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  70  * ComparableTimSort, and DualPivotQuicksort sort methods that accept
  71  * temp workspace array slices that we will have already allocated, so
  72  * avoids redundant allocation. (Except for DualPivotQuicksort byte[]
  73  * sort, that does not ever use a workspace array.)
  74  */
  75 /*package*/ class ArraysParallelSortHelpers {
  77     /*
  78      * Style note: The task classes have a lot of parameters, that are
  79      * stored as task fields and copied to local variables and used in
  80      * compute() methods, We pack these into as few lines as possible,
  81      * and hoist consistency checks among them before main loops, to
  82      * reduce distraction.
  83      */
  85     /**
  86      * A placeholder task for Sorters, used for the lowest
  87      * quartile task, that does not need to maintain array state.
  88      */
  89     static final class EmptyCompleter extends CountedCompleter<Void> {

  90         static final long serialVersionUID = 2446542900576103244L;
  91         EmptyCompleter(CountedCompleter<?> p) { super(p); }
  92         public final void compute() { }
  93     }
  95     /**
  96      * A trigger for secondary merge of two merges
  97      */
  98     static final class Relay extends CountedCompleter<Void> {

  99         static final long serialVersionUID = 2446542900576103244L;
 100         final CountedCompleter<?> task;
 101         Relay(CountedCompleter<?> task) {
 102             super(null, 1);
 103             this.task = task;
 104         }
 105         public final void compute() { }
 106         public final void onCompletion(CountedCompleter<?> t) {
 107             task.compute();
 108         }
 109     }
 111     /** Object + Comparator support class */
 112     static final class FJObject {
 113         static final class Sorter<T> extends CountedCompleter<Void> {

 114             static final long serialVersionUID = 2446542900576103244L;
 115             final T[] a, w;
 116             final int base, size, wbase, gran;
 117             Comparator<? super T> comparator;
 118             Sorter(CountedCompleter<?> par, T[] a, T[] w, int base, int size,
 119                    int wbase, int gran,
 120                    Comparator<? super T> comparator) {
 121                 super(par);
 122                 this.a = a; this.w = w; this.base = base; this.size = size;
 123                 this.wbase = wbase; this.gran = gran;
 124                 this.comparator = comparator;
 125             }
 126             public final void compute() {
 127                 CountedCompleter<?> s = this;
 128                 Comparator<? super T> c = this.comparator;
 129                 T[] a = this.a, w = this.w; // localize all params
 130                 int b = this.base, n = this.size, wb = this.wbase, g = this.gran;
 131                 while (n > g) {
 132                     int h = n >>> 1, q = h >>> 1, u = h + q; // quartiles
 133                     Relay fc = new Relay(new Merger<>(s, w, a, wb, h,
 134                                                       wb+h, n-h, b, g, c));
 135                     Relay rc = new Relay(new Merger<>(fc, a, w, b+h, q,
 136                                                       b+u, n-u, wb+h, g, c));
 137                     new Sorter<>(rc, a, w, b+u, n-u, wb+u, g, c).fork();
 138                     new Sorter<>(rc, a, w, b+h, q, wb+h, g, c).fork();;
 139                     Relay bc = new Relay(new Merger<>(fc, a, w, b, q,
 140                                                       b+q, h-q, wb, g, c));
 141                     new Sorter<>(bc, a, w, b+q, h-q, wb+q, g, c).fork();
 142                     s = new EmptyCompleter(bc);
 143                     n = q;
 144                 }
 145                 TimSort.sort(a, b, b + n, c, w, wb, n);
 146                 s.tryComplete();
 147             }
 148         }
 150         static final class Merger<T> extends CountedCompleter<Void> {

 151             static final long serialVersionUID = 2446542900576103244L;
 152             final T[] a, w; // main and workspace arrays
 153             final int lbase, lsize, rbase, rsize, wbase, gran;
 154             Comparator<? super T> comparator;
 155             Merger(CountedCompleter<?> par, T[] a, T[] w,
 156                    int lbase, int lsize, int rbase,
 157                    int rsize, int wbase, int gran,
 158                    Comparator<? super T> comparator) {
 159                 super(par);
 160                 this.a = a; this.w = w;
 161                 this.lbase = lbase; this.lsize = lsize;
 162                 this.rbase = rbase; this.rsize = rsize;
 163                 this.wbase = wbase; this.gran = gran;
 164                 this.comparator = comparator;
 165             }
 167             public final void compute() {
 168                 Comparator<? super T> c = this.comparator;
 169                 T[] a = this.a, w = this.w; // localize all params
 170                 int lb = this.lbase, ln = this.lsize, rb = this.rbase,

 216                     }
 217                     else {
 218                         rb++; t = ar;
 219                     }
 220                     w[k++] = t;
 221                 }
 222                 if (rb < rf)
 223                     System.arraycopy(a, rb, w, k, rf - rb);
 224                 else if (lb < lf)
 225                     System.arraycopy(a, lb, w, k, lf - lb);
 227                 tryComplete();
 228             }
 230         }
 231     } // FJObject
 233     /** byte support class */
 234     static final class FJByte {
 235         static final class Sorter extends CountedCompleter<Void> {

 236             static final long serialVersionUID = 2446542900576103244L;
 237             final byte[] a, w;
 238             final int base, size, wbase, gran;
 239             Sorter(CountedCompleter<?> par, byte[] a, byte[] w, int base,
 240                    int size, int wbase, int gran) {
 241                 super(par);
 242                 this.a = a; this.w = w; this.base = base; this.size = size;
 243                 this.wbase = wbase; this.gran = gran;
 244             }
 245             public final void compute() {
 246                 CountedCompleter<?> s = this;
 247                 byte[] a = this.a, w = this.w; // localize all params
 248                 int b = this.base, n = this.size, wb = this.wbase, g = this.gran;
 249                 while (n > g) {
 250                     int h = n >>> 1, q = h >>> 1, u = h + q; // quartiles
 251                     Relay fc = new Relay(new Merger(s, w, a, wb, h,
 252                                                     wb+h, n-h, b, g));
 253                     Relay rc = new Relay(new Merger(fc, a, w, b+h, q,
 254                                                     b+u, n-u, wb+h, g));
 255                     new Sorter(rc, a, w, b+u, n-u, wb+u, g).fork();
 256                     new Sorter(rc, a, w, b+h, q, wb+h, g).fork();;
 257                     Relay bc = new Relay(new Merger(fc, a, w, b, q,
 258                                                     b+q, h-q, wb, g));
 259                     new Sorter(bc, a, w, b+q, h-q, wb+q, g).fork();
 260                     s = new EmptyCompleter(bc);
 261                     n = q;
 262                 }
 263                 DualPivotQuicksort.sort(a, b, b + n - 1);
 264                 s.tryComplete();
 265             }
 266         }
 268         static final class Merger extends CountedCompleter<Void> {

