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3002       // TODO: eliminate redundant LDs of obj->mark
3003       biased_locking_exit(mark_addr, Rscratch, done);
3004    }
3006    ld_ptr(Roop, oopDesc::mark_offset_in_bytes(), Rmark);
3007    ld_ptr(Rbox, BasicLock::displaced_header_offset_in_bytes(), Rscratch);
3008    andcc(Rscratch, Rscratch, G0);
3009    brx(Assembler::zero, false, Assembler::pn, done);
3010    delayed()->nop();      // consider: relocate fetch of mark, above, into this DS
3011    andcc(Rmark, 2, G0);
3012    brx(Assembler::zero, false, Assembler::pt, LStacked);
3013    delayed()->nop();
3015    // It's inflated
3016    // Conceptually we need a #loadstore|#storestore "release" MEMBAR before
3017    // the ST of 0 into _owner which releases the lock.  This prevents loads
3018    // and stores within the critical section from reordering (floating)
3019    // past the store that releases the lock.  But TSO is a strong memory model
3020    // and that particular flavor of barrier is a noop, so we can safely elide it.
3021    // Note that we use 1-0 locking by default for the inflated case.  We
3022    // close the resultant (and rare) race by having contented threads in
3023    // monitorenter periodically poll _owner.
3024    ld_ptr(Rmark, OM_OFFSET_NO_MONITOR_VALUE_TAG(owner), Rscratch);
3025    ld_ptr(Rmark, OM_OFFSET_NO_MONITOR_VALUE_TAG(recursions), Rbox);
3026    xor3(Rscratch, G2_thread, Rscratch);
3027    orcc(Rbox, Rscratch, Rbox);

3028    brx(Assembler::notZero, false, Assembler::pn, done);
3029    delayed()->
3030    ld_ptr(Rmark, OM_OFFSET_NO_MONITOR_VALUE_TAG(EntryList), Rscratch);
3031    ld_ptr(Rmark, OM_OFFSET_NO_MONITOR_VALUE_TAG(cxq), Rbox);
3032    orcc(Rbox, Rscratch, G0);
3033    if (EmitSync & 65536) {
3034       Label LSucc ;
3035       brx(Assembler::notZero, false, Assembler::pn, LSucc);
3036       delayed()->nop();
3037       ba(done);
3038       delayed()->st_ptr(G0, Rmark, OM_OFFSET_NO_MONITOR_VALUE_TAG(owner));
3040       bind(LSucc);
3041       st_ptr(G0, Rmark, OM_OFFSET_NO_MONITOR_VALUE_TAG(owner));
3042       if (os::is_MP()) { membar (StoreLoad); }
3043       ld_ptr(Rmark, OM_OFFSET_NO_MONITOR_VALUE_TAG(succ), Rscratch);

3044       andcc(Rscratch, Rscratch, G0);
3045       brx(Assembler::notZero, false, Assembler::pt, done);
3046       delayed()->andcc(G0, G0, G0);
3047       add(Rmark, OM_OFFSET_NO_MONITOR_VALUE_TAG(owner), Rmark);
3048       mov(G2_thread, Rscratch);
3049       cas_ptr(Rmark, G0, Rscratch);

3050       // invert icc.zf and goto done
3051       br_notnull(Rscratch, false, Assembler::pt, done);
3052       delayed()->cmp(G0, G0);
3053       ba(done);
3054       delayed()->cmp(G0, 1);
3055    } else {

3056       brx(Assembler::notZero, false, Assembler::pn, done);
3057       delayed()->nop();
3058       ba(done);
3059       delayed()->st_ptr(G0, Rmark, OM_OFFSET_NO_MONITOR_VALUE_TAG(owner));

3060    }

3062    bind   (LStacked);
3063    // Consider: we could replace the expensive CAS in the exit
3064    // path with a simple ST of the displaced mark value fetched from
3065    // the on-stack basiclock box.  That admits a race where a thread T2
3066    // in the slow lock path -- inflating with monitor M -- could race a
3067    // thread T1 in the fast unlock path, resulting in a missed wakeup for T2.
3068    // More precisely T1 in the stack-lock unlock path could "stomp" the
3069    // inflated mark value M installed by T2, resulting in an orphan
3070    // object monitor M and T2 becoming stranded.  We can remedy that situation
3071    // by having T2 periodically poll the object's mark word using timed wait
3072    // operations.  If T2 discovers that a stomp has occurred it vacates
3073    // the monitor M and wakes any other threads stranded on the now-orphan M.
3074    // In addition the monitor scavenger, which performs deflation,
3075    // would also need to check for orpan monitors and stranded threads.
3076    //
3077    // Finally, inflation is also used when T2 needs to assign a hashCode
3078    // to O and O is stack-locked by T1.  The "stomp" race could cause
3079    // an assigned hashCode value to be lost.  We can avoid that condition
3080    // and provide the necessary hashCode stability invariants by ensuring

