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rev 57560 : imported patch 8235795.patch.cr0
rev 57561 : dholmes CR - refactor common code, refactor atomic load of LVars.population in monitors_used_above_threshold, simplify list walking in ObjectSynchronizer::om_release() so we lock fewer ObjectMonitors, remove unnecessary locking from ObjectSynchronizer::deflate_monitor_list(), add NoSafepointVerifier helpers to main list management functions, remove unnecessary storestore(), remove unnecessary comments, clarify/fix comments.

 146 static ListGlobals LVars;
 148 #define CHAINMARKER (cast_to_oop<intptr_t>(-1))
 151 // =====================> Spin-lock functions
 153 // ObjectMonitors are not lockable outside of this file. We use spin-locks
 154 // implemented using a bit in the _next_om field instead of the heavier
 155 // weight locking mechanisms for faster list management.
 157 #define OM_LOCK_BIT 0x1
 159 // Return true if the ObjectMonitor is locked.
 160 // Otherwise returns false.
 161 static bool is_locked(ObjectMonitor* om) {
 162   return ((intptr_t)Atomic::load(&om->_next_om) & OM_LOCK_BIT) == OM_LOCK_BIT;
 163 }
 165 // Mark an ObjectMonitor* with OM_LOCK_BIT and return it.
 166 // Note: the om parameter may or may not have been marked originally.
 167 static ObjectMonitor* mark_om_ptr(ObjectMonitor* om) {
 168   return (ObjectMonitor*)((intptr_t)om | OM_LOCK_BIT);
 169 }

 171 // Try to lock an ObjectMonitor. Returns true if locking was successful.
 172 // Otherwise returns false.
 173 static bool try_om_lock(ObjectMonitor* om) {
 174   // Get current next field without any OM_LOCK_BIT value.
 175   ObjectMonitor* next = (ObjectMonitor*)((intptr_t)Atomic::load(&om->_next_om) & ~OM_LOCK_BIT);
 176   if (Atomic::cmpxchg(&om->_next_om, next, mark_om_ptr(next)) != next) {
 177     return false;  // Cannot lock the ObjectMonitor.
 178   }
 179   return true;
 180 }
 182 // Lock an ObjectMonitor.
 183 static void om_lock(ObjectMonitor* om) {
 184   while (true) {
 185     if (try_om_lock(om)) {
 186       return;
 187     }
 188   }
 189 }
 191 // Unlock an ObjectMonitor.
 192 static void om_unlock(ObjectMonitor* om) {
 193   ObjectMonitor* next = Atomic::load(&om->_next_om);
 194   guarantee(((intptr_t)next & OM_LOCK_BIT) == OM_LOCK_BIT, "next=" INTPTR_FORMAT
 195             " must have OM_LOCK_BIT=%x set.", p2i(next), OM_LOCK_BIT);
 197   next = (ObjectMonitor*)((intptr_t)next & ~OM_LOCK_BIT);  // Clear OM_LOCK_BIT.
 198   Atomic::store(&om->_next_om, next);
 199 }
 201 // Get the list head after locking it. Returns the list head or NULL
 202 // if the list is empty.
 203 static ObjectMonitor* get_list_head_locked(ObjectMonitor** list_p) {
 204   while (true) {
 205     ObjectMonitor* mid = Atomic::load(list_p);
 206     if (mid == NULL) {
 207       return NULL;  // The list is empty.
 208     }
 209     if (try_om_lock(mid)) {
 210       if (Atomic::load(list_p) != mid) {
 211         // The list head changed so we have to retry.
 212         om_unlock(mid);
 213         continue;
 214       }
 215       return mid;
 216     }
 217   }
 218 }
 220 // Return the unmarked next field in an ObjectMonitor. Note: the next
 221 // field may or may not have been marked with OM_LOCK_BIT originally.
 222 static ObjectMonitor* unmarked_next(ObjectMonitor* om) {
 223   return (ObjectMonitor*)((intptr_t)Atomic::load(&om->_next_om) & ~OM_LOCK_BIT);
 224 }
 226 #undef OM_LOCK_BIT
 229 // =====================> List Management functions
 231 // Set the next field in an ObjectMonitor to the specified value.
 232 static void set_next(ObjectMonitor* om, ObjectMonitor* value) {
 233   Atomic::store(&om->_next_om, value);
 234 }
 236 // Prepend a list of ObjectMonitors to the specified *list_p. 'tail' is
 237 // the last ObjectMonitor in the list and there are 'count' on the list.
 238 // Also updates the specified *count_p.
 239 static void prepend_list_to_common(ObjectMonitor* list, ObjectMonitor* tail,
 240                                    int count, ObjectMonitor** list_p,
 241                                    int* count_p) {
 242   while (true) {
 243     ObjectMonitor* cur = Atomic::load(list_p);
 244     // Prepend list to *list_p.
 245     if (!try_om_lock(tail)) {

1135   // assert(mark.is_neutral(), "sanity check");
1137   return NULL;
1138 }
1140 // Visitors ...
1142 void ObjectSynchronizer::monitors_iterate(MonitorClosure* closure) {
1143   PaddedObjectMonitor* block = Atomic::load(&g_block_list);
1144   while (block != NULL) {
1145     assert(block->object() == CHAINMARKER, "must be a block header");
1146     for (int i = _BLOCKSIZE - 1; i > 0; i--) {
1147       ObjectMonitor* mid = (ObjectMonitor *)(block + i);
1148       oop object = (oop)mid->object();
1149       if (object != NULL) {
1150         // Only process with closure if the object is set.
1151         closure->do_monitor(mid);
1152       }
1153     }
1154     // unmarked_next() is not needed with g_block_list (no locking
1155     // used with with block linkage _next_om fields).
1156     block = (PaddedObjectMonitor*)Atomic::load(&block->_next_om);
1157   }
1158 }
1160 static bool monitors_used_above_threshold() {
1161   if (Atomic::load(&LVars.population) == 0) {