 269             static final long serialVersionUID = 2446542900576103244L;
 270             final byte[] a, w; // main and workspace arrays
 271             final int lbase, lsize, rbase, rsize, wbase, gran;
 272             Merger(CountedCompleter<?> par, byte[] a, byte[] w,
 273                    int lbase, int lsize, int rbase,
 274                    int rsize, int wbase, int gran) {
 275                 super(par);
 276                 this.a = a; this.w = w;
 277                 this.lbase = lbase; this.lsize = lsize;
 278                 this.rbase = rbase; this.rsize = rsize;
 279                 this.wbase = wbase; this.gran = gran;
 280             }
 282             public final void compute() {
 283                 byte[] a = this.a, w = this.w; // localize all params
 284                 int lb = this.lbase, ln = this.lsize, rb = this.rbase,
 285                     rn = this.rsize, k = this.wbase, g = this.gran;
 286                 if (a == null || w == null || lb < 0 || rb < 0 || k < 0)
 287                     throw new IllegalStateException(); // hoist checks
 288                 for (int lh, rh;;) {  // split larger, find point in smaller

 327                     if ((al = a[lb]) <= (ar = a[rb])) {
 328                         lb++; t = al;
 329                     }
 330                     else {
 331                         rb++; t = ar;
 332                     }
 333                     w[k++] = t;
 334                 }
 335                 if (rb < rf)
 336                     System.arraycopy(a, rb, w, k, rf - rb);
 337                 else if (lb < lf)
 338                     System.arraycopy(a, lb, w, k, lf - lb);
 339                 tryComplete();
 340             }
 341         }
 342     } // FJByte
 344     /** char support class */
 345     static final class FJChar {
 346         static final class Sorter extends CountedCompleter<Void> {

 347             static final long serialVersionUID = 2446542900576103244L;
 348             final char[] a, w;
 349             final int base, size, wbase, gran;
 350             Sorter(CountedCompleter<?> par, char[] a, char[] w, int base,
 351                    int size, int wbase, int gran) {
 352                 super(par);
 353                 this.a = a; this.w = w; this.base = base; this.size = size;
 354                 this.wbase = wbase; this.gran = gran;
 355             }
 356             public final void compute() {
 357                 CountedCompleter<?> s = this;
 358                 char[] a = this.a, w = this.w; // localize all params
 359                 int b = this.base, n = this.size, wb = this.wbase, g = this.gran;
 360                 while (n > g) {
 361                     int h = n >>> 1, q = h >>> 1, u = h + q; // quartiles
 362                     Relay fc = new Relay(new Merger(s, w, a, wb, h,
 363                                                     wb+h, n-h, b, g));
 364                     Relay rc = new Relay(new Merger(fc, a, w, b+h, q,
 365                                                     b+u, n-u, wb+h, g));
 366                     new Sorter(rc, a, w, b+u, n-u, wb+u, g).fork();
 367                     new Sorter(rc, a, w, b+h, q, wb+h, g).fork();;
 368                     Relay bc = new Relay(new Merger(fc, a, w, b, q,
 369                                                     b+q, h-q, wb, g));
 370                     new Sorter(bc, a, w, b+q, h-q, wb+q, g).fork();
 371                     s = new EmptyCompleter(bc);
 372                     n = q;
 373                 }
 374                 DualPivotQuicksort.sort(a, b, b + n - 1, w, wb, n);
 375                 s.tryComplete();
 376             }
 377         }
 379         static final class Merger extends CountedCompleter<Void> {

 380             static final long serialVersionUID = 2446542900576103244L;
 381             final char[] a, w; // main and workspace arrays
 382             final int lbase, lsize, rbase, rsize, wbase, gran;
 383             Merger(CountedCompleter<?> par, char[] a, char[] w,
 384                    int lbase, int lsize, int rbase,
 385                    int rsize, int wbase, int gran) {
 386                 super(par);
 387                 this.a = a; this.w = w;
 388                 this.lbase = lbase; this.lsize = lsize;
 389                 this.rbase = rbase; this.rsize = rsize;
 390                 this.wbase = wbase; this.gran = gran;
 391             }
 393             public final void compute() {
 394                 char[] a = this.a, w = this.w; // localize all params
 395                 int lb = this.lbase, ln = this.lsize, rb = this.rbase,
 396                     rn = this.rsize, k = this.wbase, g = this.gran;
 397                 if (a == null || w == null || lb < 0 || rb < 0 || k < 0)
 398                     throw new IllegalStateException(); // hoist checks
 399                 for (int lh, rh;;) {  // split larger, find point in smaller

 438                     if ((al = a[lb]) <= (ar = a[rb])) {
 439                         lb++; t = al;
 440                     }
 441                     else {
 442                         rb++; t = ar;
 443                     }
 444                     w[k++] = t;
 445                 }
 446                 if (rb < rf)
 447                     System.arraycopy(a, rb, w, k, rf - rb);
 448                 else if (lb < lf)
 449                     System.arraycopy(a, lb, w, k, lf - lb);
 450                 tryComplete();
 451             }
 452         }
 453     } // FJChar
 455     /** short support class */
 456     static final class FJShort {
 457         static final class Sorter extends CountedCompleter<Void> {

 458             static final long serialVersionUID = 2446542900576103244L;
 459             final short[] a, w;
 460             final int base, size, wbase, gran;
 461             Sorter(CountedCompleter<?> par, short[] a, short[] w, int base,
 462                    int size, int wbase, int gran) {
 463                 super(par);
 464                 this.a = a; this.w = w; this.base = base; this.size = size;
 465                 this.wbase = wbase; this.gran = gran;
 466             }
 467             public final void compute() {
 468                 CountedCompleter<?> s = this;
 469                 short[] a = this.a, w = this.w; // localize all params
 470                 int b = this.base, n = this.size, wb = this.wbase, g = this.gran;
 471                 while (n > g) {
 472                     int h = n >>> 1, q = h >>> 1, u = h + q; // quartiles
 473                     Relay fc = new Relay(new Merger(s, w, a, wb, h,
 474                                                     wb+h, n-h, b, g));
 475                     Relay rc = new Relay(new Merger(fc, a, w, b+h, q,
 476                                                     b+u, n-u, wb+h, g));
 477                     new Sorter(rc, a, w, b+u, n-u, wb+u, g).fork();
 478                     new Sorter(rc, a, w, b+h, q, wb+h, g).fork();;
 479                     Relay bc = new Relay(new Merger(fc, a, w, b, q,
 480                                                     b+q, h-q, wb, g));
 481                     new Sorter(bc, a, w, b+q, h-q, wb+q, g).fork();
 482                     s = new EmptyCompleter(bc);
 483                     n = q;
 484                 }
 485                 DualPivotQuicksort.sort(a, b, b + n - 1, w, wb, n);
 486                 s.tryComplete();
 487             }
 488         }
 490         static final class Merger extends CountedCompleter<Void> {

 491             static final long serialVersionUID = 2446542900576103244L;
 492             final short[] a, w; // main and workspace arrays
 493             final int lbase, lsize, rbase, rsize, wbase, gran;
 494             Merger(CountedCompleter<?> par, short[] a, short[] w,
 495                    int lbase, int lsize, int rbase,
 496                    int rsize, int wbase, int gran) {
 497                 super(par);
 498                 this.a = a; this.w = w;
 499                 this.lbase = lbase; this.lsize = lsize;
 500                 this.rbase = rbase; this.rsize = rsize;
 501                 this.wbase = wbase; this.gran = gran;
 502             }
 504             public final void compute() {
 505                 short[] a = this.a, w = this.w; // localize all params
 506                 int lb = this.lbase, ln = this.lsize, rb = this.rbase,
 507                     rn = this.rsize, k = this.wbase, g = this.gran;
 508                 if (a == null || w == null || lb < 0 || rb < 0 || k < 0)
 509                     throw new IllegalStateException(); // hoist checks
 510                 for (int lh, rh;;) {  // split larger, find point in smaller

