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*** 176,195 **** --- 176,197 ---- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Internal state. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + @java.io.Serial private static final ObjectStreamField[] serialPersistentFields = { new ObjectStreamField( "exception", Exception.class ) }; /** * Writes "exception" field to the stream. * * @param out stream used for serialization. * @throws IOException thrown by <code>ObjectOutputStream</code> */ + @java.io.Serial private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException { ObjectOutputStream.PutField fields = out.putFields(); fields.put("exception", getExceptionInternal()); out.writeFields();
*** 202,211 **** --- 204,214 ---- * * @param in stream used for deserialization * @throws IOException thrown by <code>ObjectInputStream</code> * @throws ClassNotFoundException thrown by <code>ObjectInputStream</code> */ + @java.io.Serial private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { ObjectInputStream.GetField fields = in.readFields(); Exception exception = (Exception) fields.get("exception", null); Throwable superCause = super.getCause();
*** 231,239 **** --- 234,243 ---- return null; } } // Added serialVersionUID to preserve binary compatibility + @java.io.Serial static final long serialVersionUID = 583241635256073760L; } // end of SAXException.java
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