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  69 #define DTRACE_MONITOR_PROBE_COMMON(obj, thread)                           \
  70   char* bytes = NULL;                                                      \
  71   int len = 0;                                                             \
  72   jlong jtid = SharedRuntime::get_java_tid(thread);                        \
  73   Symbol* klassname = ((oop)(obj))->klass()->name();                       \
  74   if (klassname != NULL) {                                                 \
  75     bytes = (char*)klassname->bytes();                                     \
  76     len = klassname->utf8_length();                                        \
  77   }
  79 #define DTRACE_MONITOR_WAIT_PROBE(monitor, obj, thread, millis)            \
  80   {                                                                        \
  81     if (DTraceMonitorProbes) {                                             \
  82       DTRACE_MONITOR_PROBE_COMMON(obj, thread);                            \
  83       HOTSPOT_MONITOR_WAIT(jtid,                                           \
  84                            (uintptr_t)(monitor), bytes, len, (millis));    \
  85     }                                                                      \
  86   }

  90 #define DTRACE_MONITOR_PROBE(probe, monitor, obj, thread)                  \
  91   {                                                                        \
  92     if (DTraceMonitorProbes) {                                             \
  93       DTRACE_MONITOR_PROBE_COMMON(obj, thread);                            \
  94       HOTSPOT_MONITOR_PROBE_##probe(jtid, /* probe = waited */             \
  95                                     (uintptr_t)(monitor), bytes, len);     \
  96     }                                                                      \
  97   }
  99 #else //  ndef DTRACE_ENABLED
 101 #define DTRACE_MONITOR_WAIT_PROBE(obj, thread, millis, mon)    {;}
 102 #define DTRACE_MONITOR_PROBE(probe, obj, thread, mon)          {;}
 104 #endif // ndef DTRACE_ENABLED
 106 // This exists only as a workaround of dtrace bug 6254741
 107 int dtrace_waited_probe(ObjectMonitor* monitor, Handle obj, Thread* thr) {

 128 static volatile int gMonitorFreeCount  = 0;  // # on gFreeList
 129 static volatile int gMonitorPopulation = 0;  // # Extant -- in circulation
 131 #define CHAINMARKER (cast_to_oop<intptr_t>(-1))
 134 // =====================> Quick functions
 136 // The quick_* forms are special fast-path variants used to improve
 137 // performance.  In the simplest case, a "quick_*" implementation could
 138 // simply return false, in which case the caller will perform the necessary
 139 // state transitions and call the slow-path form.
 140 // The fast-path is designed to handle frequently arising cases in an efficient
 141 // manner and is just a degenerate "optimistic" variant of the slow-path.
 142 // returns true  -- to indicate the call was satisfied.
 143 // returns false -- to indicate the call needs the services of the slow-path.
 144 // A no-loitering ordinance is in effect for code in the quick_* family
 145 // operators: safepoints or indefinite blocking (blocking that might span a
 146 // safepoint) are forbidden. Generally the thread_state() is _in_Java upon
 147 // entry.


 149 // The LockNode emitted directly at the synchronization site would have
 150 // been too big if it were to have included support for the cases of inflated
 151 // recursive enter and exit, so they go here instead.
 152 // Note that we can't safely call AsyncPrintJavaStack() from within
 153 // quick_enter() as our thread state remains _in_Java.
 155 bool ObjectSynchronizer::quick_enter(oop obj, Thread * Self,
 156                                      BasicLock * Lock) {
 157   assert(!SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(), "invariant");
 158   assert(Self->is_Java_thread(), "invariant");
 159   assert(((JavaThread *) Self)->thread_state() == _thread_in_Java, "invariant");
 160   No_Safepoint_Verifier nsv;
 161   if (obj == NULL) return false;       // Need to throw NPE
 162   const markOop mark = obj->mark();
 164   if (mark->has_monitor()) {
 165     ObjectMonitor * const m = mark->monitor();
 166     assert(m->object() == obj, "invariant");
 167     Thread * const owner = (Thread *) m->_owner;

