1 /*
   2  * @test  /nodynamiccopyright/
   3  * @bug 6827009
   4  * @summary Check for case lables of different types.
   5  * @compile/fail/ref=BadlyTypedLabel2_6.out -XDrawDiagnostics -source 6 BadlyTypedLabel2.java
   6  * @compile/fail/ref=BadlyTypedLabel2.out -XDrawDiagnostics BadlyTypedLabel2.java
   7  */
   8 import static java.math.RoundingMode.*;
  10 class BadlyTypedLabel2 {
  11     String m(String s) {
  12         switch(s) {
  13         case "Oh what a feeling...":
  14             return(s);
  15         case CEILING:
  16             return ("... switching on the ceiling!");
  17         }
  18     }
  19 }