/* * $Id$ * * Copyright (c) 2001, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package com.sun.javatest.tool; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Container; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.GridBagConstraints; import java.awt.GridBagLayout; import java.awt.Image; import java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager; import java.awt.LayoutManager; import java.awt.Toolkit; import java.awt.Window; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.net.URL; import java.util.MissingResourceException; import javax.accessibility.Accessible; import javax.accessibility.AccessibleContext; import javax.swing.AbstractButton; import javax.swing.Action; import javax.swing.BorderFactory; import javax.swing.BoundedRangeModel; import javax.swing.Box; import javax.swing.ButtonGroup; import javax.swing.DefaultListCellRenderer; import javax.swing.Icon; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JCheckBox; import javax.swing.JCheckBoxMenuItem; import javax.swing.JComboBox; import javax.swing.JComponent; import javax.swing.JDialog; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JInternalFrame; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JList; import javax.swing.JMenu; import javax.swing.JMenuBar; import javax.swing.JMenuItem; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JPopupMenu; import javax.swing.JProgressBar; import javax.swing.JRadioButton; import javax.swing.JRadioButtonMenuItem; import javax.swing.JRootPane; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; import javax.swing.JSlider; import javax.swing.JSplitPane; //import javax.swing.JSpinner; import javax.swing.JTabbedPane; import javax.swing.JTable; import javax.swing.JTextArea; import javax.swing.JTextField; import javax.swing.JToolBar; import javax.swing.KeyStroke; import javax.swing.ListModel; //import javax.swing.SpinnerModel; import javax.swing.SwingConstants; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import javax.swing.border.Border; import javax.swing.border.TitledBorder; import javax.swing.table.TableModel; import com.sun.javatest.ProductInfo; import com.sun.javatest.tool.jthelp.ContextHelpManager; import com.sun.javatest.tool.jthelp.HelpBroker; import com.sun.javatest.util.I18NResourceBundle; import java.awt.Dialog; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import javax.swing.UIManager; import javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel; /** * A factory for GUI components, providing support for * internationalization, tool tips, context sensitive help, and on. * UIFactory objects use a resource bundle specific to the client * class to provide the internationalization support. */ public class UIFactory { public static enum Colors { /** * Color used for highlighting incorrect input fields */ INPUT_INVALID(local_i18n.getString("colorprefs.colors.input.invalid.defvalue")), /** * Color used for highlighting correct input fields */ INPUT_VALID(local_i18n.getString("colorprefs.colors.input.valid.defvalue")), /** * Default background color for input fields */ INPUT_DEFAULT(local_i18n.getString("colorprefs.colors.input.default.defvalue")), MENU_BACKGROUND(UIManager.getColor("Menu.background"), 255, false), SEPARATOR_FOREGROUND(UIManager.getColor("Separator.foreground"), 255, false), CONTROL_INFO(Color.RED, 255, false), CONTROL_SHADOW(Color.RED, 255, false), TEXT_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR(new JTextField().getSelectionColor(), 255, false), TEXT_COLOR(new JLabel().getForeground(), 255, false), TEXT_SELECTED_COLOR(new JTextField().getSelectedTextColor(), 255, false), WINDOW_BACKGROUND(UIManager.getColor("Panel.background"), 255, false), PRIMARY_CONTROL_HIGHLIGHT(Color.WHITE, 255, false), PRIMARY_CONTROL_INFO(Color.BLACK, 255, false), BUTTON_DISABLED_FOREGROUND(Color.WHITE, 255, false),//UIManager.getDefaults().getColor("Button.disabledForeground") // these three are used for icon drawing only PRIMARY_CONTROL_SHADOW(MetalLookAndFeel.getPrimaryControlShadow(), 255, false), PRIMARY_CONTROL(MetalLookAndFeel.getPrimaryControl(), 255, false), PRIMARY_CONTROL_DARK_SHADOW(MetalLookAndFeel.getPrimaryControlDarkShadow(), 255, false), BLACK(Color.BLACK, 255, false), TRANSPARENT(new Color(255, 255, 255, 0), false); private final String defaultColor; private Color color = null; private boolean configurable; Colors(Color defaultColor) { this(defaultColor, true); } Colors(Color defaultColor, int alpha) { this(new Color(defaultColor.getRed(), defaultColor.getGreen(), defaultColor.getBlue(), alpha), true); } Colors(Color defaultColor, int alpha, boolean configurable) { this(new Color(defaultColor.getRed(), defaultColor.getGreen(), defaultColor.getBlue(), alpha), configurable); } Colors(Color defaultColor, boolean configurable) { this.defaultColor = encodeARGB(defaultColor); this.configurable = configurable; } Colors(String defaultColor) { this.defaultColor = defaultColor; this.configurable = true; } public boolean isConfigurable() { return configurable; } /** * Getter for default String-encoded color value. Is used for Color.decode() and * should be formatted similarly * * @return Default String-encoded color value */ public String getDefaultValue() { return defaultColor; } /** * Getter for current color value. It is loaded from preferences if no color is set * previously. * * @return Current color value */ public Color getValue() { if(color == null) { color = readColorFromPreferences(); } return color; } /** * Setter for current color value. * * @return Old color value */ public Color setValue(Color c) { Color t = color; if (configurable) color = c; return t; } /** * Get color name used in preferences file. It is formed from enum name. * E.g. colors.input.invalid for INPUT_INVALID * * @return Color name used in preferences file */ public String getPreferencesName() { return "colors." + this.name().toLowerCase().replaceAll("_", "."); } /** * Read color value from preferences ignoring current color value that is * returned by getValue(); * * @return Color value from preferences file */ public Color readColorFromPreferences() { return decodeRGBA(Preferences.access().getPreference(this.getPreferencesName(), this.getDefaultValue())); } /** * Find Colors by color preferences name. * * @param prefsName Color preferences name (e.g. "colors.input.default") * @throws IllegalArgumentException in case there is no Colors with such * name * @return Colors associated with such preferences name */ public static Colors valueOfByPreferencesName(String prefsName) { return Colors.valueOf(prefsName.replaceFirst("colors.", "").toUpperCase().replaceAll("\\.", "_")); } /** * Get Color by colors preferences name. * * @param prefsName Color preferences name (e.g. "colors.input.default") * @return Color if Preferences contain this color. Returns default value if exists
* null otherwise */ public static Color getColorByPreferencesName(String prefsName) { Preferences prefs = Preferences.access(); try { Colors c = valueOfByPreferencesName(prefsName); // IllegalArgumentException if such Colors doesn't exist return c.getValue(); } catch(IllegalArgumentException e) { String color = prefs.getPreference(prefsName); // try to find color in preferences anyway return color == null ? null : decodeRGBA(color); } } /** * Get array with all colors names used in preferences * * @return Names array */ public static String[] getColorsNames() { Colors[] values = Colors.values(); String temp[] = new String[values.length]; for(int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { temp[i] = values[i].getPreferencesName(); } return temp; } public static Color decodeRGBA(String color) throws NumberFormatException { try { if (color.startsWith("0x") && color.length() == 10) { Long colorCode = Long.decode(color); int A = (int) (colorCode & 0xFF); colorCode >>= 8; int B = (int) (colorCode & 0xFF); colorCode >>= 8; int G = (int) (colorCode & 0xFF); colorCode >>= 8; int R = (int) (colorCode & 0xFF); colorCode >>= 8; return new Color(R, G, B, A); } else { return Color.decode(color); } } catch(Exception e) { return Color.red; } } public static String encodeARGB(Color color) { if(color == null) return ""; return String.format("0x%02x%02x%02x%02x", color.getRed(), color.getGreen(), color.getBlue(), color.getAlpha()); } } public static Font getBaseFont() { return baseFont; } /** * Get invalid input color (red by default) * @return Color of invalid input */ public static Color getInvalidInputColor() { return Colors.INPUT_INVALID.getValue(); } /** * Set invalid input color * @param newColor new invalid input color */ public static void setInvalidInputColor(Color newColor) { Colors.INPUT_INVALID.setValue(newColor); } /** * Get valid input color (green by default) * @return Color of valid input */ public static Color getValidInputColor() { return Colors.INPUT_VALID.getValue(); } /** * Set valid input color * @param newColor new valid input color */ public static void setValidInputColor(Color newColor) { Colors.INPUT_VALID.setValue(newColor); } /** * Get default input color (while by default) * @return Color of default input */ public static Color getDefaultInputColor() { return Colors.INPUT_DEFAULT.getValue(); } /** * Set default input color * @param newColor new default input color */ public static void setDefaultInputColor(Color newColor) { Colors.INPUT_DEFAULT.setValue(newColor); } /** * Set Color by preferences name * @param name Color's preferences name * @param c new Color to set */ public static void setColorByName(String name, Color c) { Colors.valueOfByPreferencesName(name).setValue(c); } /** * Set all colors to default values */ public static void setDefaultColors() { Preferences pref = Preferences.access(); Colors colors[] = Colors.values(); for(Colors c: colors) { pref.setPreference(c.getPreferencesName(), c.getDefaultValue()); } } /** * Add Preferences observer to color changes * @param observer */ public static void addColorChangeObserver(Preferences.Observer observer) { Preferences.access().addObserver(Colors.getColorsNames(), observer); } /** * Creates a color-choosing button with background color set by preferences color name * @param cs preferences color name. Used to set background color and is set as JButton.name * @param label JLabel for button * @param l ActionListener for button * @return color-choosing button */ public JButton createColorChooseButton(String cs, JLabel label, ActionListener l) { JButton b = new JButton(" "); Color c = Colors.getColorByPreferencesName(cs); b.setBackground(c); b.setSize(14, 14); b.setText(" "); b.setName(cs); if(l != null) b.addActionListener(l); if(label != null) label.setLabelFor(b); return b; } /** * Create a UIFactory object for a specific class. * The class is used to determine the resource bundle * for i18n strings; the bundle is named i18n.properties * in the same package as the specified class. * @param c the class used to determine the i18n properties * @param helpBroker the help broker to be used when creating help buttons */ public UIFactory(Class c, HelpBroker helpBroker) { this(c, null, helpBroker); } /** * Create a UIFactory object for a specific component. * The component's class is used to determine the resource bundle * for i18n strings; the bundle is named i18n.properties * in the same package as the specified class. * @param c the component used to determine the i18n properties * @param helpBroker the help broker to be used when creating help buttons */ public UIFactory(Component c, HelpBroker helpBroker) { this(c.getClass(), c, helpBroker); } /** * Create a UIFactory object for a specific class. * The class is used to determine the resource bundle * for i18n strings; the bundle is named i18n.properties * in the same package as the specified class. * @param c the class used to determine the i18n properties * @param p the parent component to be used for any dialogs that are created * @param helpBroker the help broker to be used when creating help buttons */ public UIFactory(Class c, Component p, HelpBroker helpBroker) { this.helpBroker = helpBroker; clientClass = c; parent = p; i18n = I18NResourceBundle.getBundleForClass(c); } /** * Set the parent component to be used for dialogs created by this factory. * This setting cannot be changed after it is set. * * @param p The parent component, should not be null. */ public void setDialogParent(Component p) { if (parent != null && parent != p) throw new IllegalStateException(); parent = p; } /** * Get the screen resolution, in dots per inch, as provided * by the default AWT toolkit. * @return the screen resolution, in dots per inch */ public int getDotsPerInch() { return DOTS_PER_INCH; } /** * Get the help broker associated with this factory. * @return the help broker associated with this factory */ public HelpBroker getHelpBroker() { return helpBroker; } /** * Get the resource bundle used to obtain the resources for the * components create by this factory. * @return the resource bundle used to obtain the resources for the * components create by this factory */ public I18NResourceBundle getI18NResourceBundle() { return i18n; } /** * Get a keycode from the resource bundle. * @param key the name of the resource to be returned * @return the first character of the string that was found */ public int getI18NMnemonic(String key) { String keyString = getI18NString(key); KeyStroke keyStroke = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(keyString); if (keyStroke != null) return keyStroke.getKeyCode(); else //System.err.println("WARNING: bad mnemonic keystroke for " + key + ": " + keyString); return 0; } /** * Get a color from the resource bundle. * @param key the base name of the resource to be returned * @return the color identified in the resource */ public Color getI18NColor(String key) { String value = i18n.getString(key + ".clr"); try { if (value != null) return Color.decode(value); } catch (Exception e) { // ignore } return Color.BLACK; } /** * Get a string from the resource bundle. * @param key the name of the resource to be returned * @return the string that was found */ public String getI18NString(String key) { return i18n.getString(key); } /** * Get a string from the resource bundle. * @param key the name of the resource to be returned * @param arg an argument to be formatted into the result using * {@link java.text.MessageFormat#format} * @return the formatted string */ public String getI18NString(String key, Object arg) { return i18n.getString(key, arg); } /** * Get a string from the resource bundle. * @param key the name of the resource to be returned * @param args an array of arguments to be formatted into the result using * {@link java.text.MessageFormat#format} * @return the formatted string */ public String getI18NString(String key, Object[] args) { return i18n.getString(key, args); } /** * Set the help ID for the context-sensitive help for a component. * @param comp the component for which to set the help ID * @param helpID the help ID identifying the context sensitive help for * the component */ public void setHelp(final Component comp, final String helpID) { if (helpID == null) throw new NullPointerException(); ContextHelpManager.setHelpIDString(comp, helpID); if (comp instanceof JDialog) { JDialog d = (JDialog) comp; ContextHelpManager.setHelpIDString(d.getRootPane(), helpID); Desktop.addHelpDebugListener(d); final JComponent rootPane = d.getRootPane(); KeyStroke keystroke = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_F1, 0, false); rootPane.registerKeyboardAction(new ActionListener(){ @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (helpBroker != null){ helpBroker.displayCurrentID(ContextHelpManager.getHelpIDString(rootPane)); } } }, keystroke, JComponent.WHEN_ANCESTOR_OF_FOCUSED_COMPONENT); } else{ if (comp instanceof JComponent){ KeyStroke keystroke = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_F1, 0, false); ((JComponent)comp).registerKeyboardAction(new ActionListener(){ @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (helpBroker != null){ helpBroker.displayCurrentID(ContextHelpManager.getHelpIDString(comp)); } } }, keystroke, JComponent.WHEN_ANCESTOR_OF_FOCUSED_COMPONENT); } } } /** * Set a tool tip for a component from a resource in the factory's resource * bundle.