1162     return false;
1163   }
1164   if (MonitorUsedDeflationThreshold > 0) {
1165     int monitors_used = Atomic::load(&LVars.population) - Atomic::load(&LVars.free_count);
1166     int monitor_usage = (monitors_used * 100LL) / Atomic::load(&LVars.population);
1167     return monitor_usage > MonitorUsedDeflationThreshold;
1168   }
1169   return false;
1170 }
1172 // Returns true if MonitorBound is set (> 0) and if the specified
1173 // cnt is > MonitorBound. Otherwise returns false.
1174 static bool is_MonitorBound_exceeded(const int cnt) {
1175   const int mx = MonitorBound;
1176   return mx > 0 && cnt > mx;
1177 }
1179 bool ObjectSynchronizer::is_cleanup_needed() {
1180   if (monitors_used_above_threshold()) {
1181     // Too many monitors in use.
1182     return true;
1183   }
1184   return needs_monitor_scavenge();
1185 }

1262 static void InduceScavenge(Thread* self, const char * Whence) {
1263   // Induce STW safepoint to trim monitors
1264   // Ultimately, this results in a call to deflate_idle_monitors() in the near future.
1265   // More precisely, trigger a cleanup safepoint as the number
1266   // of active monitors passes the specified threshold.
1267   // TODO: assert thread state is reasonable
1269   if (Atomic::xchg(&_forceMonitorScavenge, 1) == 0) {
1270     VMThread::check_for_forced_cleanup();
1271   }
1272 }
1274 ObjectMonitor* ObjectSynchronizer::om_alloc(Thread* self) {
1275   // A large MAXPRIVATE value reduces both list lock contention
1276   // and list coherency traffic, but also tends to increase the
1277   // number of ObjectMonitors in circulation as well as the STW
1278   // scavenge costs.  As usual, we lean toward time in space-time
1279   // tradeoffs.
1280   const int MAXPRIVATE = 1024;

1282   stringStream ss;
1283   for (;;) {
1284     ObjectMonitor* m;
1286     // 1: try to allocate from the thread's local om_free_list.
1287     // Threads will attempt to allocate first from their local list, then
1288     // from the global list, and only after those attempts fail will the
1289     // thread attempt to instantiate new monitors. Thread-local free lists
1290     // improve allocation latency, as well as reducing coherency traffic
1291     // on the shared global list.
1292     m = take_from_start_of_om_free_list(self);
1293     if (m != NULL) {
1294       guarantee(m->object() == NULL, "invariant");
1295       prepend_to_om_in_use_list(self, m);
1296       return m;
1297     }
1299     // 2: try to allocate from the global LVars.free_list
1300     // CONSIDER: use muxTry() instead of muxAcquire().

1368     prepend_block_to_lists(temp);
1369   }
1370 }
1372 // Place "m" on the caller's private per-thread om_free_list.
1373 // In practice there's no need to clamp or limit the number of
1374 // monitors on a thread's om_free_list as the only non-allocation time
1375 // we'll call om_release() is to return a monitor to the free list after
1376 // a CAS attempt failed. This doesn't allow unbounded #s of monitors to
1377 // accumulate on a thread's free list.
1378 //
1379 // Key constraint: all ObjectMonitors on a thread's free list and the global
1380 // free list must have their object field set to null. This prevents the
1381 // scavenger -- deflate_monitor_list() -- from reclaiming them while we
1382 // are trying to release them.
1384 void ObjectSynchronizer::om_release(Thread* self, ObjectMonitor* m,
1385                                     bool from_per_thread_alloc) {
1386   guarantee(m->header().value() == 0, "invariant");
1387   guarantee(m->object() == NULL, "invariant");

1388   stringStream ss;
1389   guarantee((m->is_busy() | m->_recursions) == 0, "freeing in-use monitor: "
1390             "%s, recursions=" INTX_FORMAT, m->is_busy_to_string(&ss),
1391             m->_recursions);
1392   // _next_om is used for both per-thread in-use and free lists so
1393   // we have to remove 'm' from the in-use list first (as needed).
1394   if (from_per_thread_alloc) {
1395     // Need to remove 'm' from om_in_use_list.
1396     ObjectMonitor* cur_mid_in_use = NULL;
1397     ObjectMonitor* mid = NULL;
1398     ObjectMonitor* next = NULL;
1399     bool extracted = false;
1401     // We use the simpler lock-mid-as-we-go protocol to prevent races
1402     // with a list walker thread since there are no parallel list
1403     // deletions (deflations happen at a safepoint).

1404     if ((mid = get_list_head_locked(&self->om_in_use_list)) == NULL) {
1405       fatal("thread=" INTPTR_FORMAT " in-use list must not be empty.", p2i(self));
1406     }
1407     next = unmarked_next(mid);
1408     while (true) {
1409       if (m == mid) {
1410         // We found 'm' on the per-thread in-use list so try to extract it.
1411         if (cur_mid_in_use == NULL) {
1412           // mid is the list head and it is locked. Switch the list head
1413           // to next which unlocks the list head, but leaves mid locked:
1414           Atomic::store(&self->om_in_use_list, next);

1415         } else {
1416           // mid is locked. Switch cur_mid_in_use's next field to next
1417           // which is safe because we have no parallel list deletions,
1418           // but we leave mid locked:
1419           set_next(cur_mid_in_use, next);
1420         }

1421         // At this point mid is disconnected from the in-use list so
1422         // its lock no longer has any effects on the in-use list.
1423         extracted = true;
1424         Atomic::dec(&self->om_in_use_count);
1425         // Unlock mid, but leave the next value for any lagging list
1426         // walkers. It will get cleaned up when mid is prepended to
1427         // the thread's free list:
1428         om_unlock(mid);
1429         break;
1430       } else {
1431         om_unlock(mid);
1432         cur_mid_in_use = mid;
1433       }
1434       // All the list management is done so move on to the next one:
1435       mid = next;
1436       if (mid == NULL) {
1437         // Reached end of the list and didn't find m so:
1438         fatal("must find m=" INTPTR_FORMAT "on om_in_use_list=" INTPTR_FORMAT,
1439               p2i(m), p2i(self->om_in_use_list));
1440       }
1441       // Lock mid so we can possibly extract it:
1442       om_lock(mid);
1443       next = unmarked_next(mid);
1444     }
1445   }
1447   prepend_to_om_free_list(self, m);
1448 }
1450 // Return ObjectMonitors on a moribund thread's free and in-use
1451 // lists to the appropriate global lists. The ObjectMonitors on the
1452 // per-thread in-use list may still be in use by other threads.
1453 //
1454 // We currently call om_flush() from Threads::remove() before the
1455 // thread has been excised from the thread list and is no longer a
1456 // mutator. This means that om_flush() cannot run concurrently with
1457 // a safepoint and interleave with deflate_idle_monitors(). In
1458 // particular, this ensures that the thread's in-use monitors are
1459 // scanned by a GC safepoint, either via Thread::oops_do() (before
1460 // om_flush() is called) or via ObjectSynchronizer::oops_do() (after
1461 // om_flush() is called).
1463 void ObjectSynchronizer::om_flush(Thread* self) {
1464   // Process the per-thread in-use list first to be consistent.
1465   int in_use_count = 0;
1466   ObjectMonitor* in_use_list = NULL;
1467   ObjectMonitor* in_use_tail = NULL;