 549                     if ((al = a[lb]) <= (ar = a[rb])) {
 550                         lb++; t = al;
 551                     }
 552                     else {
 553                         rb++; t = ar;
 554                     }
 555                     w[k++] = t;
 556                 }
 557                 if (rb < rf)
 558                     System.arraycopy(a, rb, w, k, rf - rb);
 559                 else if (lb < lf)
 560                     System.arraycopy(a, lb, w, k, lf - lb);
 561                 tryComplete();
 562             }
 563         }
 564     } // FJShort
 566     /** int support class */
 567     static final class FJInt {
 568         static final class Sorter extends CountedCompleter<Void> {

 569             static final long serialVersionUID = 2446542900576103244L;
 570             final int[] a, w;
 571             final int base, size, wbase, gran;
 572             Sorter(CountedCompleter<?> par, int[] a, int[] w, int base,
 573                    int size, int wbase, int gran) {
 574                 super(par);
 575                 this.a = a; this.w = w; this.base = base; this.size = size;
 576                 this.wbase = wbase; this.gran = gran;
 577             }
 578             public final void compute() {
 579                 CountedCompleter<?> s = this;
 580                 int[] a = this.a, w = this.w; // localize all params
 581                 int b = this.base, n = this.size, wb = this.wbase, g = this.gran;
 582                 while (n > g) {
 583                     int h = n >>> 1, q = h >>> 1, u = h + q; // quartiles
 584                     Relay fc = new Relay(new Merger(s, w, a, wb, h,
 585                                                     wb+h, n-h, b, g));
 586                     Relay rc = new Relay(new Merger(fc, a, w, b+h, q,
 587                                                     b+u, n-u, wb+h, g));
 588                     new Sorter(rc, a, w, b+u, n-u, wb+u, g).fork();
 589                     new Sorter(rc, a, w, b+h, q, wb+h, g).fork();;
 590                     Relay bc = new Relay(new Merger(fc, a, w, b, q,
 591                                                     b+q, h-q, wb, g));
 592                     new Sorter(bc, a, w, b+q, h-q, wb+q, g).fork();
 593                     s = new EmptyCompleter(bc);
 594                     n = q;
 595                 }
 596                 DualPivotQuicksort.sort(a, b, b + n - 1, w, wb, n);
 597                 s.tryComplete();
 598             }
 599         }
 601         static final class Merger extends CountedCompleter<Void> {

 602             static final long serialVersionUID = 2446542900576103244L;
 603             final int[] a, w; // main and workspace arrays
 604             final int lbase, lsize, rbase, rsize, wbase, gran;
 605             Merger(CountedCompleter<?> par, int[] a, int[] w,
 606                    int lbase, int lsize, int rbase,
 607                    int rsize, int wbase, int gran) {
 608                 super(par);
 609                 this.a = a; this.w = w;
 610                 this.lbase = lbase; this.lsize = lsize;
 611                 this.rbase = rbase; this.rsize = rsize;
 612                 this.wbase = wbase; this.gran = gran;
 613             }
 615             public final void compute() {
 616                 int[] a = this.a, w = this.w; // localize all params
 617                 int lb = this.lbase, ln = this.lsize, rb = this.rbase,
 618                     rn = this.rsize, k = this.wbase, g = this.gran;
 619                 if (a == null || w == null || lb < 0 || rb < 0 || k < 0)
 620                     throw new IllegalStateException(); // hoist checks
 621                 for (int lh, rh;;) {  // split larger, find point in smaller

 660                     if ((al = a[lb]) <= (ar = a[rb])) {
 661                         lb++; t = al;
 662                     }
 663                     else {
 664                         rb++; t = ar;
 665                     }
 666                     w[k++] = t;
 667                 }
 668                 if (rb < rf)
 669                     System.arraycopy(a, rb, w, k, rf - rb);
 670                 else if (lb < lf)
 671                     System.arraycopy(a, lb, w, k, lf - lb);
 672                 tryComplete();
 673             }
 674         }
 675     } // FJInt
 677     /** long support class */
 678     static final class FJLong {
 679         static final class Sorter extends CountedCompleter<Void> {

 680             static final long serialVersionUID = 2446542900576103244L;
 681             final long[] a, w;
 682             final int base, size, wbase, gran;
 683             Sorter(CountedCompleter<?> par, long[] a, long[] w, int base,
 684                    int size, int wbase, int gran) {
 685                 super(par);
 686                 this.a = a; this.w = w; this.base = base; this.size = size;
 687                 this.wbase = wbase; this.gran = gran;
 688             }
 689             public final void compute() {
 690                 CountedCompleter<?> s = this;
 691                 long[] a = this.a, w = this.w; // localize all params
 692                 int b = this.base, n = this.size, wb = this.wbase, g = this.gran;
 693                 while (n > g) {
 694                     int h = n >>> 1, q = h >>> 1, u = h + q; // quartiles
 695                     Relay fc = new Relay(new Merger(s, w, a, wb, h,
 696                                                     wb+h, n-h, b, g));
 697                     Relay rc = new Relay(new Merger(fc, a, w, b+h, q,
 698                                                     b+u, n-u, wb+h, g));
 699                     new Sorter(rc, a, w, b+u, n-u, wb+u, g).fork();
 700                     new Sorter(rc, a, w, b+h, q, wb+h, g).fork();;
 701                     Relay bc = new Relay(new Merger(fc, a, w, b, q,
 702                                                     b+q, h-q, wb, g));
 703                     new Sorter(bc, a, w, b+q, h-q, wb+q, g).fork();
 704                     s = new EmptyCompleter(bc);
 705                     n = q;
 706                 }
 707                 DualPivotQuicksort.sort(a, b, b + n - 1, w, wb, n);
 708                 s.tryComplete();
 709             }
 710         }
 712         static final class Merger extends CountedCompleter<Void> {

 713             static final long serialVersionUID = 2446542900576103244L;
 714             final long[] a, w; // main and workspace arrays
 715             final int lbase, lsize, rbase, rsize, wbase, gran;
 716             Merger(CountedCompleter<?> par, long[] a, long[] w,
 717                    int lbase, int lsize, int rbase,
 718                    int rsize, int wbase, int gran) {
 719                 super(par);
 720                 this.a = a; this.w = w;
 721                 this.lbase = lbase; this.lsize = lsize;
 722                 this.rbase = rbase; this.rsize = rsize;
 723                 this.wbase = wbase; this.gran = gran;
 724             }
 726             public final void compute() {
 727                 long[] a = this.a, w = this.w; // localize all params
 728                 int lb = this.lbase, ln = this.lsize, rb = this.rbase,
 729                     rn = this.rsize, k = this.wbase, g = this.gran;
 730                 if (a == null || w == null || lb < 0 || rb < 0 || k < 0)
 731                     throw new IllegalStateException(); // hoist checks
 732                 for (int lh, rh;;) {  // split larger, find point in smaller

