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 616     /**
 617      * The key for the private use extension ('x').
 618      *
 619      * @see #getExtension(char)
 620      * @see Builder#setExtension(char, String)
 621      * @since 1.7
 622      */
 623     public static final char PRIVATE_USE_EXTENSION = 'x';
 625     /**
 626      * The key for Unicode locale extension ('u').
 627      *
 628      * @see #getExtension(char)
 629      * @see Builder#setExtension(char, String)
 630      * @since 1.7
 631      */
 632     public static final char UNICODE_LOCALE_EXTENSION = 'u';
 634     /** serialization ID
 635      */

 636     static final long serialVersionUID = 9149081749638150636L;
 638     /**
 639      * Enum for specifying the type defined in ISO 3166. This enum is used to
 640      * retrieve the two-letter ISO3166-1 alpha-2, three-letter ISO3166-1
 641      * alpha-3, four-letter ISO3166-3 country codes.
 642      *
 643      * @see #getISOCountries(Locale.IsoCountryCode)
 644      * @since 9
 645      */
 646     public static enum IsoCountryCode {
 647         /**
 648          * PART1_ALPHA2 is used to represent the ISO3166-1 alpha-2 two letter
 649          * country codes.
 650          */
 651         PART1_ALPHA2 {
 652             @Override
 653             Set<String> createCountryCodeSet() {
 654                 return Set.of(Locale.getISOCountries());
 655             }

2284      *      (See <a href="java.base/java/util/Locale.html#getLanguage()">getLanguage()</a>)
2285      * @serialField country     String
2286      *      country subtag in upper case.
2287      *      (See <a href="java.base/java/util/Locale.html#getCountry()">getCountry()</a>)
2288      * @serialField variant     String
2289      *      variant subtags separated by LOWLINE characters.
2290      *      (See <a href="java.base/java/util/Locale.html#getVariant()">getVariant()</a>)
2291      * @serialField hashcode    int
2292      *      deprecated, for forward compatibility only
2293      * @serialField script      String
2294      *      script subtag in title case
2295      *      (See <a href="java.base/java/util/Locale.html#getScript()">getScript()</a>)
2296      * @serialField extensions  String
2297      *      canonical representation of extensions, that is,
2298      *      BCP47 extensions in alphabetical order followed by
2299      *      BCP47 private use subtags, all in lower case letters
2300      *      separated by HYPHEN-MINUS characters.
2301      *      (See <a href="java.base/java/util/Locale.html#getExtensionKeys()">getExtensionKeys()</a>,
2302      *      <a href="java.base/java/util/Locale.html#getExtension(char)">getExtension(char)</a>)
2303      */

2304     private static final ObjectStreamField[] serialPersistentFields = {
2305         new ObjectStreamField("language", String.class),
2306         new ObjectStreamField("country", String.class),
2307         new ObjectStreamField("variant", String.class),
2308         new ObjectStreamField("hashcode", int.class),
2309         new ObjectStreamField("script", String.class),
2310         new ObjectStreamField("extensions", String.class),
2311     };
2313     /**
2314      * Serializes this <code>Locale</code> to the specified <code>ObjectOutputStream</code>.
2315      * @param out the <code>ObjectOutputStream</code> to write
2316      * @throws IOException
2317      * @since 1.7
2318      */

2319     private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException {
2320         ObjectOutputStream.PutField fields = out.putFields();
2321         fields.put("language", baseLocale.getLanguage());
2322         fields.put("script", baseLocale.getScript());
2323         fields.put("country", baseLocale.getRegion());
2324         fields.put("variant", baseLocale.getVariant());
2325         fields.put("extensions", localeExtensions == null ? "" : localeExtensions.getID());
2326         fields.put("hashcode", -1); // place holder just for backward support
2327         out.writeFields();
2328     }
2330     /**
2331      * Deserializes this <code>Locale</code>.
2332      * @param in the <code>ObjectInputStream</code> to read
2333      * @throws IOException
2334      * @throws ClassNotFoundException
2335      * @throws IllformedLocaleException
2336      * @since 1.7
2337      */

