/* * $Id$ * * Copyright (c) 2001, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package com.sun.javatest.finder; import java.io.BufferedOutputStream; import java.io.DataOutputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.PrintStream; import java.util.*; import java.util.zip.ZipEntry; import java.util.zip.ZipOutputStream; import com.sun.javatest.TestDescription; import com.sun.javatest.TestFinder; /** * BinaryTestWriter creates the data file used by BinaryTestFinder. * It uses a test finder to find all the tests in a test suite and writes * them out in a compact compressed form. By default it uses the standard * tag test finder, and writes the output in a file called * testsuite.jtd in the root directory of the test suite. *
* Options: *
-finder finderClass finderArgs ... -end *
the test finder to be used to locate the tests; the default is the standard tag test finder *
-strictFinder *
Do not ignore errors from the source finder, exit with error code instead *
-o output-file *
specify the name of the output file; the default is testsuite.jtd in the root directory of the test suite. *
testsuite *
(Required.) The test suite root file. *
initial-files *
(Optional)Any initial starting points within the test suite: the default is the test suite root *
*/ public class BinaryTestWriter { /** * This exception is used to report bad command line arguments. */ public class BadArgs extends Exception { /** * Create a BadArgs exception. * @param msg A detail message about an error that has been found. */ BadArgs(String msg) { super(msg); } } /** * This exception is used to report problems that occur while running. */ public class Fault extends Exception { /** * Create a Fault exception. * @param msg A detail message about a fault that has occurred. */ Fault(String msg) { super(msg); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Standard program entry point. * @param args An array of strings, typically provided via the command line. * The arguments should be of the form:
* [options] testsuite [tests] * *
-finder finderClass finderArgs ... -end * The name of a test finder class and any arguments it might take. * The results of reading this test finder will be stored in the * output file. *
-o output-file * The output file in which to write the results. *
*/ public static void main(String[] args) { int result = 0; try { BinaryTestWriter m = new BinaryTestWriter(); result = m.run(args); } catch (BadArgs e) { System.err.println("Bad Arguments: " + e.getMessage()); usage(System.err); System.exit(1); } catch (Fault f) { System.err.println("Error: " + f.getMessage()); System.exit(2); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Error: " + e); System.exit(3); } System.exit(result); } /** * Print out command-line help. */ private static void usage(PrintStream out) { String prog = System.getProperty("program", "java " + BinaryTestWriter.class.getName()); out.println("Usage:"); out.println(" " + prog + " [options] test-suite [tests...]"); out.println("Options:"); out.println(" -finder finderClass finderArgs... -end"); out.println(" -o output-file"); out.println(" -strictFinder"); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Main work method. * Reads all the arguments on the command line, makes sure a valid * testFinder is available, and then calls methods to create the tree of tests * and then write the binary file. * @param args An array of strings, typically provided via the command line * @return The disposition of the run, i.e. zero for a problem-free execution, non-zero * if there was some sort of problem. * @throws BinaryTestWriter.BadArgs * if a problem is found in the arguments provided * @throws BinaryTestWriter.Fault * if a fault is found while running * @throws IOException * if a problem is found while trying to read a file * or write the output file * @see #main */ public int run(String[] args) throws BadArgs, Fault, IOException { File testSuite = null; String finder = "com.sun.javatest.finder.TagTestFinder"; String[] finderArgs = { }; File outFile = null; File[] tests = null; for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-finder") && (i + 1 < args.length)) { finder = args[++i]; int j = ++i; while ((i < args.length - 1) && !(args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-end"))) ++i; finderArgs = new String[i - j]; System.arraycopy(args, j, finderArgs, 0, finderArgs.length); } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-o") && (i + 1 < args.length)) { outFile = new File(args[++i]); } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-strictFinder")) { strictFinder = true; } else if (args[i].startsWith("-") ) { throw new BadArgs(args[i]); } else { testSuite = new File(args[i++]); if (i < args.length) { tests = new File[args.length - i]; for (int j = 0; j < tests.length; j++) tests[j] = new File(args[i + j]); } break; } } if (testSuite == null) throw new BadArgs("testsuite.html file not specified"); TestFinder testFinder = initializeTestFinder(finder, finderArgs, testSuite); if (tests == null) tests = new File[] { testFinder.getRoot() }; // equals testSuite, adjusted by finder as necessary .. e.g. for dirWalk, webWalk etc if (outFile == null) outFile = new File(testFinder.getRootDir(), "testsuite.jtd"); if (strictFinder) { testFinder.setErrorHandler(new