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*** 173,182 **** --- 173,183 ---- * @since 1.0 */ public final class URL implements java.io.Serializable { static final String BUILTIN_HANDLERS_PREFIX = "sun.net.www.protocol"; + @java.io.Serial static final long serialVersionUID = -7627629688361524110L; /** * The property which specifies the package prefix list to be scanned * for protocol handlers. The value of this property (if any) should
*** 1487,1496 **** --- 1488,1498 ---- * @serialField ref String * * @serialField hashCode int * */ + @java.io.Serial private static final ObjectStreamField[] serialPersistentFields = { new ObjectStreamField("protocol", String.class), new ObjectStreamField("host", String.class), new ObjectStreamField("port", int.class), new ObjectStreamField("authority", String.class),
*** 1506,1515 **** --- 1508,1518 ---- * @serialData the default write object value. When read back in, * the reader must ensure that calling getURLStreamHandler with * the protocol variable returns a valid URLStreamHandler and * throw an IOException if it does not. */ + @java.io.Serial private synchronized void writeObject(java.io.ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException { s.defaultWriteObject(); // write the fields }
*** 1517,1526 **** --- 1520,1530 ---- /** * readObject is called to restore the state of the URL from the * stream. It reads the components of the URL and finds the local * stream handler. */ + @java.io.Serial private synchronized void readObject(java.io.ObjectInputStream s) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { GetField gf = s.readFields(); String protocol = (String)gf.get("protocol", null); if (getURLStreamHandler(protocol) == null) {
*** 1548,1558 **** * @return a newly created object from deserialized data * * @throws ObjectStreamException if a new object replacing this * object could not be created */ ! private Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException { URLStreamHandler handler = null; // already been checked in readObject handler = getURLStreamHandler(tempState.getProtocol()); --- 1552,1562 ---- * @return a newly created object from deserialized data * * @throws ObjectStreamException if a new object replacing this * object could not be created */ ! @java.io.Serial private Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException { URLStreamHandler handler = null; // already been checked in readObject handler = getURLStreamHandler(tempState.getProtocol());
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