2338     private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
2339         ObjectInputStream.GetField fields = in.readFields();
2340         String language = (String)fields.get("language", "");
2341         String script = (String)fields.get("script", "");
2342         String country = (String)fields.get("country", "");
2343         String variant = (String)fields.get("variant", "");
2344         String extStr = (String)fields.get("extensions", "");
2346         baseLocale = BaseLocale.getInstance(convertOldISOCodes(language), script, country, variant);
2347         if (!extStr.isEmpty()) {
2348             try {
2349                 InternalLocaleBuilder bldr = new InternalLocaleBuilder();
2350                 bldr.setExtensions(extStr);
2351                 localeExtensions = bldr.getLocaleExtensions();
2352             } catch (LocaleSyntaxException e) {
2353                 throw new IllformedLocaleException(e.getMessage());
2354             }
2355         } else {
2356             localeExtensions = null;
2357         }
2358     }
2360     /**
2361      * Returns a cached <code>Locale</code> instance equivalent to
2362      * the deserialized <code>Locale</code>. When serialized
2363      * language, country and variant fields read from the object data stream
2364      * are exactly "ja", "JP", "JP" or "th", "TH", "TH" and script/extensions
2365      * fields are empty, this method supplies <code>UNICODE_LOCALE_EXTENSION</code>
2366      * "ca"/"japanese" (calendar type is "japanese") or "nu"/"thai" (number script
2367      * type is "thai"). See <a href="Locale.html#special_cases_constructor">Special Cases</a>
2368      * for more information.
2369      *
2370      * @return an instance of <code>Locale</code> equivalent to
2371      * the deserialized <code>Locale</code>.
2372      * @throws java.io.ObjectStreamException
2373      */

2374     private Object readResolve() throws java.io.ObjectStreamException {
2375         return getInstance(baseLocale.getLanguage(), baseLocale.getScript(),
2376                 baseLocale.getRegion(), baseLocale.getVariant(), localeExtensions);
2377     }
2379     private static volatile String[] isoLanguages;
2381     private static volatile String[] isoCountries;
2383     private static String convertOldISOCodes(String language) {
2384         // we accept both the old and the new ISO codes for the languages whose ISO
2385         // codes have changed, but we always store the OLD code, for backward compatibility
2386         language = LocaleUtils.toLowerString(language).intern();
2387         if (language == "he") {
2388             return "iw";
2389         } else if (language == "yi") {
2390             return "ji";
2391         } else if (language == "id") {
2392             return "in";
2393         } else {

 616     /**
 617      * The key for the private use extension ('x').
 618      *
 619      * @see #getExtension(char)
 620      * @see Builder#setExtension(char, String)
 621      * @since 1.7
 622      */
 623     public static final char PRIVATE_USE_EXTENSION = 'x';
 625     /**
 626      * The key for Unicode locale extension ('u').
 627      *
 628      * @see #getExtension(char)
 629      * @see Builder#setExtension(char, String)
 630      * @since 1.7
 631      */
 632     public static final char UNICODE_LOCALE_EXTENSION = 'u';
 634     /** serialization ID
 635      */
 636     @java.io.Serial
 637     static final long serialVersionUID = 9149081749638150636L;
 639     /**
 640      * Enum for specifying the type defined in ISO 3166. This enum is used to
 641      * retrieve the two-letter ISO3166-1 alpha-2, three-letter ISO3166-1
 642      * alpha-3, four-letter ISO3166-3 country codes.
 643      *
 644      * @see #getISOCountries(Locale.IsoCountryCode)
 645      * @since 9
 646      */
 647     public static enum IsoCountryCode {
 648         /**
 649          * PART1_ALPHA2 is used to represent the ISO3166-1 alpha-2 two letter
 650          * country codes.
 651          */
 652         PART1_ALPHA2 {
 653             @Override
 654             Set<String> createCountryCodeSet() {
 655                 return Set.of(Locale.getISOCountries());
 656             }