TestFinder.ErrorHandler() { public void error(String msg) { numFinderErrors++; System.err.println("Finder reported error:\n" + msg); System.err.println(""); } } ); } StringTable stringTable = new StringTable(); TestTable testTable = new TestTable(stringTable); TestTree testTree = new TestTree(testTable); if (log != null) log.println("Reading tests..."); // read the tests into internal data structures read(testFinder, tests, testTree); if (testTree.getSize() == 0) throw new Fault("No tests found -- check arguments."); // write out the data structure into a zip file if (log != null) log.println("Writing " + outFile); try (FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(outFile); ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(fos))) { zos.setMethod(ZipOutputStream.DEFLATED); zos.setLevel(9); ZipEntry stringZipEntry = stringTable.write(zos); ZipEntry testTableZipEntry = testTable.write(zos); ZipEntry testTreeZipEntry = testTree.write(zos); // report statistics if (log != null) { log.println("strings: " + stringTable.getSize() + " entries, " + zipStats(stringZipEntry)); log.println("tests: " + testTable.getSize() + " tests, " + zipStats(testTableZipEntry)); log.println("tree: " + testTree.getSize() + " nodes, " + zipStats(testTreeZipEntry)); } if (strictFinder && numFinderErrors > 0) { System.err.println("*** Source finder reported " + numFinderErrors + " errors during execution. ***"); return 4; } else { return 0; } } } /** * Creates and initializes an instance of a test finder * * @param finder The class name of the required test finder * @param args any args to pass to the TestFinder's init method. * @param ts The testsuite root file * @return The newly created TestFinder. */ private TestFinder initializeTestFinder(String finder, String[] args, File ts) throws Fault { TestFinder testFinder; if (ts == null) throw new NullPointerException(); try { Class c = Class.forName(finder); testFinder = (TestFinder) (c.newInstance()); testFinder.init(args, ts, null); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new Fault("Error: Can't find class for test finder specified: " + finder); } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw new Fault("Error: Can't create new instance of test finder: " + e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new Fault("Error: Can't access test finder: " + e); } catch (TestFinder.Fault e) { throw new Fault("Error: Can't initialize test-finder: " + e.getMessage()); } return testFinder; } /** * Gets and returns the test suite file. Adds testsuite.html or * tests/testsuite.html to the end of the path if necessary. */ private File getTestSuiteFile(String file) throws Fault { File tsa = new File(file); if (tsa.isFile()) return tsa; else { File tsb = new File(tsa, "testsuite.html"); if (tsb.exists()) return tsb; else { File tsc = new File(tsa, "tests/testsuite.html"); if (tsc.exists()) return tsc; else throw new Fault("Bad input. " + file + " is not a JCK"); } } } /** * Create a string containing statistics about a zip file entry. */ private String zipStats(ZipEntry e) { long size = e.getSize(); long csize = e.getCompressedSize(); return size + " bytes (" + csize + " compressed, " + (csize * 100 / size) + "%)"; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Read all the tests from a test suite and store them in a test tree */ void read(TestFinder finder, File[] files, TestTree testTree) throws Fault { if (files.length < 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); File rootDir = finder.getRootDir(); Set allFiles = new HashSet<>(); TestTree.Node r = null; for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { File f = files[i]; if (!f.isAbsolute()) f = new File(rootDir, f.getPath()); TestTree.Node n = read0(finder, f, testTree, allFiles); if (n == null) continue; while (!f.equals(rootDir)) { f = f.getParentFile(); n = testTree.new Node(f.getName(), noTests, new TestTree.Node[] { n }); } r = (r == null ? n : r.merge(n)); } if (r == null) throw new Fault("No tests found"); testTree.setRoot(r); } /** * Read the tests from a file in test suite */ private TestTree.Node read0(TestFinder finder, File file, TestTree testTree, Set allFiles) { // keep track of which files we have read, and ignore duplicates if (allFiles.contains(file)) return null; else allFiles.add(file); finder.read(file); TestDescription[] tests = finder.getTests(); File[] files = finder.getFiles(); if (tests.length == 0 && files.length == 0) return null; Arrays.sort(files); Arrays.sort(tests, new Comparator() { public int compare(TestDescription td1, TestDescription td2) { return td1.getRootRelativeURL().compareTo(td2.getRootRelativeURL()); } }); Vector v = new Vector<>(); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { TestTree.Node n = read0(finder, files[i], testTree, allFiles); if (n != null) v.addElement(n); } TestTree.Node[] nodes = new TestTree.Node[v.size()]; v.copyInto(nodes); return testTree.new Node(file.getName(), tests, nodes); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Write an int to a data output stream using a variable length encoding. * The int is broken into groups of seven bits, and these are written out * in big-endian order. Leading zeroes are suppressed and all but the last * byte have the top bit set. * @see BinaryTestFinder#readInt */ private static void writeInt(DataOutputStream out, int v) throws IOException { if (v < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); boolean leadZero = true; for (int i = 28; i > 0; i -= 7) { int b = (v >> i) & 0x7f; leadZero = leadZero && (b == 0); if (!leadZero) out.writeByte(0x80 | b); } out.writeByte(v & 0x7f); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ private static final TestDescription[] noTests = { }; private PrintStream log = System.out; private boolean strictFinder = false; private int numFinderErrors = 0; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * StringTable is an array of strings. Other parts of the encoding can * choose to write strings as references (indexes) into the string table. * Strings in the table are use-counted so that only frequently used * strings are output. * @see BinaryTestFinder.StringTable */ static class StringTable { /** * Add a new string to the table; if it has already been added, * increase its use count. */ void add(String s) { Entry e = map.get(s); if (e == null) { e = new Entry(); map.put(s, e); } e.useCount++; } /** * Add all the strings used in a test description to the table. */ void add(TestDescription test) { for (Iterator i = test.getParameterKeys(); i.hasNext(); ) { String key = (i.next()); String param = test.getParameter(key); add(key); add(param); } } /** * Return the number of strings in the table. */ int getSize() { return map.size(); } /** * Return the number of sstrings that were written to the output file. * Not all strings are written out: only frequently used ones are. */ int getWrittenSize() { return writtenSize; } /** * Get the index of a string in the table. */ int getIndex(String s) { Entry e = map.get(s); if (e == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); return e.index; } /** * Write the contents of the table to an entry called "strings" * in a zip file. */ ZipEntry write(ZipOutputStream zos) throws IOException { ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry("strings"); zos.putNextEntry(entry); DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(zos)); write(dos); dos.flush(); zos.closeEntry(); return entry; } /** * Write the contents of the table to a stream */ void write(DataOutputStream o) throws IOException { Vector v = new Vector<>(map.size()); v.addElement(""); int nextIndex = 1; for (Iterator> iter = map.entrySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Map.Entry e = iter.next(); String key = e.getKey(); Entry entry = e.getValue(); if (entry.isFrequent()) { entry.index = nextIndex++; v.addElement(key); } } writeInt(o, v.size()); for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) o.writeUTF(v.elementAt(i)); writtenSize = nextIndex; } /** * Write a reference to a string to a stream. The string must have * previously been added into nthe string table, and the string table * written out. * If the string is a frequent one, a pointer to its position in the * previously written stream will be generated. If it is not a frequent * string, zero will be written, followed by the value of the string itself. */ void writeRef(String s, DataOutputStream o) throws IOException { Entry e = map.get(s); if (e == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); if (e.isFrequent()) writeInt(o, e.index); else { writeInt(o, 0); o.writeUTF(s); } } private Map map = new TreeMap<>(); private int writtenSize; /** * Data for each string in the string table. */ static class Entry { /** * How many times the string has been added to the string table. */ int useCount = 0; /** * The position of the string in the table when the table * was written. */ int index = 0; /** * Determine if the string is frequent enough in the table to * be written out. */ boolean isFrequent() { return (useCount > 1); } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * TestTable is a table of test descriptions, whose written form is * based on references into a string table. * @see BinaryTestFinder.TestTable */ static class TestTable { /** * Create a new TestTable. */ TestTable(StringTable stringTable) { this.stringTable = stringTable; } /** * Add a test description to the test table. The strings used by the * test description are automatically added to the testTable's stringTable. */ void add(TestDescription td) { tests.addElement(td); testMap.put(td, new Entry()); stringTable.add(td); } /** * Get the number of tests in this test table. */ int getSize() { return tests.size(); } /** * Get the index for a test description, based on its position when the * test table was written out. This index is the byte offset in the * written stream. */ int getIndex(TestDescription td) { Entry e = testMap.get(td); if (e == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); return e.index; } /** * Write the contents of the table to an entry called "tests" * in a zip file. */ ZipEntry write(ZipOutputStream zos) throws IOException { ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry("tests"); zos.putNextEntry(entry); DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(zos)); write(dos); dos.flush(); zos.closeEntry(); return entry; } /** * Write the contents of the table to a stream. The position of each test * description in the stream is recorded, so that a random acess stream * can randomly access the