1469   // This function can race with a list walker thread so we lock the
1470   // list head to prevent confusion.
1471   if ((in_use_list = get_list_head_locked(&self->om_in_use_list)) != NULL) {
1472     // At this point, we have locked the in-use list head so a racing
1473     // thread cannot come in after us. However, a racing thread could
1474     // be ahead of us; we'll detect that and delay to let it finish.
1475     //
1476     // The thread is going away, however the ObjectMonitors on the
1477     // om_in_use_list may still be in-use by other threads. Link
1478     // them to in_use_tail, which will be linked into the global
1479     // in-use list (LVars.in_use_list) below.
1480     //
1481     // Account for the in-use list head before the loop since it is
1482     // already locked (by this thread):
1483     in_use_tail = in_use_list;
1484     in_use_count++;
1485     for (ObjectMonitor* cur_om = unmarked_next(in_use_list); cur_om != NULL; cur_om = unmarked_next(cur_om)) {
1486       if (is_locked(cur_om)) {
1487         // cur_om is locked so there must be a racing walker thread ahead

1826   } else {
1827     // Deflate the monitor if it is no longer being used
1828     // It's idle - scavenge and return to the global free list
1829     // plain old deflation ...
1830     if (log_is_enabled(Trace, monitorinflation)) {
1831       ResourceMark rm;
1832       log_trace(monitorinflation)("deflate_monitor: "
1833                                   "object=" INTPTR_FORMAT ", mark="
1834                                   INTPTR_FORMAT ", type='%s'", p2i(obj),
1835                                   mark.value(), obj->klass()->external_name());
1836     }
1838     // Restore the header back to obj
1839     obj->release_set_mark(dmw);
1840     mid->clear();
1842     assert(mid->object() == NULL, "invariant: object=" INTPTR_FORMAT,
1843            p2i(mid->object()));
1845     // Move the deflated ObjectMonitor to the working free list
1846     // defined by free_head_p and free_tail_p. The working list is
1847     // local so no need for a memory barrier.
1848     if (*free_head_p == NULL) *free_head_p = mid;
1849     if (*free_tail_p != NULL) {
1850       // We append to the list so the caller can use mid->_next_om
1851       // to fix the linkages in its context.
1852       ObjectMonitor* prevtail = *free_tail_p;
1853       // Should have been cleaned up by the caller:
1854       // Note: Should not have to lock prevtail here since we're at a
1855       // safepoint and ObjectMonitors on the local free list should
1856       // not be accessed in parallel.
1857 #ifdef ASSERT
1858       ObjectMonitor* l_next_om = Atomic::load(&prevtail->_next_om);
1859 #endif
1860       assert(l_next_om == NULL, "must be NULL: _next_om=" INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i(l_next_om));
1861       set_next(prevtail, mid);
1862     }
1863     *free_tail_p = mid;
1864     // At this point, mid->_next_om still refers to its current
1865     // value and another ObjectMonitor's _next_om field still
1866     // refers to this ObjectMonitor. Those linkages have to be
1867     // cleaned up by the caller who has the complete context.

1874 // The given list could be a per-thread list or a global list.
1875 //
1876 // In the case of parallel processing of thread local monitor lists,
1877 // work is done by Threads::parallel_threads_do() which ensures that
1878 // each Java thread is processed by exactly one worker thread, and
1879 // thus avoid conflicts that would arise when worker threads would
1880 // process the same monitor lists concurrently.
1881 //
1882 // See also ParallelSPCleanupTask and
1883 // SafepointSynchronize::do_cleanup_tasks() in safepoint.cpp and
1884 // Threads::parallel_java_threads_do() in thread.cpp.
1885 int ObjectSynchronizer::deflate_monitor_list(ObjectMonitor** list_p,
1886                                              int* count_p,
1887                                              ObjectMonitor** free_head_p,
1888                                              ObjectMonitor** free_tail_p) {
1889   ObjectMonitor* cur_mid_in_use = NULL;
1890   ObjectMonitor* mid = NULL;
1891   ObjectMonitor* next = NULL;
1892   int deflated_count = 0;
1894   // We use the simpler lock-mid-as-we-go protocol to prevent races
1895   // with a list walker thread since this caller is the only one doing
1896   // deletions on this list during the safepoint.
1897   if ((mid = get_list_head_locked(list_p)) == NULL) {
1898     return 0;  // The list is empty so nothing to deflate.
1899   }
1900   next = unmarked_next(mid);
1902   while (true) {