* By convention, tool tip resources end in ".tip". Most * components created by this factory will already have a tool tip set, so * this method need not be called for them.
* Also, the component's accessible description text will automatically * be set to the supplied tooltip text.
* The resources used are: * *
uiKey.tip the tool tip for the component *
* @param c the component for which to set the tool tip * @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used */ public void setToolTip(JComponent c, String uiKey) { String text = getI18NString(uiKey + ".tip"); c.setToolTipText(text); // workaround - tooltip doesn't get copied from this component // see JComponent.AccessibleJComponent.getToolTipText() c.getAccessibleContext().setAccessibleDescription(text); } /** * Sets only the accessible description for the given context, using the * given key. * *
uiKey.desc accessible description *
* @param c the component to modify * @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used * @see #setAccessibleDescription(AccessibleContext,String) */ public void setAccessibleDescription(Component c, String uiKey) { setAccessibleDescription(c.getAccessibleContext(), uiKey); } /** * Sets only the accessible description for the given context, using the * given key. * *
uiKey.desc accessible description *
* @param c the context object to modify * @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used */ public void setAccessibleDescription(AccessibleContext c, String uiKey) { String text = getI18NString(uiKey + ".desc"); c.setAccessibleDescription(text); } /** * Sets only the accessible name for the given context, using the * given key. * @param c the component object to modify * @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used * @see #setAccessibleName(AccessibleContext,String) */ public void setAccessibleName(Component c, String uiKey) { setAccessibleName(c.getAccessibleContext(), uiKey); } /** * Sets only the accessible name for the given context, using the * given key. * *
uiKey.name accessible name *
* @param c the context object to modify * @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used */ public void setAccessibleName(AccessibleContext c, String uiKey) { String text = getI18NString(uiKey + ".name"); c.setAccessibleName(text); } /** * Sets the accessible name and description for the given * component. * @param c the component object to modify * @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used * @see #setAccessibleInfo(AccessibleContext,String) */ public void setAccessibleInfo(Component c, String uiKey) { setAccessibleInfo(c.getAccessibleContext(), uiKey); } /** * Sets the accessibility name and description for the given context * using the given key as the base. * The resources used are: * *
uiKey.name accessible name *
uiKey.desc accessible description text *
* @param c the context object to modify * @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used */ public void setAccessibleInfo(AccessibleContext c, String uiKey) { setAccessibleDescription(c, uiKey); setAccessibleName(c, uiKey); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // borders /** * Create a titled border, using a resource to specify the title.
* The resource used is: * *
uiKey.bdr the text for the title *
* @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used * @return the border that was created */ public Border createTitledBorder(String uiKey) { return BorderFactory.createTitledBorder(null, getI18NString(uiKey + ".bdr"), TitledBorder.LEADING, TitledBorder.DEFAULT_JUSTIFICATION, getBaseFont(), Colors.TEXT_COLOR.getValue()); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // white space /** * Create a horizontal filler that expands to fill the available space. * The name of the glue component will be set to uikey. No resource * strings are required at this time. * @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used * @return a filler component that expands to fill the available space */ public Component createHorizontalGlue(String uiKey) { Component c = Box.createHorizontalGlue(); c.setName(uiKey); c.setFocusable(false); return c; } /** * Create a filler that expands to fill the available space. * @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used * @return a filler component that expands to fill the available space */ public Component createGlue(String uiKey) { Component c = Box.createGlue(); c.setName(uiKey); c.setFocusable(false); return c; } /** * Create a horizontal filler of a given width. * @param width the desired width of the filler component * @return a filler component of a given width */ public Component createHorizontalStrut(int width) { Component c = Box.createHorizontalStrut(width); c.setFocusable(false); return c; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // buttons /** * Create a button, using resources to specify the name and the tool tip.
* The resources used are: * *
uiKey.btn the name for the button *
uiKey.tip the tool tip for the button *
* In addition, the name of the button and the action command * for the button is set to uiKey. * @param uiKey the base name of the resources to be used * @return the button that was created * @see #createHelpButton * @see #createIconButton */ public JButton createButton(String uiKey) { JButton b = new JButton(getI18NString(uiKey + ".btn")); b.setActionCommand(uiKey); b.setName(uiKey); setMnemonic(b, uiKey); setToolTip(b, uiKey); return b; } /** * Create a button based on the information in an Action. * @param a the Action for which to define the button * @return the button that was created */ public JButton createButton(Action a) { JButton b = new JButton(a); b.setName((String) (a.getValue(Action.NAME))); return b; } /** * Create a button containing an Icon. * @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used * @param icon the icon to appear in the button * @return the button that was created */ public JButton createButton(String uiKey, Icon icon) { JButton b = new JButton(icon); b.setName(uiKey); setMnemonic(b, uiKey); setToolTip(b, uiKey); return b; } /** * Create a button, using resources to specify the name and the tool tip, * and with a specified ActionListener.
* The resources used are: * *
uiKey.btn the name for the button *
uiKey.tip the tool tip for the button *
* In addition, the name of the button and the action command * for the button is set to uiKey. * @param uiKey the base name of the resources to be used * @param l the ActionListener to be add to the button * @return the button that was created */ public JButton createButton(String uiKey, ActionListener l) { JButton b = createButton(uiKey); b.addActionListener(l); return b; } /** * Create a button, using resources to specify the name and the tool tip, * and with a specified ActionListener and action command.
* The resources used are: * *
uiKey.btn the name for the button *
uiKey.tip the tool tip for the button *
* In addition, the name of the button is set to uiKey. * @param uiKey the base name of the resources to be used * @param l the ActionListener to be add to the button * @param cmd the action command to be set for the button * @return the button that was created */ public JButton createButton(String uiKey, ActionListener l, String cmd) { JButton b = createButton(uiKey); b.setActionCommand(cmd); b.addActionListener(l); return b; } /** * Constant to identify the cancellation option. */ public static final String CANCEL = "cancel"; /** * Special method to create a cancel button. Differs from a * standard button because it does not require a mnemonic, per * the Java Look and Feel standard. * @param uiKey key to use to get the tooltip with * @return the button that was created */ public JButton createCancelButton(String uiKey) { return createCancelButton(uiKey, closeListener); } /** * Special method to create a cancel button. Differs from a * standard button because it does not require a mnemonic, per * the Java Look and Feel standard. * @param uiKey key to use to get the tooltip with * @param l listener to attach to the created button * @return the button that was created */ public JButton createCancelButton(String uiKey, ActionListener l) { JButton b; I18NResourceBundle save_i18n = i18n; try { i18n = local_i18n; b = new JButton(getI18NString("uif.cancel.btn")); // no mnemonic for Cancel buttons } finally { i18n = save_i18n; } b.setActionCommand(CANCEL); b.addActionListener(l); b.setName(uiKey); setToolTip(b, uiKey); return b; } /** * Create a Close button, that will close the containing window when pressed, * using a resource to specify the information for the button.
* The resources used are: * *
uiKey.btn the name for the button *
uiKey.mne the mnemonic for the button *
uiKey.tip the tool tip for the button *
* In addition, the name of the button is set to uiKey. * @param uiKey the base name of the resources to be used * @return the button that was created * @see #createButton */ public JButton createCloseButton(String uiKey) { return createCloseButton(uiKey, true); } /** * Create a Close button, that will close the containing window when pressed, * using a resource to specify the information for the button.
* The resources used are: * *
uiKey.btn the name for the button *
uiKey.mne the mnemonic for the button, if required *
uiKey.tip the tool tip for the button *
* In addition, the name of the button is set to uiKey. * @param uiKey the base name of the resources to be used * @param needMnemonic a boolean indicating whether or not a mnemonic should be * set on the button. If the button is going to be the default button for a * dialog, it does not need a mnemonic. * @return the button that was created * @see #createButton */ public JButton createCloseButton(String uiKey, boolean needMnemonic) { JButton b = new JButton(getI18NString(uiKey + ".btn")); b.setName(uiKey); if (needMnemonic) setMnemonic(b, uiKey); setToolTip(b, uiKey); b.addActionListener(closeListener); return b; } /** * Create a Help button, that will display a specific help topic when pressed, * using a resource to specify the tool tip for the button.
* The resource used is: * *
uiKey.tip the tool tip for the button *
* In addition, the name of the button is set to uiKey. * @param uiKey the base name of the resources to be used * @param helpID the help ID for the help topic to be displayed when the * button is pressed * @return the button that was created * @see #createButton */ public JButton createHelpButton(String uiKey, final String helpID) { JButton hb = createButton(uiKey); hb.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (helpBroker != null) { helpBroker.displayCurrentID(helpID); } } }); return hb; } /** * Create a button containing an icon, using resources to specify the * icon image and the tool tip.
* The resources used are: * *
uiKey.icon the name of the resource for the icon image *
uiKey.tip the tool tip for the button *
* @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used * @return the button that was created */ public JButton createIconButton(String uiKey) { JButton b = createButton(uiKey, createIcon(uiKey)); b.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder()); return b; } /** * Create a button containing an icon, using resources to specify the * icon image and the tool tip.
