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2628 HeapWord* CMSCollector::block_start(const void* p) const {
2629   const HeapWord* addr = (HeapWord*)p;
2630   if (_span.contains(p)) {
2631     if (_cmsGen->cmsSpace()->is_in_reserved(addr)) {
2632       return _cmsGen->cmsSpace()->block_start(p);
2633     }
2634   }
2635   return NULL;
2636 }
2637 #endif
2639 HeapWord*
2640 ConcurrentMarkSweepGeneration::expand_and_allocate(size_t word_size,
2641                                                    bool   tlab,
2642                                                    bool   parallel) {
2643   CMSSynchronousYieldRequest yr;
2644   assert(!tlab, "Can't deal with TLAB allocation");
2645   MutexLocker x(freelistLock(), Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
2646   expand_for_gc_cause(word_size*HeapWordSize, MinHeapDeltaBytes, CMSExpansionCause::_satisfy_allocation);
2647   if (GCExpandToAllocateDelayMillis > 0) {
2648     os::sleep(Thread::current(), GCExpandToAllocateDelayMillis, false);
2649   }
2650   return have_lock_and_allocate(word_size, tlab);
2651 }
2653 void ConcurrentMarkSweepGeneration::expand_for_gc_cause(
2654     size_t bytes,
2655     size_t expand_bytes,
2656     CMSExpansionCause::Cause cause)
2657 {
2659   bool success = expand(bytes, expand_bytes);
2661   // remember why we expanded; this information is used
2662   // by shouldConcurrentCollect() when making decisions on whether to start
2663   // a new CMS cycle.
2664   if (success) {
2665     set_expansion_cause(cause);
2666     log_trace(gc)("Expanded CMS gen for %s",  CMSExpansionCause::to_string(cause));
2667   }
2668 }
2670 HeapWord* ConcurrentMarkSweepGeneration::expand_and_par_lab_allocate(CMSParGCThreadState* ps, size_t word_sz) {
2671   HeapWord* res = NULL;
2672   MutexLocker x(ParGCRareEvent_lock);
2673   while (true) {
2674     // Expansion by some other thread might make alloc OK now:
2675     res = ps->lab.alloc(word_sz);
2676     if (res != NULL) return res;
2677     // If there's not enough expansion space available, give up.
2678     if (_virtual_space.uncommitted_size() < (word_sz * HeapWordSize)) {
2679       return NULL;
2680     }
2681     // Otherwise, we try expansion.
2682     expand_for_gc_cause(word_sz*HeapWordSize, MinHeapDeltaBytes, CMSExpansionCause::_allocate_par_lab);
2683     // Now go around the loop and try alloc again;
2684     // A competing par_promote might beat us to the expansion space,
2685     // so we may go around the loop again if promotion fails again.
2686     if (GCExpandToAllocateDelayMillis > 0) {
2687       os::sleep(Thread::current(), GCExpandToAllocateDelayMillis, false);
2688     }
2689   }
2690 }
2693 bool ConcurrentMarkSweepGeneration::expand_and_ensure_spooling_space(
2694   PromotionInfo* promo) {
2695   MutexLocker x(ParGCRareEvent_lock);
2696   size_t refill_size_bytes = promo->refillSize() * HeapWordSize;
2697   while (true) {
2698     // Expansion by some other thread might make alloc OK now:
2699     if (promo->ensure_spooling_space()) {
2700       assert(promo->has_spooling_space(),
2701              "Post-condition of successful ensure_spooling_space()");
2702       return true;
2703     }
2704     // If there's not enough expansion space available, give up.
2705     if (_virtual_space.uncommitted_size() < refill_size_bytes) {
2706       return false;
2707     }
2708     // Otherwise, we try expansion.
2709     expand_for_gc_cause(refill_size_bytes, MinHeapDeltaBytes, CMSExpansionCause::_allocate_par_spooling_space);
2710     // Now go around the loop and try alloc again;
2711     // A competing allocation might beat us to the expansion space,
2712     // so we may go around the loop again if allocation fails again.
2713     if (GCExpandToAllocateDelayMillis > 0) {
2714       os::sleep(Thread::current(), GCExpandToAllocateDelayMillis, false);
2715     }
2716   }
2717 }
2719 void ConcurrentMarkSweepGeneration::shrink(size_t bytes) {
2720   // Only shrink if a compaction was done so that all the free space
2721   // in the generation is in a contiguous block at the end.
2722   if (did_compact()) {
2723     CardGeneration::shrink(bytes);
2724   }
2725 }
2727 void ConcurrentMarkSweepGeneration::assert_correct_size_change_locking() {
2728   assert_locked_or_safepoint(Heap_lock);
2729 }
2731 void ConcurrentMarkSweepGeneration::shrink_free_list_by(size_t bytes) {
2732   assert_locked_or_safepoint(Heap_lock);
2733   assert_lock_strong(freelistLock());
2734   log_trace(gc)("Shrinking of CMS not yet implemented");

