/* * Copyright (c) 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ import java.util.ResourceBundle; import java.util.function.Consumer; import java.lang.System.Logger.Level; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.function.Supplier; /** * @test * @bug 8140364 * @summary Tests the default body of the System.Logger interface. * @author danielfuchs */ public class LoggerInterfaceTest { public static class LoggerImpl implements System.Logger { public static class LogEvent implements Cloneable { Level level; ResourceBundle bundle; String msg; Throwable thrown; Object[] params; StackTraceElement[] callStack; @Override protected LogEvent clone() { try { return (LogEvent)super.clone(); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException x) { throw new RuntimeException(x); } } } public static class LogEventBuilder { private LogEvent event = new LogEvent(); public LogEventBuilder level(Level level) { event.level = level; return this; } public LogEventBuilder stack(StackTraceElement... stack) { event.callStack = stack; return this; } public LogEventBuilder bundle(ResourceBundle bundle) { event.bundle = bundle; return this; } public LogEventBuilder msg(String msg) { event.msg = msg; return this; } public LogEventBuilder thrown(Throwable thrown) { event.thrown = thrown; return this; } public LogEventBuilder params(Object... params) { event.params = params; return this; } public LogEvent build() { return event.clone(); } public LogEventBuilder clear() { event = new LogEvent(); return this; } } Level level = Level.WARNING; Consumer consumer; final LogEventBuilder builder = new LogEventBuilder(); @Override public String getName() { return "noname"; } @Override public boolean isLoggable(Level level) { return level.getSeverity() >= this.level.getSeverity(); } @Override public void log(Level level, ResourceBundle bundle, String msg, Throwable thrown) { builder.clear().level(level).bundle(bundle).msg(msg).thrown(thrown) .stack(new Exception().getStackTrace()); consumer.accept(builder.build()); } @Override public void log(Level level, ResourceBundle bundle, String format, Object... params) { builder.clear().level(level).bundle(bundle).msg(format).params(params) .stack(new Exception().getStackTrace()); consumer.accept(builder.build()); } } static class Throwing { @Override public String toString() { throw new RuntimeException("should not have been called"); } } static class NotTrowing { private final String toString; private int count = 0; public NotTrowing(String toString) { this.toString = toString; } @Override public String toString() { return toString + "[" + (++count) + "]"; } } public static void main(String[] args) { final LoggerImpl loggerImpl = new LoggerImpl(); final System.Logger logger = loggerImpl; final Queue events = new LinkedList<>(); loggerImpl.consumer = (x) -> events.add(x); System.out.println("\nlogger.isLoggable(Level)"); assertTrue(logger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING), "logger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)"," "); assertFalse(logger.isLoggable(Level.INFO), "logger.isLoggable(Level.INFO)", " "); System.out.println("\nlogger.log(Level, Object)"); for (Level l : Level.values()) { boolean logged = l.compareTo(Level.WARNING) >= 0; Object[][] cases = new Object[][] { {null}, {"baz"} }; for (Object[] p : cases) { String msg = (String)p[0]; final Object obj = msg == null ? null : logged ? new NotTrowing(msg) : new Throwing(); String par1 = msg == null ? "(Object)null" : logged ? "new NotTrowing(\""+ msg+"\")" : "new Throwing()"; System.out.println(" logger.log(" + l + ", " + par1 + ")"); try { logger.log(l, obj); if (obj == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Expected NullPointerException not thrown for" + " logger.log(" + l + ", " + par1 + ")"); } } catch (NullPointerException x) { if (obj == null) { System.out.println(" Got expected exception: " + x); continue; } else { throw x; } } LoggerImpl.LogEvent e = events.poll(); if (logged) { assertNonNull(e, "e", " "); assertEquals(l, e.level, "e.level", " "); assertToString(e.msg, msg, 1, "e.msg", " "); assertEquals(e.bundle, null, "e.bundle", " "); assertEquals(e.params, null, "e.params", " "); assertEquals(e.thrown, null, "e.thrown", " "); assertEquals(e.bundle, null, "e.bundle", " "); assertEquals(e.callStack[0].getMethodName(), "log", "e.callStack[0].getMethodName()", " "); assertEquals(e.callStack[0].getClassName(), logger.getClass().getName(), "e.callStack[0].getClassName() ", " "); assertEquals(e.callStack[1].getMethodName(), "log", "e.callStack[1].getMethodName()", " "); assertEquals(e.callStack[1].getClassName(), System.Logger.class.getName(), "e.callStack[1].getClassName() ", " "); assertEquals(e.callStack[2].getMethodName(), "main", "e.callStack[2].getMethodName()", " "); } else { assertEquals(e, null, "e", " "); } } } System.out.println(" logger.log(" + null + ", " + "new NotThrowing(\"foobar\")" + ")"); try { logger.log(null, new NotTrowing("foobar")); throw new RuntimeException("Expected NullPointerException not thrown for" + " logger.log(" + null + ", " + "new NotThrowing(\"foobar\")" + ")"); } catch (NullPointerException x) { System.out.println(" Got expected exception: " + x); } System.out.println("\nlogger.log(Level, String)"); for (Level l : Level.values()) { boolean logged = l.compareTo(Level.WARNING) >= 0; String par = "bar"; System.out.println(" logger.log(" + l + ", \"" + par +"\");"); logger.log(l, par); LoggerImpl.LogEvent e = events.poll(); assertNonNull(e, "e", " "); assertEquals(e.level, l, "e.level", " "); assertEquals(e.msg, "bar", "e.msg", " "); assertEquals(e.bundle, null, "e.bundle", " "); assertEquals(e.params, null, "e.params", " "); assertEquals(e.thrown, null, "e.thrown", " "); assertEquals(e.bundle, null, "e.bundle", " "); assertEquals(e.callStack[0].getMethodName(), "log", "e.callStack[0].getMethodName()", " "); assertEquals(e.callStack[0].getClassName(), logger.getClass().getName(), "e.callStack[0].getClassName() ", " "); assertEquals(e.callStack[1].getMethodName(), "log", "e.callStack[1].getMethodName()", " "); assertEquals(e.callStack[1].getClassName(), System.Logger.class.getName(), "e.callStack[1].getClassName() ", " "); assertEquals(e.callStack[2].getMethodName(), "main", "e.callStack[2].getMethodName()", " "); System.out.println(" logger.log(" + l + ", (String)null);"); logger.log(l, (String)null); e = events.poll(); assertNonNull(e, "e", " "); assertEquals(e.level, l, "e.level", " "); assertEquals(e.msg, null, "e.msg", " "); assertEquals(e.bundle, null, "e.bundle", " "); assertEquals(e.params, null, "e.params", " "); assertEquals(e.thrown, null, "e.thrown", " "); assertEquals(e.bundle, null, "e.bundle", " "); assertEquals(e.callStack[0].getMethodName(), "log", "e.callStack[0].getMethodName()", " "); assertEquals(e.callStack[0].getClassName(), logger.getClass().getName(), "e.callStack[0].getClassName() ", " "); assertEquals(e.callStack[1].getMethodName(), "log", "e.callStack[1].getMethodName()", " "); assertEquals(e.callStack[1].getClassName(), System.Logger.class.getName(), "e.callStack[1].getClassName() ", " "); assertEquals(e.callStack[2].getMethodName(), "main", "e.callStack[2].getMethodName()", " "); } System.out.println("\nlogger.log(Level, Supplier)"); for (Level l : Level.values()) { boolean logged = l.compareTo(Level.WARNING) >= 0; Object[][] cases = new Object[][] { {null}, {"baz"} }; for (Object[] p : cases) { String msg = (String)p[0]; final Object obj = msg == null ? null : logged ? new NotTrowing(msg) : new Throwing(); final Supplier s = msg == null ? null : () -> obj.toString(); String par1 = msg == null ? "(Supplier)null" : logged ? "() -> new NotTrowing(\""+ msg+"\").toString()" : "new Throwing()"; System.out.println(" logger.log(" + l + ", " + par1 + ")"); try { logger.log(l, s); if (s == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Expected NullPointerException not thrown for" + " logger.log(" + l + ", " + par1 + ")"); } } catch (NullPointerException x) { if (s == null) { System.out.println(" Got expected exception: " + x); continue; } else { throw x; } } LoggerImpl.LogEvent e = events.poll(); if (logged) { assertNonNull(e, "e", " "); assertEquals(l, e.level, "e.level", " "); assertToString(e.msg, msg, 1, "e.msg", " "); assertEquals(e.bundle, null, "e.bundle", " "); assertEquals(e.params, null, "e.params", " "); assertEquals(e.thrown, null, "e.thrown", " "); assertEquals(e.bundle, null, "e.bundle", " "); assertEquals(e.callStack[0].getMethodName(), "log", "e.callStack[0].getMethodName()", " "); assertEquals(e.callStack[0].getClassName(), logger.getClass().getName(), "e.callStack[0].getClassName() ", " "); assertEquals(e.callStack[1].getMethodName(), "log", "e.callStack[1].getMethodName()", " "); assertEquals(e.callStack[1].getClassName(), System.Logger.class.getName(), "e.callStack[1].getClassName() ", " "); assertEquals(e.callStack[2].getMethodName(), "main", "e.callStack[2].getMethodName()", " "); } else { assertEquals(e, null, "e", " "); } } } System.out.println(" logger.log(" + null + ", " + "() -> \"biz\"" + ")"); try { logger.log(null, () -> "biz"); throw new RuntimeException("Expected NullPointerException not thrown for" + " logger.log(" + null + ", " + "() -> \"biz\"" + ")"); } catch (NullPointerException x) { System.out.println(" Got expected exception: " + x); } System.out.println("\nlogger.log(Level, String, Object...)"); for (Level l : Level.values()) { boolean logged = l.compareTo(Level.WARNING) >= 0; String par = "bam"; Object[] params = null; System.out.println(" logger.log(" + l + ", \"" + par +"\", null);"); logger.log(l, par, params); LoggerImpl.LogEvent e = events.poll(); assertNonNull(e, "e", " "); assertEquals(l, e.level, "e.level", " "); assertEquals(e.msg, "bam", "e.msg", " "); assertEquals(e.bundle, null, "e.bundle", " "); assertEquals(e.params, null, "e.params", " "); assertEquals(e.thrown, null, "e.thrown", " "); assertEquals(e.bundle, null, "e.bundle", " "); assertEquals(e.callStack[0].getMethodName(), "log", "e.callStack[0].getMethodName()", " "); assertEquals(e.callStack[0].getClassName(), logger.getClass().getName(), "e.callStack[0].getClassName() ", " "); assertEquals(e.callStack[1].getMethodName(), "log", "e.callStack[1].getMethodName()", " "); assertEquals(e.callStack[1].getClassName(), System.Logger.class.getName(), "e.callStack[1].getClassName() ", " "); assertEquals(e.callStack[2].getMethodName(), "main", "e.callStack[2].getMethodName()", " "); params = new Object[] {new NotTrowing("one")}; par = "bam {0}"; System.out.println(" logger.log(" + l + ", \"" + par + "\", new NotTrowing(\"one\"));"); logger.log(l, par, params[0]); e = events.poll(); assertNonNull(e, "e", " "); assertEquals(l, e.level, "e.level", " "); assertEquals(e.msg, par, "e.msg", " "); assertEquals(e.bundle, null, "e.bundle", " "); assertArrayEquals(e.params, params, "e.params", " "); assertEquals(e.thrown, null, "e.thrown", " "); assertEquals(e.bundle, null, "e.bundle", " "); assertEquals(e.callStack[0].getMethodName(), "log", "e.callStack[0].getMethodName()", " "); assertEquals(e.callStack[0].getClassName(), logger.getClass().getName(), "e.callStack[0].getClassName() ", " "); assertEquals(e.callStack[1].getMethodName(), "log", "e.callStack[1].getMethodName()", " "); assertEquals(e.callStack[1].getClassName(), System.Logger.class.getName(), "e.callStack[1].getClassName() ", " "); assertEquals(e.callStack[2].getMethodName(), "main", "e.callStack[2].getMethodName()", " "); params = new Object[] {new NotTrowing("fisrt"), new