* The resources used are: * *
uiKey.icon the name of the resource for the icon image *
uiKey.tip the tool tip for the button *
* @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used * @param l the action listener to attach to the new button * @return the button that was created */ public JButton createIconButton(String uiKey, ActionListener l) { JButton b = createButton(uiKey, createIcon(uiKey)); b.addActionListener(l); return b; } // note this uses local_i18n, not the client i18n private JButton createOptionButton(String uiKey) { I18NResourceBundle save_i18n = i18n; try { i18n = local_i18n; JButton b = createButton(uiKey, new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Component c = (Component) (e.getSource()); JOptionPane op = (JOptionPane) SwingUtilities.getAncestorOfClass(JOptionPane.class, c); op.setValue(c); // JOptionPane expects the value to be set to the selected button op.setVisible(false); } }); return b; } finally { i18n = save_i18n; } } /** * Create a radio button, using resources to specify the name and tool tip.
* The button is initially set to false. * The resources used are: * *
uiKey.rb the label for the button *
uiKey.tip the tool tip for the button *
uiKey.mne the mnemonic for the button *
* In addition, the name of the button is set to uiKey. * @param uiKey the base name of the resources to be used * @param group the group to which the check box will be added * @return the radio button that was created * @see #createButton * @see #createCheckBox */ public JRadioButton createRadioButton(String uiKey, ButtonGroup group) { String text = getI18NString(uiKey + ".rb"); JRadioButton btn = new JRadioButton(text, true); btn.setName(uiKey); btn.setSelected(false); // workaround Merlin bug setMnemonic(btn, uiKey); setToolTip(btn, uiKey); group.add(btn); return btn; } /** * Set the mnemonic a button. * The resources used are: * *
uiKey.mne The keystroke to use *
* @param b the button to modify * @param uiKey the base name of the resources to be used * @see javax.swing.KeyStroke */ public void setMnemonic(AbstractButton b, String uiKey) { // NOTE: Swing is misleading; it uses an integer value for the mnemonic // but according to SwingUtilities.findDisplayedMnemonicIndex it is always // the literal character for the mnemonic, and not anything fancy like // an integer keycode int mne = getI18NMnemonic(uiKey + ".mne"); if (mne != 0) b.setMnemonic(mne); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // check boxes /** * Create a check box, using resources to specify the name and the tool tip.
* The resources used are: * *
uiKey.ckb the name for the check box *
uiKey.tip the tool tip for the button *
uiKey.mne the mnemonic for the button *
* In addition, the name of the check box is set to uiKey. * @param uiKey the base name of the resources to be used * @return the check box that was created * @see #createCheckBoxMenuItem */ public JCheckBox createCheckBox(String uiKey) { return createCheckBox(uiKey, false, null); } /** * Create a check box, using resources to specify the name and the tool tip.
* The resources used are: * *
uiKey.ckb the name for the check box *
uiKey.tip the tool tip for the button *
uiKey.mne the mnemonic for the button *
* In addition, the name of the check box is set to uiKey. * @param uiKey the base name of the resources to be used * @param state the initial state of the check box * @return the check box that was created * @see #createCheckBoxMenuItem */ public JCheckBox createCheckBox(String uiKey, boolean state) { return createCheckBox(uiKey, state, null); } /** * Create a check box, using resources to specify the name and the tool tip, * within a specified button group.
* The resources used are: * *
uiKey.ckb the name for the check box *
uiKey.tip the tool tip for the button *
uiKey.mne the mnemonic for the button *
* In addition, the name of the check box is set to uiKey. * @param uiKey the base name of the resources to be used * @param state the initial state of the check box * @param group the group to which the check box will be added * @return the check box that was created */ public JCheckBox createCheckBox(String uiKey, boolean state, ButtonGroup group) { String ckbKey = uiKey + ".ckb"; JCheckBox b = new JCheckBox(getI18NString(ckbKey), state); b.setName(uiKey); if (group != null) group.add(b); setMnemonic(b, uiKey); setToolTip(b, uiKey); return b; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // choice lists /** * Create a choice item, using resources to specify the choices and the * tool tip.
* The resources used are: * *
uiKey.choiceKeysi.chc the choice to appear in the item, for 0 <= i < choiceKeys.length *
uiKey.name the accessible name for the selector *
uiKey.tip the tool tip for the choice item *
* In addition, the name of the choice is set to uiKey. * Note: the choice item is created with the choices set to the names * of the resources used -- not the values. This means that the client can * examine and manipulate the choices, including the selected choice, * as location-independent resource names. A custom renderer is used to * ensure that the correctly localized value is displayed to the user. * @param uiKey the base name of the resources to be used for the menu * @param choiceKeys an array of strings used to construct the resource * names for the choices. * @return the choice item that was created * @see #createLiteralChoice */ public JComboBox createChoice(final String uiKey, final String[] choiceKeys) { return createChoice(uiKey, choiceKeys, false); } /** * Same as the two parameter createChoice, except you can * make this an mutable choice component (freeform editing of the * response). If the component is to be editable, an additional * uiKey.ed resource is needed to set the component name of the * editable field which will be onscreen. * @param uiKey the base name of the resources to be used for the menu * @param choiceKeys an array of strings used to construct the resource * names for the choices. * @param editable True if the choice component should allow freeform * editing of the response. * @return a choice box with the attributes indicated by the parameters * @see #createChoice(String,String[]) */ public JComboBox createChoice(final String uiKey, final String[] choiceKeys, boolean editable) { // create a cache of the presentation string, for use when // rendering, but otherwise, let the JComboBox work in terms of the // choiceKeys final String[] choices = new String[choiceKeys.length]; for (int i = 0; i < choices.length; i++) choices[i] = getI18NString(uiKey + "." + choiceKeys[i] + ".chc"); JComboBox choice = new JComboBox<>(choiceKeys); choice.setName(uiKey); setToolTip(choice, uiKey); setAccessibleName(choice, uiKey); choice.setEditable(editable); if (editable) { Component editComp = choice.getEditor().getEditorComponent(); if (editComp instanceof Accessible) { if (editComp.getName() == null) editComp.setName(uiKey + ".ed"); AccessibleContext ac = choice.getAccessibleContext(); AccessibleContext ed_ac = editComp.getAccessibleContext(); ed_ac.setAccessibleName(ac.getAccessibleName()); ed_ac.setAccessibleDescription(ac.getAccessibleDescription()); } } choice.setRenderer(new DefaultListCellRenderer() { public Component getListCellRendererComponent(JList list, Object o, int index, boolean isSelected, boolean cellHasFocus) { Object c = o; for (int i = 0; i < choiceKeys.length; i++) { if (choiceKeys[i] == o) { c = choices[i]; break; } } return super.getListCellRendererComponent(list, c, index, isSelected, cellHasFocus); } }); return choice; } /** * Create an empty choice item, using a resource to specify the tool tip.
* The resource used is: * *
uiKey.tip the tool tip for the choice item *
* In addition, the name of the choice is set to uiKey. * @param uiKey the base name of the resources to be used for the menu * @return the choice component that was created */ public JComboBox createChoice(String uiKey) { return createChoice(uiKey, false); } /** * Same as single parameter version, except you can select a * component that allows freeform editing of the user's response. * @param uiKey the base name of the resources to be used for the menu * @param editable True if the user should be allowed to edit the * response. * @return the choice component that was created * @see #createChoice(String) */ public JComboBox createChoice(String uiKey, boolean editable) { return createChoice(uiKey, editable, null); } /** * Same as the one parameter version, except a label can be * associated with this component. This is to support accessibility. * @param uiKey the base name of the resources to be used for the menu * @param label Label to associate with this component * @return the choice component that was created * @see #createChoice(String) * @see javax.swing.JLabel#setLabelFor */ public JComboBox createChoice(String uiKey, JLabel label) { return createChoice(uiKey, false, label); } /** * Combination of the two parameter methods, allowing you to select * a mutable response and associate a label. * @param uiKey the base name of the resources to be used for the menu * @param editable True if the user should be allowed to edit the * response. * @param label Label to associate with this component * @return a choice box with the attributes indicated by the parameters * @see #createChoice(String,JLabel) * @see #createChoice(String,boolean) * @see #createChoice(String) * @see javax.swing.JLabel#setLabelFor */ public JComboBox createChoice(String uiKey, boolean editable, JLabel label) { JComboBox choice = new JComboBox<>(); choice.setName(uiKey); setToolTip(choice, uiKey); if (label != null) label.setLabelFor(choice); else setAccessibleName(choice, uiKey); choice.setEditable(editable); if (editable) { Component editComp = choice.getEditor().getEditorComponent(); if (editComp instanceof Accessible) { if (editComp.getName() == null) editComp.setName(uiKey + ".ed"); AccessibleContext ac = choice.getAccessibleContext(); AccessibleContext ed_ac = editComp.getAccessibleContext(); ed_ac.setAccessibleName(ac.getAccessibleName()); ed_ac.setAccessibleDescription(ac.getAccessibleDescription()); } } return choice; } /** * Create an choice item containing literal choices, * and using a resource to specify the tool tip. * The choices appear as given: for example, this method might be used to * create a choice item containing a set of filenames from which to choose.
* Note that if the choices are strings, they should probably be localized, and * if they are otherwise should probably be shown to the user using a renderer * which produces localized output. * The resource used is: * *
uiKey.tip the tool tip for the choice item *
* In addition, the name of the choice is set to uiKey. * @param uiKey the base name of the resources to be used for the menu * @param choices the choices to appear in the choice item * @return the choice item that was created * @see #createChoice */ public JComboBox createLiteralChoice(String uiKey, E[] choices) { JComboBox choice = new JComboBox<>(choices); choice.setName(uiKey); setToolTip(choice, uiKey); return choice; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // icons, images etc /** * Create an icon, using a resource to specify the image.
* The resource used is: * *
uiKey.icon the name of a resource containing the image *
* @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used * @return the icon that was created * @throws MissingResourceException if the image resource cannot be found * @see #createIconButton */ public Icon createIcon(String uiKey) { return new ImageIcon(getIconURL(uiKey)); } /** * Get the resource URL for an icon specified in a resource bundle.
* The resource used is: * *
uiKey.icon the name of a resource containing the image *
* @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used * @return the URL for the resource obtained from the resource bundle * @throws MissingResourceException if the image resource cannot be found */ public URL getIconURL(String uiKey) { String r = getI18NString(uiKey + ".icon"); URL url = clientClass.getResource(r); if (url == null) throw new MissingResourceException(r, clientClass.getName(), r); return url; } /** * Create a label containing an icon, using a resource to specify the * icon image.
* The resource used is: * *
uiKey.icon the name of the resource for the icon image *
* @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used * @return the image that was created * @throws MissingResourceException if the image resource cannot be found * @see #createLabel */ public JLabel createIconLabel(String uiKey) { return new JLabel(createIcon(uiKey)); } /** * Create an image from a named resource. * @param r The resource containing the image data. * @return the image that was created * @throws MissingResourceException if the image resource cannot be found */ public Image createImage(String r) { URL url = getClass().getResource(r); if (url == null) throw new MissingResourceException(r, clientClass.getName(), r); return Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(url); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // labels /** * Create a label, using a resource to specify the text.
* The resource used is: * *
uiKey.lbl the text for the label *
* @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used * @return the label that was created * @see #createIconLabel */ public JLabel createLabel(String uiKey) { return createLabel(uiKey, false); } /** * Create a label, using a resource to specify the text and an optional mnemonic.
* The resource used is: * *
uiKey.lbl the text for the label *
uiKey.tip the tooltip text for the label *
uiKey.mne the mnemonic for the label *
* @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used * @param need508 whether or not a mnemonic and tooltip should be set for this label * @return the label that was created * @see #createIconLabel */ public JLabel createLabel(String uiKey, boolean need508) { JLabel l = new JLabel(getI18NString(uiKey + ".lbl")); l.setName(uiKey); if (need508) { setToolTip(l, uiKey); l.setDisplayedMnemonic(getI18NMnemonic(uiKey + ".mne")); } return l; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // lists /** * Create an input text field, using a resource to specify the tool tip.
* The resource used is: * *
uiKey.tip the tool tip for the field *
/** * Create an empty list component.