2285      *      (See <a href="java.base/java/util/Locale.html#getLanguage()">getLanguage()</a>)
2286      * @serialField country     String
2287      *      country subtag in upper case.
2288      *      (See <a href="java.base/java/util/Locale.html#getCountry()">getCountry()</a>)
2289      * @serialField variant     String
2290      *      variant subtags separated by LOWLINE characters.
2291      *      (See <a href="java.base/java/util/Locale.html#getVariant()">getVariant()</a>)
2292      * @serialField hashcode    int
2293      *      deprecated, for forward compatibility only
2294      * @serialField script      String
2295      *      script subtag in title case
2296      *      (See <a href="java.base/java/util/Locale.html#getScript()">getScript()</a>)
2297      * @serialField extensions  String
2298      *      canonical representation of extensions, that is,
2299      *      BCP47 extensions in alphabetical order followed by
2300      *      BCP47 private use subtags, all in lower case letters
2301      *      separated by HYPHEN-MINUS characters.
2302      *      (See <a href="java.base/java/util/Locale.html#getExtensionKeys()">getExtensionKeys()</a>,
2303      *      <a href="java.base/java/util/Locale.html#getExtension(char)">getExtension(char)</a>)
2304      */
2305     @java.io.Serial
2306     private static final ObjectStreamField[] serialPersistentFields = {
2307         new ObjectStreamField("language", String.class),
2308         new ObjectStreamField("country", String.class),
2309         new ObjectStreamField("variant", String.class),
2310         new ObjectStreamField("hashcode", int.class),
2311         new ObjectStreamField("script", String.class),
2312         new ObjectStreamField("extensions", String.class),
2313     };
2315     /**
2316      * Serializes this <code>Locale</code> to the specified <code>ObjectOutputStream</code>.
2317      * @param out the <code>ObjectOutputStream</code> to write
2318      * @throws IOException
2319      * @since 1.7
2320      */
2321     @java.io.Serial
2322     private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException {
2323         ObjectOutputStream.PutField fields = out.putFields();
2324         fields.put("language", baseLocale.getLanguage());
2325         fields.put("script", baseLocale.getScript());
2326         fields.put("country", baseLocale.getRegion());
2327         fields.put("variant", baseLocale.getVariant());
2328         fields.put("extensions", localeExtensions == null ? "" : localeExtensions.getID());
2329         fields.put("hashcode", -1); // place holder just for backward support
2330         out.writeFields();
2331     }
2333     /**
2334      * Deserializes this <code>Locale</code>.
2335      * @param in the <code>ObjectInputStream</code> to read
2336      * @throws IOException
2337      * @throws ClassNotFoundException
2338      * @throws IllformedLocaleException
2339      * @since 1.7
2340      */
2341     @java.io.Serial
2342     private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
2343         ObjectInputStream.GetField fields = in.readFields();
2344         String language = (String)fields.get("language", "");
2345         String script = (String)fields.get("script", "");
2346         String country = (String)fields.get("country", "");
2347         String variant = (String)fields.get("variant", "");
2348         String extStr = (String)fields.get("extensions", "");
2350         baseLocale = BaseLocale.getInstance(convertOldISOCodes(language), script, country, variant);
2351         if (!extStr.isEmpty()) {
2352             try {
2353                 InternalLocaleBuilder bldr = new InternalLocaleBuilder();
2354                 bldr.setExtensions(extStr);
2355                 localeExtensions = bldr.getLocaleExtensions();
2356             } catch (LocaleSyntaxException e) {
2357                 throw new IllformedLocaleException(e.getMessage());
2358             }
2359         } else {
2360             localeExtensions = null;
2361         }
2362     }
2364     /**
2365      * Returns a cached <code>Locale</code> instance equivalent to
2366      * the deserialized <code>Locale</code>. When serialized
2367      * language, country and variant fields read from the object data stream
2368      * are exactly "ja", "JP", "JP" or "th", "TH", "TH" and script/extensions
2369      * fields are empty, this method supplies <code>UNICODE_LOCALE_EXTENSION</code>
2370      * "ca"/"japanese" (calendar type is "japanese") or "nu"/"thai" (number script
2371      * type is "thai"). See <a href="Locale.html#special_cases_constructor">Special Cases</a>
2372      * for more information.
2373      *
2374      * @return an instance of <code>Locale</code> equivalent to
2375      * the deserialized <code>Locale</code>.
2376      * @throws java.io.ObjectStreamException
2377      */
2378     @java.io.Serial
2379     private Object readResolve() throws java.io.ObjectStreamException {
2380         return getInstance(baseLocale.getLanguage(), baseLocale.getScript(),
2381                 baseLocale.getRegion(), baseLocale.getVariant(), localeExtensions);
2382     }
2384     private static volatile String[] isoLanguages;
2386     private static volatile String[] isoCountries;
2388     private static String convertOldISOCodes(String language) {
2389         // we accept both the old and the new ISO codes for the languages whose ISO
2390         // codes have changed, but we always store the OLD code, for backward compatibility
2391         language = LocaleUtils.toLowerString(language).intern();
2392         if (language == "he") {
2393             return "iw";
2394         } else if (language == "yi") {
2395             return "ji";
2396         } else if (language == "id") {
2397             return "in";
2398         } else {

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