1903     oop obj = (oop) mid->object();
1904     if (obj != NULL && deflate_monitor(mid, obj, free_head_p, free_tail_p)) {
1905       // Deflation succeeded and already updated free_head_p and
1906       // free_tail_p as needed. Finish the move to the local free list
1907       // by unlinking mid from the global or per-thread in-use list.
1908       if (cur_mid_in_use == NULL) {
1909         // mid is the list head and it is locked. Switch the list head
1910         // to next which unlocks the list head, but leaves mid locked:
1911         Atomic::store(list_p, next);
1912       } else {
1913         // mid is locked. Switch cur_mid_in_use's next field to next
1914         // which is safe because we have no parallel list deletions,
1915         // but we leave mid locked:
1916         set_next(cur_mid_in_use, next);
1917       }
1918       // At this point mid is disconnected from the in-use list so
1919       // its lock no longer has any effects on the in-use list.
1920       deflated_count++;
1921       Atomic::dec(count_p);
1922       // mid is current tail in the free_head_p list so NULL terminate it
1923       // (which also unlocks it):
1924       set_next(mid, NULL);
1925     } else {
1926       om_unlock(mid);
1927       cur_mid_in_use = mid;
1928     }
1929     // All the list management is done so move on to the next one:
1930     mid = next;
1931     if (mid == NULL) {
1932       break;  // Reached end of the list so nothing more to deflate.
1933     }
1934     // Lock mid so we can possibly deflate it:
1935     om_lock(mid);
1936     next = unmarked_next(mid);
1937   }
1938   return deflated_count;
1939 }
1941 void ObjectSynchronizer::prepare_deflate_idle_monitors(DeflateMonitorCounters* counters) {
1942   counters->n_in_use = 0;              // currently associated with objects
1943   counters->n_in_circulation = 0;      // extant
1944   counters->n_scavenged = 0;           // reclaimed (global and per-thread)
1945   counters->per_thread_scavenged = 0;  // per-thread scavenge total
1946   counters->per_thread_times = 0.0;    // per-thread scavenge times
1947   OrderAccess::storestore();           // flush inits for worker threads
1948 }
1950 void ObjectSynchronizer::deflate_idle_monitors(DeflateMonitorCounters* counters) {
1951   assert(SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(), "must be at safepoint");
1952   bool deflated = false;
1954   ObjectMonitor* free_head_p = NULL;  // Local SLL of scavenged monitors
1955   ObjectMonitor* free_tail_p = NULL;
1956   elapsedTimer timer;
1958   if (log_is_enabled(Info, monitorinflation)) {
1959     timer.start();
1960   }
1962   // Note: the thread-local monitors lists get deflated in
1963   // a separate pass. See deflate_thread_local_monitors().
1965   // For moribund threads, scan LVars.in_use_list
1966   int deflated_count = 0;
1967   if (Atomic::load(&LVars.in_use_list) != NULL) {
1968     // Update n_in_circulation before LVars.in_use_count is updated by deflation.
1969     Atomic::add(&counters->n_in_circulation, Atomic::load(&LVars.in_use_count));
1971     deflated_count = deflate_monitor_list(&LVars.in_use_list, &LVars.in_use_count, &free_head_p, &free_tail_p);
1972     Atomic::add(&counters->n_in_use, Atomic::load(&LVars.in_use_count));
1973   }
1975   if (free_head_p != NULL) {
1976     // Move the deflated ObjectMonitors back to the global free list.
1977     // The working list is local so no need for a memory barrier.
1978     guarantee(free_tail_p != NULL && deflated_count > 0, "invariant");
1979 #ifdef ASSERT
1980     ObjectMonitor* l_next_om = Atomic::load(&free_tail_p->_next_om);
1981 #endif
1982     assert(l_next_om == NULL, "must be NULL: _next_om=" INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i(l_next_om));
1983     prepend_list_to_global_free_list(free_head_p, free_tail_p, deflated_count);
1984     Atomic::add(&counters->n_scavenged, deflated_count);
1985   }
1986   timer.stop();
1988   LogStreamHandle(Debug, monitorinflation) lsh_debug;
1989   LogStreamHandle(Info, monitorinflation) lsh_info;
1990   LogStream* ls = NULL;
1991   if (log_is_enabled(Debug, monitorinflation)) {
1992     ls = &lsh_debug;
1993   } else if (deflated_count != 0 && log_is_enabled(Info, monitorinflation)) {
1994     ls = &lsh_info;
1995   }
1996   if (ls != NULL) {
1997     ls->print_cr("deflating global idle monitors, %3.7f secs, %d monitors", timer.seconds(), deflated_count);

2027 void ObjectSynchronizer::deflate_thread_local_monitors(Thread* thread, DeflateMonitorCounters* counters) {
2028   assert(SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(), "must be at safepoint");
2030   ObjectMonitor* free_head_p = NULL;  // Local SLL of scavenged monitors
2031   ObjectMonitor* free_tail_p = NULL;
2032   elapsedTimer timer;
2034   if (log_is_enabled(Info, safepoint, cleanup) ||
2035       log_is_enabled(Info, monitorinflation)) {
2036     timer.start();
2037   }
2039   // Update n_in_circulation before om_in_use_count is updated by deflation.
2040   Atomic::add(&counters->n_in_circulation, Atomic::load(&thread->om_in_use_count));
2042   int deflated_count = deflate_monitor_list(&thread->om_in_use_list, &thread->om_in_use_count, &free_head_p, &free_tail_p);
2043   Atomic::add(&counters->n_in_use, Atomic::load(&thread->om_in_use_count));
2045   if (free_head_p != NULL) {
2046     // Move the deflated ObjectMonitors back to the global free list.
2047     // The working list is local so no need for a memory barrier.
2048     guarantee(free_tail_p != NULL && deflated_count > 0, "invariant");
2049 #ifdef ASSERT
2050     ObjectMonitor* l_next_om = Atomic::load(&free_tail_p->_next_om);
2051 #endif
2052     assert(l_next_om == NULL, "must be NULL: _next_om=" INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i(l_next_om));
2053     prepend_list_to_global_free_list(free_head_p, free_tail_p, deflated_count);
2054     Atomic::add(&counters->n_scavenged, deflated_count);
2055     Atomic::add(&counters->per_thread_scavenged, deflated_count);
2056   }
2058   timer.stop();
2059   // Safepoint logging cares about cumulative per_thread_times and
2060   // we'll capture most of the cost, but not the muxRelease() which
2061   // should be cheap.
2062   counters->per_thread_times += timer.seconds();
2064   LogStreamHandle(Debug, monitorinflation) lsh_debug;
2065   LogStreamHandle(Info, monitorinflation) lsh_info;
2066   LogStream* ls = NULL;
2067   if (log_is_enabled(Debug, monitorinflation)) {

2568 }
2570 #ifndef PRODUCT
2572 // Check if monitor belongs to the monitor cache
2573 // The list is grow-only so it's *relatively* safe to traverse
2574 // the list of extant blocks without taking a lock.
2576 int ObjectSynchronizer::verify_objmon_isinpool(ObjectMonitor *monitor) {
2577   PaddedObjectMonitor* block = Atomic::load(&g_block_list);
2578   while (block != NULL) {
2579     assert(block->object() == CHAINMARKER, "must be a block header");
2580     if (monitor > &block[0] && monitor < &block[_BLOCKSIZE]) {
2581       address mon = (address)monitor;
2582       address blk = (address)block;
2583       size_t diff = mon - blk;
2584       assert((diff % sizeof(PaddedObjectMonitor)) == 0, "must be aligned");
2585       return 1;
2586     }
2587     // unmarked_next() is not needed with g_block_list (no locking
2588     // used with with block linkage _next_om fields).
2589     block = (PaddedObjectMonitor*)Atomic::load(&block->_next_om);
2590   }
2591   return 0;
2592 }
2594 #endif