 771                     if ((al = a[lb]) <= (ar = a[rb])) {
 772                         lb++; t = al;
 773                     }
 774                     else {
 775                         rb++; t = ar;
 776                     }
 777                     w[k++] = t;
 778                 }
 779                 if (rb < rf)
 780                     System.arraycopy(a, rb, w, k, rf - rb);
 781                 else if (lb < lf)
 782                     System.arraycopy(a, lb, w, k, lf - lb);
 783                 tryComplete();
 784             }
 785         }
 786     } // FJLong
 788     /** float support class */
 789     static final class FJFloat {
 790         static final class Sorter extends CountedCompleter<Void> {

 791             static final long serialVersionUID = 2446542900576103244L;
 792             final float[] a, w;
 793             final int base, size, wbase, gran;
 794             Sorter(CountedCompleter<?> par, float[] a, float[] w, int base,
 795                    int size, int wbase, int gran) {
 796                 super(par);
 797                 this.a = a; this.w = w; this.base = base; this.size = size;
 798                 this.wbase = wbase; this.gran = gran;
 799             }
 800             public final void compute() {
 801                 CountedCompleter<?> s = this;
 802                 float[] a = this.a, w = this.w; // localize all params
 803                 int b = this.base, n = this.size, wb = this.wbase, g = this.gran;
 804                 while (n > g) {
 805                     int h = n >>> 1, q = h >>> 1, u = h + q; // quartiles
 806                     Relay fc = new Relay(new Merger(s, w, a, wb, h,
 807                                                     wb+h, n-h, b, g));
 808                     Relay rc = new Relay(new Merger(fc, a, w, b+h, q,
 809                                                     b+u, n-u, wb+h, g));
 810                     new Sorter(rc, a, w, b+u, n-u, wb+u, g).fork();
 811                     new Sorter(rc, a, w, b+h, q, wb+h, g).fork();;
 812                     Relay bc = new Relay(new Merger(fc, a, w, b, q,
 813                                                     b+q, h-q, wb, g));
 814                     new Sorter(bc, a, w, b+q, h-q, wb+q, g).fork();
 815                     s = new EmptyCompleter(bc);
 816                     n = q;
 817                 }
 818                 DualPivotQuicksort.sort(a, b, b + n - 1, w, wb, n);
 819                 s.tryComplete();
 820             }
 821         }
 823         static final class Merger extends CountedCompleter<Void> {

 824             static final long serialVersionUID = 2446542900576103244L;
 825             final float[] a, w; // main and workspace arrays
 826             final int lbase, lsize, rbase, rsize, wbase, gran;
 827             Merger(CountedCompleter<?> par, float[] a, float[] w,
 828                    int lbase, int lsize, int rbase,
 829                    int rsize, int wbase, int gran) {
 830                 super(par);
 831                 this.a = a; this.w = w;
 832                 this.lbase = lbase; this.lsize = lsize;
 833                 this.rbase = rbase; this.rsize = rsize;
 834                 this.wbase = wbase; this.gran = gran;
 835             }
 837             public final void compute() {
 838                 float[] a = this.a, w = this.w; // localize all params
 839                 int lb = this.lbase, ln = this.lsize, rb = this.rbase,
 840                     rn = this.rsize, k = this.wbase, g = this.gran;
 841                 if (a == null || w == null || lb < 0 || rb < 0 || k < 0)
 842                     throw new IllegalStateException(); // hoist checks
 843                 for (int lh, rh;;) {  // split larger, find point in smaller

 882                     if ((al = a[lb]) <= (ar = a[rb])) {
 883                         lb++; t = al;
 884                     }
 885                     else {
 886                         rb++; t = ar;
 887                     }
 888                     w[k++] = t;
 889                 }
 890                 if (rb < rf)
 891                     System.arraycopy(a, rb, w, k, rf - rb);
 892                 else if (lb < lf)
 893                     System.arraycopy(a, lb, w, k, lf - lb);
 894                 tryComplete();
 895             }
 896         }
 897     } // FJFloat
 899     /** double support class */
 900     static final class FJDouble {
 901         static final class Sorter extends CountedCompleter<Void> {

 902             static final long serialVersionUID = 2446542900576103244L;
 903             final double[] a, w;
 904             final int base, size, wbase, gran;
 905             Sorter(CountedCompleter<?> par, double[] a, double[] w, int base,
 906                    int size, int wbase, int gran) {
 907                 super(par);
 908                 this.a = a; this.w = w; this.base = base; this.size = size;
 909                 this.wbase = wbase; this.gran = gran;
 910             }
 911             public final void compute() {
 912                 CountedCompleter<?> s = this;
 913                 double[] a = this.a, w = this.w; // localize all params
 914                 int b = this.base, n = this.size, wb = this.wbase, g = this.gran;
 915                 while (n > g) {
 916                     int h = n >>> 1, q = h >>> 1, u = h + q; // quartiles
 917                     Relay fc = new Relay(new Merger(s, w, a, wb, h,
 918                                                     wb+h, n-h, b, g));
 919                     Relay rc = new Relay(new Merger(fc, a, w, b+h, q,
 920                                                     b+u, n-u, wb+h, g));
 921                     new Sorter(rc, a, w, b+u, n-u, wb+u, g).fork();
 922                     new Sorter(rc, a, w, b+h, q, wb+h, g).fork();;
 923                     Relay bc = new Relay(new Merger(fc, a, w, b, q,
 924                                                     b+q, h-q, wb, g));
 925                     new Sorter(bc, a, w, b+q, h-q, wb+q, g).fork();
 926                     s = new EmptyCompleter(bc);
 927                     n = q;
 928                 }
 929                 DualPivotQuicksort.sort(a, b, b + n - 1, w, wb, n);
 930                 s.tryComplete();
 931             }
 932         }
 934         static final class Merger extends CountedCompleter<Void> {

 935             static final long serialVersionUID = 2446542900576103244L;
 936             final double[] a, w; // main and workspace arrays
 937             final int lbase, lsize, rbase, rsize, wbase, gran;
 938             Merger(CountedCompleter<?> par, double[] a, double[] w,
 939                    int lbase, int lsize, int rbase,
 940                    int rsize, int wbase, int gran) {
 941                 super(par);
 942                 this.a = a; this.w = w;
 943                 this.lbase = lbase; this.lsize = lsize;
 944                 this.rbase = rbase; this.rsize = rsize;
 945                 this.wbase = wbase; this.gran = gran;
 946             }
 948             public final void compute() {
 949                 double[] a = this.a, w = this.w; // localize all params
 950                 int lb = this.lbase, ln = this.lsize, rb = this.rbase,
 951                     rn = this.rsize, k = this.wbase, g = this.gran;
 952                 if (a == null || w == null || lb < 0 || rb < 0 || k < 0)
 953                     throw new IllegalStateException(); // hoist checks
 954                 for (int lh, rh;;) {  // split larger, find point in smaller

