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rev 58110 : v2.09a with 8235795, 8235931 and 8236035 extracted; rebased to jdk-14+28; merge with 8236035.patch.cr1; merge with 8235795.patch.cr1; merge with 8236035.patch.cr2; merge with 8235795.patch.cr2; merge with 8235795.patch.cr3.
rev 58111 : See CR9-to-CR10-changes; merge with jdk-15+11.

 206   static PerfCounter * _sync_ContendedLockAttempts;
 207   static PerfCounter * _sync_FutileWakeups;
 208   static PerfCounter * _sync_Parks;
 209   static PerfCounter * _sync_Notifications;
 210   static PerfCounter * _sync_Inflations;
 211   static PerfCounter * _sync_Deflations;
 212   static PerfLongVariable * _sync_MonExtant;
 214   static int Knob_SpinLimit;
 216   void* operator new (size_t size) throw();
 217   void* operator new[] (size_t size) throw();
 218   void operator delete(void* p);
 219   void operator delete[] (void* p);
 221   // TODO-FIXME: the "offset" routines should return a type of off_t instead of int ...
 222   // ByteSize would also be an appropriate type.
 223   static int header_offset_in_bytes()      { return offset_of(ObjectMonitor, _header); }
 224   static int object_offset_in_bytes()      { return offset_of(ObjectMonitor, _object); }
 225   static int owner_offset_in_bytes()       { return offset_of(ObjectMonitor, _owner); }
 226   static int ref_count_offset_in_bytes()   { return offset_of(ObjectMonitor, _ref_count); }
 227   static int recursions_offset_in_bytes()  { return offset_of(ObjectMonitor, _recursions); }
 228   static int cxq_offset_in_bytes()         { return offset_of(ObjectMonitor, _cxq); }
 229   static int succ_offset_in_bytes()        { return offset_of(ObjectMonitor, _succ); }
 230   static int EntryList_offset_in_bytes()   { return offset_of(ObjectMonitor, _EntryList); }
 232   // ObjectMonitor references can be ORed with markWord::monitor_value
 233   // as part of the ObjectMonitor tagging mechanism. When we combine an
 234   // ObjectMonitor reference with an offset, we need to remove the tag
 235   // value in order to generate the proper address.
 236   //
 237   // We can either adjust the ObjectMonitor reference and then add the
 238   // offset or we can adjust the offset that is added to the ObjectMonitor
 239   // reference. The latter avoids an AGI (Address Generation Interlock)
 240   // stall so the helper macro adjusts the offset value that is returned
 241   // to the ObjectMonitor reference manipulation code:
 242   //
 243   #define OM_OFFSET_NO_MONITOR_VALUE_TAG(f) \
 244     ((ObjectMonitor::f ## _offset_in_bytes()) - markWord::monitor_value)
 246   markWord           header() const;

 379   int       TrySpin(Thread* self);
 380   void      ExitEpilog(Thread* self, ObjectWaiter* Wakee);
 381   bool      ExitSuspendEquivalent(JavaThread* self);
 382   void      install_displaced_markword_in_object(const oop obj);
 383 };
 385 // A helper object for managing an ObjectMonitor*'s ref_count. There
 386 // are special safety considerations when async deflation is used.
 387 class ObjectMonitorHandle : public StackObj {
 388  private:
 389   ObjectMonitor* _om_ptr;
 390  public:
 391   ObjectMonitorHandle() { _om_ptr = NULL; }
 392   ~ObjectMonitorHandle();
 394   ObjectMonitor* om_ptr() const { return _om_ptr; }
 395   // Save the ObjectMonitor* associated with the specified markWord and
 396   // increment the ref_count.
 397   bool save_om_ptr(oop object, markWord mark);
 398   // Save the specified ObjectMonitor* if safe and increment the ref_count.
 399   bool set_om_ptr_if_safe(ObjectMonitor* om_ptr);
 400   // Unset the _om_ptr field and decrement the ref_count.
 401   void unset_om_ptr();
 403   // For internal use by ObjectSynchronizer::inflate().
 404   void set_om_ptr(ObjectMonitor* om_ptr);
 405 };
 407 // Macro to use guarantee() for more strict AsyncDeflateIdleMonitors
 408 // checks and assert() otherwise.
 409 #define ADIM_guarantee(p, ...)       \
 410   do {                               \
 411     if (AsyncDeflateIdleMonitors) {  \
 412       guarantee(p, __VA_ARGS__);     \
 413     } else {                         \
 414       assert(p, __VA_ARGS__);        \
 415     }                                \
 416   } while (0)