* Note: list components do not currently support tool tips. * When they do, this method will use a resource to specify the tool tip. * The resources used are: * *
uiKey.name the accessible name of the list *
uiKey.desc the accessible description of the list *
* @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used (currently ignored) * @return the list that was created */ public JList createList(String uiKey) { JList list = new JList<>(); list.setName(uiKey); setAccessibleInfo(list, uiKey); return list; } /** * Create a list component with a given data model.
* Note: list components do not currently support tool tips. * When they do, this method will use a resource to specify the tool tip. * The resources used are: * *
uiKey.name the accessible name of the list *
uiKey.desc the accessible description of the list *
* @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used (currently ignored) * @param model the data model for this list * @return the list that was created */ public JList createList(String uiKey, ListModel model) { JList list = new JList<>(model); list.setName(uiKey); setAccessibleInfo(list, uiKey); return list; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // menus /** * Create an empty menu bar, using resources to specify the accessible info.
* The resources used are: * *
uiKey.name the accessible name text *
uiKey.desc accessible description text *
* @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used * @return the menu bar that was created */ public JMenuBar createMenuBar(String uiKey) { JMenuBar mb = new JMenuBar(); mb.setName(uiKey); setAccessibleInfo(mb, uiKey); return mb; } /** * Create an empty menu, using resources to specify the name and mnemonic.
* The resources used are: * *
uiKey.menu the display name of the menu *
uiKey.mne the single character mnemonic for the menu *
uiKey.desc accessible description text *
* @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used * @return the menu that was created * @see #createPopupMenu */ public JMenu createMenu(String uiKey) { JMenu m = new JMenu(); initMenu(m, uiKey); return m; } /** * Initialize an empty menu, using resources to specify the name and mnemonic.
* The resources used are: * *
uiKey.menu the display name of the menu *
uiKey.mne the single character mnemonic for the menu *
uiKey.desc accessible description text *
* @param m the menu the be initialized * @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used * @see #createPopupMenu */ public void initMenu(JMenu m, String uiKey) { m.setName(uiKey); m.setText(getI18NString(uiKey + ".menu")); setMnemonic(m, uiKey); setAccessibleDescription(m, uiKey); } /** * Create a menu, using actions to specify the menu items, * and using resources to specify the name and mnemonic.
* The resources used are: * *
uiKey.menu the display name of the menu *
uiKey.mne the single character mnemonic for the menu *
* @param uiKey the base name of the resources to be used * @param actions the actions from which to create the menu items; * use null in the array to indicate if and where a separator is required * @return the menu that was created * @see #createMenuItem(Action) */ public JMenu createMenu(String uiKey, Action[] actions) { JMenu m = createMenu(uiKey); for (int i = 0; i < actions.length; i++) { Action action = actions[i]; if (action == null) m.addSeparator(); else m.add(createMenuItem(action)); } return m; } /** * Create a menu using resources and an action listener to specify * the menu items, and using resources to specify the name and mnemonic.
* The resources used are: * *
uiKey.menu the display name of the menu *
uiKey.mne the single character mnemonic for the menu *
uiKey.actionsi.mit the text for the menu item, for 0 <= i < choiceKeys.length *
uiKey.actionsi.mne the single character mnemonic for the menu item, for 0 <= i < choiceKeys.length *
* @param uiKey the base name of the resources to be used * @param actions the qualifying names for the resources for the * individual menu items; use null in the array to indicate if * and where a separator is required * @param l the action listener to be used for each menu item * @return the menu that was created * @see #createMenuItem(String, String, ActionListener) */ public JMenu createMenu(String uiKey, String[] actions, ActionListener l) { JMenu m = new JMenu(); initMenu(m, uiKey, actions, l); return m; } /** * Initialize a menu using resources and an action listener to specify * the menu items, and using resources to specify the name and mnemonic.
* The resources used are: * *
uiKey.menu the display name of the menu *
uiKey.mne the single character mnemonic for the menu *
uiKey.actionsi.mit the text for the menu item, for 0 <= i < choiceKeys.length *
uiKey.actionsi.mne the single character mnemonic for the menu item, for 0 <= i < choiceKeys.length *
* @param m the menu the be initialized * @param uiKey the base name of the resources to be used * @param actions the qualifying names for the resources for the * individual menu items; use null in the array to indicate if * and where a separator is required * @param l the action listener to be used for each menu item * @see #createMenuItem(String, String, ActionListener) */ public void initMenu(JMenu m, String uiKey, String[] actions, ActionListener l) { initMenu(m, uiKey); for (int i = 0; i < actions.length; i++) { String action = actions[i]; if (action == null) m.addSeparator(); else m.add(createMenuItem(uiKey, action, l)); } } /** * Create an empty popup menu. * @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used (currently ignored) * @return the popup menu that was created * @see #createMenu */ public JPopupMenu createPopupMenu(String uiKey) { return new JPopupMenu(/*getI18NString(uiKey + ".pop")*/); } /** * Create an popup menu. * @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used * @param actions the qualifying names for the resources for the * individual menu items; use null in the array to indicate if * and where a separator is required * @param l the action listener to be used for each menu item * @return the popup menu that was created * @see #createMenu */ public JPopupMenu createPopupMenu(String uiKey, String[] actions, ActionListener l) { JPopupMenu m = createPopupMenu(uiKey); for (int i = 0; i < actions.length; i++) { String action = actions[i]; if (action == null) m.addSeparator(); else m.add(createMenuItem(uiKey, action, l)); } return m; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // menu items /** * Create a menu item for an action. * The name of the item is set to the action name. * @param action from which to create the menu item * @return the menu item that was created * @see #createMenu(String, Action[]) */ public JMenuItem createMenuItem(Action action) { JMenuItem item = new JMenuItem(action); item.setName((String)(action.getValue(Action.NAME))); // could (should?) ensure everything is set correctly return item; } /** * Create a menu item, using resources to specify the text and mnemonic.
* The resources used are: * *
uiKey.action.mit the text for the menu item *
uiKey.action.mne the single character mnemonic for the menu item *
* @param uiKey the base name of the resources to be used * @param action the qualifying name for the resources for the menu item * @param l the action listener for the menu item * @return the menu item that was created * @see #createMenu(String, String[], ActionListener) */ public JMenuItem createMenuItem(String uiKey, String action, ActionListener l) { JMenuItem item = new JMenuItem(getI18NString(uiKey + "." + action + ".mit")); item.setActionCommand(action); item.addActionListener(l); item.setName(action); setMnemonic(item, uiKey + "." + action); return item; } /** * Create a check box menu item, using resources to specify the * name and the tool tip.
* The resources used are: * *
uiKey.name.ckb the name for the menu item *
uiKey.name.tip the tool tip for the menu item *
* In addition, the name of the check box is set to uiKey. * @param uiKey the base name of the resources to be used * @param name a qualifying name for the resources used for this menu item * @param state the initial state of the check box * @return the check box that was created */ public JCheckBoxMenuItem createCheckBoxMenuItem(String uiKey, String name, boolean state) { String uiKey_name = uiKey + "." + name; String ckbKey = uiKey_name + ".ckb"; JCheckBoxMenuItem b = new JCheckBoxMenuItem(getI18NString(ckbKey), state); b.setName(uiKey_name); setMnemonic(b, uiKey_name); setToolTip(b, uiKey_name); return b; } /** * Create a Help menu item, that will display a specific help topic when pressed, * using resources to specify the name and mnemonic for the item.
* The resource used is: * *
uiKey.mit the text for the menu item *
uiKey.mne the mnemonic for the menu item *
* In addition, the name of the choice is set to uiKey. * @param uiKey the base name of the resources to be used * @param helpID the help ID for the help topic to be displayed when the * button is pressed * @return the button that was created * @see #createButton */ public JMenuItem createHelpMenuItem(String uiKey, final String helpID) { JMenuItem mi = new JMenuItem(getI18NString(uiKey + ".mit")); setMnemonic(mi, uiKey); mi.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (helpBroker != null) { helpBroker.displayCurrentID(helpID); } } }); return mi; } /** * Create a menu item for a literal string and a specified listener. * No mnemonic key nor descriptive action is added. * @param literal the text for the menu item * @param l the action listener to add to the menu item * @return the menu item that was created */ public JMenuItem createLiteralMenuItem(String literal, ActionListener l) { JMenuItem item = new JMenuItem(literal); item.addActionListener(l); return item; } /** * Create a check box menu item, using resources to specify the * name and the tool tip.
* The resources used are: * *
uiKey.name.ckb the name for the menu item *
uiKey.name.tip the tool tip for the menu item *
* In addition, the name of the radio button is set to uiKey. * @param uiKey the base name of the resources to be used * @param name a qualifying name for the resources used for this menu item * @return the check box that was created */ public JRadioButtonMenuItem createRadioButtonMenuItem(String uiKey, String name) { String uiKey_name = uiKey + "." + name; String radKey = uiKey_name + ".rad"; JRadioButtonMenuItem b = new JRadioButtonMenuItem(getI18NString(radKey)); b.setName(uiKey_name); setMnemonic(b, uiKey_name); setToolTip(b, uiKey_name); return b; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // scrollpane /** * Surround a component in a scroll pane. * The name of the scroll pane component is set to c.getName() * plus the .sp suffix. * @param c The component to put into the scroll pane. * @return a scroll pane component with the given component inside */ public JScrollPane createScrollPane(JComponent c) { JScrollPane sp = new JScrollPane(c); sp.setName(c.getName() == null ? "sp" : c.getName() + ".sp"); sp.setFocusable(false); return sp; } /** * Same as the single argument version, with options for altering * the scrollbar appearance policy. * @param c The component to put into the scroll pane. * @param vsp vertical scrollbar policy setting * @param hsp horizontal scrollbar policy setting * @return a scroll pane component with the given component inside * @see javax.swing.ScrollPaneConstants * @see javax.swing.JScrollPane */ public JScrollPane createScrollPane(JComponent c, int vsp, int hsp) { JScrollPane sp = new JScrollPane(c, vsp, hsp); sp.setName(c.getName() == null ? "sp" : c.getName() + ".sp"); sp.setFocusable(false); return sp; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // slider /** * Create a slider, using resources to specify the the tool tip.
* The resource used is: * *
uiKey.name.tip the tool tip for the menu item *
* @param uiKey the base name of the resources to be used * @param min the minimum value for the slider * @param max the maximum value for the slider * @param value the initial value for the slider * @return the slider that was created */ public JSlider createSlider(String uiKey, int min, int max, int value) { JSlider s = new JSlider(min, max, value); setToolTip(s, uiKey); return s; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // split pane /** * Create an empty split pane with the given orientation. * @param orient The split's orientation. * @return The empty split pane component. * @see javax.swing.JSplitPane#VERTICAL_SPLIT * @see javax.swing.JSplitPane#HORIZONTAL_SPLIT */ public JSplitPane createSplitPane(int orient) { JSplitPane sp = new JSplitPane(orient); sp.setName("split"); setSplitPaneInfo(sp); return sp; } /** * Create an empty split pane with the given components inside. * @param orient The split's orientation. * @param c1 first component (left) * @param c2 first component (right) * @return The populated split pane component. * @see javax.swing.JSplitPane * @see javax.swing.JSplitPane#VERTICAL_SPLIT * @see javax.swing.JSplitPane#HORIZONTAL_SPLIT */ public JSplitPane createSplitPane(int orient, Component c1, Component c2) { JSplitPane sp = new JSplitPane(orient, c1, c2); sp.setName("split"); setSplitPaneInfo(sp); return sp; } private void setSplitPaneInfo(JSplitPane sp) { // set a11y info manually using local bundle AccessibleContext ac = sp.getAccessibleContext(); if (sp.getOrientation() == JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT) { ac.setAccessibleName(local_i18n.getString("uif.sp.hor.name")); ac.setAccessibleDescription(local_i18n.getString("uif.sp.hor.desc")); } else { ac.setAccessibleName(local_i18n.getString("uif.sp.vert.name")); ac.setAccessibleDescription(local_i18n.getString("uif.sp.vert.desc")); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // spinners - not accessible as of JDK 1.5, so it's commented out here! /** * Create a spinner. * @param uiKey the base name of the resources to be used * @return a spinner component * The resources used are: * *
uiKey.name the accessible name for the tab pane. * Where name is the literal string "name". *
uiKey.tip the accessible name for the tab pane. * Where tip is the literal string "tip". *
* The tooltip will automatically be transferred to the pane's accessible * description. Use setAccessibleDescription() to set it * independently. public JSpinner createSpinner(String uiKey, SpinnerModel model) { JSpinner s = new JSpinner(model); s.setName(uiKey); setAccessibleName(s, uiKey); setToolTip(s, uiKey); return s; } */ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // tabbed paned /** * Create an empty tabbed pane. * @param uiKey the base name of the resources to be used * @return an empty (no tabs) tabbed pane * The resources used are: * *
uiKey.name the accessible name for the tab pane. * Where name is the literal string "name". *
uiKey.tip the accessible name for the tab pane. * Where tip is the literal string "tip". *
* The tooltip will automatically be transferred to the pane's accessible * description. Use setAccessibleDescription() to set it * independently. */ public JTabbedPane createTabbedPane(String uiKey) { JTabbedPane p = new JTabbedPane(); p.setName(uiKey); setAccessibleName(p, uiKey); setToolTip(p, uiKey); return p; } /** * Create a tabbed pane with a given set of component panes, * using resources to determine the name and tool tip for each tab.