3002       // TODO: eliminate redundant LDs of obj->mark
3003       biased_locking_exit(mark_addr, Rscratch, done);
3004    }
3006    ld_ptr(Roop, oopDesc::mark_offset_in_bytes(), Rmark);
3007    ld_ptr(Rbox, BasicLock::displaced_header_offset_in_bytes(), Rscratch);
3008    andcc(Rscratch, Rscratch, G0);
3009    brx(Assembler::zero, false, Assembler::pn, done);
3010    delayed()->nop();      // consider: relocate fetch of mark, above, into this DS
3011    andcc(Rmark, 2, G0);
3012    brx(Assembler::zero, false, Assembler::pt, LStacked);
3013    delayed()->nop();
3015    // It's inflated
3016    // Conceptually we need a #loadstore|#storestore "release" MEMBAR before
3017    // the ST of 0 into _owner which releases the lock.  This prevents loads
3018    // and stores within the critical section from reordering (floating)
3019    // past the store that releases the lock.  But TSO is a strong memory model
3020    // and that particular flavor of barrier is a noop, so we can safely elide it.
3021    // Note that we use 1-0 locking by default for the inflated case.  We
3022    // close the resultant (and rare) race by having contended threads in
3023    // monitorenter periodically poll _owner.
3025    if (EmitSync & 1024) {
3026      // Emit code to check that _owner == Self
3027      // We could fold the _owner test into subsequent code more efficiently
3028      // than using a stand-alone check, but since _owner checking is off by
3029      // default we don't bother.
3030      ld_ptr(Address(Rmark, OM_OFFSET_NO_MONITOR_VALUE_TAG(owner)), Rscratch);
3031      orcc(Rscratch, G0, G0);
3032      brx(Assembler::notZero, false, Assembler::pn, done);