  70  * ComparableTimSort, and DualPivotQuicksort sort methods that accept
  71  * temp workspace array slices that we will have already allocated, so
  72  * avoids redundant allocation. (Except for DualPivotQuicksort byte[]
  73  * sort, that does not ever use a workspace array.)
  74  */
  75 /*package*/ class ArraysParallelSortHelpers {
  77     /*
  78      * Style note: The task classes have a lot of parameters, that are
  79      * stored as task fields and copied to local variables and used in
  80      * compute() methods, We pack these into as few lines as possible,
  81      * and hoist consistency checks among them before main loops, to
  82      * reduce distraction.
  83      */
  85     /**
  86      * A placeholder task for Sorters, used for the lowest
  87      * quartile task, that does not need to maintain array state.
  88      */
  89     static final class EmptyCompleter extends CountedCompleter<Void> {
  90         @java.io.Serial
  91         static final long serialVersionUID = 2446542900576103244L;
  92         EmptyCompleter(CountedCompleter<?> p) { super(p); }
  93         public final void compute() { }
  94     }
  96     /**
  97      * A trigger for secondary merge of two merges
  98      */
  99     static final class Relay extends CountedCompleter<Void> {
 100         @java.io.Serial
 101         static final long serialVersionUID = 2446542900576103244L;
 102         final CountedCompleter<?> task;
 103         Relay(CountedCompleter<?> task) {
 104             super(null, 1);
 105             this.task = task;
 106         }
 107         public final void compute() { }
 108         public final void onCompletion(CountedCompleter<?> t) {
 109             task.compute();
 110         }
 111     }
 113     /** Object + Comparator support class */
 114     static final class FJObject {
 115         static final class Sorter<T> extends CountedCompleter<Void> {
 116             @java.io.Serial
 117             static final long serialVersionUID = 2446542900576103244L;
 118             final T[] a, w;
 119             final int base, size, wbase, gran;
 120             Comparator<? super T> comparator;
 121             Sorter(CountedCompleter<?> par, T[] a, T[] w, int base, int size,
 122                    int wbase, int gran,
 123                    Comparator<? super T> comparator) {
 124                 super(par);
 125                 this.a = a; this.w = w; this.base = base; this.size = size;
 126                 this.wbase = wbase; this.gran = gran;
 127                 this.comparator = comparator;
 128             }
 129             public final void compute() {
 130                 CountedCompleter<?> s = this;
 131                 Comparator<? super T> c = this.comparator;
 132                 T[] a = this.a, w = this.w; // localize all params
 133                 int b = this.base, n = this.size, wb = this.wbase, g = this.gran;
 134                 while (n > g) {
 135                     int h = n >>> 1, q = h >>> 1, u = h + q; // quartiles
 136                     Relay fc = new Relay(new Merger<>(s, w, a, wb, h,
 137                                                       wb+h, n-h, b, g, c));
 138                     Relay rc = new Relay(new Merger<>(fc, a, w, b+h, q,
 139                                                       b+u, n-u, wb+h, g, c));
 140                     new Sorter<>(rc, a, w, b+u, n-u, wb+u, g, c).fork();
 141                     new Sorter<>(rc, a, w, b+h, q, wb+h, g, c).fork();;
 142                     Relay bc = new Relay(new Merger<>(fc, a, w, b, q,
 143                                                       b+q, h-q, wb, g, c));
 144                     new Sorter<>(bc, a, w, b+q, h-q, wb+q, g, c).fork();
 145                     s = new EmptyCompleter(bc);
 146                     n = q;
 147                 }
 148                 TimSort.sort(a, b, b + n, c, w, wb, n);
 149                 s.tryComplete();
 150             }
 151         }
 153         static final class Merger<T> extends CountedCompleter<Void> {
 154             @java.io.Serial
 155             static final long serialVersionUID = 2446542900576103244L;
 156             final T[] a, w; // main and workspace arrays
 157             final int lbase, lsize, rbase, rsize, wbase, gran;
 158             Comparator<? super T> comparator;
 159             Merger(CountedCompleter<?> par, T[] a, T[] w,
 160                    int lbase, int lsize, int rbase,
 161                    int rsize, int wbase, int gran,
 162                    Comparator<? super T> comparator) {
 163                 super(par);
 164                 this.a = a; this.w = w;
 165                 this.lbase = lbase; this.lsize = lsize;
 166                 this.rbase = rbase; this.rsize = rsize;
 167                 this.wbase = wbase; this.gran = gran;
 168                 this.comparator = comparator;
 169             }
 171             public final void compute() {
 172                 Comparator<? super T> c = this.comparator;
 173                 T[] a = this.a, w = this.w; // localize all params
 174                 int lb = this.lbase, ln = this.lsize, rb = this.rbase,

 220                     }
 221                     else {
 222                         rb++; t = ar;
 223                     }
 224                     w[k++] = t;
 225                 }
 226                 if (rb < rf)
 227                     System.arraycopy(a, rb, w, k, rf - rb);
 228                 else if (lb < lf)
 229                     System.arraycopy(a, lb, w, k, lf - lb);
 231                 tryComplete();
 232             }
 234         }
 235     } // FJObject
 237     /** byte support class */
 238     static final class FJByte {
 239         static final class Sorter extends CountedCompleter<Void> {
 240             @java.io.Serial
 241             static final long serialVersionUID = 2446542900576103244L;
 242             final byte[] a, w;
 243             final int base, size, wbase, gran;
 244             Sorter(CountedCompleter<?> par, byte[] a, byte[] w, int base,
 245                    int size, int wbase, int gran) {
 246                 super(par);
 247                 this.a = a; this.w = w; this.base = base; this.size = size;
 248                 this.wbase = wbase; this.gran = gran;
 249             }
 250             public final void compute() {
 251                 CountedCompleter<?> s = this;
 252                 byte[] a = this.a, w = this.w; // localize all params
 253                 int b = this.base, n = this.size, wb = this.wbase, g = this.gran;
 254                 while (n > g) {
 255                     int h = n >>> 1, q = h >>> 1, u = h + q; // quartiles
 256                     Relay fc = new Relay(new Merger(s, w, a, wb, h,
 257                                                     wb+h, n-h, b, g));
 258                     Relay rc = new Relay(new Merger(fc, a, w, b+h, q,
 259                                                     b+u, n-u, wb+h, g));
 260                     new Sorter(rc, a, w, b+u, n-u, wb+u, g).fork();
 261                     new Sorter(rc, a, w, b+h, q, wb+h, g).fork();;
 262                     Relay bc = new Relay(new Merger(fc, a, w, b, q,
 263                                                     b+q, h-q, wb, g));
 264                     new Sorter(bc, a, w, b+q, h-q, wb+q, g).fork();
 265                     s = new EmptyCompleter(bc);
 266                     n = q;
 267                 }
 268                 DualPivotQuicksort.sort(a, b, b + n - 1);
 269                 s.tryComplete();
 270             }
 271         }
 273         static final class Merger extends CountedCompleter<Void> {
 274             @java.io.Serial
 275             static final long serialVersionUID = 2446542900576103244L;
 276             final byte[] a, w; // main and workspace arrays
 277             final int lbase, lsize, rbase, rsize, wbase, gran;
 278             Merger(CountedCompleter<?> par, byte[] a, byte[] w,
 279                    int lbase, int lsize, int rbase,
 280                    int rsize, int wbase, int gran) {
 281                 super(par);
 282                 this.a = a; this.w = w;
 283                 this.lbase = lbase; this.lsize = lsize;
 284                 this.rbase = rbase; this.rsize = rsize;
 285                 this.wbase = wbase; this.gran = gran;
 286             }
 288             public final void compute() {
 289                 byte[] a = this.a, w = this.w; // localize all params
 290                 int lb = this.lbase, ln = this.lsize, rb = this.rbase,
 291                     rn = this.rsize, k = this.wbase, g = this.gran;
 292                 if (a == null || w == null || lb < 0 || rb < 0 || k < 0)
 293                     throw new IllegalStateException(); // hoist checks
 294                 for (int lh, rh;;) {  // split larger, find point in smaller