* The resources used are: * *
uiKey.namei.tab the display name for the tab, * where namei is the component name for children[i] *
uiKey.namei.tip the tool tip for the tab, * where namei is the component name for children[i] *
uiKey.name the accessible name for the tab pane. * Where name is the literal string "name". *
uiKey.tip the accessible name for the tab pane. * Where tip is the literal string "tip". *
* The tooltip will automatically be transferred to the pane's accessible * description. Use setAccessibleDescription() to set it * independently. * @param uiKey the base name of the resources to be used * @param children an array of components to be added into the tabbed pane * @return the tabbed pane that was created * @see #setAccessibleDescription(Component,String) * @see #setAccessibleName(Component,String) * @see #setToolTip(JComponent,String) */ public JTabbedPane createTabbedPane(String uiKey, JComponent[] children) { JTabbedPane p = new JTabbedPane(); p.setName(uiKey); setAccessibleName(p, uiKey); for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { JComponent child = children[i]; addTab(p, uiKey + "." + child.getName(), child); } setToolTip(p, uiKey); return p; } /** * Add a component to a tabbed pane, using resources to specify * the name and the tool tip for the tab.
* The resources used are: * *
uiKey.tab the name for the tab *
uiKey.tip the tool tip for the tab *
* @param tPane the tabbed pane to which to add the component * @param uiKey the base name of the resources to be used * @param comp the component to be added */ public void addTab(JTabbedPane tPane, String uiKey, JComponent comp) { String name = getI18NString(uiKey + ".tab"); String tip = getI18NString(uiKey + ".tip"); tPane.addTab(name, null, comp, tip); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // tables /** * Create a table with a given data model. * Resources used: * *
uiKey.name the accessible name for the tab pane. * Where name is the literal string "name". *
uiKey.tip the accessible name for the tab pane. * Where tip is the literal string "tip". *
* The tooltip will automatically be transferred to the pane's accessible * description. Use setAccessibleDescription() to set it * independently. * @param uiKey the base name of the resources to be used (currently ignored) * @param model the data model for the table * @return the table that was created * @see #setAccessibleDescription(Component,String) * @see #setAccessibleName(Component,String) * @see #setToolTip(JComponent,String) */ public JTable createTable(String uiKey, TableModel model) { JTable tbl = new JTable(model); setAccessibleName(tbl, uiKey); setToolTip(tbl, uiKey); return tbl; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // text fields, text areas etc /** * Create a text field for use as a heading, using a resource to specify * the heading.
* The resource used is: * *
uiKey.txt the text for the heading *
* In addition, the name of the output field is set to uiKey. * @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used * @return the text field that was created */ public JTextField createHeading(String uiKey) { String value = getI18NString(uiKey + ".txt"); JTextField tf = new JTextField(value, value.length()); tf.setName(uiKey); tf.setEditable(false); tf.setFont(tf.getFont().deriveFont(Font.BOLD)); tf.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder()); tf.setBackground(Colors.TRANSPARENT.color); tf.setOpaque(false); setAccessibleDescription(tf, uiKey); setAccessibleName(tf, uiKey); return tf; } /** * Create an input text field, using a resource to specify the tool tip.
* The resource used is: * *
uiKey.tip the tool tip for the field *
* In addition, the name of the input field is set to uiKey. * By default, the input field is 10 characters wide. * @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used * @return the input field that was created */ public JTextField createInputField(String uiKey) { return createInputField(uiKey, null); } /** * Create an input text field, using a resource to specify the tool tip.
* The resource used is: * *
uiKey.tip the tool tip for the field *
* In addition, the name of the input field is set to uiKey. * By default, the input field is 10 characters wide. * @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used * @param label the label to associate with this component * @return the input field that was created */ public JTextField createInputField(String uiKey, JLabel label) { return createInputField(uiKey, 10, label); } /** * Create an input text field with a specified number of columns, * using a resource to specify the tool tip.
* The resource used is: * *
uiKey.tip the tool tip for the field *
* In addition, the name of the input field is set to uiKey. * @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used * @param cols the default width of the field, in characters * @return the input field that was created * @see #createOutputField */ public JTextField createInputField(String uiKey, int cols) { return createInputField(uiKey, cols, null); } /** * Create an input text field with a specified number of columns, * using a resource to specify the tool tip.
* The resource used is: * *
uiKey.tip the tool tip for the field *
* In addition, the name of the input field is set to uiKey. * @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used * @param cols the default width of the field, in characters * @param label the label to associate with this component * @return the input field that was created * @see #createOutputField */ public JTextField createInputField(String uiKey, int cols, JLabel label) { JTextField tf = new JTextField("", cols) { public Dimension getMinimumSize() { return getPreferredSize(); } }; if (label != null) label.setLabelFor(tf); else { // this should be setAccessibleName(tf, uiKey); but that will break too much code tf.setName(uiKey); //setAccessibleName(tf, uiKey); } setToolTip(tf, uiKey); return tf; } /** * Create a message area, using a resource to specify the content. * The message area will be transparent, uneditable, and word-wrapped.
* The resource used is: * *
uiKey.txt the text for the message area *
* @param uiKey the name of the resource to be used * @return the message area that was created */ public JTextArea createMessageArea(String uiKey) { return createLocalizedMessageArea(uiKey, getI18NString(uiKey + ".txt"), true); } /** * Create a message area, using a resource to specify the content. * The message area will be transparent, uneditable, and word-wrapped.
* The resource used is: * *
uiKey.txt the text for the message area *
uiKey.name accessible name *
uiKey.desc accessible description text *
* @param uiKey the name of the resource to be used * @param arg an argument to be formatted into the content using * {@link java.text.MessageFormat#format} * @return the message area that was created */ public JTextArea createMessageArea(String uiKey, Object arg) { return createLocalizedMessageArea(uiKey, getI18NString(uiKey + ".txt", arg), true); } /** * Create a message area, using a resource to specify the content. * The message area will be transparent, uneditable, and word-wrapped.
* The resource used is: * *
uiKey.txt the text for the message area *
uiKey.name accessible name *
uiKey.desc accessible description text *
* @param uiKey the name of the resource to be used * @param args an array of arguments to be formatted into the content using * {@link java.text.MessageFormat#format} * @return the message area that was created */ public JTextArea createMessageArea(String uiKey, Object[] args) { return createLocalizedMessageArea(uiKey, getI18NString(uiKey + ".txt", args), true); } /** * Only use this method if the origin of the message text is not coming from * a bundle. */ private JTextArea createLiteralMessageArea(String msg) { JTextArea txt = new JTextArea(msg); txt.setName("literal"); txt.setOpaque(false); txt.setEditable(false); txt.setLineWrap(true); txt.setWrapStyleWord(true); // The height is effectively ignored in the next line (just don't use 0.) // The text will be laid out, wrapping lines, for the width, and the // preferred height will thereby be determined accordingly. txt.setSize(new Dimension(7 * DOTS_PER_INCH, Integer.MAX_VALUE)); // override JTextArea focus traversal keys, resetting them to // the Component default (i.e. the same as for the parent.) txt.setFocusTraversalKeys(KeyboardFocusManager.FORWARD_TRAVERSAL_KEYS, null); txt.setFocusTraversalKeys(KeyboardFocusManager.BACKWARD_TRAVERSAL_KEYS, null); AccessibleContext ac = txt.getAccessibleContext(); ac.setAccessibleName(local_i18n.getString("uif.message.name")); ac.setAccessibleDescription(local_i18n.getString("uif.message.desc")); return txt; } /** * @param std True if this area should be made accessible. */ private JTextArea createLocalizedMessageArea(String uiKey, String msg, boolean std) { JTextArea txt = new JTextArea(msg); txt.setName(uiKey); txt.setOpaque(false); txt.setBackground(Colors.TRANSPARENT.getValue()); txt.setEditable(false); txt.setLineWrap(true); txt.setWrapStyleWord(true); // The height is effectively ignored in the next line (just don't use 0.) // The text will be laid out, wrapping lines, for the width, and the // preferred height will thereby be determined accordingly. txt.setSize(new Dimension(7 * DOTS_PER_INCH, Integer.MAX_VALUE)); // override JTextArea focus traversal keys, resetting them to // the Component default (i.e. the same as for the parent.) txt.setFocusTraversalKeys(KeyboardFocusManager.FORWARD_TRAVERSAL_KEYS, null); txt.setFocusTraversalKeys(KeyboardFocusManager.BACKWARD_TRAVERSAL_KEYS, null); if (std) { AccessibleContext ac = txt.getAccessibleContext(); ac.setAccessibleName(local_i18n.getString("uif.message.name")); ac.setAccessibleDescription(local_i18n.getString("uif.message.desc")); } else setAccessibleInfo(txt, uiKey); return txt; } /** * Create an output text field, using a resource to specify the tool tip.
* The resource used is: * *
uiKey.tip the tool tip for the field *
uiKey.name accessible name *
* In addition, the name of the output field is set to uiKey. * By default, the output field is empty and is 10 characters wide. * @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used * @return the empty output field that was created * @see #createInputField */ public JTextField createOutputField(String uiKey) { return createOutputField(uiKey, "", 10, null, false); } /** * Same as the single parameter version, except a label, which labels * this new component, will be set. * The label's setLabelFor() will be set. * @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used * @param label the label which is labeling this field * @return the output field that was created * @see #createInputField(String) */ public JTextField createOutputField(String uiKey, JLabel label) { return createOutputField(uiKey, "", 10, label, false); } /** * Create an output text field with a specified number of columns, * using a resource to specify the tool tip, * which can automaticly select contained text.
* The label's setLabelFor() will be set. * @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used * @param label the label which is labeling this field * @param autoSelect automaticly select text containing in the field on focus * @return the output field that was created * @see #createInputField(String) */ public JTextField createOutputField(String uiKey, JLabel label, boolean autoSelect) { return createOutputField(uiKey, "", 10, label, autoSelect); } /** * Create an output text field with a specified number of columns, * and using a resource to specify the tool tip.
* The resource used is: * *
uiKey.tip the tool tip for the field *
uiKey.name accessible name *
* In addition, the name of the output field is set to uiKey. * The output field is initially empty. * @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used * @param cols the default width of the field, in characters * @return the empty output field that was created */ public JTextField createOutputField(String uiKey, int cols) { return createOutputField(uiKey, "", cols, null, false); } /** * Create an output text field with a specified number of columns, * using a resource to specify the tool tip, with an attached label.