 146 static ListGlobals LVars;
 148 #define CHAINMARKER (cast_to_oop<intptr_t>(-1))
 151 // =====================> Spin-lock functions
 153 // ObjectMonitors are not lockable outside of this file. We use spin-locks
 154 // implemented using a bit in the _next_om field instead of the heavier
 155 // weight locking mechanisms for faster list management.
 157 #define OM_LOCK_BIT 0x1
 159 // Return true if the ObjectMonitor is locked.
 160 // Otherwise returns false.
 161 static bool is_locked(ObjectMonitor* om) {
 162   return ((intptr_t)Atomic::load(&om->_next_om) & OM_LOCK_BIT) == OM_LOCK_BIT;
 163 }
 165 // Mark an ObjectMonitor* with OM_LOCK_BIT and return it.

 166 static ObjectMonitor* mark_om_ptr(ObjectMonitor* om) {
 167   return (ObjectMonitor*)((intptr_t)om | OM_LOCK_BIT);
 168 }
 170 // Return the unmarked next field in an ObjectMonitor. Note: the next
 171 // field may or may not have been marked with OM_LOCK_BIT originally.
 172 static ObjectMonitor* unmarked_next(ObjectMonitor* om) {
 173   return (ObjectMonitor*)((intptr_t)Atomic::load(&om->_next_om) & ~OM_LOCK_BIT);
 174 }
 176 // Try to lock an ObjectMonitor. Returns true if locking was successful.
 177 // Otherwise returns false.
 178 static bool try_om_lock(ObjectMonitor* om) {
 179   // Get current next field without any OM_LOCK_BIT value.
 180   ObjectMonitor* next = unmarked_next(om);
 181   if (Atomic::cmpxchg(&om->_next_om, next, mark_om_ptr(next)) != next) {
 182     return false;  // Cannot lock the ObjectMonitor.
 183   }
 184   return true;
 185 }
 187 // Lock an ObjectMonitor.
 188 static void om_lock(ObjectMonitor* om) {
 189   while (true) {
 190     if (try_om_lock(om)) {
 191       return;
 192     }
 193   }
 194 }
 196 // Unlock an ObjectMonitor.
 197 static void om_unlock(ObjectMonitor* om) {
 198   ObjectMonitor* next = Atomic::load(&om->_next_om);
 199   guarantee(((intptr_t)next & OM_LOCK_BIT) == OM_LOCK_BIT, "next=" INTPTR_FORMAT
 200             " must have OM_LOCK_BIT=%x set.", p2i(next), OM_LOCK_BIT);
 202   next = (ObjectMonitor*)((intptr_t)next & ~OM_LOCK_BIT);  // Clear OM_LOCK_BIT.
 203   Atomic::store(&om->_next_om, next);
 204 }
 206 // Get the list head after locking it. Returns the list head or NULL
 207 // if the list is empty.
 208 static ObjectMonitor* get_list_head_locked(ObjectMonitor** list_p) {
 209   while (true) {
 210     ObjectMonitor* mid = Atomic::load(list_p);
 211     if (mid == NULL) {
 212       return NULL;  // The list is empty.
 213     }
 214     if (try_om_lock(mid)) {
 215       if (Atomic::load(list_p) != mid) {
 216         // The list head changed before we could lock it so we have to retry.
 217         om_unlock(mid);
 218         continue;
 219       }
 220       return mid;
 221     }
 222   }
 223 }

 225 #undef OM_LOCK_BIT
 228 // =====================> List Management functions
 230 // Set the next field in an ObjectMonitor to the specified value.
 231 static void set_next(ObjectMonitor* om, ObjectMonitor* value) {
 232   Atomic::store(&om->_next_om, value);
 233 }
 235 // Prepend a list of ObjectMonitors to the specified *list_p. 'tail' is
 236 // the last ObjectMonitor in the list and there are 'count' on the list.
 237 // Also updates the specified *count_p.
 238 static void prepend_list_to_common(ObjectMonitor* list, ObjectMonitor* tail,
 239                                    int count, ObjectMonitor** list_p,
 240                                    int* count_p) {
 241   while (true) {
 242     ObjectMonitor* cur = Atomic::load(list_p);
 243     // Prepend list to *list_p.
 244     if (!try_om_lock(tail)) {

1134   // assert(mark.is_neutral(), "sanity check");
1136   return NULL;
1137 }
1139 // Visitors ...
1141 void ObjectSynchronizer::monitors_iterate(MonitorClosure* closure) {
1142   PaddedObjectMonitor* block = Atomic::load(&g_block_list);
1143   while (block != NULL) {
1144     assert(block->object() == CHAINMARKER, "must be a block header");
1145     for (int i = _BLOCKSIZE - 1; i > 0; i--) {
1146       ObjectMonitor* mid = (ObjectMonitor *)(block + i);
1147       oop object = (oop)mid->object();
1148       if (object != NULL) {
1149         // Only process with closure if the object is set.
1150         closure->do_monitor(mid);
1151       }
1152     }
1153     // unmarked_next() is not needed with g_block_list (no locking
1154     // used with block linkage _next_om fields).
1155     block = (PaddedObjectMonitor*)Atomic::load(&block->_next_om);
1156   }
1157 }
1159 static bool monitors_used_above_threshold() {
1160   int population = Atomic::load(&LVars.population);
1161   if (population == 0) {
1162     return false;
1163   }
1164   if (MonitorUsedDeflationThreshold > 0) {
1165     int monitors_used = population - Atomic::load(&LVars.free_count);
1166     int monitor_usage = (monitors_used * 100LL) / population;
1167     return monitor_usage > MonitorUsedDeflationThreshold;
1168   }
1169   return false;
1170 }
1172 // Returns true if MonitorBound is set (> 0) and if the specified
1173 // cnt is > MonitorBound. Otherwise returns false.
1174 static bool is_MonitorBound_exceeded(const int cnt) {
1175   const int mx = MonitorBound;
1176   return mx > 0 && cnt > mx;
1177 }
1179 bool ObjectSynchronizer::is_cleanup_needed() {
1180   if (monitors_used_above_threshold()) {
1181     // Too many monitors in use.
1182     return true;
1183   }
1184   return needs_monitor_scavenge();
1185 }