 333                     if ((al = a[lb]) <= (ar = a[rb])) {
 334                         lb++; t = al;
 335                     }
 336                     else {
 337                         rb++; t = ar;
 338                     }
 339                     w[k++] = t;
 340                 }
 341                 if (rb < rf)
 342                     System.arraycopy(a, rb, w, k, rf - rb);
 343                 else if (lb < lf)
 344                     System.arraycopy(a, lb, w, k, lf - lb);
 345                 tryComplete();
 346             }
 347         }
 348     } // FJByte
 350     /** char support class */
 351     static final class FJChar {
 352         static final class Sorter extends CountedCompleter<Void> {
 353             @java.io.Serial
 354             static final long serialVersionUID = 2446542900576103244L;
 355             final char[] a, w;
 356             final int base, size, wbase, gran;
 357             Sorter(CountedCompleter<?> par, char[] a, char[] w, int base,
 358                    int size, int wbase, int gran) {
 359                 super(par);
 360                 this.a = a; this.w = w; this.base = base; this.size = size;
 361                 this.wbase = wbase; this.gran = gran;
 362             }
 363             public final void compute() {
 364                 CountedCompleter<?> s = this;
 365                 char[] a = this.a, w = this.w; // localize all params
 366                 int b = this.base, n = this.size, wb = this.wbase, g = this.gran;
 367                 while (n > g) {
 368                     int h = n >>> 1, q = h >>> 1, u = h + q; // quartiles
 369                     Relay fc = new Relay(new Merger(s, w, a, wb, h,
 370                                                     wb+h, n-h, b, g));
 371                     Relay rc = new Relay(new Merger(fc, a, w, b+h, q,
 372                                                     b+u, n-u, wb+h, g));
 373                     new Sorter(rc, a, w, b+u, n-u, wb+u, g).fork();
 374                     new Sorter(rc, a, w, b+h, q, wb+h, g).fork();;
 375                     Relay bc = new Relay(new Merger(fc, a, w, b, q,
 376                                                     b+q, h-q, wb, g));
 377                     new Sorter(bc, a, w, b+q, h-q, wb+q, g).fork();
 378                     s = new EmptyCompleter(bc);
 379                     n = q;
 380                 }
 381                 DualPivotQuicksort.sort(a, b, b + n - 1, w, wb, n);
 382                 s.tryComplete();
 383             }
 384         }
 386         static final class Merger extends CountedCompleter<Void> {
 387             @java.io.Serial
 388             static final long serialVersionUID = 2446542900576103244L;
 389             final char[] a, w; // main and workspace arrays
 390             final int lbase, lsize, rbase, rsize, wbase, gran;
 391             Merger(CountedCompleter<?> par, char[] a, char[] w,
 392                    int lbase, int lsize, int rbase,
 393                    int rsize, int wbase, int gran) {
 394                 super(par);
 395                 this.a = a; this.w = w;
 396                 this.lbase = lbase; this.lsize = lsize;
 397                 this.rbase = rbase; this.rsize = rsize;
 398                 this.wbase = wbase; this.gran = gran;
 399             }
 401             public final void compute() {
 402                 char[] a = this.a, w = this.w; // localize all params
 403                 int lb = this.lbase, ln = this.lsize, rb = this.rbase,
 404                     rn = this.rsize, k = this.wbase, g = this.gran;
 405                 if (a == null || w == null || lb < 0 || rb < 0 || k < 0)
 406                     throw new IllegalStateException(); // hoist checks
 407                 for (int lh, rh;;) {  // split larger, find point in smaller

 446                     if ((al = a[lb]) <= (ar = a[rb])) {
 447                         lb++; t = al;
 448                     }
 449                     else {
 450                         rb++; t = ar;
 451                     }
 452                     w[k++] = t;
 453                 }
 454                 if (rb < rf)
 455                     System.arraycopy(a, rb, w, k, rf - rb);
 456                 else if (lb < lf)
 457                     System.arraycopy(a, lb, w, k, lf - lb);
 458                 tryComplete();
 459             }
 460         }
 461     } // FJChar
 463     /** short support class */
 464     static final class FJShort {
 465         static final class Sorter extends CountedCompleter<Void> {
 466             @java.io.Serial
 467             static final long serialVersionUID = 2446542900576103244L;
 468             final short[] a, w;
 469             final int base, size, wbase, gran;
 470             Sorter(CountedCompleter<?> par, short[] a, short[] w, int base,
 471                    int size, int wbase, int gran) {
 472                 super(par);
 473                 this.a = a; this.w = w; this.base = base; this.size = size;
 474                 this.wbase = wbase; this.gran = gran;
 475             }
 476             public final void compute() {
 477                 CountedCompleter<?> s = this;
 478                 short[] a = this.a, w = this.w; // localize all params
 479                 int b = this.base, n = this.size, wb = this.wbase, g = this.gran;
 480                 while (n > g) {
 481                     int h = n >>> 1, q = h >>> 1, u = h + q; // quartiles
 482                     Relay fc = new Relay(new Merger(s, w, a, wb, h,
 483                                                     wb+h, n-h, b, g));
 484                     Relay rc = new Relay(new Merger(fc, a, w, b+h, q,
 485                                                     b+u, n-u, wb+h, g));
 486                     new Sorter(rc, a, w, b+u, n-u, wb+u, g).fork();
 487                     new Sorter(rc, a, w, b+h, q, wb+h, g).fork();;
 488                     Relay bc = new Relay(new Merger(fc, a, w, b, q,
 489                                                     b+q, h-q, wb, g));
 490                     new Sorter(bc, a, w, b+q, h-q, wb+q, g).fork();
 491                     s = new EmptyCompleter(bc);
 492                     n = q;
 493                 }
 494                 DualPivotQuicksort.sort(a, b, b + n - 1, w, wb, n);
 495                 s.tryComplete();
 496             }
 497         }
 499         static final class Merger extends CountedCompleter<Void> {
 500             @java.io.Serial
 501             static final long serialVersionUID = 2446542900576103244L;
 502             final short[] a, w; // main and workspace arrays
 503             final int lbase, lsize, rbase, rsize, wbase, gran;
 504             Merger(CountedCompleter<?> par, short[] a, short[] w,
 505                    int lbase, int lsize, int rbase,
 506                    int rsize, int wbase, int gran) {
 507                 super(par);
 508                 this.a = a; this.w = w;
 509                 this.lbase = lbase; this.lsize = lsize;
 510                 this.rbase = rbase; this.rsize = rsize;
 511                 this.wbase = wbase; this.gran = gran;
 512             }
 514             public final void compute() {
 515                 short[] a = this.a, w = this.w; // localize all params
 516                 int lb = this.lbase, ln = this.lsize, rb = this.rbase,
 517                     rn = this.rsize, k = this.wbase, g = this.gran;
 518                 if (a == null || w == null || lb < 0 || rb < 0 || k < 0)
 519                     throw new IllegalStateException(); // hoist checks
 520                 for (int lh, rh;;) {  // split larger, find point in smaller