NotTrowing("second")}; par = "bam {0} {1}"; System.out.println(" logger.log(" + l + ", \"" + par + "\", new NotTrowing(\"fisrt\")," + " new NotTrowing(\"second\"));"); logger.log(l, par, params[0], params[1]); e = events.poll(); assertNonNull(e, "e", " "); assertEquals(l, e.level, "e.level", " "); assertEquals(e.msg, par, "e.msg", " "); assertEquals(e.bundle, null, "e.bundle", " "); assertArrayEquals(e.params, params, "e.params", " "); assertEquals(e.thrown, null, "e.thrown", " "); assertEquals(e.bundle, null, "e.bundle", " "); assertEquals(e.callStack[0].getMethodName(), "log", "e.callStack[0].getMethodName()", " "); assertEquals(e.callStack[0].getClassName(), logger.getClass().getName(), "e.callStack[0].getClassName() ", " "); assertEquals(e.callStack[1].getMethodName(), "log", "e.callStack[1].getMethodName()", " "); assertEquals(e.callStack[1].getClassName(), System.Logger.class.getName(), "e.callStack[1].getClassName() ", " "); assertEquals(e.callStack[2].getMethodName(), "main", "e.callStack[2].getMethodName()", " "); params = new Object[] {new NotTrowing("third"), new NotTrowing("fourth")}; par = "bam {2}"; System.out.println(" logger.log(" + l + ", \"" + par + "\", new Object[] {new NotTrowing(\"third\")," + " new NotTrowing(\"fourth\")});"); logger.log(l, par, params); e = events.poll(); assertNonNull(e, "e", " "); assertEquals(l, e.level, "e.level", " "); assertEquals(e.msg, par, "e.msg", " "); assertEquals(e.bundle, null, "e.bundle", " "); assertArrayEquals(e.params, params, "e.params", " "); assertEquals(e.thrown, null, "e.thrown", " "); assertEquals(e.bundle, null, "e.bundle", " "); assertEquals(e.callStack[0].getMethodName(), "log", "e.callStack[0].getMethodName()", " "); assertEquals(e.callStack[0].getClassName(), logger.getClass().getName(), "e.callStack[0].getClassName() ", " "); assertEquals(e.callStack[1].getMethodName(), "log", "e.callStack[1].getMethodName()", " "); assertEquals(e.callStack[1].getClassName(), System.Logger.class.getName(), "e.callStack[1].getClassName() ", " "); assertEquals(e.callStack[2].getMethodName(), "main", "e.callStack[2].getMethodName()", " "); } System.out.println("\nlogger.log(Level, String, Throwable)"); for (Level l : Level.values()) { boolean logged = l.compareTo(Level.WARNING) >= 0; Object[][] cases = new Object[][] { {null, null}, {null, new Throwable()}, {"biz", null}, {"boz", new Throwable()} }; for (Object[] p : cases) { String msg = (String)p[0]; Throwable thrown = (Throwable)p[1]; String par1 = msg == null ? "(String)null" : "\"" + msg + "\""; String par2 = thrown == null ? "(Throwable)null" : "new Throwable()"; System.out.println(" logger.log(" + l + ", " + par1 +", " + par2 + ")"); logger.log(l, msg, thrown); LoggerImpl.LogEvent e = events.poll(); assertNonNull(e, "e", " "); assertEquals(e.level, l, "e.level", " "); assertEquals(e.msg, msg, "e.msg", " "); assertEquals(e.bundle, null, "e.bundle", " "); assertEquals(e.params, null, "e.params", " "); assertEquals(e.thrown, thrown, "e.thrown", " "); assertEquals(e.bundle, null, "e.bundle", " "); assertEquals(e.callStack[0].getMethodName(), "log", "e.callStack[0].getMethodName()", " "); assertEquals(e.callStack[0].getClassName(), logger.getClass().getName(), "e.callStack[0].getClassName() ", " "); assertEquals(e.callStack[1].getMethodName(), "log", "e.callStack[1].getMethodName()", " "); assertEquals(e.callStack[1].getClassName(), System.Logger.class.getName(), "e.callStack[1].getClassName() ", " "); assertEquals(e.callStack[2].getMethodName(), "main", "e.callStack[2].getMethodName()", " "); } } System.out.println("\nlogger.log(Level, Supplier, Throwable)"); for (Level l : Level.values()) { boolean logged = l.compareTo(Level.WARNING) >= 0; Object[][] cases = new Object[][] { {null, null}, {null, new Throwable()}, {"biz", null}, {"boz", new Throwable()} }; for (Object[] p : cases) { String