3033      delayed()->nop();
3034    }

3036    if (EmitSync & 512) {
3037      // classic lock release code absent 1-0 locking
3038      //   m->Owner = null;
3039      //   membar #storeload
3040      //   if (m->cxq|m->EntryList) == null goto Success
3041      //   if (m->succ != null) goto Success
3042      //   if CAS (&m->Owner,0,Self) != 0 goto Success
3043      //   goto SlowPath
3044      ld_ptr(Address(Rmark, OM_OFFSET_NO_MONITOR_VALUE_TAG(recursions)), Rbox);
3045      orcc(Rbox, G0, G0);
3046      brx(Assembler::notZero, false, Assembler::pn, done);
3047      delayed()->nop();
3048      st_ptr(G0, Address(Rmark, OM_OFFSET_NO_MONITOR_VALUE_TAG(owner)));
3049      if (os::is_MP()) { membar(StoreLoad); }
3050      ld_ptr(Address(Rmark, OM_OFFSET_NO_MONITOR_VALUE_TAG(EntryList)), Rscratch);
3051      ld_ptr(Address(Rmark, OM_OFFSET_NO_MONITOR_VALUE_TAG(cxq)), Rbox);
3052      orcc(Rbox, Rscratch, G0);
3053      brx(Assembler::zero, false, Assembler::pt, done);
3054      delayed()->
3055      ld_ptr(Address(Rmark, OM_OFFSET_NO_MONITOR_VALUE_TAG(succ)), Rscratch);
3056      andcc(Rscratch, Rscratch, G0);
3057      brx(Assembler::notZero, false, Assembler::pt, done);
3058      delayed()->andcc(G0, G0, G0);
3059      add(Rmark, OM_OFFSET_NO_MONITOR_VALUE_TAG(owner), Rmark);
3060      mov(G2_thread, Rscratch);
3061      cas_ptr(Rmark, G0, Rscratch);
3062      cmp(Rscratch, G0);
3063      // invert icc.zf and goto done
3064      brx(Assembler::notZero, false, Assembler::pt, done);
3065      delayed()->cmp(G0, G0);
3066      br(Assembler::always, false, Assembler::pt, done);
3067      delayed()->cmp(G0, 1);
3068    } else {
3069      // 1-0 form : avoids CAS and MEMBAR in the common case
3070      // Do not bother to ratify that m->Owner == Self.
3071      ld_ptr(Address(Rmark, OM_OFFSET_NO_MONITOR_VALUE_TAG(recursions)), Rbox);
3072      orcc(Rbox, G0, G0);
3073      brx(Assembler::notZero, false, Assembler::pn, done);
3074      delayed()->
3075      ld_ptr(Address(Rmark, OM_OFFSET_NO_MONITOR_VALUE_TAG(EntryList)), Rscratch);
3076      ld_ptr(Address(Rmark, OM_OFFSET_NO_MONITOR_VALUE_TAG(cxq)), Rbox);
3077      orcc(Rbox, Rscratch, G0);
3078      if (EmitSync & 16384) {
3079        // As an optional optimization, if (EntryList|cxq) != null and _succ is null then
3080        // we should transfer control directly to the slow-path.
3081        // This test makes the reacquire operation below very infrequent.
3082        // The logic is equivalent to :
3083        //   if (cxq|EntryList) == null : Owner=null; goto Success
3084        //   if succ == null : goto SlowPath
3085        //   Owner=null; membar #storeload
3086        //   if succ != null : goto Success
3087        //   if CAS(&Owner,null,Self) != null goto Success
3088        //   goto SlowPath
3089        brx(Assembler::zero, true, Assembler::pt, done);
3090        delayed()->
3091        st_ptr(G0, Address(Rmark, OM_OFFSET_NO_MONITOR_VALUE_TAG(owner)));
3092        ld_ptr(Address(Rmark, OM_OFFSET_NO_MONITOR_VALUE_TAG(succ)), Rscratch);
3093        andcc(Rscratch, Rscratch, G0) ;
3094        brx(Assembler::zero, false, Assembler::pt, done);
3095        delayed()->orcc(G0, 1, G0);
3096        st_ptr(G0, Address(Rmark, OM_OFFSET_NO_MONITOR_VALUE_TAG(owner)));
3097      } else {
3098        brx(Assembler::zero, false, Assembler::pt, done);
3099        delayed()->
3100        st_ptr(G0, Address(Rmark, OM_OFFSET_NO_MONITOR_VALUE_TAG(owner)));
3101      }
3102      if (os::is_MP()) { membar(StoreLoad); }
3103      // Check that _succ is (or remains) non-zero
3104      ld_ptr(Address(Rmark, OM_OFFSET_NO_MONITOR_VALUE_TAG(succ)), Rscratch);
3105      andcc(Rscratch, Rscratch, G0);
3106      brx(Assembler::notZero, false, Assembler::pt, done);
3107      delayed()->andcc(G0, G0, G0);
3108      add(Rmark, OM_OFFSET_NO_MONITOR_VALUE_TAG(owner), Rmark);
3109      mov(G2_thread, Rscratch);
3110      cas_ptr(Rmark, G0, Rscratch);
3111      cmp(Rscratch, G0);
3112      // invert icc.zf and goto done
3113      // A slightly better v8+/v9 idiom would be the following:
3114      //   movrnz Rscratch,1,Rscratch
3115      //   ba done
3116      //   xorcc Rscratch,1,G0
3117      // In v8+ mode the idiom would be valid IFF Rscratch was a G or O register
3118      brx(Assembler::notZero, false, Assembler::pt, done);
3119      delayed()->cmp(G0, G0);
3120      br(Assembler::always, false, Assembler::pt, done);
3121      delayed()->cmp(G0, 1);
3122    }
3124    bind   (LStacked);
3125    // Consider: we could replace the expensive CAS in the exit
3126    // path with a simple ST of the displaced mark value fetched from
3127    // the on-stack basiclock box.  That admits a race where a thread T2
3128    // in the slow lock path -- inflating with monitor M -- could race a
3129    // thread T1 in the fast unlock path, resulting in a missed wakeup for T2.
3130    // More precisely T1 in the stack-lock unlock path could "stomp" the
3131    // inflated mark value M installed by T2, resulting in an orphan
3132    // object monitor M and T2 becoming stranded.  We can remedy that situation
3133    // by having T2 periodically poll the object's mark word using timed wait
3134    // operations.  If T2 discovers that a stomp has occurred it vacates
3135    // the monitor M and wakes any other threads stranded on the now-orphan M.
3136    // In addition the monitor scavenger, which performs deflation,
3137    // would also need to check for orpan monitors and stranded threads.
3138    //
3139    // Finally, inflation is also used when T2 needs to assign a hashCode
3140    // to O and O is stack-locked by T1.  The "stomp" race could cause
3141    // an assigned hashCode value to be lost.  We can avoid that condition
3142    // and provide the necessary hashCode stability invariants by ensuring