1431 //
1432 // We have added a flag, MonitorInUseLists, which creates a list
1433 // of active monitors for each thread. deflate_idle_monitors()
1434 // only scans the per-thread in-use lists. omAlloc() puts all
1435 // assigned monitors on the per-thread list. deflate_idle_monitors()
1436 // returns the non-busy monitors to the global free list.
1437 // When a thread dies, omFlush() adds the list of active monitors for
1438 // that thread to a global gOmInUseList acquiring the
1439 // global list lock. deflate_idle_monitors() acquires the global
1440 // list lock to scan for non-busy monitors to the global free list.
1441 // An alternative could have used a single global in-use list. The
1442 // downside would have been the additional cost of acquiring the global list lock
1443 // for every omAlloc().
1444 //
1445 // Perversely, the heap size -- and thus the STW safepoint rate --
1446 // typically drives the scavenge rate.  Large heaps can mean infrequent GC,
1447 // which in turn can mean large(r) numbers of objectmonitors in circulation.
1448 // This is an unfortunate aspect of this design.
1450 enum ManifestConstants {
1451   ClearResponsibleAtSTW   = 0,
1452   MaximumRecheckInterval  = 1000
1453 };
1455 // Deflate a single monitor if not in-use
1456 // Return true if deflated, false if in-use
1457 bool ObjectSynchronizer::deflate_monitor(ObjectMonitor* mid, oop obj,
1458                                          ObjectMonitor** freeHeadp,
1459                                          ObjectMonitor** freeTailp) {
1460   bool deflated;
1461   // Normal case ... The monitor is associated with obj.
1462   guarantee(obj->mark() == markOopDesc::encode(mid), "invariant");
1463   guarantee(mid == obj->mark()->monitor(), "invariant");
1464   guarantee(mid->header()->is_neutral(), "invariant");
1466   if (mid->is_busy()) {
1467     if (ClearResponsibleAtSTW) mid->_Responsible = NULL;
1468     deflated = false;
1469   } else {
1470     // Deflate the monitor if it is no longer being used
1471     // It's idle - scavenge and return to the global free list
1472     // plain old deflation ...

  69 #define DTRACE_MONITOR_PROBE_COMMON(obj, thread)                           \
  70   char* bytes = NULL;                                                      \
  71   int len = 0;                                                             \
  72   jlong jtid = SharedRuntime::get_java_tid(thread);                        \
  73   Symbol* klassname = ((oop)(obj))->klass()->name();                       \
  74   if (klassname != NULL) {                                                 \
  75     bytes = (char*)klassname->bytes();                                     \
  76     len = klassname->utf8_length();                                        \
  77   }
  79 #define DTRACE_MONITOR_WAIT_PROBE(monitor, obj, thread, millis)            \
  80   {                                                                        \
  81     if (DTraceMonitorProbes) {                                             \
  82       DTRACE_MONITOR_PROBE_COMMON(obj, thread);                            \
  83       HOTSPOT_MONITOR_WAIT(jtid,                                           \
  84                            (uintptr_t)(monitor), bytes, len, (millis));    \
  85     }                                                                      \
  86   }
  92 #define DTRACE_MONITOR_PROBE(probe, monitor, obj, thread)                  \
  93   {                                                                        \
  94     if (DTraceMonitorProbes) {                                             \
  95       DTRACE_MONITOR_PROBE_COMMON(obj, thread);                            \
  96       HOTSPOT_MONITOR_PROBE_##probe(jtid, /* probe = waited */             \
  97                                     (uintptr_t)(monitor), bytes, len);     \
  98     }                                                                      \
  99   }
 101 #else //  ndef DTRACE_ENABLED
 103 #define DTRACE_MONITOR_WAIT_PROBE(obj, thread, millis, mon)    {;}
 104 #define DTRACE_MONITOR_PROBE(probe, obj, thread, mon)          {;}
 106 #endif // ndef DTRACE_ENABLED
 108 // This exists only as a workaround of dtrace bug 6254741
 109 int dtrace_waited_probe(ObjectMonitor* monitor, Handle obj, Thread* thr) {