* The resource used is: * *
uiKey.tip the tool tip for the field *
uiKey.name accessible name *
* In addition, the name of the output field is set to uiKey. * The output field is initially empty. * @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used * @param cols the default width of the field, in characters * @param label the label which is labeling this field * @return the empty output field that was created */ public JTextField createOutputField(String uiKey, int cols, JLabel label) { return createOutputField(uiKey, "", cols, label, false); } /** * Create an output text field with a specified number of columns, * using a resource to specify the tool tip, with an attached label, * which can automaticly select contained text.
* The resource used is: * *
uiKey.tip the tool tip for the field *
uiKey.name accessible name *
* In addition, the name of the output field is set to uiKey. * The output field is initially empty. * @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used * @param cols the default width of the field, in characters * @param label the label which is labeling this field * @param autoSelect automaticly select text containing in the field on focus * @return the empty output field that was created */ public JTextField createOutputField(String uiKey, int cols, JLabel label, boolean autoSelect) { return createOutputField(uiKey, "", cols, label, autoSelect); } /** * Create an output text field containing a specified value, * and using a resource to specify the tool tip.
* The resource used is: * *
uiKey.tip the tool tip for the field *
uiKey.name accessible name *
* In addition, the name of the output field is set to uiKey. * By default, the output field is 10 characters wide. * @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used * @param value the initial text to appear in the output field * @return the output field that was created */ public JTextField createOutputField(String uiKey, String value) { return createOutputField(uiKey, value, 10, null, false); } /** * Create an output text field containing a specified value, * using a resource to specify the tool tip, * with an attached label.
* The resource used is: * *
uiKey.tip the tool tip for the field *
uiKey.name accessible name *
* In addition, the name of the output field is set to uiKey. * By default, the output field is 10 characters wide. * @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used * @param value the text to appear in the output field * @param label the label which is labeling this field * @return the output field that was created */ public JTextField createOutputField(String uiKey, String value, JLabel label) { return createOutputField(uiKey, value, 10, label, false); } /** * Create an output text field containing a specified value, * with a specified number of columns, * and using a resource to specify the tool tip.
* The resource used is: * *
uiKey.tip the tool tip for the field *
uiKey.name accessible name *
* In addition, the name of the output field is set to uiKey. * @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used * @param value the text to appear in the output field * @param cols the default width of the field, in characters * @return the output field that was created */ public JTextField createOutputField(String uiKey, String value, int cols) { return createOutputField(uiKey, value, cols, null, false); } /** * Create an output text field containing a specified value, * with a specified number of columns, * using a resource to specify the tool tip, * with a label referencing this new field.
* The resource used is: * *
uiKey.tip the tool tip for the field *
uiKey.name accessible name *
* In addition, the name of the output field is set to uiKey. * @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used * @param value the text to appear in the output field * @param cols the default width of the field, in characters * @param label the label which is labeling this field * @return the output field that was created */ public JTextField createOutputField(String uiKey, String value, int cols, JLabel label) { return createOutputField(uiKey, value, cols, label, false); } /** * Create an output text field containing a specified value, * with a specified number of columns, * using a resource to specify the tool tip, * with a label referencing this new field, * which can automaticly select contained text.
* The resource used is: * *
uiKey.tip the tool tip for the field *
uiKey.name accessible name *
* In addition, the name of the output field is set to uiKey. * @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used * @param value the text to appear in the output field * @param cols the default width of the field, in characters * @param label the label which is labeling this field * @param autoSelect automaticly select text containing in the field on focus * @return the output field that was created */ public JTextField createOutputField(String uiKey, String value, int cols, JLabel label, boolean autoSelect) { final JTextField tf = new JTextField(value, cols); tf.setName(uiKey); tf.setEditable(false); tf.setBackground(Colors.TRANSPARENT.getValue()); tf.setOpaque(false); if(autoSelect) tf.addFocusListener(new java.awt.event.FocusListener() { public void focusGained(java.awt.event.FocusEvent e) { tf.setSelectionStart(0); tf.setSelectionEnd(tf.getText().length()); } public void focusLost(java.awt.event.FocusEvent e) { tf.setSelectionStart(0); tf.setSelectionEnd(0); } }); if (label != null) label.setLabelFor(tf); else setAccessibleName(tf, uiKey); setToolTip(tf, uiKey); // override JTextField focus traversal keys, resetting them to // the Component default (i.e. the same as for the parent.) tf.setFocusTraversalKeys(KeyboardFocusManager.FORWARD_TRAVERSAL_KEYS, null); tf.setFocusTraversalKeys(KeyboardFocusManager.BACKWARD_TRAVERSAL_KEYS, null); return tf; } /** * Create a text area, using a resource to specify the tool tip.
* The resource used is: * *
uiKey.tip the tool tip for the text area *
* In addition, the name of the text area is set to uiKey. * @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used * @return the text area that was created */ public JTextArea createTextArea(String uiKey) { return createTextArea(uiKey, null); } /** * Create a text area, using a resource to specify the tool tip.
* The resource used is: * *
uiKey.tip the tool tip for the text area *
* In addition, the name of the text area is set to uiKey. * @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used * @param label the label that labels this text area. May be null. * @return the text area that was created */ public JTextArea createTextArea(String uiKey, JLabel label) { JTextArea t = new JTextArea() { public Dimension getPreferredScrollableViewportSize() { return new Dimension(100, 100); } }; t.setName(uiKey); if (label != null) label.setLabelFor(t); else setAccessibleName(t, uiKey); setToolTip(t, uiKey); return t; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // progress bars /** * Create a basic progress bar. * The resource used is: * *
uiKey.name accessible name *
uiKey.tip the tool tip for the text area *
* * @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used * @param orient Value from JProgressBar * @return Returns a progress bar component with the specified attributes. * @see javax.swing.JProgressBar#VERTICAL * @see javax.swing.JProgressBar#HORIZONTAL */ public JProgressBar createProgressBar(String uiKey, int orient) { JProgressBar pb = new JProgressBar(orient); setToolTip(pb, uiKey); setAccessibleName(pb, uiKey); return pb; } /** * Create a basic progress bar. * The resources used are: * *
uiKey.name accessible name *
uiKey.tip the tool tip for the text area *
* * @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used * @param orient Value from JProgressBar * @param model Model to use for the progress bar. * @return Returns a progress bar component with the specified attributes. * @see javax.swing.JProgressBar#VERTICAL * @see javax.swing.JProgressBar#HORIZONTAL */ public JProgressBar createProgressBar(String uiKey, int orient, BoundedRangeModel model) { JProgressBar pb = createProgressBar(uiKey, orient); pb.setModel(model); return pb; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // toolbar /** * Create an empty toolbar. * The resources used are: * *
uiKey.name accessible name *
uiKey.desc accessible description text *
* @param uiKey Used to obtain accessibility info and name the component * @return the tool bar that was created */ public JToolBar createToolBar(String uiKey) { JToolBar tb = new JToolBar(); tb.setName(uiKey); setAccessibleInfo(tb, uiKey); return tb; } /** * Create a toolbar, using actions to specify the buttons, * and using resources to specify the name and mnemonic.
* The components on the toolbar which are derived from the actions will * have their accessible description set to the short description of the * action. * The resources used are: * *
uiKey.name accessible name *
uiKey.desc accessible description text *
* @param uiKey used to obtain accessibility info and name the component * @param actions the actions from which to create the buttons; * use null in the array to indicate if and where a separator is required * @return the tool bar that was created * @see javax.swing.Action#SHORT_DESCRIPTION */ public JToolBar createToolBar(String uiKey, Action[] actions) { JToolBar tb = new JToolBar(); tb.setName(uiKey); setAccessibleInfo(tb, uiKey); for (int i = 0; i < actions.length; i++) { Action action = actions[i]; if (action == null) tb.addSeparator(); else { JButton b = tb.add(action); b.setName((String) (action.getValue(Action.NAME))); b.getAccessibleContext().setAccessibleName(b.getName()); } } return tb; } /** * Create a toolbar, using buttons. * The resources used are: * *
uiKey.name accessible name *
uiKey.desc accessible description text *
* @param uiKey used to obtain accessibility info and name the component * @param buttons the buttons to be included in the bar.
* use null in the array to indicate if and where a separator is required * @return the tool bar that was created */ public JToolBar createToolBar(String uiKey, JButton[] buttons) { JToolBar tb = new JToolBar(); tb.setName(uiKey); setAccessibleInfo(tb, uiKey); for (int i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) { JButton button = buttons[i]; if (button == null) tb.addSeparator(); else { tb.add(button); } } return tb; } /** * Add a set of actions to an existing toolbar. * * @param tb The toolbar to modify, must not be null. * @param actions the actions from which to create the buttons; * use null in the array to indicate if and where a separator is required * @see javax.swing.Action#SHORT_DESCRIPTION */ public void addToolBarActions(JToolBar tb, Action[] actions) { for (int i = 0; i < actions.length; i++) { Action action = actions[i]; if (action == null) tb.addSeparator(); else { JButton b = tb.add(action); b.setName((String) (action.getValue(Action.NAME))); b.getAccessibleContext().setAccessibleName(b.getName()); } } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // blocking confirmation and error dialogs /** * Show an information dialog, using a resource to specify the error message.
* The resource used is: * *
uiKey.err the information message to be displayed *
* The method will block until the dialog is dismissed by the user. * @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used */ public void showInformation(String uiKey) { showLocalizedInfo(uiKey, getI18NString(uiKey + ".inf")); } /** * Show an error dialog, using a resource to specify the error message.
* The resource used is: * *
uiKey.err the error message to be displayed *
* The method will block until the dialog is dismissed by the user. * @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used */ public void showError(String uiKey) { showLocalizedError(uiKey, getI18NString(uiKey + ".err")); } /** * Show an error dialog, using a resource to specify the error message.
* The resource used is: * *
uiKey.err the error message to be displayed *
* @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used * @param arg an argument to be formatted into the content using * {@link java.text.MessageFormat#format} * The method will block until the dialog is dismissed by the user. */ public void showError(String uiKey, Object arg) { showLocalizedError(uiKey, getI18NString(uiKey + ".err", arg)); } /** * Show an error dialog, using a resource to specify the error message.
* The resource used is: * *
uiKey.err the error message to be displayed *
* @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used * @param args an array of arguments to be formatted into the content using * {@link java.text.MessageFormat#format} * The method will block until the dialog is dismissed by the user. */ public void showError(String uiKey, Object[] args) { String msg = getI18NString(uiKey + ".err", args); String title = local_i18n.getString("uif.error", ProductInfo.getName()); JButton okBtn = createOptionButton("uif.ok"); JTextArea ta = createLocalizedMessageArea(uiKey, msg.trim(), true); Dimension d = ta.getMinimumSize(); Object content = ta; // need scrolling ? if (d.width > Math.round(6.f * DOTS_PER_INCH) || d.height > Math.round(2.f * DOTS_PER_INCH)) { JScrollPane sp = new JScrollPane(ta); sp.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(Math.round(6.f * DOTS_PER_INCH), Math.round(2.f * DOTS_PER_INCH))); content = sp; } JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(parent, content, title, JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION, JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE, null, new Object[] { okBtn }, null); } /** * Show an error dialog containing stack trace information, using a * resource to specify the error message.
