1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2011, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10  *
  11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15  * accompanied this code).
  16  *
  17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20  *
  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23  * questions.
  24  */
  26 package com.sun.webkit.graphics;
  28 import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
  29 import java.nio.ByteOrder;
  30 import java.util.logging.Logger;
  32 public final class GraphicsDecoder  {
  33     public final static int FILLRECT_FFFFI         = 0;
  34     public final static int SETFILLCOLOR           = 1;
  35     public final static int SETSTROKESTYLE         = 2;
  36     public final static int SETSTROKECOLOR         = 3;
  37     public final static int SETSTROKEWIDTH         = 4;
  38     public final static int DRAWPOLYGON            = 6;
  39     public final static int DRAWLINE               = 7;
  40     public final static int DRAWIMAGE              = 8;
  41     public final static int DRAWICON               = 9;
  42     public final static int DRAWPATTERN            = 10;
  43     public final static int TRANSLATE              = 11;
  44     public final static int SAVESTATE              = 12;
  45     public final static int RESTORESTATE           = 13;
  46     public final static int CLIP_PATH              = 14;
  47     public final static int SETCLIP_IIII           = 15;
  48     public final static int DRAWRECT               = 16;
  49     public final static int SETCOMPOSITE           = 17;
  50     public final static int STROKEARC              = 18;
  51     public final static int DRAWELLIPSE            = 19;
  52     public final static int DRAWFOCUSRING          = 20;
  53     public final static int SETALPHA               = 21;
  54     public final static int BEGINTRANSPARENCYLAYER = 22;
  55     public final static int ENDTRANSPARENCYLAYER   = 23;
  56     public final static int STROKE_PATH            = 24;
  57     public final static int FILL_PATH              = 25;
  58     public final static int GETIMAGE               = 26;
  59     public final static int SCALE                  = 27;
  60     public final static int SETSHADOW              = 28;
  61     public final static int DRAWSTRING             = 29;
  62     public final static int DRAWSTRING_FAST        = 31;
  63     public final static int DRAWWIDGET             = 33;
  64     public final static int DRAWSCROLLBAR          = 34;
  65     public final static int CLEARRECT_FFFF         = 36;
  66     public final static int STROKERECT_FFFFF       = 37;
  67     public final static int RENDERMEDIAPLAYER      = 38;
  68     public final static int CONCATTRANSFORM_FFFFFF = 39;
  69     public final static int COPYREGION             = 40;
  70     public final static int DECODERQ               = 41;
  71     public final static int SET_TRANSFORM          = 42;
  72     public final static int ROTATE                 = 43;
  73     public final static int RENDERMEDIACONTROL     = 44;
  74     public final static int RENDERMEDIA_TIMETRACK  = 45;
  75     public final static int RENDERMEDIA_VOLUMETRACK = 46;
  76     public final static int FILLRECT_FFFF          = 47;
  77     public final static int FILL_ROUNDED_RECT      = 48;
  78     public final static int SET_FILL_GRADIENT      = 49;
  79     public final static int SET_STROKE_GRADIENT    = 50;
  80     public final static int SET_LINE_DASH          = 51;
  81     public final static int SET_LINE_CAP           = 52;
  82     public final static int SET_LINE_JOIN          = 53;
  83     public final static int SET_MITER_LIMIT        = 54;
  84     public final static int SET_TEXT_MODE          = 55;
  86     private final static Logger log =
  87         Logger.getLogger(GraphicsDecoder.class.getName());
  89     static void decode(WCGraphicsManager gm, WCGraphicsContext gc, BufferData bdata) {
  90         if (gc == null) {
  91             return;
  92         }
  93         ByteBuffer buf = bdata.getBuffer();
  94         buf.order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder());
  95         while (buf.remaining() > 0) {
  96             int op = buf.getInt();
  97             switch(op) {
  98                 case FILLRECT_FFFF:
  99                     gc.fillRect(
 100                         buf.getFloat(),
 101                         buf.getFloat(),
 102                         buf.getFloat(),
 103                         buf.getFloat(),
 104                         null);
 105                     break;
 106                 case FILLRECT_FFFFI:
 107                     gc.fillRect(
 108                         buf.getFloat(),
 109                         buf.getFloat(),
 110                         buf.getFloat(),
 111                         buf.getFloat(),
 112                         buf.getInt());
 113                     break;
 114                 case FILL_ROUNDED_RECT:
 115                     gc.fillRoundedRect(
 116                         // base rectangle
 117                         buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat(),
 118                         // top corners w/h
 119                         buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat(),
 120                         // bottom corners w/h
 121                         buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat(),
 122                         buf.getInt());
