/* * $Id$ * * Copyright (c) 1996, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package com.sun.javatest.util; import java.io.BufferedWriter; import java.util.*; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.Reader; import java.io.Writer; /** * A space-efficient string to string map. * This class is similar to java.util.Properties. * For this class, space is more important than speed. Use this class when * you care much more about wasted space than wasting time doing reference * juggling in memory. Arrays in this class must correspond to this format: *
 * {"key1", "value1", "key2", "value2", ...}
*/ // This code was derived from that in com.sun.javatest.util.Properties. public class PropertyArray { /** * A class used to report problems that may occur when using PropertyArray. */ public static class PropertyArrayError extends Error { /** * Create a PropertyArrayError object. */ public PropertyArrayError() { super(); } /** * Create a PropertyArrayError object. * @param msg a detail message for the error */ public PropertyArrayError(String msg) { super(msg); } } /** * Create a mutable object. */ public PropertyArray() { locked = false; } /** * Create a mutable object. * @param initSize the initial capacity of the array */ public PropertyArray(int initSize) { // This method probably should be some kind of optimization, but if // we pre-create the array, how will be know the size? Another data // member I suppose... locked = false; } /** * Create a immutable object, from data read from on a stream in * the format of a standard Java properties file. * @param in the stream from which to read the properties * @throws IOException if a problem occurred while reading the data */ public PropertyArray(Reader in) throws IOException { dataA = load(in); locked = true; } /** * Create a immutable PropertyArray object from a standard Properties object. * @param props the object from which to initialize the array */ public PropertyArray(Map props) { dataA = getArray(props); locked = true; } /** * Create a immutable PropertyArray object from data in a compact array of * names and values. * @param data an array containing pairs of entries: even-numbered entries * identify the names of properties, odd-numbered entries give the value * for the preceding property name. */ public PropertyArray(String[] data) { locked = true; dataA = new String[data.length]; // shallow copy the array for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { dataA[i] = data[i]; } } // --------------- STATIC METHODS ---------------- /** * Get a compact array containing the names and values of entries * from a standard Properties object. * @param props the Properties object from which to get the data * @return an array containing the names of the properties in even-numbered * entries, and the corresponding values in the adjacent odd-numbered entries */ public static String[] getArray(Map props) { Vector data = new Vector<>(props.size(),2); for (Map.Entry entry : props.entrySet()) { insert(data, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } String[] arr = new String[data.size()]; data.copyInto(arr); return arr; } /** * Add a mapping to an array, returning a new array. * @param data The array to which to the new array is to be added. May be null. * @param key the name of the new value to be added * @param value the new value to be added * @return an array with the new element added * @exception PropertyArrayError May be thrown if a null key or value is * supplied. */ public static String[] put(String[] data, String key, String value) { Vector vec; String[] arr; String old = null; if (key == null || value == null) { // i'd like to make null values legal but... throw new PropertyArrayError( "A key or value was null. Null keys and values are illegal"); } if (data == null) { data = new String[0]; } // key == null is verified vec = copyOutOf(data); old = insert(vec, key, value); arr = new String[vec.size()]; vec.copyInto(arr); return arr; } /** * Get a named value from the array of properties. * If the given data array is null or zero length, null is returned. * If the key paramter is null, null will be returned, no error will * occur. * @param data an array containing sequential name value pairs * @param key the name of the property to be returned * @return the value of the named entry, or null if not found */ public static String get(String[] data, String key) { if (data == null || data.length == 0 || key == null) { return null; } int lower = 0; int upper = data.length - 2; int mid; if (upper < 0) return null; String last = data[upper]; int cmp = key.compareTo(last); if (cmp > 0) return null; while (lower <= upper) { // in next line, take care to ensure that mid is always even mid = lower + ((upper - lower) / 4) * 2; String e = data[mid]; cmp = key.compareTo(e); if (cmp < 0) upper = mid - 2; else if (cmp > 0) lower = mid + 2; else return data[mid+1]; } // did not find an exact match return null; } /** * Remove an entry from an array of properties. * @param data an array of sequential name value properties * @param key the name of the entry to be removed * @return an array that does not contain the named property */ public static String[] remove(String[] data, String key) { Vector vec = copyOutOf(data); int lower = 0; int upper = vec.size() - 2; int mid = 0; String old = null; if (upper < 0) { // no data yet return data; } // goes at the end String last = vec.elementAt(upper); int cmp = key.compareTo(last); if (cmp > 0) { return data; } while (lower <= upper) { // in next line, take care to ensure that mid is always even mid = lower + ((upper - lower) / 4) * 2; String e = (vec.elementAt(mid)); cmp = key.compareTo(e); if (cmp < 0) { upper = mid - 2; } else if (cmp > 0) { lower = mid + 2; } else { // strings equal, zap key and value vec.removeElementAt(mid); old = vec.elementAt(mid); vec.removeElementAt(mid); break; } } String[] outData = new String[vec.size()]; vec.copyInto(outData); return outData; } /** * Get a standard Map object from an array of properties. * @param data an array of sequential name value properties * @return a Map object containing data from the array */ public static Map getProperties(String[] data) { Map props = new HashMap<>(); if (data != null && data.