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rev 58110 : v2.09a with 8235795, 8235931 and 8236035 extracted; rebased to jdk-14+28; merge with 8236035.patch.cr1; merge with 8235795.patch.cr1; merge with 8236035.patch.cr2; merge with 8235795.patch.cr2; merge with 8235795.patch.cr3.
rev 58111 : See CR9-to-CR10-changes; merge with jdk-15+11.

@@ -1283,62 +1283,10 @@
   jcc(Assembler::equal, done);
 #ifdef COMPILER2
-// Increment the ObjectMonitor's ref_count for safety or force a branch
-// to 'done' with ICC.ZF=0 to indicate failure/take the slow path.
-void MacroAssembler::inc_om_ref_count(Register obj_reg, Register om_reg, Register tmp_reg, Label& done) {
-  atomic_incl(Address(om_reg, OM_OFFSET_NO_MONITOR_VALUE_TAG(ref_count)));
-  Label LGoSlowPath;
-  if (AsyncDeflateIdleMonitors) {
-    // Race here if monitor is not owned! The above ref_count bump
-    // will cause subsequent async deflation to skip it. However,
-    // previous or concurrent async deflation is a race.
-    // First check: if the owner field == DEFLATER_MARKER:
-    movptr(tmp_reg, Address(om_reg, OM_OFFSET_NO_MONITOR_VALUE_TAG(owner)));
-    // DEFLATER_MARKER == reinterpret_cast<void*>(-1) so the compiler
-    // doesn't like to use the define here:
-    cmpptr(tmp_reg, -1);
-    // If marked for async deflation, then take the slow path. This is a
-    // simpler check than what ObjectMonitorHandle::save_om_ptr() does
-    // so ObjectMonitor::install_displaced_markword_in_object() doesn't
-    // have to be implemented in macro assembler.
-    jccb(Assembler::equal, LGoSlowPath);
-    // Second check: if ref_count field <= 0:
-    movptr(tmp_reg, Address(om_reg, OM_OFFSET_NO_MONITOR_VALUE_TAG(ref_count)));
-    cmpptr(tmp_reg, 0);
-    // If async deflation is in the process of bailing out, but has not
-    // yet restored the ref_count field, then we take the slow path. We
-    // want a stable ref_count value for the fast path.
-    jccb(Assembler::lessEqual, LGoSlowPath);
-    // Final check: if object field == obj_reg:
-    cmpptr(obj_reg, Address(om_reg, OM_OFFSET_NO_MONITOR_VALUE_TAG(object)));
-    // If the ObjectMonitor has been deflated and recycled, then take
-    // the slow path.
-    jccb(Assembler::notEqual, LGoSlowPath);
-  }
-  Label LRetToCaller;
-  // We leave the ref_count incremented to protect the caller's code
-  // paths against async deflation.
-  jmpb(LRetToCaller);
-  bind(LGoSlowPath);
-  lock();
-  decrementl(Address(om_reg, OM_OFFSET_NO_MONITOR_VALUE_TAG(ref_count)));
-  // Jump to 'done' with ICC.ZF=0 to indicate failure/take the slow path.
-  orl(tmp_reg, 1);
-  jmp(done);
-  bind(LRetToCaller);
 // Update rtm_counters based on abort status
 // input: abort_status
 //        rtm_counters (RTMLockingCounters*)

@@ -1568,25 +1516,15 @@
                                           Metadata* method_data, bool profile_rtm,
                                           Label& DONE_LABEL) {
   assert(UseRTMLocking, "why call this otherwise?");
   assert(tmpReg == rax, "");
   assert(scrReg == rdx, "");
-  Label L_rtm_retry, L_decrement_retry, L_on_abort, L_local_done;
+  Label L_rtm_retry, L_decrement_retry, L_on_abort;
   int owner_offset = OM_OFFSET_NO_MONITOR_VALUE_TAG(owner);
   // Without cast to int32_t this style of movptr will destroy r10 which is typically obj.
   movptr(Address(boxReg, 0), (int32_t)intptr_t(markWord::unused_mark().value()));
-  if (!HandshakeAfterDeflateIdleMonitors) {
-    // Increment the ObjectMonitor's ref_count for safety or force the
-    // enter slow path via DONE_LABEL.
-    // In rtm_inflated_locking(), initially tmpReg contains the object's
-    // mark word which, in this case, is the (ObjectMonitor* | monitor_value).
-    // Also this code uses scrReg as its temporary register.
-    inc_om_ref_count(objReg, tmpReg /* om_reg */, scrReg /* tmp_reg */, DONE_LABEL);
-  }
   movptr(boxReg, tmpReg); // Save ObjectMonitor address
   if (RTMRetryCount > 0) {
     movl(retry_on_busy_count_Reg, RTMRetryCount);  // Retry on lock busy
     movl(retry_on_abort_count_Reg, RTMRetryCount); // Retry on abort

