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rev 56046 : v2.00 -> v2.05 (CR5/v2.05/8-for-jdk13) patches combined into one; merge with 8229212.patch; merge with jdk-14+11; merge with 8230184.patch.

 100   lock.set_obj(obj);
 101   markWord mark = obj->mark().incr_bias_epoch();
 102   obj->set_mark(mark);
 103   ObjectSynchronizer::fast_enter(h_obj, lock.lock(), true, THREAD);
 104   // Look for the biased_locker in markWord, not prototype_header.
 105 #ifdef _LP64
 106   assert_not_test_pattern(h_obj, "mark(is_biased biased_locker=0x0000000000000000");
 107 #else
 108   assert_not_test_pattern(h_obj, "mark(is_biased biased_locker=0x00000000");
 109 #endif
 111   // Same thread tries to lock it again.
 112   {
 113     ObjectLocker ol(h_obj, THREAD);
 114     assert_test_pattern(h_obj, "locked");
 115   }
 117   // This is no longer biased, because ObjectLocker revokes the bias.
 118   assert_test_pattern(h_obj, "is_neutral no_hash");

 120   // Wait gets the lock inflated.
 121   {
 122     ObjectLocker ol(h_obj, THREAD);
 124     Semaphore done(0);
 125     LockerThread* st;
 126     st = new LockerThread(&done, h_obj());
 127     st->doit();
 129     ol.wait(THREAD);
 130     assert_test_pattern(h_obj, "monitor");
 131     done.wait_with_safepoint_check(THREAD);  // wait till the thread is done.
 132   }

 134   // Make the object older. Not all GCs use this field.
 135   Universe::heap()->collect(GCCause::_java_lang_system_gc);
 136   if (UseParallelGC) {
 137     assert_test_pattern(h_obj, "is_neutral no_hash age 1");
 138   }
 140   // Hash the object then print it.
 141   intx hash = h_obj->identity_hash();
 142   assert_test_pattern(h_obj, "is_neutral hash=0x");

 143 }
 144 #endif // PRODUCT

 100   lock.set_obj(obj);
 101   markWord mark = obj->mark().incr_bias_epoch();
 102   obj->set_mark(mark);
 103   ObjectSynchronizer::fast_enter(h_obj, lock.lock(), true, THREAD);
 104   // Look for the biased_locker in markWord, not prototype_header.
 105 #ifdef _LP64
 106   assert_not_test_pattern(h_obj, "mark(is_biased biased_locker=0x0000000000000000");
 107 #else
 108   assert_not_test_pattern(h_obj, "mark(is_biased biased_locker=0x00000000");
 109 #endif
 111   // Same thread tries to lock it again.
 112   {
 113     ObjectLocker ol(h_obj, THREAD);
 114     assert_test_pattern(h_obj, "locked");
 115   }
 117   // This is no longer biased, because ObjectLocker revokes the bias.
 118   assert_test_pattern(h_obj, "is_neutral no_hash");
 120   // Hash the object then print it.
 121   intx hash = h_obj->identity_hash();
 122   assert_test_pattern(h_obj, "is_neutral hash=0x");
 124   // Wait gets the lock inflated.
 125   {
 126     ObjectLocker ol(h_obj, THREAD);
 128     Semaphore done(0);
 129     LockerThread* st;
 130     st = new LockerThread(&done, h_obj());
 131     st->doit();
 133     ol.wait(THREAD);
 134     assert_test_pattern(h_obj, "monitor");
 135     done.wait_with_safepoint_check(THREAD);  // wait till the thread is done.
 136   }
 138   if (!AsyncDeflateIdleMonitors) {
 139     // With AsyncDeflateIdleMonitors, the collect() call below
 140     // does not guarantee monitor deflation.
 141     // Make the object older. Not all GCs use this field.
 142     Universe::heap()->collect(GCCause::_java_lang_system_gc);
 143     if (UseParallelGC) {
 144       assert_test_pattern(h_obj, "is_neutral no_hash age 1");
 145     }
 147     // Hash the object then print it.
 148     intx hash = h_obj->identity_hash();
 149     assert_test_pattern(h_obj, "is_neutral hash=0x");
 150   }
 151 }
 152 #endif // PRODUCT
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