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i+=2) { props.put(data[i], data[i+1]); } // for } // else return props; } /** * Write an array of properties to a stream. * The data is written using the format for standard Java property files. * @param data an array of sequential name value properties * @param out a stream to which to write the data * @throws IOException if a problem occurred while writing to the stream * @see #load(Reader) */ public static void save(String[] data, Writer out) throws IOException { // This could be used if we switch to JDK 1.6, where Properties support I/O // through Reader and Writer // // Properties props = getProperties(data); // StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); // props.store(sw, null); // // StringBuffer sb = sw.getBuffer(); // while (sb.length() > 0 && sb.charAt(0) == '#') { // int end = sb.indexOf(lineSeparator); // sb = sb.delete(0, end); // if (sb.length() > 0) { // char ch = sb.charAt(0); // while ((ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' || ch == '\t' || ch == ' ')) { // sb = sb.deleteCharAt(0); // if (sb.length() > 0) { // ch = sb.charAt(0); // } // else { // break; // } // } // } // } // // out.write(sb.toString()); if (data == null || data.length == 0) { return; } // From JDK 1.6 java.util.Properties BufferedWriter bout = (out instanceof BufferedWriter)?(BufferedWriter)out : new BufferedWriter(out); for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i+=2) { String key = data[i]; String val = data[i+1]; key = Properties.saveConvert(key, true, false); /* No need to escape embedded and trailing spaces for value, hence * pass false to flag. */ val = Properties.saveConvert(val, false, false); bout.write(key + "=" + val); bout.newLine(); } bout.flush(); } /** * Read an array of properties from an input stream. * The data will be read according to the standard format for Java * property files. * @param in the stream from which to read the data * @return an array of sequential name value properties * @throws IOException if an error occurred while reading the data * @see #save(String[], Writer) */ public static String[] load(Reader in) throws IOException { Vector v = Properties.load0(in, true); Vector sorted = new Vector<>(v.size()); for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i+=2) { insert(sorted, v.elementAt(i), v.elementAt(i + 1)); } String[] data = new String[sorted.size()]; sorted.copyInto(data); return data; } /** * Enumerate the properties in an array. * @param props an array of sequential name value properties * @return an enumeration of the properties in the array */ public static Enumeration enumerate(final String[] props) { return new Enumeration() { int pos = 0; public boolean hasMoreElements() { return (props != null && pos < props.length); } public String nextElement() { if (props == null || pos >= props.length) { return null; } else { String current = props[pos]; pos += 2; return current; } } }; } // --------------- INSTANCE METHODS ---------------- /** * Get the data in this PropertyArray as a standard Properties object. * @return a Properties object containing the same data as this PropertyArray */ public Map getProperties() { return getProperties(dataA); } /** * Check if the property array is mutable. * @return true if data can be stored in this array, and false otherwise */ public boolean isMutable() { return !locked; } /** * Get the number of properties stored in the property array. * @return the number of properties stored in the property array */ public int size() { if (dataA == null) { return 0; } else { return dataA.length / 2; } } /** * Get the value of a named property. * @param key the name of the desired property * @return the value of the property, or null if it was not found */ public String get(String key) { return get(dataA, key); } /** * Get a copy of the data in this PropertyArray. * @return a copy of the data, or null if there is no data. */ public String[] getArray() { if (dataA == null || dataA.length == 0) { return null; } return shallowCopy(dataA); } /** * Put a property into the PropertyArray. * @param key the name of the property to be added * @param value the value of the property to be added * @return the previous value (if any) of this property * @throws PropertyArrayError if a null key or value is supplied. */ public String put(String key, String value) { String old = null; if (locked == true) { throw new IllegalStateException("PropertyArray is immutable."); } if (key == null || value == null) { // i'd like to make null values legal but... throw new PropertyArrayError( "A key or value was null. Null keys and values are illegal"); } Vector vec = copyOutOf(dataA); old = insert(vec, key, value); dataA = new String[vec.size()]; vec.copyInto(dataA); return old; } /** * Remove a property. * @param key the name of the property to be removed */ public void remove(String key) { dataA = remove(dataA, key); } /** * Save the properties to a stream. The data is written using the format * for a standard Java properties file. * @param out the stream to which to write the data * @throws IOException if an error occurred while writing the data */ public void save(Writer out) throws IOException { save(dataA, out); } // --------------- PRIVATE ---------------- /** * Put a new value in, overwriting existing values. * * @param vec Vector to add data to. Must not be null! */ private static String insert(Vector vec, String key, String value) { int lower = 0; int upper = vec.size() - 2; int mid = 0; String old = null; if (upper < 0) { // no data yet vec.addElement(key); vec.addElement(value); return old; } // goes at the end String last = vec.elementAt(upper); int cmp = key.compareTo(last); if (cmp > 0) { vec.addElement(key); vec.addElement(value); return null; } while (lower <= upper) { // in next line, take care to ensure that mid is always even mid = lower + ((upper - lower) / 4) * 2; String e = vec.elementAt(mid); cmp = key.compareTo(e); if (cmp < 0) { upper = mid - 2; } else if (cmp > 0) { lower = mid + 2; } else { // strings equal vec.removeElementAt(mid); old = vec.elementAt(mid); vec.removeElementAt(mid); break; } } // did not find an exact match (we did not expect to) // adjust the insert point if (cmp > 0) mid += 2; vec.insertElementAt(key, mid); vec.insertElementAt(value, mid+1); return old; } private static Vector copyOutOf(String[] data) { Vector vec = null; if (data == null) { vec = new Vector<>(0,2); } else { vec = new Vector<>(data.length,2); for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { vec.addElement(data[i]); } // for } return vec; } private static String[] shallowCopy(String[] arrIn) { if (arrIn == null) { return null; } String[] arrOut = new String[arrIn.length]; // shallow copy the array for (int i = 0; i < arrIn.length; i++) { arrOut[i] = arrIn[i]; } return arrOut; } /** * Convert a nibble to a hex character * @param nibble the nibble to convert. */ private static char toHex(int nibble) { return hexDigit[(nibble & 0xF)]; } /** A table of hex digits */ private static char[] hexDigit = { '0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F' }; private static final String lineSeparator = System.getProperty("line.separator"); private String[] dataA; private boolean locked; }