@@ -1604,11 +1542,11 @@
   movptr(tmpReg, Address(objReg, oopDesc::mark_offset_in_bytes()));
   movptr(tmpReg, Address(tmpReg, owner_offset));
   testptr(tmpReg, tmpReg);
-  jcc(Assembler::zero, L_local_done);
+  jcc(Assembler::zero, DONE_LABEL);
   if (UseRTMXendForLockBusy) {
   else {

@@ -1639,31 +1577,18 @@
   cmpxchgptr(threadReg, Address(boxReg, owner_offset)); // Updates tmpReg
   if (RTMRetryCount > 0) {
     // success done else retry
-    jccb(Assembler::equal, L_local_done);
+    jccb(Assembler::equal, DONE_LABEL) ;
     // Spin and retry if lock is busy.
     rtm_retry_lock_on_busy(retry_on_busy_count_Reg, boxReg, tmpReg, scrReg, L_rtm_retry);
   else {
-  // rtm_inflated_locking() exit paths come here except for a failed
-  // inc_om_ref_count() which goes directly to DONE_LABEL.
-  bind(L_local_done);
-  if (!HandshakeAfterDeflateIdleMonitors) {
-    pushf();  // Preserve flags.
-    // Decrement the ObjectMonitor's ref_count.
-    lock();
-    decrementl(Address(boxReg, OM_OFFSET_NO_MONITOR_VALUE_TAG(ref_count)));
-    popf();  // Restore flags so we have the proper ICC.ZF value.
-  }
-  jmp(DONE_LABEL) ;
 #endif //  INCLUDE_RTM_OPT
 // fast_lock and fast_unlock used by C2

@@ -1885,37 +1810,18 @@
   //   Invariant: m->_recursions should already be 0, so we don't need to explicitly set it.
   // Intentional fall-through into DONE_LABEL ...
 #else // _LP64
   // It's inflated and we use scrReg for ObjectMonitor* in this section.
   movq(scrReg, tmpReg);
-  // Unconditionally set box->_displaced_header = markWord::unused_mark().
-  // Without cast to int32_t this style of movptr will destroy r10 which is typically obj.
-  movptr(Address(boxReg, 0), (int32_t)intptr_t(markWord::unused_mark().value()));
-  if (!HandshakeAfterDeflateIdleMonitors) {
-    // Increment the ObjectMonitor's ref_count for safety or force the
-    // enter slow path via DONE_LABEL.
-    // In fast_lock(), scrReg contains the object's mark word which,
-    // in this case, is the (ObjectMonitor* | monitor_value). Also this
-    // code uses tmpReg as its temporary register.
-    inc_om_ref_count(objReg, scrReg /* om_reg */, tmpReg /* tmp_reg */, DONE_LABEL);
-  }
   xorq(tmpReg, tmpReg);
   cmpxchgptr(r15_thread, Address(scrReg, OM_OFFSET_NO_MONITOR_VALUE_TAG(owner)));
+  // Unconditionally set box->_displaced_header = markWord::unused_mark().
+  // Without cast to int32_t this style of movptr will destroy r10 which is typically obj.
+  movptr(Address(boxReg, 0), (int32_t)intptr_t(markWord::unused_mark().value()));
   // Intentional fall-through into DONE_LABEL ...
   // Propagate ICC.ZF from CAS above into DONE_LABEL.
-  if (!HandshakeAfterDeflateIdleMonitors) {
-    pushf();  // Preserve flags.
-    // Decrement the ObjectMonitor's ref_count.
-    lock();
-    decrementl(Address(scrReg, OM_OFFSET_NO_MONITOR_VALUE_TAG(ref_count)));
-    popf();  // Restore flags so we have the proper ICC.ZF value.
-  }
 #endif // _LP64
   } // use_rtm()
   // DONE_LABEL is a hot target - we'd really like to place it at the

