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rev 145 : 7902237: Fixing raw use of parameterized class
Reviewed-by: jjg

 247     private JButton createButton(String uiKey, String actionCommand, ActionListener l) {
 248         JButton b = new JButton(i18n.getString(uiKey + ".btn"));
 249         b.setName(uiKey);
 250         b.setMnemonic(getMnemonic(uiKey));
 251         b.setActionCommand(actionCommand);
 252         b.addActionListener(l);
 253         setToolTipText(b, uiKey);
 254         //b.registerKeyboardAction(listener, actionCommand, enterKey, JComponent.WHEN_FOCUSED);
 255         return b;
 256     }
 258     private JCheckBox createCheckBox(String uiKey) {
 259         JCheckBox b = new JCheckBox(i18n.getString(uiKey + ".ckb"));
 260         b.setName(uiKey);
 261         b.setMnemonic(getMnemonic(uiKey));
 262         setToolTipText(b, uiKey);
 263         return b;
 264     }
 266     private JComboBox createChoice(final String uiKey, final String[] choiceKeys) {
 267         // create a cache of the presentation string, for use when
 268         // rendering, but otherwise, let the JComboBox work in terms of the
 269         // choiceKeys
 270         final String[] choices = new String[choiceKeys.length];
 271         for (int i = 0; i < choices.length; i++)
 272             choices[i] = i18n.getString(uiKey + "." + choiceKeys[i] + ".chc");
 274         JComboBox<String> choice = new JComboBox<>(choiceKeys);
 275         choice.setName(uiKey);
 276         AccessibleContext ac = choice.getAccessibleContext();
 277         ac.setAccessibleName(i18n.getString(uiKey + ".tip"));
 279         choice.setRenderer(new DefaultListCellRenderer() {
 280             public Component getListCellRendererComponent(JList list, Object o, int index, boolean isSelected, boolean cellHasFocus) {
 281                 Object c = o;
 282                 for (int i = 0; i < choiceKeys.length; i++) {
 283                     if (choiceKeys[i] == o) {
 284                         c = choices[i];
 285                         break;
 286                     }
 287                 }
 288                 return super.getListCellRendererComponent(list, c, index, isSelected, cellHasFocus);
 289             }
 290         });
 292         setToolTipText(choice, uiKey);
 293         ac.setAccessibleDescription(choice.getToolTipText());
 294         return choice;
 295     }
 297     private JLabel createLabel(String uiKey, boolean needMnemonic) {
 298         JLabel l = new JLabel(i18n.getString(uiKey + ".lbl"));
 299         l.setName(uiKey);
 300         if (needMnemonic)

 312     }
 314     private ActionListener listener = new ActionListener() {
 315         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
 316             String cmd = e.getActionCommand();
 317             if (cmd.equals(FIND))
 318                 find();
 319             else if (cmd.equals(CLOSE))
 320                 setVisible(false);
 321             else if (cmd.equals(HELP)) {
 322                 helpBroker.displayCurrentID(helpPrefix + "search.csh");
 323             }
 324         }
 325     };
 327     private Interview interview;
 328     private Question currentQuestion;
 329     private HelpBroker helpBroker;
 330     private String helpPrefix;
 331     private JTextField textField;
 332     private JComboBox whereChoice;
 333     private JCheckBox caseChk;
 334     private JCheckBox wordChk;
 336     private static final String ANSWER = "answer";
 337     private static final String ANYWHERE = "anywhere";
 338     private static final String CLOSE = "close";
 339     private static final String FIND = "find";
 340     private static final String HELP = "help";
 341     private static final String QUESTION = "question";
 342     private static final String TITLE = "title";
 343     private static final KeyStroke escapeKey = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("ESCAPE");
 345     private static final I18NResourceBundle i18n = I18NResourceBundle.getDefaultBundle();
 346 }

 247     private JButton createButton(String uiKey, String actionCommand, ActionListener l) {
 248         JButton b = new JButton(i18n.getString(uiKey + ".btn"));
 249         b.setName(uiKey);
 250         b.setMnemonic(getMnemonic(uiKey));
 251         b.setActionCommand(actionCommand);
 252         b.addActionListener(l);
 253         setToolTipText(b, uiKey);
 254         //b.registerKeyboardAction(listener, actionCommand, enterKey, JComponent.WHEN_FOCUSED);
 255         return b;
 256     }
 258     private JCheckBox createCheckBox(String uiKey) {
 259         JCheckBox b = new JCheckBox(i18n.getString(uiKey + ".ckb"));
 260         b.setName(uiKey);
 261         b.setMnemonic(getMnemonic(uiKey));
 262         setToolTipText(b, uiKey);
 263         return b;
 264     }
 266     private JComboBox<String> createChoice(final String uiKey, final String[] choiceKeys) {
 267         // create a cache of the presentation string, for use when
 268         // rendering, but otherwise, let the JComboBox work in terms of the
 269         // choiceKeys
 270         final String[] choices = new String[choiceKeys.length];
 271         for (int i = 0; i < choices.length; i++)
 272             choices[i] = i18n.getString(uiKey + "." + choiceKeys[i] + ".chc");
 274         JComboBox<String> choice = new JComboBox<>(choiceKeys);
 275         choice.setName(uiKey);
 276         AccessibleContext ac = choice.getAccessibleContext();
 277         ac.setAccessibleName(i18n.getString(uiKey + ".tip"));
 279         choice.setRenderer(new DefaultListCellRenderer() {
 280             public Component getListCellRendererComponent(JList<?> list, Object o, int index, boolean isSelected, boolean cellHasFocus) {
 281                 Object c = o;
 282                 for (int i = 0; i < choiceKeys.length; i++) {
 283                     if (choiceKeys[i] == o) {
 284                         c = choices[i];
 285                         break;
 286                     }
 287                 }
 288                 return super.getListCellRendererComponent(list, c, index, isSelected, cellHasFocus);
 289             }
 290         });
 292         setToolTipText(choice, uiKey);
 293         ac.setAccessibleDescription(choice.getToolTipText());
 294         return choice;
 295     }
 297     private JLabel createLabel(String uiKey, boolean needMnemonic) {
 298         JLabel l = new JLabel(i18n.getString(uiKey + ".lbl"));
 299         l.setName(uiKey);
 300         if (needMnemonic)

 312     }
 314     private ActionListener listener = new ActionListener() {
 315         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
 316             String cmd = e.getActionCommand();
 317             if (cmd.equals(FIND))
 318                 find();
 319             else if (cmd.equals(CLOSE))
 320                 setVisible(false);
 321             else if (cmd.equals(HELP)) {
 322                 helpBroker.displayCurrentID(helpPrefix + "search.csh");
 323             }
 324         }
 325     };
 327     private Interview interview;
 328     private Question currentQuestion;
 329     private HelpBroker helpBroker;
 330     private String helpPrefix;
 331     private JTextField textField;
 332     private JComboBox<String> whereChoice;
 333     private JCheckBox caseChk;
 334     private JCheckBox wordChk;
 336     private static final String ANSWER = "answer";
 337     private static final String ANYWHERE = "anywhere";
 338     private static final String CLOSE = "close";
 339     private static final String FIND = "find";
 340     private static final String HELP = "help";
 341     private static final String QUESTION = "question";
 342     private static final String TITLE = "title";
 343     private static final KeyStroke escapeKey = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("ESCAPE");
 345     private static final I18NResourceBundle i18n = I18NResourceBundle.getDefaultBundle();
 346 }
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