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 333   diagnostic(bool, UseSHA256Intrinsics, false,                              \
 334           "Use intrinsics for SHA-224 and SHA-256 crypto hash functions. "  \
 335           "Requires that UseSHA is enabled.")                               \
 336                                                                             \
 337   diagnostic(bool, UseSHA512Intrinsics, false,                              \
 338           "Use intrinsics for SHA-384 and SHA-512 crypto hash functions. "  \
 339           "Requires that UseSHA is enabled.")                               \
 340                                                                             \
 341   diagnostic(bool, UseCRC32Intrinsics, false,                               \
 342           "use intrinsics for java.util.zip.CRC32")                         \
 343                                                                             \
 344   diagnostic(bool, UseCRC32CIntrinsics, false,                              \
 345           "use intrinsics for java.util.zip.CRC32C")                        \
 346                                                                             \
 347   diagnostic(bool, UseAdler32Intrinsics, false,                             \
 348           "use intrinsics for java.util.zip.Adler32")                       \
 349                                                                             \
 350   diagnostic(bool, UseVectorizedMismatchIntrinsic, false,                   \
 351           "Enables intrinsification of ArraysSupport.vectorizedMismatch()") \
 352                                                                             \

 353   diagnostic(ccstrlist, DisableIntrinsic, "",                               \
 354          "do not expand intrinsics whose (internal) names appear here")     \
 355                                                                             \
 356   diagnostic(ccstrlist, ControlIntrinsic, "",                               \
 357          "Control intrinsics using a list of +/- (internal) names, "        \
 358          "separated by commas")                                             \
 359                                                                             \
 360   develop(bool, TraceCallFixup, false,                                      \
 361           "Trace all call fixups")                                          \
 362                                                                             \
 363   develop(bool, DeoptimizeALot, false,                                      \
 364           "Deoptimize at every exit from the runtime system")               \
 365                                                                             \
 366   notproduct(ccstrlist, DeoptimizeOnlyAt, "",                               \
 367           "A comma separated list of bcis to deoptimize at")                \
 368                                                                             \
 369   develop(bool, DeoptimizeRandom, false,                                    \
 370           "Deoptimize random frames on random exit from the runtime system")\
 371                                                                             \
 372   notproduct(bool, ZombieALot, false,                                       \

 333   diagnostic(bool, UseSHA256Intrinsics, false,                              \
 334           "Use intrinsics for SHA-224 and SHA-256 crypto hash functions. "  \
 335           "Requires that UseSHA is enabled.")                               \
 336                                                                             \
 337   diagnostic(bool, UseSHA512Intrinsics, false,                              \
 338           "Use intrinsics for SHA-384 and SHA-512 crypto hash functions. "  \
 339           "Requires that UseSHA is enabled.")                               \
 340                                                                             \
 341   diagnostic(bool, UseCRC32Intrinsics, false,                               \
 342           "use intrinsics for java.util.zip.CRC32")                         \
 343                                                                             \
 344   diagnostic(bool, UseCRC32CIntrinsics, false,                              \
 345           "use intrinsics for java.util.zip.CRC32C")                        \
 346                                                                             \
 347   diagnostic(bool, UseAdler32Intrinsics, false,                             \
 348           "use intrinsics for java.util.zip.Adler32")                       \
 349                                                                             \
 350   diagnostic(bool, UseVectorizedMismatchIntrinsic, false,                   \
 351           "Enables intrinsification of ArraysSupport.vectorizedMismatch()") \
 352                                                                             \
 353   diagnostic(bool, UseSignumIntrinsic, false,                               \
 354           "Enables intrinsification of Math.signum")                        \
 355                                                                             \
 356   diagnostic(ccstrlist, DisableIntrinsic, "",                               \
 357          "do not expand intrinsics whose (internal) names appear here")     \
 358                                                                             \
 359   diagnostic(ccstrlist, ControlIntrinsic, "",                               \
 360          "Control intrinsics using a list of +/- (internal) names, "        \
 361          "separated by commas")                                             \
 362                                                                             \
 363   develop(bool, TraceCallFixup, false,                                      \
 364           "Trace all call fixups")                                          \
 365                                                                             \
 366   develop(bool, DeoptimizeALot, false,                                      \
 367           "Deoptimize at every exit from the runtime system")               \
 368                                                                             \
 369   notproduct(ccstrlist, DeoptimizeOnlyAt, "",                               \
 370           "A comma separated list of bcis to deoptimize at")                \
 371                                                                             \
 372   develop(bool, DeoptimizeRandom, false,                                    \
 373           "Deoptimize random frames on random exit from the runtime system")\
 374                                                                             \
 375   notproduct(bool, ZombieALot, false,                                       \

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