individual test descriptions. The table is * written as a count, followed by that many encoded test descriptions. * Each test description is written as a count followed by that many * name-value pairs of string references. */ void write(DataOutputStream o) throws IOException { writeInt(o, tests.size()); for (int i = 0; i < tests.size(); i++) { TestDescription td = tests.elementAt(i); Entry e = testMap.get(td); e.index = o.size(); write(td, o); } } /** * Write a single test description to a stream. It is written as a count, * followed by that many name-value pairs of string references. */ private void write(TestDescription td, DataOutputStream o) throws IOException { // should consider using load/save here writeInt(o, td.getParameterCount()); for (Iterator i = td.getParameterKeys(); i.hasNext(); ) { String key = (i.next()); String value = td.getParameter(key); stringTable.writeRef(key, o); stringTable.writeRef(value, o); } } private Map testMap = new HashMap<>(); private Vector tests = new Vector<>(); private StringTable stringTable; /** * Data for each test description in the table. */ class Entry { /** * The byte offset of the test description in the stream when * last written out. */ int index = -1; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * TestTree is a tree of tests, whose written form is based on * references into a TestTable. There is a very strong correspondence * between a node and the results of reading a file from a test finder, * which yields a set of test descriptions and a set of additional files * to be read. * @see BinaryTestFinder.TestTable */ static class TestTree { /** * Create an test tree. The root node of the tree should be set later. */ TestTree(TestTable testTable) { this.testTable = testTable; } /** * Set the root node of the tree. */ void setRoot(Node root) { this.root = root; } /** * Get the number of nodes in this tree. */ int getSize() { return (root == null ? 0 : root.getSize()); } /** * Write the contents of the tree to an entry called "tree" * in a zip file. */ ZipEntry write(ZipOutputStream zos) throws IOException { ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry("tree"); zos.putNextEntry(entry); DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(zos)); write(dos); dos.flush(); zos.closeEntry(); return entry; } /** * Write the contents of the tree to a stream. Each node of the tree * is written as 3 parts: *
  • the name of the node *
  • the number of test descriptions in this node, followed by that * many references into the test table. *
  • the number of child nodes, followed by that many nodes, written * recursively. *
*/ void write(DataOutputStream o) throws IOException { root.write(o); } private Node root; private TestTable testTable; /** * A node within the test tree. Each node has a name, a set of test * descriptions, and a set of child nodes. */ class Node { /** * Create a node. The individual test descriptions are added to * the tree's test table. */ Node(String name, TestDescription[] tests, Node[] children) { this.name = name; this.tests = tests; this.children = children; for (int i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) testTable.add(tests[i]); } /** * Get the number of nodes at this point in the tree: count one * for this node and add the size of all its children. */ int getSize() { int n = 1; if (children != null) { for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) n += children[i].getSize(); } return n; } /** * Merge the contents of this node with another to produce * a new node. * @param other The node to be merged with this one. * @return a new Node, containing the merge of this one * and the specified node. */ Node merge(Node other) { if (!other.name.equals(name)) throw new IllegalArgumentException(name + ":" + other.name); TreeMap mergedChildrenMap = new TreeMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { Node child = children[i]; mergedChildrenMap.put(child.name, child); } for (int i = 0; i < other.children.length; i++) { Node otherChild = other.children[i]; Node c = mergedChildrenMap.get(otherChild.name); mergedChildrenMap.put(otherChild.name, (c == null ? otherChild : otherChild.merge(c))); } Node[] mergedChildren = mergedChildrenMap.values().toArray(new Node[mergedChildrenMap.size()]); TestDescription[] mergedTests; if (tests.length + other.tests.length == 0) mergedTests = noTests; else { mergedTests = new TestDescription[tests.length + other.tests.length]; System.arraycopy(tests, 0, mergedTests, 0, tests.length); System.arraycopy(other.tests, 0, mergedTests, tests.length, other.tests.length); } return new Node(name, mergedTests, mergedChildren); } /** * Write the contents of a node to a stream. First the name * is written, then the number of test descriptions, followed * by that many references to the test table, then the number * of child nodes, followed by that many child nodes in place. */ void write(DataOutputStream o) throws IOException { o.writeUTF(name); writeInt(o, tests.length); for (int i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) writeInt(o, testTable.getIndex(tests[i])); writeInt(o, children.length); for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) children[i].write(o); } private String name; private TestDescription[] tests; private Node[] children; } } }