 123                     break;
 124                 case CLEARRECT_FFFF:
 125                     gc.clearRect(
 126                         buf.getFloat(),
 127                         buf.getFloat(),
 128                         buf.getFloat(),
 129                         buf.getFloat());
 130                     break;
 131                 case STROKERECT_FFFFF:
 132                     gc.strokeRect(
 133                         buf.getFloat(),
 134                         buf.getFloat(),
 135                         buf.getFloat(),
 136                         buf.getFloat(),
 137                         buf.getFloat());
 138                     break;
 139                 case SETFILLCOLOR:
 140                     gc.setFillColor(buf.getInt());
 141                     break;
 142                 case SET_TEXT_MODE:
 143                     gc.setTextMode(getBoolean(buf), getBoolean(buf), getBoolean(buf));
 144                     break;
 145                 case SETSTROKESTYLE:
 146                     gc.setStrokeStyle(buf.getInt());
 147                     break;
 148                 case SETSTROKECOLOR:
 149                     gc.setStrokeColor(buf.getInt());
 150                     break;
 151                 case SETSTROKEWIDTH:
 152                     gc.setStrokeWidth(buf.getFloat());
 153                     break;
 154                 case SET_FILL_GRADIENT:
 155                     gc.setFillGradient(getGradient(gc, buf));
 156                     break;
 157                 case SET_STROKE_GRADIENT:
 158                     gc.setStrokeGradient(getGradient(gc, buf));
 159                     break;
 160                 case SET_LINE_DASH:
 161                     gc.setLineDash(buf.getFloat(), getFloatArray(buf));
 162                     break;
 163                 case SET_LINE_CAP:
 164                     gc.setLineCap(buf.getInt());
 165                     break;
 166                 case SET_LINE_JOIN:
 167                     gc.setLineJoin(buf.getInt());
 168                     break;
 169                 case SET_MITER_LIMIT:
 170                     gc.setMiterLimit(buf.getFloat());
 171                     break;
 172                 case DRAWPOLYGON:
 173                     gc.drawPolygon(getPath(gm, buf), buf.getInt() == -1);
 174                     break;
 175                 case DRAWLINE:
 176                     gc.drawLine(
 177                         buf.getInt(),
 178                         buf.getInt(),
 179                         buf.getInt(),
 180                         buf.getInt());
 181                     break;
 182                 case DRAWIMAGE:
 183                     drawImage(gc,
 184                         gm.getRef(buf.getInt()),
 185                         //dest React
 186                         buf.getFloat(),
 187                         buf.getFloat(),
 188                         buf.getFloat(),
 189                         buf.getFloat(),
 190                         //src Rect
 191                         buf.getFloat(),
 192                         buf.getFloat(),
 193                         buf.getFloat(),
 194                         buf.getFloat());
 195                     break;
 196                 case DRAWICON:
 197                     gc.drawIcon((WCIcon)gm.getRef(buf.getInt()),
 198                         buf.getInt(),
 199                         buf.getInt());
 200                     break;
 201                 case DRAWPATTERN:
 202                     drawPattern(gc,
 203                         gm.getRef(buf.getInt()),
 204                         getRectangle(buf),
 205                         (WCTransform)gm.getRef(buf.getInt()),
 206                         getPoint(buf),
 207                         getRectangle(buf));
 208                     break;
 209                 case TRANSLATE:
 210                     gc.translate(buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat());
 211                     break;
 212                 case SCALE:
 213                     gc.scale(buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat());
 214                     break;
 215                 case SAVESTATE:
 216                     gc.saveState();
 217                     break;
 218                 case RESTORESTATE:
 219                     gc.restoreState();
 220                     break;
 221                 case CLIP_PATH:
 222                     gc.setClip(
 223                         getPath(gm, buf),
 224                         buf.getInt()>0);
 225                     break;
 226                 case SETCLIP_IIII:
 227                     gc.setClip(
 228                         buf.getInt(),
 229                         buf.getInt(),
 230                         buf.getInt(),
 231                         buf.getInt());
 232                     break;
 233                 case DRAWRECT:
 234                     gc.drawRect(
 235                         buf.getInt(),
 236                         buf.getInt(),
 237                         buf.getInt(),
 238                         buf.getInt());
 239                     break;
 240                 case SETCOMPOSITE:
 241                     gc.setComposite(buf.getInt());
 242                     break;
 243                 case STROKEARC:
 244                     gc.strokeArc(
 245                         buf.getInt(),
 246                         buf.getInt(),
 247                         buf.getInt(),
 248                         buf.getInt(),
