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  49 final class JceSecurityManager extends SecurityManager {
  51     private static final CryptoPermissions defaultPolicy;
  52     private static final CryptoPermissions exemptPolicy;
  53     private static final CryptoAllPermission allPerm;
  54     private static final Vector<Class<?>> TrustedCallersCache =
  55             new Vector<>(2);
  56     private static final ConcurrentMap<URL,CryptoPermissions> exemptCache =
  57             new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
  58     private static final CryptoPermissions CACHE_NULL_MARK =
  59             new CryptoPermissions();
  61     // singleton instance
  62     static final JceSecurityManager INSTANCE;
  64     static {
  65         defaultPolicy = JceSecurity.getDefaultPolicy();
  66         exemptPolicy = JceSecurity.getExemptPolicy();
  67         allPerm = CryptoAllPermission.INSTANCE;
  68         INSTANCE = AccessController.doPrivileged(
  69                 new PrivilegedAction<JceSecurityManager>() {
  70                     public JceSecurityManager run() {
  71                         return new JceSecurityManager();
  72                     }
  73                 });
  74     }
  76     private JceSecurityManager() {
  77         // empty
  78     }
  80     /**
  81      * Returns the maximum allowable crypto strength for the given
  82      * applet/application, for the given algorithm.
  83      */
  84     CryptoPermission getCryptoPermission(String alg) {
  85         // Need to convert to uppercase since the crypto perm
  86         // lookup is case sensitive.
  87         alg = alg.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
  89         // If CryptoAllPermission is granted by default, we return that.

  49 final class JceSecurityManager extends SecurityManager {
  51     private static final CryptoPermissions defaultPolicy;
  52     private static final CryptoPermissions exemptPolicy;
  53     private static final CryptoAllPermission allPerm;
  54     private static final Vector<Class<?>> TrustedCallersCache =
  55             new Vector<>(2);
  56     private static final ConcurrentMap<URL,CryptoPermissions> exemptCache =
  57             new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
  58     private static final CryptoPermissions CACHE_NULL_MARK =
  59             new CryptoPermissions();
  61     // singleton instance
  62     static final JceSecurityManager INSTANCE;
  64     static {
  65         defaultPolicy = JceSecurity.getDefaultPolicy();
  66         exemptPolicy = JceSecurity.getExemptPolicy();
  67         allPerm = CryptoAllPermission.INSTANCE;
  68         INSTANCE = AccessController.doPrivileged(
  69                 new PrivilegedAction<>() {
  70                     public JceSecurityManager run() {
  71                         return new JceSecurityManager();
  72                     }
  73                 });
  74     }
  76     private JceSecurityManager() {
  77         // empty
  78     }
  80     /**
  81      * Returns the maximum allowable crypto strength for the given
  82      * applet/application, for the given algorithm.
  83      */
  84     CryptoPermission getCryptoPermission(String alg) {
  85         // Need to convert to uppercase since the crypto perm
  86         // lookup is case sensitive.
  87         alg = alg.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
  89         // If CryptoAllPermission is granted by default, we return that.

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