@@ -1991,22 +1897,22 @@
   cmpptr(Address(boxReg, 0), (int32_t)NULL_WORD);                   // Examine the displaced header
   jcc   (Assembler::zero, DONE_LABEL);                              // 0 indicates recursive stack-lock
   movptr(tmpReg, Address(objReg, oopDesc::mark_offset_in_bytes())); // Examine the object's markword
   testptr(tmpReg, markWord::monitor_value);                         // Inflated?
-  jcc  (Assembler::zero, Stacked);
+  jccb  (Assembler::zero, Stacked);
   // It's inflated.
   if (use_rtm) {
     Label L_regular_inflated_unlock;
     int owner_offset = OM_OFFSET_NO_MONITOR_VALUE_TAG(owner);
     movptr(boxReg, Address(tmpReg, owner_offset));
     testptr(boxReg, boxReg);
     jccb(Assembler::notZero, L_regular_inflated_unlock);
-    jmp(DONE_LABEL);
+    jmpb(DONE_LABEL);
   // Despite our balanced locking property we still check that m->_owner == Self

@@ -2064,32 +1970,22 @@
   // most efficient "long" NOP encodings.
   // Unfortunately none of our alignment mechanisms suffice.
   bind (CheckSucc);
 #else // _LP64
   // It's inflated
-  if (!HandshakeAfterDeflateIdleMonitors) {
-    // Increment the ObjectMonitor's ref_count for safety or force the
-    // exit slow path via DONE_LABEL.
-    // In fast_unlock(), tmpReg contains the object's mark word which,
-    // in this case, is the (ObjectMonitor* | monitor_value). Also this
-    // code uses boxReg as its temporary register.
-    inc_om_ref_count(objReg, tmpReg /* om_reg */, boxReg /* tmp_reg */, DONE_LABEL);
-  }
-  // Try to avoid passing control into the slow path ...
-  Label LSuccess, LGoSlowPath;
   xorptr(boxReg, boxReg);
   orptr(boxReg, Address(tmpReg, OM_OFFSET_NO_MONITOR_VALUE_TAG(recursions)));
-  jccb(Assembler::notZero, LGoSlowPath);
+  jccb  (Assembler::notZero, DONE_LABEL);
   movptr(boxReg, Address(tmpReg, OM_OFFSET_NO_MONITOR_VALUE_TAG(cxq)));
   orptr(boxReg, Address(tmpReg, OM_OFFSET_NO_MONITOR_VALUE_TAG(EntryList)));
   jccb  (Assembler::notZero, CheckSucc);
   // Without cast to int32_t this style of movptr will destroy r10 which is typically obj.
   movptr(Address(tmpReg, OM_OFFSET_NO_MONITOR_VALUE_TAG(owner)), (int32_t)NULL_WORD);
-  jmpb(LSuccess);
+  jmpb  (DONE_LABEL);
+  // Try to avoid passing control into the slow_path ...
+  Label LSuccess, LGoSlowPath ;
   bind  (CheckSucc);
   // The following optional optimization can be elided if necessary
   // Effectively: if (succ == null) goto slow path
   // The code reduces the window for a race, however,

@@ -2134,22 +2030,14 @@
   // lock so we're done (and exit was a success).
   jccb  (Assembler::notEqual, LSuccess);
   // Intentional fall-through into slow path
   bind  (LGoSlowPath);
-  if (!HandshakeAfterDeflateIdleMonitors) {
-    lock();
-    decrementl(Address(tmpReg, OM_OFFSET_NO_MONITOR_VALUE_TAG(ref_count)));
-  }
   orl   (boxReg, 1);                      // set ICC.ZF=0 to indicate failure
   jmpb  (DONE_LABEL);
   bind  (LSuccess);
-  if (!HandshakeAfterDeflateIdleMonitors) {
-    lock();
-    decrementl(Address(tmpReg, OM_OFFSET_NO_MONITOR_VALUE_TAG(ref_count)));
-  }
   testl (boxReg, 0);                      // set ICC.ZF=1 to indicate success
   jmpb  (DONE_LABEL);
   bind  (Stacked);
   movptr(tmpReg, Address (boxReg, 0));      // re-fetch
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