 559                     if ((al = a[lb]) <= (ar = a[rb])) {
 560                         lb++; t = al;
 561                     }
 562                     else {
 563                         rb++; t = ar;
 564                     }
 565                     w[k++] = t;
 566                 }
 567                 if (rb < rf)
 568                     System.arraycopy(a, rb, w, k, rf - rb);
 569                 else if (lb < lf)
 570                     System.arraycopy(a, lb, w, k, lf - lb);
 571                 tryComplete();
 572             }
 573         }
 574     } // FJShort
 576     /** int support class */
 577     static final class FJInt {
 578         static final class Sorter extends CountedCompleter<Void> {
 579             @java.io.Serial
 580             static final long serialVersionUID = 2446542900576103244L;
 581             final int[] a, w;
 582             final int base, size, wbase, gran;
 583             Sorter(CountedCompleter<?> par, int[] a, int[] w, int base,
 584                    int size, int wbase, int gran) {
 585                 super(par);
 586                 this.a = a; this.w = w; this.base = base; this.size = size;
 587                 this.wbase = wbase; this.gran = gran;
 588             }
 589             public final void compute() {
 590                 CountedCompleter<?> s = this;
 591                 int[] a = this.a, w = this.w; // localize all params
 592                 int b = this.base, n = this.size, wb = this.wbase, g = this.gran;
 593                 while (n > g) {
 594                     int h = n >>> 1, q = h >>> 1, u = h + q; // quartiles
 595                     Relay fc = new Relay(new Merger(s, w, a, wb, h,
 596                                                     wb+h, n-h, b, g));
 597                     Relay rc = new Relay(new Merger(fc, a, w, b+h, q,
 598                                                     b+u, n-u, wb+h, g));
 599                     new Sorter(rc, a, w, b+u, n-u, wb+u, g).fork();
 600                     new Sorter(rc, a, w, b+h, q, wb+h, g).fork();;
 601                     Relay bc = new Relay(new Merger(fc, a, w, b, q,
 602                                                     b+q, h-q, wb, g));
 603                     new Sorter(bc, a, w, b+q, h-q, wb+q, g).fork();
 604                     s = new EmptyCompleter(bc);
 605                     n = q;
 606                 }
 607                 DualPivotQuicksort.sort(a, b, b + n - 1, w, wb, n);
 608                 s.tryComplete();
 609             }
 610         }
 612         static final class Merger extends CountedCompleter<Void> {
 613             @java.io.Serial
 614             static final long serialVersionUID = 2446542900576103244L;
 615             final int[] a, w; // main and workspace arrays
 616             final int lbase, lsize, rbase, rsize, wbase, gran;
 617             Merger(CountedCompleter<?> par, int[] a, int[] w,
 618                    int lbase, int lsize, int rbase,
 619                    int rsize, int wbase, int gran) {
 620                 super(par);
 621                 this.a = a; this.w = w;
 622                 this.lbase = lbase; this.lsize = lsize;
 623                 this.rbase = rbase; this.rsize = rsize;
 624                 this.wbase = wbase; this.gran = gran;
 625             }
 627             public final void compute() {
 628                 int[] a = this.a, w = this.w; // localize all params
 629                 int lb = this.lbase, ln = this.lsize, rb = this.rbase,
 630                     rn = this.rsize, k = this.wbase, g = this.gran;
 631                 if (a == null || w == null || lb < 0 || rb < 0 || k < 0)
 632                     throw new IllegalStateException(); // hoist checks
 633                 for (int lh, rh;;) {  // split larger, find point in smaller

 672                     if ((al = a[lb]) <= (ar = a[rb])) {
 673                         lb++; t = al;
 674                     }
 675                     else {
 676                         rb++; t = ar;
 677                     }
 678                     w[k++] = t;
 679                 }
 680                 if (rb < rf)
 681                     System.arraycopy(a, rb, w, k, rf - rb);
 682                 else if (lb < lf)
 683                     System.arraycopy(a, lb, w, k, lf - lb);
 684                 tryComplete();
 685             }
 686         }
 687     } // FJInt
 689     /** long support class */
 690     static final class FJLong {
 691         static final class Sorter extends CountedCompleter<Void> {
 692             @java.io.Serial
 693             static final long serialVersionUID = 2446542900576103244L;
 694             final long[] a, w;
 695             final int base, size, wbase, gran;
 696             Sorter(CountedCompleter<?> par, long[] a, long[] w, int base,
 697                    int size, int wbase, int gran) {
 698                 super(par);
 699                 this.a = a; this.w = w; this.base = base; this.size = size;
 700                 this.wbase = wbase; this.gran = gran;
 701             }
 702             public final void compute() {
 703                 CountedCompleter<?> s = this;
 704                 long[] a = this.a, w = this.w; // localize all params
 705                 int b = this.base, n = this.size, wb = this.wbase, g = this.gran;
 706                 while (n > g) {
 707                     int h = n >>> 1, q = h >>> 1, u = h + q; // quartiles
 708                     Relay fc = new Relay(new Merger(s, w, a, wb, h,
 709                                                     wb+h, n-h, b, g));
 710                     Relay rc = new Relay(new Merger(fc, a, w, b+h, q,
 711                                                     b+u, n-u, wb+h, g));
 712                     new Sorter(rc, a, w, b+u, n-u, wb+u, g).fork();
 713                     new Sorter(rc, a, w, b+h, q, wb+h, g).fork();;
 714                     Relay bc = new Relay(new Merger(fc, a, w, b, q,
 715                                                     b+q, h-q, wb, g));
 716                     new Sorter(bc, a, w, b+q, h-q, wb+q, g).fork();
 717                     s = new EmptyCompleter(bc);
 718                     n = q;
 719                 }
 720                 DualPivotQuicksort.sort(a, b, b + n - 1, w, wb, n);
 721                 s.tryComplete();
 722             }
 723         }
 725         static final class Merger extends CountedCompleter<Void> {
 726             @java.io.Serial
 727             static final long serialVersionUID = 2446542900576103244L;
 728             final long[] a, w; // main and workspace arrays
 729             final int lbase, lsize, rbase, rsize, wbase, gran;
 730             Merger(CountedCompleter<?> par, long[] a, long[] w,
 731                    int lbase, int lsize, int rbase,
 732                    int rsize, int wbase, int gran) {
 733                 super(par);
 734                 this.a = a; this.w = w;
 735                 this.lbase = lbase; this.lsize = lsize;
 736                 this.rbase = rbase; this.rsize = rsize;
 737                 this.wbase = wbase; this.gran = gran;
 738             }
 740             public final void compute() {
 741                 long[] a = this.a, w = this.w; // localize all params
 742                 int lb = this.lbase, ln = this.lsize, rb = this.rbase,
 743                     rn = this.rsize, k = this.wbase, g = this.gran;
 744                 if (a == null || w == null || lb < 0 || rb < 0 || k < 0)
 745                     throw new IllegalStateException(); // hoist checks
 746                 for (int lh, rh;;) {  // split larger, find point in smaller

