/* * $Id$ * * Copyright (c) 2002, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package com.sun.javatest; import java.io.*; import java.net.URL; import java.net.URLClassLoader; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import com.sun.interview.Interview; import com.sun.interview.Question; import com.sun.interview.WizPrint; import com.sun.javatest.util.BackupPolicy; import com.sun.javatest.util.I18NResourceBundle; /** * This class provides a utility for command-line editing of configuration (.jti) files. * It is intended to be invoked from the command line, as in:
 * java com.sun.javatest.EditJIT options...
* For details of the options, use the -help option. */ public class EditJTI { /** * This exception is used to indicate a problem with the command line arguments. */ public static class BadArgs extends Exception { /** * Create a BadArgs exception. * @param i18n A resource bundle in which to find the detail message. * @param s The key for the detail message. */ BadArgs(ResourceBundle i18n, String s) { super(i18n.getString(s)); } /** * Create a BadArgs exception. * @param i18n A resource bundle in which to find the detail message. * @param s The key for the detail message. * @param o An argument to be formatted with the detail message by * {@link java.text.MessageFormat#format} */ BadArgs(ResourceBundle i18n, String s, Object o) { super(MessageFormat.format(i18n.getString(s), new Object[] {o})); } /** * Create a BadArgs exception. * @param i18n A resource bundle in which to find the detail message. * @param s The key for the detail message. * @param o An array of arguments to be formatted with the detail message by * {@link java.text.MessageFormat#format} */ BadArgs(ResourceBundle i18n, String s, Object[] o) { super(MessageFormat.format(i18n.getString(s), o)); } } /** * This exception is used to report problems that arise when using this API. */ public static class Fault extends Exception { Fault(I18NResourceBundle i18n, String s) { super(i18n.getString(s)); } Fault(I18NResourceBundle i18n, String s, Object o) { super(i18n.getString(s, o)); } Fault(I18NResourceBundle i18n, String s, Object[] o) { super(i18n.getString(s, o)); } } /** * Command line entry point. Run with -help to get * brief command line help. Warning: this method uses System.exit * and so does not return if called directly. * @param args Comamnd line arguments. */ public static void main(String[] args) { try { EditJTI e = new EditJTI(); boolean ok = e.run(args); System.exit(ok ? 0 : 1); } catch (BadArgs e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); usage(System.err); System.exit(2); } catch (Fault e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); System.exit(3); } } /** * Print out brief command line help. * @param out the stream to which to write the command line help. */ public static void usage(PrintStream out) { String prog = System.getProperty("program", "java " + EditJTI.class.getName()); out.println(i18n.getString("editJTI.usage.title")); out.print(" "); out.print(prog); out.println(i18n.getString("editJTI.usage.summary")); out.println(i18n.getString("editJTI.usage.options")); out.println(i18n.getString("editJTI.usage.help1")); out.println(i18n.getString("editJTI.usage.help2")); out.println(i18n.getString("editJTI.usage.help3")); out.println(i18n.getString("editJTI.usage.classpath1")); out.println(i18n.getString("editJTI.usage.classpath2")); out.println(i18n.getString("editJTI.usage.log1")); out.println(i18n.getString("editJTI.usage.log2")); out.println(i18n.getString("editJTI.usage.outfile1")); out.println(i18n.getString("editJTI.usage.outfile2")); out.println(i18n.getString("editJTI.usage.path1")); out.println(i18n.getString("editJTI.usage.path2")); out.println(i18n.getString("editJTI.usage.preview1")); out.println(i18n.getString("editJTI.usage.preview2")); out.println(i18n.getString("editJTI.usage.ts1")); out.println(i18n.getString("editJTI.usage.ts2")); out.println(i18n.getString("editJTI.usage.verbose1")); out.println(i18n.getString("editJTI.usage.verbose2")); out.println(""); out.println(i18n.getString("editJTI.usage.edit")); out.println(i18n.getString("editJTI.usage.set")); out.println(i18n.getString("editJTI.usage.search")); out.println(""); } /** * Run the utility, without exiting. Any messages are written to * the standard output stream. * @param args command line args * @return true if the resulting configuration is valid (complete), * and false otherwise. * @throws EditJTI.BadArgs if there is an error analysing the args * @throws EditJTI.Fault if there is an error executing the args */ public boolean run(String[] args) throws BadArgs, Fault { PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(System.out); try { return run(args, out); } finally { out.flush(); } } /** * Run the utility, without exiting, writing any messages to a specified stream. * @param args command line args * @param out the stream to which to write any messages * @return true if the resulting configuration is valid (complete), * and false otherwise. * @throws EditJTI.BadArgs