3527   // (coordinator_yield()) method that was observed to cause the
3528   // problem, we are using a parameter (CMSCoordinatorYieldSleepCount)
3529   // which is by default non-zero. For the other seven methods that
3530   // also perform the yield operation, as are using a different
3531   // parameter (CMSYieldSleepCount) which is by default zero. This way we
3532   // can enable the sleeping for those methods too, if necessary.
3533   // See 6442774.
3534   //
3535   // We really need to reconsider the synchronization between the GC
3536   // thread and the yield-requesting threads in the future and we
3537   // should really use wait/notify, which is the recommended
3538   // way of doing this type of interaction. Additionally, we should
3539   // consolidate the eight methods that do the yield operation and they
3540   // are almost identical into one for better maintainability and
3541   // readability. See 6445193.
3542   //
3543   // Tony 2006.06.29
3544   for (unsigned i = 0; i < CMSCoordinatorYieldSleepCount &&
3545                    ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::should_yield() &&
3546                    !CMSCollector::foregroundGCIsActive(); ++i) {
3547     os::sleep(Thread::current(), 1, false);
3548   }
3550   ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::synchronize(true);
3551   _bit_map_lock->lock_without_safepoint_check();
3552   _collector->startTimer();
3553 }
3555 bool CMSCollector::do_marking_mt() {
3556   assert(ConcGCThreads > 0 && conc_workers() != NULL, "precondition");
3557   uint num_workers = WorkerPolicy::calc_active_conc_workers(conc_workers()->total_workers(),
3558                                                             conc_workers()->active_workers(),
3559                                                             Threads::number_of_non_daemon_threads());
3560   num_workers = conc_workers()->update_active_workers(num_workers);
3561   log_info(gc,task)("Using %u workers of %u for marking", num_workers, conc_workers()->total_workers());
3563   CompactibleFreeListSpace* cms_space  = _cmsGen->cmsSpace();
3565   CMSConcMarkingTask tsk(this,
3566                          cms_space,
3567                          conc_workers(),

5524     HeapWord* curAddr = _markBitMap.startWord();
5525     while (curAddr < _markBitMap.endWord()) {
5526       size_t remaining  = pointer_delta(_markBitMap.endWord(), curAddr);
5527       MemRegion chunk(curAddr, MIN2(CMSBitMapYieldQuantum, remaining));
5528       _markBitMap.clear_large_range(chunk);
5529       if (ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::should_yield() &&
5530           !foregroundGCIsActive() &&
5531           CMSYield) {
5532         assert(ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::cms_thread_has_cms_token(),
5533                "CMS thread should hold CMS token");
5534         assert_lock_strong(bitMapLock());
5535         bitMapLock()->unlock();
5536         ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::desynchronize(true);
5537         stopTimer();
5538         incrementYields();
5540         // See the comment in coordinator_yield()
5541         for (unsigned i = 0; i < CMSYieldSleepCount &&
5542                          ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::should_yield() &&
5543                          !CMSCollector::foregroundGCIsActive(); ++i) {
5544           os::sleep(Thread::current(), 1, false);
5545         }
5547         ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::synchronize(true);
5548         bitMapLock()->lock_without_safepoint_check();
5549         startTimer();
5550       }
5551       curAddr = chunk.end();
5552     }
5553     // A successful mostly concurrent collection has been done.
5554     // Because only the full (i.e., concurrent mode failure) collections
5555     // are being measured for gc overhead limits, clean the "near" flag
5556     // and count.
5557     size_policy()->reset_gc_overhead_limit_count();
5558     _collectorState = Idling;
5559   }
5561   register_gc_end();
5562 }
5564 // Same as above but for STW paths