 130 static volatile int gMonitorFreeCount  = 0;  // # on gFreeList
 131 static volatile int gMonitorPopulation = 0;  // # Extant -- in circulation
 133 #define CHAINMARKER (cast_to_oop<intptr_t>(-1))
 136 // =====================> Quick functions
 138 // The quick_* forms are special fast-path variants used to improve
 139 // performance.  In the simplest case, a "quick_*" implementation could
 140 // simply return false, in which case the caller will perform the necessary
 141 // state transitions and call the slow-path form.
 142 // The fast-path is designed to handle frequently arising cases in an efficient
 143 // manner and is just a degenerate "optimistic" variant of the slow-path.
 144 // returns true  -- to indicate the call was satisfied.
 145 // returns false -- to indicate the call needs the services of the slow-path.
 146 // A no-loitering ordinance is in effect for code in the quick_* family
 147 // operators: safepoints or indefinite blocking (blocking that might span a
 148 // safepoint) are forbidden. Generally the thread_state() is _in_Java upon
 149 // entry.
 150 //
 151 // Consider: An interesting optimization is to have the JIT recognize the
 152 // following common idiom:
 153 //   synchronized (someobj) { .... ; notify(); }
 154 // That is, we find a notify() or notifyAll() call that immediately precedes
 155 // the monitorexit operation.  In that case the JIT could fuse the operations
 156 // into a single notifyAndExit() runtime primitive.
 158 bool ObjectSynchronizer::quick_notify(oopDesc * obj, Thread * self, bool all) {
 159   assert(!SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(), "invariant");
 160   assert(self->is_Java_thread(), "invariant");
 161   assert(((JavaThread *) self)->thread_state() == _thread_in_Java, "invariant");
 162   No_Safepoint_Verifier nsv;
 163   if (obj == NULL) return false;  // slow-path for invalid obj
 164   const markOop mark = obj->mark();
 166   if (mark->has_locker() && self->is_lock_owned((address)mark->locker())) {
 167     // Degenerate notify
 168     // stack-locked by caller so by definition the implied waitset is empty.
 169     return true;
 170   }
 172   if (mark->has_monitor()) {
 173     ObjectMonitor * const mon = mark->monitor();
 174     assert(mon->object() == obj, "invariant");
 175     if (mon->owner() != self) return false;  // slow-path for IMS exception
 177     if (mon->first_waiter() != NULL) {
 178       // We have one or more waiters. Since this is an inflated monitor
 179       // that we own, we can transfer one or more threads from the waitset
 180       // to the entrylist here and now, avoiding the slow-path.
 181       if (all) {
 182         DTRACE_MONITOR_PROBE(notifyAll, mon, obj, self);
 183       } else {
 184         DTRACE_MONITOR_PROBE(notify, mon, obj, self);
 185       }
 186       int tally = 0;
 187       do {
 188         mon->INotify(self);
 189         ++tally;
 190       } while (mon->first_waiter() != NULL && all);
 191       if (ObjectMonitor::_sync_Notifications != NULL) {
 192         ObjectMonitor::_sync_Notifications->inc(tally);
 193       }
 194     }
 195     return true;
 196   }
 198   // biased locking and any other IMS exception states take the slow-path
 199   return false;
 200 }
 203 // The LockNode emitted directly at the synchronization site would have
 204 // been too big if it were to have included support for the cases of inflated
 205 // recursive enter and exit, so they go here instead.
 206 // Note that we can't safely call AsyncPrintJavaStack() from within
 207 // quick_enter() as our thread state remains _in_Java.
 209 bool ObjectSynchronizer::quick_enter(oop obj, Thread * Self,
 210                                      BasicLock * Lock) {
 211   assert(!SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(), "invariant");
 212   assert(Self->is_Java_thread(), "invariant");
 213   assert(((JavaThread *) Self)->thread_state() == _thread_in_Java, "invariant");
 214   No_Safepoint_Verifier nsv;
 215   if (obj == NULL) return false;       // Need to throw NPE
 216   const markOop mark = obj->mark();
 218   if (mark->has_monitor()) {
 219     ObjectMonitor * const m = mark->monitor();
 220     assert(m->object() == obj, "invariant");
 221     Thread * const owner = (Thread *) m->_owner;

1485 //
1486 // We have added a flag, MonitorInUseLists, which creates a list
1487 // of active monitors for each thread. deflate_idle_monitors()
1488 // only scans the per-thread in-use lists. omAlloc() puts all
1489 // assigned monitors on the per-thread list. deflate_idle_monitors()
1490 // returns the non-busy monitors to the global free list.
1491 // When a thread dies, omFlush() adds the list of active monitors for
1492 // that thread to a global gOmInUseList acquiring the
1493 // global list lock. deflate_idle_monitors() acquires the global
1494 // list lock to scan for non-busy monitors to the global free list.
1495 // An alternative could have used a single global in-use list. The
1496 // downside would have been the additional cost of acquiring the global list lock
1497 // for every omAlloc().
1498 //
1499 // Perversely, the heap size -- and thus the STW safepoint rate --
1500 // typically drives the scavenge rate.  Large heaps can mean infrequent GC,
1501 // which in turn can mean large(r) numbers of objectmonitors in circulation.
1502 // This is an unfortunate aspect of this design.
1504 enum ManifestConstants {
1505   ClearResponsibleAtSTW = 0

1506 };
1508 // Deflate a single monitor if not in-use
1509 // Return true if deflated, false if in-use
1510 bool ObjectSynchronizer::deflate_monitor(ObjectMonitor* mid, oop obj,
1511                                          ObjectMonitor** freeHeadp,
1512                                          ObjectMonitor** freeTailp) {
1513   bool deflated;
1514   // Normal case ... The monitor is associated with obj.
1515   guarantee(obj->mark() == markOopDesc::encode(mid), "invariant");
1516   guarantee(mid == obj->mark()->monitor(), "invariant");
1517   guarantee(mid->header()->is_neutral(), "invariant");
1519   if (mid->is_busy()) {
1520     if (ClearResponsibleAtSTW) mid->_Responsible = NULL;
1521     deflated = false;
1522   } else {
1523     // Deflate the monitor if it is no longer being used
1524     // It's idle - scavenge and return to the global free list
1525     // plain old deflation ...