 206   static PerfCounter * _sync_ContendedLockAttempts;
 207   static PerfCounter * _sync_FutileWakeups;
 208   static PerfCounter * _sync_Parks;
 209   static PerfCounter * _sync_Notifications;
 210   static PerfCounter * _sync_Inflations;
 211   static PerfCounter * _sync_Deflations;
 212   static PerfLongVariable * _sync_MonExtant;
 214   static int Knob_SpinLimit;
 216   void* operator new (size_t size) throw();
 217   void* operator new[] (size_t size) throw();
 218   void operator delete(void* p);
 219   void operator delete[] (void* p);
 221   // TODO-FIXME: the "offset" routines should return a type of off_t instead of int ...
 222   // ByteSize would also be an appropriate type.
 223   static int header_offset_in_bytes()      { return offset_of(ObjectMonitor, _header); }
 224   static int object_offset_in_bytes()      { return offset_of(ObjectMonitor, _object); }
 225   static int owner_offset_in_bytes()       { return offset_of(ObjectMonitor, _owner); }

 226   static int recursions_offset_in_bytes()  { return offset_of(ObjectMonitor, _recursions); }
 227   static int cxq_offset_in_bytes()         { return offset_of(ObjectMonitor, _cxq); }
 228   static int succ_offset_in_bytes()        { return offset_of(ObjectMonitor, _succ); }
 229   static int EntryList_offset_in_bytes()   { return offset_of(ObjectMonitor, _EntryList); }
 231   // ObjectMonitor references can be ORed with markWord::monitor_value
 232   // as part of the ObjectMonitor tagging mechanism. When we combine an
 233   // ObjectMonitor reference with an offset, we need to remove the tag
 234   // value in order to generate the proper address.
 235   //
 236   // We can either adjust the ObjectMonitor reference and then add the
 237   // offset or we can adjust the offset that is added to the ObjectMonitor
 238   // reference. The latter avoids an AGI (Address Generation Interlock)
 239   // stall so the helper macro adjusts the offset value that is returned
 240   // to the ObjectMonitor reference manipulation code:
 241   //
 242   #define OM_OFFSET_NO_MONITOR_VALUE_TAG(f) \
 243     ((ObjectMonitor::f ## _offset_in_bytes()) - markWord::monitor_value)
 245   markWord           header() const;

 378   int       TrySpin(Thread* self);
 379   void      ExitEpilog(Thread* self, ObjectWaiter* Wakee);
 380   bool      ExitSuspendEquivalent(JavaThread* self);
 381   void      install_displaced_markword_in_object(const oop obj);
 382 };
 384 // A helper object for managing an ObjectMonitor*'s ref_count. There
 385 // are special safety considerations when async deflation is used.
 386 class ObjectMonitorHandle : public StackObj {
 387  private:
 388   ObjectMonitor* _om_ptr;
 389  public:
 390   ObjectMonitorHandle() { _om_ptr = NULL; }
 391   ~ObjectMonitorHandle();
 393   ObjectMonitor* om_ptr() const { return _om_ptr; }
 394   // Save the ObjectMonitor* associated with the specified markWord and
 395   // increment the ref_count.
 396   bool save_om_ptr(oop object, markWord mark);
 397   // Save the specified ObjectMonitor* if safe and increment the ref_count.
 398   bool save_om_ptr_if_safe(ObjectMonitor* om_ptr);
 399   // Unset the _om_ptr field and decrement the ref_count.
 400   void unset_om_ptr();
 402   // For internal use by ObjectSynchronizer::inflate().
 403   void set_om_ptr(ObjectMonitor* om_ptr);
 404 };
 406 // Macro to use guarantee() for more strict AsyncDeflateIdleMonitors
 407 // checks and assert() otherwise.
 408 #define ADIM_guarantee(p, ...)       \
 409   do {                               \
 410     if (AsyncDeflateIdleMonitors) {  \
 411       guarantee(p, __VA_ARGS__);     \
 412     } else {                         \
 413       assert(p, __VA_ARGS__);        \
 414     }                                \
 415   } while (0)
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