 249                         buf.getInt(),
 250                         buf.getInt());
 251                     break;
 252                 case DRAWELLIPSE:
 253                     gc.drawEllipse(
 254                         buf.getInt(),
 255                         buf.getInt(),
 256                         buf.getInt(),
 257                         buf.getInt());
 258                     break;
 259                 case DRAWFOCUSRING:
 260                     gc.drawFocusRing(
 261                         buf.getInt(),
 262                         buf.getInt(),
 263                         buf.getInt(),
 264                         buf.getInt(),
 265                         buf.getInt());
 266                     break;
 267                 case SETALPHA:
 268                     gc.setAlpha(buf.getFloat());
 269                     break;
 270                 case BEGINTRANSPARENCYLAYER:
 271                     gc.beginTransparencyLayer(buf.getFloat());
 272                     break;
 273                 case ENDTRANSPARENCYLAYER:
 274                     gc.endTransparencyLayer();
 275                     break;
 276                 case STROKE_PATH:
 277                     gc.strokePath(getPath(gm, buf));
 278                     break;
 279                 case FILL_PATH:
 280                     gc.fillPath(getPath(gm, buf));
 281                     break;
 282                 case SETSHADOW:
 283                     gc.setShadow(
 284                         buf.getFloat(),
 285                         buf.getFloat(),
 286                         buf.getFloat(),
 287                         buf.getInt());
 288                     break;
 289                 case DRAWSTRING:
 290                     gc.drawString(
 291                         (WCFont) gm.getRef(buf.getInt()),
 292                         bdata.getString(buf.getInt()),
 293                         (buf.getInt() == -1),           // rtl flag
 294                         buf.getInt(), buf.getInt(),     // from and to positions
 295                         buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat());// (x,y) position
 296                     break;
 297                 case DRAWSTRING_FAST:
 298                     gc.drawString(
 299                         (WCFont) gm.getRef(buf.getInt()),
 300                         bdata.getIntArray(buf.getInt()), //glyphs
 301                         bdata.getFloatArray(buf.getInt()), //offsets
 302                         buf.getFloat(),
 303                         buf.getFloat());
 304                     break;
 305                 case DRAWWIDGET:
 306                     gc.drawWidget((RenderTheme)(gm.getRef(buf.getInt())),
 307                         gm.getRef(buf.getInt()), buf.getInt(), buf.getInt());
 308                     break;
 309                 case DRAWSCROLLBAR:
 310                     gc.drawScrollbar((ScrollBarTheme)(gm.getRef(buf.getInt())),
 311                         gm.getRef(buf.getInt()), buf.getInt(), buf.getInt(),
 312                         buf.getInt(), buf.getInt());
 313                     break;
 314                 case RENDERMEDIAPLAYER:
 315                     WCMediaPlayer mp = (WCMediaPlayer)gm.getRef(buf.getInt());
 316                     mp.render(gc,
 317                             buf.getInt(),   // x
 318                             buf.getInt(),   // y
 319                             buf.getInt(),   // width
 320                             buf.getInt());  // height
 321                     break;
 322                 case CONCATTRANSFORM_FFFFFF:
 323                     gc.concatTransform(new WCTransform(
 324                             buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat(),
 325                             buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat()));
 326                     break;
 327                 case SET_TRANSFORM:
 328                     gc.setTransform(new WCTransform(
 329                             buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat(),
 330                             buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat()));
 331                     break;
 332                 case COPYREGION:
 333                     WCPageBackBuffer buffer = (WCPageBackBuffer)gm.getRef(buf.getInt());
 334                     buffer.copyArea(buf.getInt(), buf.getInt(), buf.getInt(), buf.getInt(),
 335                                     buf.getInt(), buf.getInt());
 336                     break;
 337                 case DECODERQ:
 338                     WCRenderQueue _rq = (WCRenderQueue)gm.getRef(buf.getInt());
 339                     _rq.decode(gc.getFontSmoothingType());
 340                     break;
 341                 case ROTATE:
 342                     gc.rotate(buf.getFloat());
 343                     break;
 344                 case RENDERMEDIACONTROL:
 345                     RenderMediaControls.paintControl(gc,
 346                             buf.getInt(),   // control type
 347                             buf.getInt(),   // x
 348                             buf.getInt(),   // y
 349                             buf.getInt(),   // width
 350                             buf.getInt());  // height
 351                     break;
 352                 case RENDERMEDIA_TIMETRACK: {
 353                     int n = buf.getInt();   // number of timeRange pairs
 354                     float[] buffered = new float[n*2];
 355                     buf.asFloatBuffer().get(buffered);