1262 static void InduceScavenge(Thread* self, const char * Whence) {
1263   // Induce STW safepoint to trim monitors
1264   // Ultimately, this results in a call to deflate_idle_monitors() in the near future.
1265   // More precisely, trigger a cleanup safepoint as the number
1266   // of active monitors passes the specified threshold.
1267   // TODO: assert thread state is reasonable
1269   if (Atomic::xchg(&_forceMonitorScavenge, 1) == 0) {
1270     VMThread::check_for_forced_cleanup();
1271   }
1272 }
1274 ObjectMonitor* ObjectSynchronizer::om_alloc(Thread* self) {
1275   // A large MAXPRIVATE value reduces both list lock contention
1276   // and list coherency traffic, but also tends to increase the
1277   // number of ObjectMonitors in circulation as well as the STW
1278   // scavenge costs.  As usual, we lean toward time in space-time
1279   // tradeoffs.
1280   const int MAXPRIVATE = 1024;
1281   NoSafepointVerifier nsv;
1283   stringStream ss;
1284   for (;;) {
1285     ObjectMonitor* m;
1287     // 1: try to allocate from the thread's local om_free_list.
1288     // Threads will attempt to allocate first from their local list, then
1289     // from the global list, and only after those attempts fail will the
1290     // thread attempt to instantiate new monitors. Thread-local free lists
1291     // improve allocation latency, as well as reducing coherency traffic
1292     // on the shared global list.
1293     m = take_from_start_of_om_free_list(self);
1294     if (m != NULL) {
1295       guarantee(m->object() == NULL, "invariant");
1296       prepend_to_om_in_use_list(self, m);
1297       return m;
1298     }
1300     // 2: try to allocate from the global LVars.free_list
1301     // CONSIDER: use muxTry() instead of muxAcquire().

1369     prepend_block_to_lists(temp);
1370   }
1371 }
1373 // Place "m" on the caller's private per-thread om_free_list.
1374 // In practice there's no need to clamp or limit the number of
1375 // monitors on a thread's om_free_list as the only non-allocation time
1376 // we'll call om_release() is to return a monitor to the free list after
1377 // a CAS attempt failed. This doesn't allow unbounded #s of monitors to
1378 // accumulate on a thread's free list.
1379 //
1380 // Key constraint: all ObjectMonitors on a thread's free list and the global
1381 // free list must have their object field set to null. This prevents the
1382 // scavenger -- deflate_monitor_list() -- from reclaiming them while we
1383 // are trying to release them.
1385 void ObjectSynchronizer::om_release(Thread* self, ObjectMonitor* m,
1386                                     bool from_per_thread_alloc) {
1387   guarantee(m->header().value() == 0, "invariant");
1388   guarantee(m->object() == NULL, "invariant");
1389   NoSafepointVerifier nsv;
1391   stringStream ss;
1392   guarantee((m->is_busy() | m->_recursions) == 0, "freeing in-use monitor: "
1393             "%s, recursions=" INTX_FORMAT, m->is_busy_to_string(&ss),
1394             m->_recursions);
1395   // _next_om is used for both per-thread in-use and free lists so
1396   // we have to remove 'm' from the in-use list first (as needed).
1397   if (from_per_thread_alloc) {
1398     // Need to remove 'm' from om_in_use_list.

1399     ObjectMonitor* mid = NULL;
1400     ObjectMonitor* next = NULL;

1402     // This list walk can only race with another list walker since
1403     // deflation can only happen at a safepoint so we don't have to
1404     // worry about an ObjectMonitor being removed from this list
1405     // while we are walking it.
1407     // Lock the list head to avoid racing with another list walker.
1408     if ((mid = get_list_head_locked(&self->om_in_use_list)) == NULL) {
1409       fatal("thread=" INTPTR_FORMAT " in-use list must not be empty.", p2i(self));
1410     }
1411     next = unmarked_next(mid);

1412     if (m == mid) {
1413       // First special case:
1414       // 'm' matches mid, is the list head and is locked. Switch the list
1415       // head to next which unlocks the list head, but leaves the extracted
1416       // mid locked:
1417       Atomic::store(&self->om_in_use_list, next);
1418     } else if (m == next) {
1419       // Second special case:
1420       // 'm' matches next after the list head and we already have the list
1421       // head locked so set mid to what we are extracting:
1422       mid = next;
1423       // Lock mid to prevent races with a list walker:
1424       om_lock(mid);
1425       // Update next to what follows mid (if anything):
1426       next = unmarked_next(mid);
1427       // Switch next after the list head to new next which unlocks the
1428       // list head, but leaves the extracted mid locked:
1429       set_next(self->om_in_use_list, next);
1430     } else {
1431       // We have to search the list to find 'm'.
1432       om_unlock(mid);  // unlock the list head
1433       guarantee(next != NULL, "thread=" INTPTR_FORMAT ": om_in_use_list=" INTPTR_FORMAT
1434                 " is too short.", p2i(self), p2i(self->om_in_use_list));
1435       // Our starting anchor is next after the list head which is the
1436       // last ObjectMonitor we checked:
1437       ObjectMonitor* anchor = next;
1438       while ((mid = unmarked_next(anchor)) != NULL) {
1439         if (m == mid) {
1440           // We found 'm' on the per-thread in-use list so extract it.
1441           om_lock(anchor);  // Lock the anchor so we can safely modify it.
1442           // Update next to what follows mid (if anything):
1443           next = unmarked_next(mid);
1444           // Switch next after the anchor to new next which unlocks the
1445           // anchor, but leaves the extracted mid locked:
1446           set_next(anchor, next);
1447           break;
1448         } else {
1449           anchor = mid;
1450         }
1451       }

1452     }
1454     if (mid == NULL) {
1455       // Reached end of the list and didn't find 'm' so:
1456       fatal("thread=" INTPTR_FORMAT " must find m=" INTPTR_FORMAT "on om_in_use_list="
1457             INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i(self), p2i(m), p2i(self->om_in_use_list));
1458     }
1460     // At this point mid is disconnected from the in-use list so
1461     // its lock no longer has any effects on the in-use list.