* The resource used is: * *
uiKey.err the error message to be displayed *
* @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used * @param args an array of arguments to be formatted into the content using * @param trace an array of arguments containing stack trace information * to be added to scrollable pane * The method will block until the dialog is dismissed by the user. */ public void showError(String uiKey, Object[] args, Object[] trace) { String title = local_i18n.getString("uif.error", ProductInfo.getName()); JButton okBtn = createOptionButton("uif.ok"); StringBuffer traceString = new StringBuffer(getI18NString(uiKey + ".err", args)); traceString.append(":\n"); for (int i = 0; i < trace.length; i++) { traceString.append(trace[i]); if (i != (trace.length -1)) traceString.append("\n\tat "); } JTextArea ta = createLocalizedMessageArea(uiKey, traceString.toString(), true); ta.setLineWrap(false); JScrollPane sp = new JScrollPane(ta); sp.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(Math.round(6.f * DOTS_PER_INCH), Math.round(2.f * DOTS_PER_INCH))); JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(parent, sp, title, JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION, JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE, null, new Object[] { okBtn }, null); } /** * Show a error dialog to the user, using previously localized (or * unlocalized) strings for the message and title. * @param title Title string for the dialog. If null, a generic title * will be used. * @param msg Message to show to the user. * @see #showError(String) * @see #showError(String,Object[]) * @see #showError(String,Object[],Object[]) */ public void showLiteralError(String title, String msg) { JButton okBtn = createOptionButton("uif.ok"); if (title == null) title = local_i18n.getString("uif.error", ProductInfo.getName()); JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(parent, createLiteralMessageArea(msg), title, JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION, JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE, null, new Object[] { okBtn }, null); } private void showLocalizedError(String uiKey, String text) { String title = local_i18n.getString("uif.error", ProductInfo.getName()); JButton okBtn = createOptionButton("uif.ok"); JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(parent, createLocalizedMessageArea(uiKey, text, true), title, JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION, JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE, null, new Object[] { okBtn }, null); } private void showLocalizedInfo(String uiKey, String text) { String title = i18n.getString(uiKey + ".title"); JButton okBtn = createOptionButton("uif.ok"); JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(parent, createLocalizedMessageArea(uiKey, text, true), title, JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION, JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE, null, new Object[] { okBtn }, null); } /** * Show a confirmation dialog with OK and Cancel buttons, * using a resource to specify the message and title.
* The resources used are: * *
uiKey.txt the message to be displayed *
uiKey.title the title for the dialog *
* The method will block until the dialog is dismissed by the user. * @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used * @return an integer signifying how the dialog was dismissed * @see JOptionPane#OK_OPTION * @see JOptionPane#CANCEL_OPTION */ public int showOKCancelDialog(String uiKey) { return showLocalizedOKCancelDialog(uiKey, getI18NString(uiKey + ".txt")); } /** * Show a confirmation dialog with OK and Cancel buttons, * using a resource to specify the message and title.
* The resources used are: * *
uiKey.txt the message to be displayed *
uiKey.title the title for the dialog *
* The method will block until the dialog is dismissed by the user. * @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used * @param arg an argument to be formatted into the content using * {@link java.text.MessageFormat#format} * @return an integer signifying how the dialog was dismissed * @see JOptionPane#OK_OPTION * @see JOptionPane#CANCEL_OPTION */ public int showOKCancelDialog(String uiKey, Object arg) { return showLocalizedOKCancelDialog(uiKey, getI18NString(uiKey + ".txt", arg)); } /** * Show a confirmation dialog with OK and Cancel buttons, * using a resource to specify the message and title.
* The resources used are: * *
uiKey.txt the message to be displayed *
uiKey.title the title for the dialog *
* The method will block until the dialog is dismissed by the user. * @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used * @return an integer signifying how the dialog was dismissed * @param args an array of arguments to be formatted into the content using * {@link java.text.MessageFormat#format} * @see JOptionPane#OK_OPTION * @see JOptionPane#CANCEL_OPTION */ public int showOKCancelDialog(String uiKey, Object[] args) { return showLocalizedOKCancelDialog(uiKey, getI18NString(uiKey + ".txt", args)); } private int showLocalizedOKCancelDialog(String uiKey, String text) { JTextArea msg = createLocalizedMessageArea(uiKey, text, true); String title = getI18NString(uiKey + ".title"); JButton okBtn = createOptionButton("uif.ok"); JButton cancelBtn = createOptionButton("uif.cancel"); int rc = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(parent, msg, title, JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, new Object[] { okBtn, cancelBtn }, null); return (rc == 0 ? JOptionPane.OK_OPTION /*0*/ : rc == 1 ? JOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION /*2*/ : rc); } /** * Show a confirmation dialog with Yes and No buttons, * using a resource to specify the message and title.
* The resources used are: * *
uiKey.txt the message to be displayed *
uiKey.title the title for the dialog *
* The method will block until the dialog is dismissed by the user. * @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used * @return an integer signifying how the dialog was dismissed * @see JOptionPane#YES_OPTION * @see JOptionPane#NO_OPTION */ public int showYesNoDialog(String uiKey) { return showLocalizedYesNoDialog(uiKey, getI18NString(uiKey + ".txt")); } /** * Show a confirmation dialog with Yes and No buttons, * using a resource to specify the message and title.
* The resources used are: * *
uiKey.txt the message to be displayed *
uiKey.title the title for the dialog *
* The method will block until the dialog is dismissed by the user. * @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used * @param arg an argument to be formatted into the content using * {@link java.text.MessageFormat#format} * @return an integer signifying how the dialog was dismissed * @see JOptionPane#YES_OPTION * @see JOptionPane#NO_OPTION */ public int showYesNoDialog(String uiKey, Object arg) { return showLocalizedYesNoDialog(uiKey, getI18NString(uiKey + ".txt", arg)); } /** * Show a confirmation dialog with Yes and No buttons, * using a resource to specify the title and component for the message.
* The resources used are: * *
uiKey.title the title for the dialog *
* The method will block until the dialog is dismissed by the user. * @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used * @param msg the GUI component to be used as the dialogs message payload * @return an integer signifying how the dialog was dismissed * @see JOptionPane#YES_OPTION * @see JOptionPane#NO_OPTION */ public int showCustomYesNoDialog(String uiKey, Component msg) { return showComponentYesNoDialog(uiKey, msg); } /** * Show a confirmation dialog with Yes and No buttons, * using a resource to specify the message and title.
* The resources used are: * *
uiKey.txt the message to be displayed *
uiKey.title the title for the dialog *
* The method will block until the dialog is dismissed by the user. * @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used * @return an integer signifying how the dialog was dismissed * @param args an array of arguments to be formatted into the content using * {@link java.text.MessageFormat#format} * @see JOptionPane#YES_OPTION * @see JOptionPane#NO_OPTION */ public int showYesNoDialog(String uiKey, Object[] args) { return showLocalizedYesNoDialog(uiKey, getI18NString(uiKey + ".txt", args)); } private int showLocalizedYesNoDialog(String uiKey, String text) { JTextArea msg = createLocalizedMessageArea(uiKey, text, true); return showComponentYesNoDialog(uiKey, msg); } /** * Show a Yes/No dialog with the given text and title. * Use this with care and only when really really needed. */ int showLiteralYesNoDialog(String title, String text) { // warning, this only works because createLocalizedMessageArea // does not use the uikey for anything except the component name JTextArea msg = createLocalizedMessageArea("literal", text, true); // update showComponentYesNoDialog if you change this! JButton yesBtn = createOptionButton("uif.yes"); JButton noBtn = createOptionButton("uif.no"); return JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(parent, msg, title, JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, new Object[] { yesBtn, noBtn }, null); } private int showComponentYesNoDialog(String uiKey, Component msg) { // update showLiteralYesNoDialog if you change this! String title = getI18NString(uiKey + ".title"); JButton yesBtn = createOptionButton("uif.yes"); JButton noBtn = createOptionButton("uif.no"); return JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(parent, msg, title, JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, new Object[] { yesBtn, noBtn }, null); } /** * Show a confirmation dialog with Yes, No and Cancel buttons, * using a resource to specify the message and title.
* The resources used are: * *
uiKey.txt the message to be displayed *
uiKey.title the title for the dialog *
* The method will block until the dialog is dismissed by the user. * @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used * @return an integer signifying how the dialog was dismissed * @see JOptionPane#YES_OPTION * @see JOptionPane#NO_OPTION * @see JOptionPane#CANCEL_OPTION */ public int showYesNoCancelDialog(String uiKey) { return showLocalizedYesNoCancelDialog(uiKey, getI18NString(uiKey + ".txt")); } /** * Show a confirmation dialog with Yes and No buttons, * using a resource to specify the message and title.
* The resources used are: * *
uiKey.txt the message to be displayed *
uiKey.title the title for the dialog *
* The method will block until the dialog is dismissed by the user. * @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used * @param arg an argument to be formatted into the content using * {@link java.text.MessageFormat#format} * @return an integer signifying how the dialog was dismissed * @see JOptionPane#YES_OPTION * @see JOptionPane#NO_OPTION * @see JOptionPane#CANCEL_OPTION */ public int showYesNoCancelDialog(String uiKey, Object arg) { return showLocalizedYesNoCancelDialog(uiKey, getI18NString(uiKey + ".txt", arg)); } /** * Show a confirmation dialog with Yes and No buttons, * using a resource to specify the message and title.
* The resources used are: * *
uiKey.txt the message to be displayed *
uiKey.title the title for the dialog *
* The method will block until the dialog is dismissed by the user. * @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used * @return an integer signifying how the dialog was dismissed * @param args an array of arguments to be formatted into the content using * {@link java.text.MessageFormat#format} * @see JOptionPane#YES_OPTION * @see JOptionPane#NO_OPTION * @see JOptionPane#CANCEL_OPTION */ public int showYesNoCancelDialog(String uiKey, Object[] args) { return showLocalizedYesNoCancelDialog(uiKey, getI18NString(uiKey + ".txt", args)); } private int showLocalizedYesNoCancelDialog(String uiKey, String text) { JTextArea msg = createLocalizedMessageArea(uiKey, text, true); String title = getI18NString(uiKey + ".title"); JButton yesBtn = createOptionButton("uif.yes"); JButton noBtn = createOptionButton("uif.no"); JButton cancelBtn = createOptionButton("uif.cancel"); return JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(parent, msg, title, JOptionPane.YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, new Object[] { yesBtn, noBtn, cancelBtn }, null); } /** * Show a message only dialog, no user feedback. * The resources used are: * *
uiKey.txt the message to be displayed *
uiKey.title the title for the dialog *
* @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used * @param args any arguments to be used to create the message */ public void showInformationDialog(String uiKey, Object[] args) { showLocalizedInformationDialog(uiKey, getI18NString(uiKey + ".title"), getI18NString(uiKey + ".txt", args), parent); } public void showInformationDialog(String uiKey, Object[] args, Component parent) { showLocalizedInformationDialog(uiKey, getI18NString(uiKey + ".title"), getI18NString(uiKey + ".txt", args), parent); } private void showLocalizedInformationDialog(String uiKey, String title, String text, Component localParent) { JTextArea msg = createLocalizedMessageArea(uiKey, text, true); Dimension d = msg.getMinimumSize(); Object content = msg; // need scrolling ? if (d.width > Math.round(6.f * DOTS_PER_INCH) || d.height > Math.round(2.f * DOTS_PER_INCH)) { JScrollPane sp = new JScrollPane(msg); sp.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(Math.round(6.f * DOTS_PER_INCH), Math.round(2.f * DOTS_PER_INCH))); content = sp; } JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(localParent, content, title, JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE, null); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // don't show this again message box /** * Show a dialog which provides the user with an informational message. * * The resources used are: * *
uiKey.title the title for the dialog *
* @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used * @param msg the body of the dialog, which should have already been localized */ public void showCustomInfoDialog(String uiKey, Object msg) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(parent, msg, getI18NString(uiKey + ".title"), JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE, null); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // panels /** * Create a horizontal placeholder "box".
* The name of this new box component will be set to uiKey. * @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used * @return A Box component * @see javax.swing.Box */ public Box createHorizontalBox(String uiKey) { Box box = Box.createHorizontalBox(); box.setName(uiKey); box.setFocusable(false); return box; } /** * Create an empty panel.