5978 }
5980 void MarkRefsIntoAndScanClosure::do_yield_work() {
5981   assert(ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::cms_thread_has_cms_token(),
5982          "CMS thread should hold CMS token");
5983   assert_lock_strong(_freelistLock);
5984   assert_lock_strong(_bit_map->lock());
5985   // relinquish the free_list_lock and bitMaplock()
5986   _bit_map->lock()->unlock();
5987   _freelistLock->unlock();
5988   ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::desynchronize(true);
5989   _collector->stopTimer();
5990   _collector->incrementYields();
5992   // See the comment in coordinator_yield()
5993   for (unsigned i = 0;
5994        i < CMSYieldSleepCount &&
5995        ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::should_yield() &&
5996        !CMSCollector::foregroundGCIsActive();
5997        ++i) {
5998     os::sleep(Thread::current(), 1, false);
5999   }
6001   ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::synchronize(true);
6002   _freelistLock->lock_without_safepoint_check();
6003   _bit_map->lock()->lock_without_safepoint_check();
6004   _collector->startTimer();
6005 }
6007 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6008 // ParMarkRefsIntoAndScanClosure: a parallel version of
6009 //                                MarkRefsIntoAndScanClosure
6010 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6011 ParMarkRefsIntoAndScanClosure::ParMarkRefsIntoAndScanClosure(
6012   CMSCollector* collector, MemRegion span, ReferenceDiscoverer* rd,
6013   CMSBitMap* bit_map, OopTaskQueue* work_queue):
6014   _span(span),
6015   _bit_map(bit_map),
6016   _work_queue(work_queue),
6017   _low_water_mark(MIN2((work_queue->max_elems()/4),
6018                        ((uint)CMSWorkQueueDrainThreshold * ParallelGCThreads))),

6133   DEBUG_ONLY(_collector->verify_work_stacks_empty();)
6134   return size;
6135 }
6137 void ScanMarkedObjectsAgainCarefullyClosure::do_yield_work() {
6138   assert(ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::cms_thread_has_cms_token(),
6139          "CMS thread should hold CMS token");
6140   assert_lock_strong(_freelistLock);
6141   assert_lock_strong(_bitMap->lock());
6142   // relinquish the free_list_lock and bitMaplock()
6143   _bitMap->lock()->unlock();
6144   _freelistLock->unlock();
6145   ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::desynchronize(true);
6146   _collector->stopTimer();
6147   _collector->incrementYields();
6149   // See the comment in coordinator_yield()
6150   for (unsigned i = 0; i < CMSYieldSleepCount &&
6151                    ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::should_yield() &&
6152                    !CMSCollector::foregroundGCIsActive(); ++i) {
6153     os::sleep(Thread::current(), 1, false);
6154   }
6156   ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::synchronize(true);
6157   _freelistLock->lock_without_safepoint_check();
6158   _bitMap->lock()->lock_without_safepoint_check();
6159   _collector->startTimer();
6160 }
6163 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6164 // SurvivorSpacePrecleanClosure
6165 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6166 // This (single-threaded) closure is used to preclean the oops in
6167 // the survivor spaces.
6168 size_t SurvivorSpacePrecleanClosure::do_object_careful(oop p) {
6170   HeapWord* addr = (HeapWord*)p;
6171   DEBUG_ONLY(_collector->verify_work_stacks_empty();)
6172   assert(!_span.contains(addr), "we are scanning the survivor spaces");
6173   assert(p->klass_or_null() != NULL, "object should be initialized");