 785                     if ((al = a[lb]) <= (ar = a[rb])) {
 786                         lb++; t = al;
 787                     }
 788                     else {
 789                         rb++; t = ar;
 790                     }
 791                     w[k++] = t;
 792                 }
 793                 if (rb < rf)
 794                     System.arraycopy(a, rb, w, k, rf - rb);
 795                 else if (lb < lf)
 796                     System.arraycopy(a, lb, w, k, lf - lb);
 797                 tryComplete();
 798             }
 799         }
 800     } // FJLong
 802     /** float support class */
 803     static final class FJFloat {
 804         static final class Sorter extends CountedCompleter<Void> {
 805             @java.io.Serial
 806             static final long serialVersionUID = 2446542900576103244L;
 807             final float[] a, w;
 808             final int base, size, wbase, gran;
 809             Sorter(CountedCompleter<?> par, float[] a, float[] w, int base,
 810                    int size, int wbase, int gran) {
 811                 super(par);
 812                 this.a = a; this.w = w; this.base = base; this.size = size;
 813                 this.wbase = wbase; this.gran = gran;
 814             }
 815             public final void compute() {
 816                 CountedCompleter<?> s = this;
 817                 float[] a = this.a, w = this.w; // localize all params
 818                 int b = this.base, n = this.size, wb = this.wbase, g = this.gran;
 819                 while (n > g) {
 820                     int h = n >>> 1, q = h >>> 1, u = h + q; // quartiles
 821                     Relay fc = new Relay(new Merger(s, w, a, wb, h,
 822                                                     wb+h, n-h, b, g));
 823                     Relay rc = new Relay(new Merger(fc, a, w, b+h, q,
 824                                                     b+u, n-u, wb+h, g));
 825                     new Sorter(rc, a, w, b+u, n-u, wb+u, g).fork();
 826                     new Sorter(rc, a, w, b+h, q, wb+h, g).fork();;
 827                     Relay bc = new Relay(new Merger(fc, a, w, b, q,
 828                                                     b+q, h-q, wb, g));
 829                     new Sorter(bc, a, w, b+q, h-q, wb+q, g).fork();
 830                     s = new EmptyCompleter(bc);
 831                     n = q;
 832                 }
 833                 DualPivotQuicksort.sort(a, b, b + n - 1, w, wb, n);
 834                 s.tryComplete();
 835             }
 836         }
 838         static final class Merger extends CountedCompleter<Void> {
 839             @java.io.Serial
 840             static final long serialVersionUID = 2446542900576103244L;
 841             final float[] a, w; // main and workspace arrays
 842             final int lbase, lsize, rbase, rsize, wbase, gran;
 843             Merger(CountedCompleter<?> par, float[] a, float[] w,
 844                    int lbase, int lsize, int rbase,
 845                    int rsize, int wbase, int gran) {
 846                 super(par);
 847                 this.a = a; this.w = w;
 848                 this.lbase = lbase; this.lsize = lsize;
 849                 this.rbase = rbase; this.rsize = rsize;
 850                 this.wbase = wbase; this.gran = gran;
 851             }
 853             public final void compute() {
 854                 float[] a = this.a, w = this.w; // localize all params
 855                 int lb = this.lbase, ln = this.lsize, rb = this.rbase,
 856                     rn = this.rsize, k = this.wbase, g = this.gran;
 857                 if (a == null || w == null || lb < 0 || rb < 0 || k < 0)
 858                     throw new IllegalStateException(); // hoist checks
 859                 for (int lh, rh;;) {  // split larger, find point in smaller

 898                     if ((al = a[lb]) <= (ar = a[rb])) {
 899                         lb++; t = al;
 900                     }
 901                     else {
 902                         rb++; t = ar;
 903                     }
 904                     w[k++] = t;
 905                 }
 906                 if (rb < rf)
 907                     System.arraycopy(a, rb, w, k, rf - rb);
 908                 else if (lb < lf)
 909                     System.arraycopy(a, lb, w, k, lf - lb);
 910                 tryComplete();
 911             }
 912         }
 913     } // FJFloat
 915     /** double support class */
 916     static final class FJDouble {
 917         static final class Sorter extends CountedCompleter<Void> {
 918             @java.io.Serial
 919             static final long serialVersionUID = 2446542900576103244L;
 920             final double[] a, w;
 921             final int base, size, wbase, gran;
 922             Sorter(CountedCompleter<?> par, double[] a, double[] w, int base,
 923                    int size, int wbase, int gran) {
 924                 super(par);
 925                 this.a = a; this.w = w; this.base = base; this.size = size;
 926                 this.wbase = wbase; this.gran = gran;
 927             }
 928             public final void compute() {
 929                 CountedCompleter<?> s = this;
 930                 double[] a = this.a, w = this.w; // localize all params
 931                 int b = this.base, n = this.size, wb = this.wbase, g = this.gran;
 932                 while (n > g) {
 933                     int h = n >>> 1, q = h >>> 1, u = h + q; // quartiles
 934                     Relay fc = new Relay(new Merger(s, w, a, wb, h,
 935                                                     wb+h, n-h, b, g));
 936                     Relay rc = new Relay(new Merger(fc, a, w, b+h, q,
 937                                                     b+u, n-u, wb+h, g));
 938                     new Sorter(rc, a, w, b+u, n-u, wb+u, g).fork();
 939                     new Sorter(rc, a, w, b+h, q, wb+h, g).fork();;
 940                     Relay bc = new Relay(new Merger(fc, a, w, b, q,
 941                                                     b+q, h-q, wb, g));
 942                     new Sorter(bc, a, w, b+q, h-q, wb+q, g).fork();
 943                     s = new EmptyCompleter(bc);
 944                     n = q;
 945                 }
 946                 DualPivotQuicksort.sort(a, b, b + n - 1, w, wb, n);
 947                 s.tryComplete();
 948             }
 949         }
 951         static final class Merger extends CountedCompleter<Void> {
 952             @java.io.Serial
 953             static final long serialVersionUID = 2446542900576103244L;
 954             final double[] a, w; // main and workspace arrays
 955             final int lbase, lsize, rbase, rsize, wbase, gran;
 956             Merger(CountedCompleter<?> par, double[] a, double[] w,
 957                    int lbase, int lsize, int rbase,
 958                    int rsize, int wbase, int gran) {
 959                 super(par);
 960                 this.a = a; this.w = w;
 961                 this.lbase = lbase; this.lsize = lsize;
 962                 this.rbase = rbase; this.rsize = rsize;
 963                 this.wbase = wbase; this.gran = gran;
 964             }
 966             public final void compute() {
 967                 double[] a = this.a, w = this.w; // localize all params
 968                 int lb = this.lbase, ln = this.lsize, rb = this.rbase,
 969                     rn = this.rsize, k = this.wbase, g = this.gran;
 970                 if (a == null || w == null || lb < 0 || rb < 0 || k < 0)
 971                     throw new IllegalStateException(); // hoist checks
 972                 for (int lh, rh;;) {  // split larger, find point in smaller

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