1462     Atomic::dec(&self->om_in_use_count);
1463     // Unlock mid, but leave the next value for any lagging list
1464     // walkers. It will get cleaned up when mid is prepended to
1465     // the thread's free list:
1466     om_unlock(mid);

1467   }
1469   prepend_to_om_free_list(self, m);
1470 }
1472 // Return ObjectMonitors on a moribund thread's free and in-use
1473 // lists to the appropriate global lists. The ObjectMonitors on the
1474 // per-thread in-use list may still be in use by other threads.
1475 //
1476 // We currently call om_flush() from Threads::remove() before the
1477 // thread has been excised from the thread list and is no longer a
1478 // mutator. This means that om_flush() cannot run concurrently with
1479 // a safepoint and interleave with deflate_idle_monitors(). In
1480 // particular, this ensures that the thread's in-use monitors are
1481 // scanned by a GC safepoint, either via Thread::oops_do() (before
1482 // om_flush() is called) or via ObjectSynchronizer::oops_do() (after
1483 // om_flush() is called).
1485 void ObjectSynchronizer::om_flush(Thread* self) {
1486   // Process the per-thread in-use list first to be consistent.
1487   int in_use_count = 0;
1488   ObjectMonitor* in_use_list = NULL;
1489   ObjectMonitor* in_use_tail = NULL;
1490   NoSafepointVerifier nsv;
1492   // This function can race with a list walker thread so we lock the
1493   // list head to prevent confusion.
1494   if ((in_use_list = get_list_head_locked(&self->om_in_use_list)) != NULL) {
1495     // At this point, we have locked the in-use list head so a racing
1496     // thread cannot come in after us. However, a racing thread could
1497     // be ahead of us; we'll detect that and delay to let it finish.
1498     //
1499     // The thread is going away, however the ObjectMonitors on the
1500     // om_in_use_list may still be in-use by other threads. Link
1501     // them to in_use_tail, which will be linked into the global
1502     // in-use list (LVars.in_use_list) below.
1503     //
1504     // Account for the in-use list head before the loop since it is
1505     // already locked (by this thread):
1506     in_use_tail = in_use_list;
1507     in_use_count++;
1508     for (ObjectMonitor* cur_om = unmarked_next(in_use_list); cur_om != NULL; cur_om = unmarked_next(cur_om)) {
1509       if (is_locked(cur_om)) {
1510         // cur_om is locked so there must be a racing walker thread ahead

1849   } else {
1850     // Deflate the monitor if it is no longer being used
1851     // It's idle - scavenge and return to the global free list
1852     // plain old deflation ...
1853     if (log_is_enabled(Trace, monitorinflation)) {
1854       ResourceMark rm;
1855       log_trace(monitorinflation)("deflate_monitor: "
1856                                   "object=" INTPTR_FORMAT ", mark="
1857                                   INTPTR_FORMAT ", type='%s'", p2i(obj),
1858                                   mark.value(), obj->klass()->external_name());
1859     }
1861     // Restore the header back to obj
1862     obj->release_set_mark(dmw);
1863     mid->clear();
1865     assert(mid->object() == NULL, "invariant: object=" INTPTR_FORMAT,
1866            p2i(mid->object()));
1868     // Move the deflated ObjectMonitor to the working free list
1869     // defined by free_head_p and free_tail_p.

1870     if (*free_head_p == NULL) *free_head_p = mid;
1871     if (*free_tail_p != NULL) {
1872       // We append to the list so the caller can use mid->_next_om
1873       // to fix the linkages in its context.
1874       ObjectMonitor* prevtail = *free_tail_p;
1875       // Should have been cleaned up by the caller:
1876       // Note: Should not have to lock prevtail here since we're at a
1877       // safepoint and ObjectMonitors on the local free list should
1878       // not be accessed in parallel.
1879 #ifdef ASSERT
1880       ObjectMonitor* l_next_om = Atomic::load(&prevtail->_next_om);
1881 #endif
1882       assert(l_next_om == NULL, "must be NULL: _next_om=" INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i(l_next_om));
1883       set_next(prevtail, mid);
1884     }
1885     *free_tail_p = mid;
1886     // At this point, mid->_next_om still refers to its current
1887     // value and another ObjectMonitor's _next_om field still
1888     // refers to this ObjectMonitor. Those linkages have to be
1889     // cleaned up by the caller who has the complete context.

1896 // The given list could be a per-thread list or a global list.
1897 //
1898 // In the case of parallel processing of thread local monitor lists,
1899 // work is done by Threads::parallel_threads_do() which ensures that
1900 // each Java thread is processed by exactly one worker thread, and
1901 // thus avoid conflicts that would arise when worker threads would
1902 // process the same monitor lists concurrently.
1903 //
1904 // See also ParallelSPCleanupTask and
1905 // SafepointSynchronize::do_cleanup_tasks() in safepoint.cpp and
1906 // Threads::parallel_java_threads_do() in thread.cpp.
1907 int ObjectSynchronizer::deflate_monitor_list(ObjectMonitor** list_p,
1908                                              int* count_p,
1909                                              ObjectMonitor** free_head_p,
1910                                              ObjectMonitor** free_tail_p) {
1911   ObjectMonitor* cur_mid_in_use = NULL;
1912   ObjectMonitor* mid = NULL;
1913   ObjectMonitor* next = NULL;
1914   int deflated_count = 0;
1916   // This list walk executes at a safepoint and does not race with any
1917   // other list walkers.

1919   for (mid = Atomic::load(list_p); mid != NULL; mid = next) {
1920     next = unmarked_next(mid);
1921     oop obj = (oop) mid->object();
1922     if (obj != NULL && deflate_monitor(mid, obj, free_head_p, free_tail_p)) {
1923       // Deflation succeeded and already updated free_head_p and
1924       // free_tail_p as needed. Finish the move to the local free list
1925       // by unlinking mid from the global or per-thread in-use list.
1926       if (cur_mid_in_use == NULL) {
1927         // mid is the list head so switch the list head to next:

1928         Atomic::store(list_p, next);
1929       } else {
1930         // Switch cur_mid_in_use's next field to next:

1931         set_next(cur_mid_in_use, next);
1932       }
1933       // At this point mid is disconnected from the in-use list.

