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3818     /** Check that an auxiliary class is not accessed from any other file than its own.
3819      */
3820     void checkForBadAuxiliaryClassAccess(DiagnosticPosition pos, Env<AttrContext> env, ClassSymbol c) {
3821         if (lint.isEnabled(Lint.LintCategory.AUXILIARYCLASS) &&
3822             (c.flags() & AUXILIARY) != 0 &&
3823             rs.isAccessible(env, c) &&
3824             !fileManager.isSameFile(c.sourcefile, env.toplevel.sourcefile))
3825         {
3826             log.warning(pos,
3827                         Warnings.AuxiliaryClassAccessedFromOutsideOfItsSourceFile(c, c.sourcefile));
3828         }
3829     }
3831     /**
3832      * Check for a default constructor in an exported package.
3833      */
3834     void checkDefaultConstructor(ClassSymbol c, DiagnosticPosition pos) {
3835         if (lint.isEnabled(LintCategory.MISSING_EXPLICIT_CTOR) &&
3836             ((c.flags() & (ENUM | RECORD)) == 0) &&
3837             !c.isAnonymous() &&
3838             ((c.flags() & PUBLIC) != 0) &&
3839             Feature.MODULES.allowedInSource(source)) {
3840             NestingKind nestingKind = c.getNestingKind();
3841             switch (nestingKind) {
3842                 case ANONYMOUS,
3843                      LOCAL -> {return;}
3844                 case TOP_LEVEL -> {;} // No additional checks needed
3845                 case MEMBER -> {
3846                     // For nested member classes, all the enclosing
3847                     // classes must be public.
3848                     Symbol owner = c.owner;
3849                     while (owner != null && owner.kind == TYP) {
3850                         if ((owner.flags() & PUBLIC) == 0)
3851                             return;
3852                         owner = owner.owner;
3853                     }
3854                 }
3855             }
3857             // Only check classes in named packages exported by its module
3858             PackageSymbol pkg = c.packge();
3859             if (!pkg.isUnnamed()) {
3860                 ModuleSymbol modle = pkg.modle;
3861                 for (ExportsDirective exportDir : modle.exports) {
3862                     // Report warning only if the containing
3863                     // package is unconditionally exported
3864                     if (exportDir.packge.equals(pkg)) {
3865                         if (exportDir.modules == null || exportDir.modules.isEmpty()) {
3866                             // Warning may be suppressed by
3867                             // annotations; check again for being
3868                             // enabled in the deferred context.
3869                             deferredLintHandler.report(() -> {
3870                                 if (lint.isEnabled(LintCategory.MISSING_EXPLICIT_CTOR))

3818     /** Check that an auxiliary class is not accessed from any other file than its own.
3819      */
3820     void checkForBadAuxiliaryClassAccess(DiagnosticPosition pos, Env<AttrContext> env, ClassSymbol c) {
3821         if (lint.isEnabled(Lint.LintCategory.AUXILIARYCLASS) &&
3822             (c.flags() & AUXILIARY) != 0 &&
3823             rs.isAccessible(env, c) &&
3824             !fileManager.isSameFile(c.sourcefile, env.toplevel.sourcefile))
3825         {
3826             log.warning(pos,
3827                         Warnings.AuxiliaryClassAccessedFromOutsideOfItsSourceFile(c, c.sourcefile));
3828         }
3829     }
3831     /**
3832      * Check for a default constructor in an exported package.
3833      */
3834     void checkDefaultConstructor(ClassSymbol c, DiagnosticPosition pos) {
3835         if (lint.isEnabled(LintCategory.MISSING_EXPLICIT_CTOR) &&
3836             ((c.flags() & (ENUM | RECORD)) == 0) &&
3837             !c.isAnonymous() &&
3838             ((c.flags() & (PUBLIC | PROTECTED)) != 0) &&
3839             Feature.MODULES.allowedInSource(source)) {
3840             NestingKind nestingKind = c.getNestingKind();
3841             switch (nestingKind) {
3842                 case ANONYMOUS,
3843                      LOCAL -> {return;}
3844                 case TOP_LEVEL -> {;} // No additional checks needed
3845                 case MEMBER -> {
3846                     // For nested member classes, all the enclosing
3847                     // classes must be public or protected.
3848                     Symbol owner = c.owner;
3849                     while (owner != null && owner.kind == TYP) {
3850                         if ((owner.flags() & (PUBLIC | PROTECTED)) == 0)
3851                             return;
3852                         owner = owner.owner;
3853                     }
3854                 }
3855             }
3857             // Only check classes in named packages exported by its module
3858             PackageSymbol pkg = c.packge();
3859             if (!pkg.isUnnamed()) {
3860                 ModuleSymbol modle = pkg.modle;
3861                 for (ExportsDirective exportDir : modle.exports) {
3862                     // Report warning only if the containing
3863                     // package is unconditionally exported
3864                     if (exportDir.packge.equals(pkg)) {
3865                         if (exportDir.modules == null || exportDir.modules.isEmpty()) {
3866                             // Warning may be suppressed by
3867                             // annotations; check again for being
3868                             // enabled in the deferred context.
3869                             deferredLintHandler.report(() -> {
3870                                 if (lint.isEnabled(LintCategory.MISSING_EXPLICIT_CTOR))

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