msg = (String)p[0]; Throwable thrown = (Throwable)p[1]; final Object obj = msg == null ? null : logged ? new NotTrowing(msg) : new Throwing(); final Supplier s = msg == null ? null : () -> obj.toString(); String par1 = msg == null ? "(Supplier)null" : logged ? "() -> new NotTrowing(\""+ msg+"\").toString()" : "new Throwing()"; String par2 = thrown == null ? "(Throwable)null" : "new Throwable()"; System.out.println(" logger.log(" + l + ", " + par1 +", " + par2 + ")"); try { logger.log(l, s, thrown); if (s== null) { throw new RuntimeException("Expected NullPointerException not thrown for" + " logger.log(" + l + ", " + par1 +", " + par2 + ")"); } } catch (NullPointerException x) { if (s == null) { System.out.println(" Got expected exception: " + x); continue; } else { throw x; } } LoggerImpl.LogEvent e = events.poll(); if (logged) { assertNonNull(e, "e", " "); assertEquals(l, e.level, "e.level", " "); assertToString(e.msg, msg, 1, "e.msg", " "); assertEquals(e.bundle, null, "e.bundle", " "); assertEquals(e.params, null, "e.params", " "); assertEquals(e.thrown, thrown, "e.thrown", " "); assertEquals(e.bundle, null, "e.bundle", " "); assertEquals(e.callStack[0].getMethodName(), "log", "e.callStack[0].getMethodName()", " "); assertEquals(e.callStack[0].getClassName(), logger.getClass().getName(), "e.callStack[0].getClassName() ", " "); assertEquals(e.callStack[1].getMethodName(), "log", "e.callStack[1].getMethodName()", " "); assertEquals(e.callStack[1].getClassName(), System.Logger.class.getName(), "e.callStack[1].getClassName() ", " "); assertEquals(e.callStack[2].getMethodName(), "main", "e.callStack[2].getMethodName()", " "); } else { assertEquals(e, null, "e", " "); } } } System.out.println(" logger.log(" + null + ", " + "() -> \"biz\"" + ", " + "new Throwable()" + ")"); try { logger.log(null, () -> "biz", new Throwable()); throw new RuntimeException("Expected NullPointerException not thrown for" + " logger.log(" + null + ", " + "() -> \"biz\"" + ", " + "new Throwable()" + ")"); } catch (NullPointerException x) { System.out.println(" Got expected exception: " + x); } System.out.println("Checking that we have no spurious events in the queue"); assertEquals(events.poll(), null, "events.poll()", " "); } static void assertTrue(boolean test, String what, String prefix) { if (!test) { throw new RuntimeException("Expected true for " + what); } System.out.println(prefix + "Got expected " + what + ": " + test); } static void assertFalse(boolean test, String what, String prefix) { if (test) { throw new RuntimeException("Expected false for " + what); } System.out.println(prefix + "Got expected " + what + ": " + test); } static void assertToString(String actual, String expected, int count, String what, String prefix) { assertEquals(actual, expected + "["+count+"]", what, prefix); } static void assertEquals(Object actual, Object expected, String what, String prefix) { if (!Objects.equals(actual, expected)) { throw new RuntimeException("Bad " + what + ":" + "\n\t expected: " + expected + "\n\t actual: " + actual); } System.out.println(prefix + "Got expected " + what + ": " + actual); } static void assertArrayEquals(Object[] actual, Object[] expected, String what, String prefix) { if (!Objects.deepEquals(actual, expected)) { throw new RuntimeException("Bad " + what + ":" + "\n\t expected: " + expected == null ? "null" : Arrays.deepToString(expected) + "\n\t actual: " + actual == null ? "null" : Arrays.deepToString(actual)); } System.out.println(prefix + "Got expected " + what + ": " + Arrays.deepToString(actual)); } static void assertNonNull(Object actual, String what, String prefix) { if (Objects.equals(actual, null)) { throw new RuntimeException("Bad " + what + ":" + "\n\t expected: non null" + "\n\t actual: " + actual); } System.out.println(prefix + "Got expected " + what + ": " + "non null"); } }