1934       deflated_count++;
1935       Atomic::dec(count_p);
1936       // mid is current tail in the free_head_p list so NULL terminate it:

1937       set_next(mid, NULL);
1938     } else {

1939       cur_mid_in_use = mid;
1940     }

1941   }
1942   return deflated_count;
1943 }
1945 void ObjectSynchronizer::prepare_deflate_idle_monitors(DeflateMonitorCounters* counters) {
1946   counters->n_in_use = 0;              // currently associated with objects
1947   counters->n_in_circulation = 0;      // extant
1948   counters->n_scavenged = 0;           // reclaimed (global and per-thread)
1949   counters->per_thread_scavenged = 0;  // per-thread scavenge total
1950   counters->per_thread_times = 0.0;    // per-thread scavenge times

1951 }
1953 void ObjectSynchronizer::deflate_idle_monitors(DeflateMonitorCounters* counters) {
1954   assert(SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(), "must be at safepoint");
1955   bool deflated = false;
1957   ObjectMonitor* free_head_p = NULL;  // Local SLL of scavenged monitors
1958   ObjectMonitor* free_tail_p = NULL;
1959   elapsedTimer timer;
1961   if (log_is_enabled(Info, monitorinflation)) {
1962     timer.start();
1963   }
1965   // Note: the thread-local monitors lists get deflated in
1966   // a separate pass. See deflate_thread_local_monitors().
1968   // For moribund threads, scan LVars.in_use_list
1969   int deflated_count = 0;
1970   if (Atomic::load(&LVars.in_use_list) != NULL) {
1971     // Update n_in_circulation before LVars.in_use_count is updated by deflation.
1972     Atomic::add(&counters->n_in_circulation, Atomic::load(&LVars.in_use_count));
1974     deflated_count = deflate_monitor_list(&LVars.in_use_list, &LVars.in_use_count, &free_head_p, &free_tail_p);
1975     Atomic::add(&counters->n_in_use, Atomic::load(&LVars.in_use_count));
1976   }
1978   if (free_head_p != NULL) {
1979     // Move the deflated ObjectMonitors back to the global free list.

1980     guarantee(free_tail_p != NULL && deflated_count > 0, "invariant");
1981 #ifdef ASSERT
1982     ObjectMonitor* l_next_om = Atomic::load(&free_tail_p->_next_om);
1983 #endif
1984     assert(l_next_om == NULL, "must be NULL: _next_om=" INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i(l_next_om));
1985     prepend_list_to_global_free_list(free_head_p, free_tail_p, deflated_count);
1986     Atomic::add(&counters->n_scavenged, deflated_count);
1987   }
1988   timer.stop();
1990   LogStreamHandle(Debug, monitorinflation) lsh_debug;
1991   LogStreamHandle(Info, monitorinflation) lsh_info;
1992   LogStream* ls = NULL;
1993   if (log_is_enabled(Debug, monitorinflation)) {
1994     ls = &lsh_debug;
1995   } else if (deflated_count != 0 && log_is_enabled(Info, monitorinflation)) {
1996     ls = &lsh_info;
1997   }
1998   if (ls != NULL) {
1999     ls->print_cr("deflating global idle monitors, %3.7f secs, %d monitors", timer.seconds(), deflated_count);

2029 void ObjectSynchronizer::deflate_thread_local_monitors(Thread* thread, DeflateMonitorCounters* counters) {
2030   assert(SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(), "must be at safepoint");
2032   ObjectMonitor* free_head_p = NULL;  // Local SLL of scavenged monitors
2033   ObjectMonitor* free_tail_p = NULL;
2034   elapsedTimer timer;
2036   if (log_is_enabled(Info, safepoint, cleanup) ||
2037       log_is_enabled(Info, monitorinflation)) {
2038     timer.start();
2039   }
2041   // Update n_in_circulation before om_in_use_count is updated by deflation.
2042   Atomic::add(&counters->n_in_circulation, Atomic::load(&thread->om_in_use_count));
2044   int deflated_count = deflate_monitor_list(&thread->om_in_use_list, &thread->om_in_use_count, &free_head_p, &free_tail_p);
2045   Atomic::add(&counters->n_in_use, Atomic::load(&thread->om_in_use_count));
2047   if (free_head_p != NULL) {
2048     // Move the deflated ObjectMonitors back to the global free list.

2049     guarantee(free_tail_p != NULL && deflated_count > 0, "invariant");
2050 #ifdef ASSERT
2051     ObjectMonitor* l_next_om = Atomic::load(&free_tail_p->_next_om);
2052 #endif
2053     assert(l_next_om == NULL, "must be NULL: _next_om=" INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i(l_next_om));
2054     prepend_list_to_global_free_list(free_head_p, free_tail_p, deflated_count);
2055     Atomic::add(&counters->n_scavenged, deflated_count);
2056     Atomic::add(&counters->per_thread_scavenged, deflated_count);
2057   }
2059   timer.stop();
2060   // Safepoint logging cares about cumulative per_thread_times and
2061   // we'll capture most of the cost, but not the muxRelease() which
2062   // should be cheap.
2063   counters->per_thread_times += timer.seconds();
2065   LogStreamHandle(Debug, monitorinflation) lsh_debug;
2066   LogStreamHandle(Info, monitorinflation) lsh_info;
2067   LogStream* ls = NULL;
2068   if (log_is_enabled(Debug, monitorinflation)) {

2569 }
2571 #ifndef PRODUCT
2573 // Check if monitor belongs to the monitor cache
2574 // The list is grow-only so it's *relatively* safe to traverse
2575 // the list of extant blocks without taking a lock.
2577 int ObjectSynchronizer::verify_objmon_isinpool(ObjectMonitor *monitor) {
2578   PaddedObjectMonitor* block = Atomic::load(&g_block_list);
2579   while (block != NULL) {
2580     assert(block->object() == CHAINMARKER, "must be a block header");
2581     if (monitor > &block[0] && monitor < &block[_BLOCKSIZE]) {
2582       address mon = (address)monitor;
2583       address blk = (address)block;
2584       size_t diff = mon - blk;
2585       assert((diff % sizeof(PaddedObjectMonitor)) == 0, "must be aligned");
2586       return 1;
2587     }
2588     // unmarked_next() is not needed with g_block_list (no locking
2589     // used with block linkage _next_om fields).
2590     block = (PaddedObjectMonitor*)Atomic::load(&block->_next_om);
2591   }
2592   return 0;
2593 }
2595 #endif
< prev index next >