateEquals criterion. The specified
1282      * {@code X509Certificate} must be equal to the
1283      * {@code X509Certificate} passed to the {@code match} method.
1284      * If {@code null}, this check is not applied.
1285      *
1286      * @return the {@code X509Certificate} to match (or {@code null})
1287      * @see #setCertificate
1288      */
1289     public X509Certificate getCertificate() {
1290         return x509Cert;
1291     }
1293     /**

1654         }
1655     }
1657     /**
1658      * Clone and check an argument of the form passed to
1659      * setSubjectAlternativeNames and setPathToNames.
1660      * Throw an {@code IOException} if the argument is malformed.
1661      *
1662      * @param names a {@code Collection} with one entry per name.
1663      *              Each entry is a {@code List} whose first entry
1664      *              is an Integer (the name type, 0-8) and whose second
1665      *              entry is a String or a byte array (the name, in
1666      *              string or ASN.1 DER encoded form, respectively).
1667      *              There can be multiple names of the same type.
1668      *              {@code null} is not an acceptable value.
1669      * @return a deep copy of the specified {@code Collection}
1670      * @throws IOException if a parsing error occurs
1671      */
1672     private static Set<List<?>> cloneAndCheckNames(Collection<List<?>> names) throws IOException {
1673         // Copy the Lists and Collection
1674         Set<List<?>> namesCopy = new HashSet<>();
1675         for (List<?> o : names)
1676         {
1677             namesCopy.add(new ArrayList<>(o));
1678         }
1680         // Check the contents of the Lists and clone any byte arrays
1681         for (List<?> list : namesCopy) {
1682             @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // See javadoc for parameter "names".
1683             List<Object> nameList = (List<Object>)list;
1684             if (nameList.size() != 2) {
1685                 throw new IOException("name list size not 2");
1686             }
1687             Object o = nameList.get(0);
1688             if (!(o instanceof Integer)) {
1689                 throw new IOException("expected an Integer");
1690             }
1691             int nameType = ((Integer)o).intValue();
1692             if ((nameType < 0) || (nameType > 8)) {
1693                 throw new IOException("name type not 0-8");
1694             }
1695             Object nameObject = nameList.get(1);
1696             if (!(nameObject instanceof byte[]) &&
1697                 !(nameObject instanceof String)) {

2380     /* match on policy OIDs */
2381     private boolean matchPolicy(X509Certificate xcert) {
2382         if (policy == null) {
2383             return true;
2384         }
2385         try {
2386             CertificatePoliciesExtension ext = (CertificatePoliciesExtension)
2387                 getExtensionObject(xcert, CERT_POLICIES_ID);
2388             if (ext == null) {
2389                 if (debug != null) {
2390                   debug.println("X509CertSelector.match: "
2391                       + "no certificate policy extension");
2392                 }
2393                 return false;
2394             }
2395             List<PolicyInformation> policies = ext.get(CertificatePoliciesExtension.POLICIES);
2396             /*
2397              * Convert the Vector of PolicyInformation to a Vector
2398              * of CertificatePolicyIds for easier comparison.
2399              */
2400             List<CertificatePolicyId> policyIDs = new ArrayList<>(policies.size());
2401             for (PolicyInformation info : policies) {
2402                 policyIDs.add(info.getPolicyIdentifier());
2403             }
2404             if (policy != null) {
2405                 boolean foundOne = false;
2406                 /*
2407                  * if the user passes in an empty policy Set, then
2408                  * we just want to make sure that the candidate certificate
2409                  * has some policy OID in its CertPoliciesExtension
2410                  */
2411                 if (policy.getCertPolicyIds().isEmpty()) {
2412                     if (policyIDs.isEmpty()) {
2413                         if (debug != null) {
2414                             debug.println("X509CertSelector.match: "
2415                                 + "cert failed policyAny criterion");
2416                         }
2417                         return false;
2418                     }
2419                 } else {
2420                     for (CertificatePolicyId id : policy.getCertPolicyIds()) {

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