* In the J2SE 1.4 and greater world, panels are focusable by default, * so this panel will be focusable. Because of this, accessibility * information must be set, therefore the following resources are * required from the resource bundle: * *
uiKey.name the accessible name of the panel *
uiKey.desc accessible description text *
* The name of this new component will be set to uiKey. * @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used * @return An empty panel component */ public JPanel createPanel(String uiKey) { return createPanel(uiKey, true); } /** * Create an empty panel.
* In the J2SE 1.4 and greater world, panels are focusable by default, * so this panel will be focusable. Use this method to control * whether or not the panel remains focusable. If you choose 'true', * the following must be provided in the resource bundle: * *
uiKey.name the accessible name of the panel *
uiKey.desc accessible description text *
* The name of this new component will be set to uiKey. * @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used * @param focusable If true, the panel will accept focus in the GUI. * If false it will not. Note that if it is focusable, you need to * provide accessibility text. * @return An empty panel component */ public JPanel createPanel(String uiKey, boolean focusable) { JPanel p = new JPanel(); initPanel(p, uiKey, focusable); return p; } /** * Create an empty panel with a specific layout manager.
* In the J2SE 1.4 and greater world, panels are focusable by default, * so this panel will be focusable. Because of this, accessibility * information must be set, therefore the following resources are * required from the resource bundle: * *
uiKey.name the accessible name of the panel *
uiKey.desc accessible description text *
* The name of this new component will be set to uiKey. * @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used * @param layout the layout manager instance to use in this panel * @return An empty panel component */ public JPanel createPanel(String uiKey, LayoutManager layout) { return createPanel(uiKey, layout, true); } /** * Create an empty panel with a specific layout manager.
* In the J2SE 1.4 and greater world, panels are focusable by default, * so this panel will be focusable. Use this method to control * whether or not the panel remains focusable. If you choose 'true', * the following must be provided in the resource bundle: * *
uiKey.name the accessible name of the panel *
uiKey.desc accessible description text *
* The name of this new component will be set to uiKey. * @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used * @param layout the layout manager instance to use in this panel * @param focusable If true, the panel will accept focus in the GUI. * If false it will not. Note that if it is focusable, you need to * provide accessibility text. * @return An empty panel component */ public JPanel createPanel(String uiKey, LayoutManager layout, boolean focusable) { JPanel p = new JPanel(); initPanel(p, uiKey, layout, focusable); return p; } /** * Set properties on an existing panel. * @param p the panel to modify * @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used * @param focusable If true, the panel will accept focus in the GUI. * If false it will not. Note that if it is focusable, you need to * provide accessibility text. */ public void initPanel(JPanel p, String uiKey, boolean focusable) { p.setName(uiKey); if (focusable) setAccessibleInfo(p, uiKey); else p.setFocusable(false); } /** * Set properties on an existing panel, including the layout manager. * @param p the panel to modify * @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used * @param layout the layout manager instance that this panel should use * @param focusable If true, the panel will accept focus in the GUI. * If false it will not. Note that if it is focusable, you need to * provide accessibility text. */ public void initPanel(JPanel p, String uiKey, LayoutManager layout, boolean focusable) { initPanel(p, uiKey, focusable); p.setLayout(layout); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // dialogs /** * Create an empty dialog.
* See initDialog(JDialog,String) for required resources. * @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used * @param parent the parent component of this dialog * @return an empty dialog component * @see #initDialog */ public JDialog createDialog(String uiKey, Component parent) { JFrame owner = (JFrame) (SwingUtilities.getAncestorOfClass(JFrame.class, parent)); return createDialog(uiKey, owner); } /** * Create an empty dialog.
* See initDialog(JDialog,String) for required resources. * @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used * @param owner the parent frame of this dialog * @return an empty dialog component * @see #initDialog */ public JDialog createDialog(String uiKey, JFrame owner) { JDialog d = new JDialog(owner); initDialog(d, uiKey); return d; } /** * Create an empty dialog.
* See initDialog(JDialog,String) for required resources. * @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used * @param owner the parent frame of this dialog. If owner is null - icon is set to the dialog * @param title the localized title of this new dialog * @param content the content to go into the dialog * @return an dialog component with the given content component and title * @see #initDialog */ public JDialog createDialog(String uiKey, JFrame owner, String title, Container content) { return createDialog(uiKey, owner, title, content, Dialog.ModalityType.MODELESS); } /** * Create an empty dialog.
* See initDialog(JDialog,String) for required resources. * @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used * @param owner the parent frame of this dialog. If owner is null - icon is set to the dialog * @param title the localized title of this new dialog * @param content the content to go into the dialog * @param type specifies whether dialog blocks input to other windows when shown. * null value and unsupported modality types are equivalent to MODELESS * @return an dialog component with the given content component and title * @see #initDialog */ public JDialog createDialog(String uiKey, JFrame owner, String title, Container content, Dialog.ModalityType type) { // can't use constructor JDialog(Window, String, Dialog.ModalityType) - // it has different behavior from JDialog(Frame, String, boolean) JDialog d = new JDialog(owner, title, false); d.setModalityType(type); if (owner == null) { d.setIconImage(createImage("images/jticon.gif")); } initDialog(d, uiKey); d.setContentPane(content); return d; } /** * Create an empty frame. Unlike to dialog createDialog(String uiKey, * JFrame owner, String title, Container content) it can't be modal, * it's always free-floating and it has minimize and maximize buttons
* See initFrame(JFrame,String) for required resources. * @param uiKey the base name of the resource to be used * @param title the localized title of this new frame * @param content the content to go into the frame * @return a frame component with the given content component and title * @see #initFrame */ public JFrame createFrame(String uiKey, String title, Container content) { JFrame frame = new JFrame(title); initFrame(frame, uiKey); frame.setContentPane(content); return frame; } /** * Create a dialog which will ask the user to wait. * The resources used are: * *
uiKey.txt the message to be displayed *
uiKey.title the title for the dialog *
* @param uiKey The prefix to retrieve strings to be displayed. * @param parent The parent component of this new dialog. * @return a dialog appropriate for asking the user to wait */ public JDialog createWaitDialog(String uiKey, Component parent) { JFrame owner = (JFrame) (SwingUtilities.getAncestorOfClass(JFrame.class, parent)); return createWaitDialog(uiKey, owner); } /** * Create a dialog which will ask the user to wait. * The resources used are: * *
uiKey.txt the message to be displayed *
uiKey.title the title for the dialog *
uiKey.desc accessible description of the dialog *
uiKey.name accessible name of the dialog *
* @param uiKey The prefix to retrieve strings to be displayed. * @param owner The frame which will own this new dialog. * @return a dialog appropriate for asking the user to wait */ public JDialog createWaitDialog(String uiKey, JFrame owner) { final int msgWidth = 50; JDialog d = new JDialog(owner); initDialog(d, uiKey); d.setTitle(getI18NString(uiKey + ".title")); JProgressBar pb = new JProgressBar(SwingConstants.HORIZONTAL); pb.setName(uiKey); pb.setIndeterminate(true); pb.setBorderPainted(true); pb.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(Math.round(2.5f * DOTS_PER_INCH), 15)); JPanel body = createPanel(uiKey, new GridBagLayout(), false); GridBagConstraints gbc = new GridBagConstraints(); gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER; gbc.insets.left = 12; // JL&F spacing gbc.insets.right = 12; // JL&F spacing gbc.insets.top = 12; // JL&F spacing gbc.gridy = 0; gbc.weightx = 0; JTextArea msg = createLocalizedMessageArea(uiKey, getI18NString(uiKey + ".txt"), false); // uif sets the size, but too large for this dialog msg.setSize(new Dimension(Math.round(4.0f * DOTS_PER_INCH), Integer.MAX_VALUE)); body.add(msg, gbc); // add progress bar gbc.gridy = 1; gbc.insets.top = 11; // JL&F spacing gbc.insets.bottom = 12; // JL&F spacing body.add(pb, gbc); d.setContentPane(body); d.pack(); d.setLocationRelativeTo(owner); return d; } /** * Configure a dialog with accessibility information. * *
uiKey.desc accessible description of the dialog *
uiKey.name accessible name of the dialog *
uiKey.root component name for the root pane of the * dialog *
* @param d the dialog to upgrade * @param uiKey Key to retrieve the new properties with */ public void initDialog(JDialog d, String uiKey) { d.setName(uiKey); setAccessibleInfo(d, uiKey); d.setLocationRelativeTo(d.getParent()); JRootPane root = d.getRootPane(); root.setName(uiKey + ".root"); AccessibleContext ac = d.getAccessibleContext(); AccessibleContext r_ac = root.getAccessibleContext(); r_ac.setAccessibleName(ac.getAccessibleName()); r_ac.setAccessibleDescription(ac.getAccessibleDescription()); } /** * Configure a frame with accessibility information and an icon. * *
uiKey.desc accessible description of the frame *
uiKey.name accessible name of the frame *
uiKey.root component name for the root pane of the * frame *
* @param d the frame to upgrade * @param uiKey Key to retrieve the new properties with */ public void initFrame(JFrame d, String uiKey) { d.setName(uiKey); setAccessibleInfo(d, uiKey); d.setLocationRelativeTo(d.getParent()); d.setIconImage(createImage("images/jticon.gif")); JRootPane root = d.getRootPane(); root.setName(uiKey + ".root"); AccessibleContext ac = d.getAccessibleContext(); AccessibleContext r_ac = root.getAccessibleContext(); r_ac.setAccessibleName(ac.getAccessibleName()); r_ac.setAccessibleDescription(ac.getAccessibleDescription()); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Dispose of any owned resources. */ public void dispose() { clientClass = null; parent = null; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- private static Font baseFont = new JLabel().getFont(); private static final ActionListener closeListener = new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Component src = (Component) (e.getSource()); for (Container p = src.getParent(); p != null; p = p.getParent()) { if (p instanceof JInternalFrame || p instanceof Window) { p.setVisible(false); return; } } } }; private Class clientClass; private Component parent; private I18NResourceBundle i18n; private HelpBroker helpBroker; private static I18NResourceBundle local_i18n = I18NResourceBundle.getBundleForClass(UIFactory.class); private static final int DOTS_PER_INCH = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenResolution(); /** * Extension to the UIFactory that allows to use more than one resource * bundle. All methods accessing the resource bundle are overridden to * search for a resource in the alternative bundle first, and, if not found, * look up it in the original one. * * This class might be helpful, when a component extends another components * from a different package. */ public static class UIFactoryExt extends UIFactory { private I18NResourceBundle i18n_alt; private Class altClass; public UIFactoryExt(UIFactory uif, Class altClass) { super(uif.clientClass, uif.parent, uif.helpBroker); i18n_alt = I18NResourceBundle.getBundleForClass(altClass); this.altClass = altClass; } @Override public Color getI18NColor(String key) { if (!hasKey(i18n_alt,key)) { return super.getI18NColor(key); } String value = i18n_alt.getString(key + ".clr"); try { if (value != null) return Color.decode(value); } catch (Exception e) { // ignore } return Color.BLACK; } @Override public String getI18NString(String key) { if (hasKey(i18n_alt,key)) { return i18n_alt.getString(key); } else { return super.getI18NString(key); } } @Override public String getI18NString(String key, Object arg) { if (hasKey(i18n_alt,key)) { return i18n_alt.getString(key, arg); } else { return super.getI18NString(key, arg); } } @Override public String getI18NString(String key, Object[] args) { if (hasKey(i18n_alt,key)) { return i18n_alt.getString(key, args); } else { return super.getI18NString(key, args); } } @Override public URL getIconURL(String uiKey) { String r = getI18NString(uiKey + ".icon"); URL url = altClass.getResource(r); if (url == null) url = super.getIconURL(uiKey); return url; } /** * It would be much better to use containsKey() instead, but * it's available since 1.6 */ static boolean hasKey(ResourceBundle rb, String key) { Enumeration keys = rb.getKeys(); if (keys == null || key == null) { return false; } while(keys.hasMoreElements()) { if (key.equals(keys.nextElement())) { return true; } } return false; } } }