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@@ -233,16 +233,18 @@
           } else {
             // We own the monitor which is not as interesting so
             // disable the extra printing below.
             mark = NULL;
-        } else if (frame_count != 0) {
+        } else if (frame_count != 0 && ObjectMonitor::Knob_Verbose) {
           // This is not the first frame so we either own this monitor
           // or we owned the monitor before and called wait(). Because
           // wait() could have been called on any monitor in a lower
           // numbered frame on the stack, we have to check all the
           // monitors on the list for this frame.
+          // Note: Only enable this new output line in verbose mode
+          // since existing tests are not ready for it.
           mark = monitor->owner()->mark();
           if (mark->has_monitor() &&
               ( // we have marked ourself as pending on this monitor
                 mark->monitor() == thread()->current_pending_monitor() ||
                 // we are not the owner of this monitor