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rev 47287 : Port 09.17.Thread_SMR_logging_update from JDK9 to JDK10
rev 47289 : eosterlund, stefank CR - refactor code into threadSMR.cpp and threadSMR.hpp
rev 47290 : eosterlund CR - need more inline fixes.
rev 47291 : eosterlund, stefank CR - more inline and style cleanups
rev 47292 : stefank, coleenp CR - refactor most JavaThreadIterator usage to use JavaThreadIteratorWithHandle.

1880   StickyClassDumper class_dumper(writer());
1881   ClassLoaderData::the_null_class_loader_data()->classes_do(&class_dumper);
1883   // fixes up the length of the dump record and writes the HPROF_HEAP_DUMP_END record.
1884   DumperSupport::end_of_dump(writer());
1886   // Now we clear the global variables, so that a future dumper might run.
1887   clear_global_dumper();
1888   clear_global_writer();
1889 }
1891 void VM_HeapDumper::dump_stack_traces() {
1892   // write a HPROF_TRACE record without any frames to be referenced as object alloc sites
1893   DumperSupport::write_header(writer(), HPROF_TRACE, 3*sizeof(u4));
1894   writer()->write_u4((u4) STACK_TRACE_ID);
1895   writer()->write_u4(0);                    // thread number
1896   writer()->write_u4(0);                    // frame count
1898   _stack_traces = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(ThreadStackTrace*, Threads::number_of_threads(), mtInternal);
1899   int frame_serial_num = 0;
1900   ThreadsListHandle tlh;
1901   JavaThreadIterator jti(tlh.list());
1902   for (JavaThread* thread = jti.first(); thread != NULL; thread = jti.next()) {
1903     oop threadObj = thread->threadObj();
1904     if (threadObj != NULL && !thread->is_exiting() && !thread->is_hidden_from_external_view()) {
1905       // dump thread stack trace
1906       ThreadStackTrace* stack_trace = new ThreadStackTrace(thread, false);
1907       stack_trace->dump_stack_at_safepoint(-1);
1908       _stack_traces[_num_threads++] = stack_trace;
1910       // write HPROF_FRAME records for this thread's stack trace
1911       int depth = stack_trace->get_stack_depth();
1912       int thread_frame_start = frame_serial_num;
1913       int extra_frames = 0;
1914       // write fake frame that makes it look like the thread, which caused OOME,
1915       // is in the OutOfMemoryError zero-parameter constructor
1916       if (thread == _oome_thread && _oome_constructor != NULL) {
1917         int oome_serial_num = _klass_map->find(_oome_constructor->method_holder());
1918         // the class serial number starts from 1
1919         assert(oome_serial_num > 0, "OutOfMemoryError class not found");
1920         DumperSupport::dump_stack_frame(writer(), ++frame_serial_num, oome_serial_num,
1921                                         _oome_constructor, 0);
1922         extra_frames++;

1880   StickyClassDumper class_dumper(writer());
1881   ClassLoaderData::the_null_class_loader_data()->classes_do(&class_dumper);
1883   // fixes up the length of the dump record and writes the HPROF_HEAP_DUMP_END record.
1884   DumperSupport::end_of_dump(writer());
1886   // Now we clear the global variables, so that a future dumper might run.
1887   clear_global_dumper();
1888   clear_global_writer();
1889 }
1891 void VM_HeapDumper::dump_stack_traces() {
1892   // write a HPROF_TRACE record without any frames to be referenced as object alloc sites
1893   DumperSupport::write_header(writer(), HPROF_TRACE, 3*sizeof(u4));
1894   writer()->write_u4((u4) STACK_TRACE_ID);
1895   writer()->write_u4(0);                    // thread number
1896   writer()->write_u4(0);                    // frame count
1898   _stack_traces = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(ThreadStackTrace*, Threads::number_of_threads(), mtInternal);
1899   int frame_serial_num = 0;
1900   for (JavaThreadIteratorWithHandle jtiwh; JavaThread *thread = jtiwh.next(); ) {

1901     oop threadObj = thread->threadObj();
1902     if (threadObj != NULL && !thread->is_exiting() && !thread->is_hidden_from_external_view()) {
1903       // dump thread stack trace
1904       ThreadStackTrace* stack_trace = new ThreadStackTrace(thread, false);
1905       stack_trace->dump_stack_at_safepoint(-1);
1906       _stack_traces[_num_threads++] = stack_trace;
1908       // write HPROF_FRAME records for this thread's stack trace
1909       int depth = stack_trace->get_stack_depth();
1910       int thread_frame_start = frame_serial_num;
1911       int extra_frames = 0;
1912       // write fake frame that makes it look like the thread, which caused OOME,
1913       // is in the OutOfMemoryError zero-parameter constructor
1914       if (thread == _oome_thread && _oome_constructor != NULL) {
1915         int oome_serial_num = _klass_map->find(_oome_constructor->method_holder());
1916         // the class serial number starts from 1
1917         assert(oome_serial_num > 0, "OutOfMemoryError class not found");
1918         DumperSupport::dump_stack_frame(writer(), ++frame_serial_num, oome_serial_num,
1919                                         _oome_constructor, 0);
1920         extra_frames++;

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