 356                     buf.position(buf.position() + n*4 *2);
 357                     RenderMediaControls.paintTimeSliderTrack(gc,
 358                             buf.getFloat(), // duration
 359                             buf.getFloat(), // currentTime
 360                             buffered,       // buffered() timeRanges
 361                             buf.getInt(),   // x
 362                             buf.getInt(),   // y
 363                             buf.getInt(),   // width
 364                             buf.getInt());  // height
 365                      break;
 366                 }
 367                 case RENDERMEDIA_VOLUMETRACK:
 368                     RenderMediaControls.paintVolumeTrack(gc,
 369                             buf.getFloat(), // curVolume
 370                             buf.getInt() != 0,  // muted
 371                             buf.getInt(),   // x
 372                             buf.getInt(),   // y
 373                             buf.getInt(),   // width
 374                             buf.getInt());  // height
 375                     break;
 376                 default:
 377                     log.fine("ERROR. Unknown primitive found");
 378                     break;
 379             }
 380         }
 381     }
 384     private static void drawPattern(
 385             WCGraphicsContext gc,
 386             Object imgFrame,
 387             WCRectangle srcRect,
 388             WCTransform patternTransform,
 389             WCPoint phase,
 390             WCRectangle destRect)
 391     {
 392         WCImage img = WCImage.getImage(imgFrame);
 393         if (img != null) {
 394             // RT-10059: drawImage() may have to create the texture
 395             // lazily, and may fail with an OutOfMemory error
 396             // if the texture is too large. This is a legitimate
 397             // situation that should be handled gracefully. It should
 398             // not cause us to quit painting other page components.
 399             try {
 400                 gc.drawPattern(
 401                     img,
 402                     srcRect,
 403                     patternTransform,
 404                     phase,
 405                     destRect);
 406             } catch (OutOfMemoryError error) {
 407                 error.printStackTrace();
 408             }
 409         }
 410     }
 412     private static void drawImage(
 413             WCGraphicsContext gc,
 414             Object imgFrame,
 415             float dstx, float dsty, float dstw, float dsth,
 416             float srcx, float srcy, float srcw, float srch)
 417     {
 418         WCImage img = WCImage.getImage(imgFrame);
 419         if (img != null) {
 420             // RT-10059: drawImage() may have to create the texture
 421             // lazily, and may fail with an OutOfMemory error
 422             // if the texture is too large. This is a legitimate
 423             // situation that should be handled gracefully. It should
 424             // not cause us to quit painting other page components.
 425             try {
 426                 gc.drawImage(
 427                     img,
 428                     dstx, dsty, dstw, dsth,
 429                     srcx, srcy, srcw, srch);
 430             } catch (OutOfMemoryError error) {
 431                 error.printStackTrace();
 432             }
 433         }
 434     }
 436     private static boolean getBoolean(ByteBuffer buf) {
 437         return 0 != buf.getInt();
 438     }
 440     private static float[] getFloatArray(ByteBuffer buf) {
 441         float[] array = new float[buf.getInt()];
 442         for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
 443             array[i] = buf.getFloat();
 444         }
 445         return array;
 446     }
 448     private static WCPath getPath(WCGraphicsManager gm, ByteBuffer buf) {
 449         WCPath path = (WCPath) gm.getRef(buf.getInt());
 450         path.setWindingRule(buf.getInt());
 451         return path;
 452     }
 454     private static WCPoint getPoint(ByteBuffer buf) {
 455         return new WCPoint(buf.getFloat(),
 456                            buf.getFloat());
 457     }
 459     private static WCRectangle getRectangle(ByteBuffer buf) {
 460         return new WCRectangle(buf.getFloat(),
 461                                buf.getFloat(),
 462                                buf.getFloat(),
 463                                buf.getFloat());
 464     }
 466     private static WCGradient getGradient(WCGraphicsContext gc, ByteBuffer buf) {
 467         WCPoint p1 = getPoint(buf);
 468         WCPoint p2 = getPoint(buf);
 469         WCGradient gradient = getBoolean(buf)
 470                 ? gc.createRadialGradient(p1, buf.getFloat(), p2, buf.getFloat())
 471                 : gc.createLinearGradient(p1, p2);
 473         boolean proportional = getBoolean(buf);
 474         int spreadMethod = buf.getInt();
 475         if (gradient != null) {
 476             gradient.setProportional(proportional);
 477             gradient.setSpreadMethod(spreadMethod);
 478         }
 479         int count = buf.getInt();
 480         for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
 481             int color = buf.getInt();
 482             float offset = buf.getFloat();
 483             if (gradient != null) {
 484                 gradient.addStop(color, offset);
 485             }
 486         }
 487         return gradient;
 488     }
 489 }