if there is an error analysing the args * @throws EditJTI.Fault if there is an error executing the args */ public boolean run(String[] args, PrintWriter out) throws BadArgs, Fault { File inFile = null; File outFile = null; File logFile = null; File classPath = null; File testSuitePath = null; File workDirPath = null; String[] editCmds = null; boolean helpFlag = false; boolean previewFlag = false; boolean showPathFlag = false; boolean verboseFlag = false; for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { if ((args[i].equals("-o") || args[i].equals("-out")) && i + 1 < args.length) { checkUnset(outFile, args[i]); outFile = new File(args[++i]); } else if ((args[i].equals("-i") || args[i].equals("-in")) && i + 1 < args.length) { checkUnset(inFile, args[i]); inFile = new File(args[++i]); } else if ((args[i].equals("-l") || args[i].equals("-log")) && i + 1 < args.length) { checkUnset(logFile, args[i]); logFile = new File(args[++i]); } else if (args[i].equals("-n") || args[i].equals("-preview")) previewFlag = true; else if (args[i].equals("-p") || args[i].equals("-path")) showPathFlag = true; else if (args[i].equals("-v") || args[i].equals("-verbose") ) verboseFlag = true; else if ((args[i].equals("-cp") || args[i].equals("-classpath")) && i + 1 < args.length) { checkUnset(classPath, args[i]); classPath = new File(args[++i]); } else if ((args[i].equals("-ts") || args[i].equals("-testsuite")) && i + 1 < args.length) { checkUnset(testSuitePath, args[i]); testSuitePath = new File(args[++i]); } else if ((args[i].equals("-wd") || args[i].equals("-workdir")) && i + 1 < args.length) { checkUnset(testSuitePath, args[i]); workDirPath = new File(args[++i]); } else if (args[i].equals("-help") || args[i].equals("-usage") || args[i].equals("/?") ) helpFlag = true; else if (args[i].startsWith("-")) throw new BadArgs(i18n, "editJTI.badOption", args[i]); else if (i <= args.length - 1) { if (inFile == null) { editCmds = new String[args.length - 1 - i]; System.arraycopy(args, i, editCmds, 0, editCmds.length); inFile = new File(args[args.length - 1]); } else { editCmds = new String[args.length - i]; System.arraycopy(args, i, editCmds, 0, editCmds.length); } i = args.length - 1; } else throw new BadArgs(i18n, "editJTI.badOption", args[i]); } if (args.length == 0 || helpFlag) { usage(System.out); if (inFile == null) return true; } if (classPath != null && testSuitePath != null) throw new BadArgs(i18n, "editJTI.cantHaveClassPathAndTestSuite"); if (inFile == null) throw new BadArgs(i18n, "editJTI.noInterview"); // if (editCmds.length == 0 && outFile == null && logFile == null && !showPathFlag) // throw new BadArgs(...no.actions....); verbose = verboseFlag; this.out = out; try { /* the following looks nice and simple, but breaks compatibility with 3.1.4, because InterviewParameters.open will try and open the wd in the .jti file if not given explicitly -- and previously, this was not required/done. So, only use the simple code if wd is set, and use the old 3.1.4 code if wd is not set. */ /* See comment above if (workDirPath != null || testSuitePath != null) { interview = InterviewParameters.open(testSuitePath, workDirPath, inFile); } */ if (workDirPath != null) interview = InterviewParameters.open(testSuitePath, workDirPath, inFile); else if (testSuitePath != null) { // only open the test suite, not the work dir TestSuite ts; try { ts = TestSuite.open(testSuitePath); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new Fault(i18n, "editJTI.cantFindTestSuite", testSuitePath); } catch (TestSuite.NotTestSuiteFault e) { throw new Fault(i18n, "editJTI.notATestSuite", testSuitePath); } catch (TestSuite.Fault e) { throw new Fault(i18n, "editJTI.cantOpenTestSuite", new Object[] { testSuitePath, e }); } load(inFile, ts); } // End of patches for 3.1.4 compatibility else if (classPath != null) { URLClassLoader loader = new URLClassLoader(new URL[] { classPath.toURL() }); load(inFile, loader); } else load(inFile); } catch (Interview.Fault e) { throw new Fault(i18n, "editJTI.cantOpenFile", new Object[] { inFile.getPath(), e.getMessage() }); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new Fault(i18n, "editJTI.cantFindFile", inFile.getPath()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new Fault(i18n, "editJTI.cantOpenFile", new Object[] { inFile.getPath(), e }); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { // only occurs if keywords are being used in the config, and the // test suite is not available. user needs to specify -wd or -ts if (verbose) e.printStackTrace(); throw new Fault(i18n, "editJTI.badState", e.getMessage()); } if (NUM_BACKUPS > 0) interview.setBackupPolicy(BackupPolicy.simpleBackups(NUM_BACKUPS)); if (editCmds != null) edit(editCmds); if (showPathFlag) showPath(); try { if (logFile != null) { if (previewFlag) { String msg = i18n.getString("editJTI.wouldWriteLog", logFile); out.println(msg); } else writeLog(logFile); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new Fault(i18n, "editJTI.cantWriteLog", new Object[] { logFile.getPath(), e }); } try { if (previewFlag) { String msg; if (interview.isEdited()) msg = i18n.getString("editJTI.wouldSaveEdited", (outFile != null ? outFile : inFile)); else if (outFile != null) msg = i18n.getString("editJTI.wouldSaveNotEdited", outFile); else msg = i18n.getString("editJTI.wouldNotSave"); out.println(msg); } else { if (outFile != null) save(outFile); else if (interview.isEdited()) save(inFile); } } catch (Interview.Fault e) { throw new Fault(i18n, "editJTI.cantOpenFile", new Object[] { (outFile == null || outFile.getPath() == null ? "??": outFile.getPath()), e }); } catch (IOException e) { File f = (outFile == null ? interview.getFile() : outFile); throw new Fault(i18n, "editJTI.cantSaveFile", new Object[] { f.getPath(), e }); } return (interview.isFinishable()); } /** * Load a configuration file to be edited. * @param inFile the file to be loaded * @throws IOException if there is a problem reading the file * @throws Interview.Fault if there is a problem loading the interview data from the file */ public void load(File inFile) throws IOException, Interview.Fault { // this opens the interview via the work directory and test suite; // the test suite implicitly knows its classpath via the .jtt file interview = InterviewParameters.open(inFile); interview.setEdited(false); } /** * Load a configuration file to be edited. * @param inFile the file to be loaded * @param ts the test suite for which the interview is to be loaded * @throws IOException if there is a problem reading the file * @throws Interview.Fault if there is a problem loading the interview data from the file * @throws EditJTI.Fault if there is a problem creating the interview for the testsuite */ public void load(File inFile, TestSuite ts) throws IOException, Interview.Fault, Fault { // this opens the interview via the work directory and test suite; // the test suite implicitly knows its classpath via the .jtt file try { interview = ts.createInterview(); } catch (TestSuite.Fault e) { throw new Fault(i18n, "editJTI.cantCreateInterviewForTestSuite", new Object[] { ts.getPath(), e.getMessage() }); } interview.load(inFile); interview.setEdited(false); } /** * Load a configuration file to be edited, using a specified class loader * to load the interview class. * @param inFile the file to be loaded * @param loader the class loader to be used to load the interview class * @throws IOException if there is a problem reading the file * @throws Interview.Fault if there is a problem loading the interview data from the file * @throws EditJTI.Fault if there is a problem creating the interview for the testsuite */ public void load(File inFile, URLClassLoader loader) throws IOException, Interview.Fault, Fault { InputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(inFile)); Properties p = new Properties(); p.load(in); in.close(); String interviewClassName = (String) (p.get("INTERVIEW")); try { Class interviewClass = (Class) loader.loadClass(interviewClassName); interview = interviewClass.newInstance(); } catch (ClassCastException e) { throw new Fault(i18n, "editJTI.invalidInterview", inFile); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new Fault(i18n, "editJTI.cantFindClass", new Object[] { interviewClassName, inFile }); } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw new Fault(i18n, "editJTI.cantInstantiateClass", new Object[] { interviewClassName, inFile }); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new Fault(i18n, "editJTI.cantAccessClass", new Object[] { interviewClassName, inFile }); } finally { try { if (in != null) in.close(); } catch (IOException e) {} } interview.load(inFile); interview.setEdited(false); } /** * Save the edited configuration in a specified file. * @param file The file in which to save the configuration * @throws IOException if there is a problem while writing the file * @throws Interview.Fault if there is a problem while saving the interview data */ public void save(File file) throws IOException, Interview.Fault { interview.save(file); } /** * Show the current question path for the configuration. */ public void showPath() { Question[] path = interview.getPath(); int indent = 0; for (int i = 0; i < path.length; i++) indent = Math.max(indent, path[i].getTag().length()); indent = Math.min(indent, MAX_INDENT); for (int i = 0; i < path.length; i++) { Question q = path[i]; String tag = q.getTag(); String value = q.getStringValue(); out.print(tag); int l = tag.length(); if (l > MAX_INDENT && value != null && value.length() > 0) { out.println(); l = 0; } for (int x = l; x < indent; x++) out.print(' '); out.print(' '); out.println(value == null ? "" : value); } } /** * Write a log of the questions that determine the current configuration. * @param logFile the file to which to write the log * @throws IOException if there is a problem while writing the log file */ public void writeLog(File logFile) throws IOException { WizPrint wp = new WizPrint(interview); wp.setShowResponses(true); wp.setShowResponseTypes(false); wp.setShowTags(true); BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(logFile), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); wp.write(out); } /** * Apply a series of edits to the current configuration. * @param cmds the editing commands to be applied * @throws EditJTI.Fault if there is a problem while applying the edit commands. * @see #edit(String) */ public void edit(String[] cmds) throws Fault { for (int i = 0; i < cmds.length; i++) { edit(cmds[i]); } } /** * Apply an edit to the current configuration. * @param cmd the editing command to be applied * Currently, two forms of command are supported:
tag-name=value *
Set the response to the question whose value is tag-name to value *
/search/replace/ *
For all questions on the current path, change instances of search to replace *
* @throws EditJTI.Fault if there is a problem while applying the edit commands. * @see #edit(String[]) */ public void edit(String cmd) throws Fault { if (cmd == null || cmd.length() == 0) return; int eqIndex = cmd.indexOf('='); if (Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(cmd.charAt(0)) && eqIndex > 0) setValue(cmd.substring(0, eqIndex), cmd.substring(eqIndex + 1)); else if (cmd.toLowerCase().startsWith("import:")) { importFile(new File(cmd.substring("import:".length()))); } else { int left = 0; // could support a command letter in front? char delim = cmd.charAt(left); int center = cmd.indexOf(delim, left + 1); if (center == -1) throw new Fault(i18n, "editJTI.badCmd", cmd); // could support trailing flags? int right = cmd.length() - 1; if (cmd.charAt(right) != delim) throw new Fault(i18n, "editJTI.badCmd", cmd); String searchText = cmd.substring(left + 1, center); String replaceText = cmd.substring(center + 1, right); if (searchText.length() == 0) throw new Fault(i18n, "editJTI.badCmd", cmd); setMatchingValues(searchText, replaceText); } } private void importFile(File file) throws Fault { InputStream in; try { in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new Fault(i18n, "editJTI.cantFindImport", file); } catch (IOException e) { throw new Fault(i18n, "editJTI.cantOpenImport", new Object[] { file, e }); } Properties p; try { p = new Properties(); p.load(in); in.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new Fault(i18n, "editJTI.cantReadImport", new Object[] { file, e }); } finally { try { if (in != null) in.close(); } catch (IOException e) {} } // for each question on the path, see if there is a corresponding // imported value Question[] path = interview.getPath(); for (int i = 0; i < path.length; i++) { Question q = path[i]; String v = p.getProperty(q.getTag()); if (v != null) { setValue(q, v); path = interview.getPath(); // update path in case tail has changed } } } private void setMatchingValues(String searchText, String replaceText) throws Fault { boolean found = false; Question[] path = interview.getPath(); for (int i = 0; i < path.length; i++) { Question q = path[i]; String currValue = q.getStringValue(); if (currValue == null) continue; // currently hardwired: considerCase: false; word match: false int pos = match(searchText, currValue, false, false); if (pos >= 0) { String newValue = currValue.substring(0, pos) + replaceText + currValue.substring(pos + searchText.length()); setValue(q, newValue); found = true; path = interview.getPath(); // update path in case tail has changed } } if (!found) throw new Fault(i18n, "editJTI.cantFindMatch", searchText); } private void setValue(String tag, String value) throws Fault { Question[] path = interview.getPath(); for (int i = 0; i < path.length; i++) { Question q = path[i]; if (q.getTag().equals(tag)) { setValue(q, value); return; } } throw new Fault(i18n, "editJTI.cantFindQuestion", tag); } private void setValue(Question q, String value) throws Fault { try { String oldValue = q.getStringValue(); q.setValue(value); if (verbose) out.println(i18n.getString("editJTI.update", new Object[] { q.getTag(), oldValue, q.getStringValue() })); } catch (Interview.Fault e) { throw new Fault(i18n, "editJTI.cantSetValue", new Object[] { q.getTag(), e.getMessage() } ); } } private static int match(String s1, String s2, boolean considerCase, boolean word) { int s1len = s1.length(); int s2len = s2.length(); for (int i = 0; i <= s2len - s1len; i++) { if (s1.regionMatches(!considerCase, 0, s2, i, s1len)) { if (!word || (word && ( (i == 0 || isBoundaryCh(s2.charAt(i-1))) && (i+s1len == s2.length() || isBoundaryCh(s2.charAt(i+s1len))) ))) return i; } } return -1; } private static boolean isBoundaryCh(char c) { return !(Character.isUnicodeIdentifierStart(c) || Character.isUnicodeIdentifierPart(c)); } private static void checkUnset(Object item, String option) throws BadArgs { if (item != null) throw new BadArgs(i18n, "editJTI.dupOption",option); } private InterviewParameters interview; private boolean verbose; private PrintWriter out; private static int MAX_INDENT = Integer.getInteger("EditJTI.maxIndent", 32).intValue(); private static int NUM_BACKUPS = Integer.getInteger("EditJTI.numBackups", 2).intValue(); private static I18NResourceBundle i18n = I18NResourceBundle.getBundleForClass(EditJTI.class); }