6200     CMSHeap::heap()->total_collections();
6201   bool abort = (_before_count != after_count) ||
6202                _collector->should_abort_preclean();
6203   return abort ? 0 : size;
6204 }
6206 void SurvivorSpacePrecleanClosure::do_yield_work() {
6207   assert(ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::cms_thread_has_cms_token(),
6208          "CMS thread should hold CMS token");
6209   assert_lock_strong(_bit_map->lock());
6210   // Relinquish the bit map lock
6211   _bit_map->lock()->unlock();
6212   ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::desynchronize(true);
6213   _collector->stopTimer();
6214   _collector->incrementYields();
6216   // See the comment in coordinator_yield()
6217   for (unsigned i = 0; i < CMSYieldSleepCount &&
6218                        ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::should_yield() &&
6219                        !CMSCollector::foregroundGCIsActive(); ++i) {
6220     os::sleep(Thread::current(), 1, false);
6221   }
6223   ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::synchronize(true);
6224   _bit_map->lock()->lock_without_safepoint_check();
6225   _collector->startTimer();
6226 }
6228 // This closure is used to rescan the marked objects on the dirty cards
6229 // in the mod union table and the card table proper. In the parallel
6230 // case, although the bitMap is shared, we do a single read so the
6231 // isMarked() query is "safe".
6232 bool ScanMarkedObjectsAgainClosure::do_object_bm(oop p, MemRegion mr) {
6233   // Ignore mark word because we are running concurrent with mutators
6234   assert(oopDesc::is_oop_or_null(p, true), "Expected an oop or NULL at " PTR_FORMAT, p2i(p));
6235   HeapWord* addr = (HeapWord*)p;
6236   assert(_span.contains(addr), "we are scanning the CMS generation");
6237   bool is_obj_array = false;
6238   #ifdef ASSERT
6239     if (!_parallel) {
6240       assert(_mark_stack->isEmpty(), "pre-condition (eager drainage)");

6352 // We take a break if we've been at this for a while,
6353 // so as to avoid monopolizing the locks involved.
6354 void MarkFromRootsClosure::do_yield_work() {
6355   // First give up the locks, then yield, then re-lock
6356   // We should probably use a constructor/destructor idiom to
6357   // do this unlock/lock or modify the MutexUnlocker class to
6358   // serve our purpose. XXX
6359   assert(ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::cms_thread_has_cms_token(),
6360          "CMS thread should hold CMS token");
6361   assert_lock_strong(_bitMap->lock());
6362   _bitMap->lock()->unlock();
6363   ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::desynchronize(true);
6364   _collector->stopTimer();
6365   _collector->incrementYields();
6367   // See the comment in coordinator_yield()
6368   for (unsigned i = 0; i < CMSYieldSleepCount &&
6369                        ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::should_yield() &&
6370                        !CMSCollector::foregroundGCIsActive(); ++i) {
6371     os::sleep(Thread::current(), 1, false);
6372   }
6374   ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::synchronize(true);
6375   _bitMap->lock()->lock_without_safepoint_check();
6376   _collector->startTimer();
6377 }
6379 void MarkFromRootsClosure::scanOopsInOop(HeapWord* ptr) {
6380   assert(_bitMap->isMarked(ptr), "expected bit to be set");
6381   assert(_markStack->isEmpty(),
6382          "should drain stack to limit stack usage");
6383   // convert ptr to an oop preparatory to scanning
6384   oop obj = oop(ptr);
6385   // Ignore mark word in verification below, since we
6386   // may be running concurrent with mutators.
6387   assert(oopDesc::is_oop(obj, true), "should be an oop");
6388   assert(_finger <= ptr, "_finger runneth ahead");
6389   // advance the finger to right end of this object
6390   _finger = ptr + obj->size();
6391   assert(_finger > ptr, "we just incremented it above");

6965     } // Else, some other thread got there first
6966   }
6967 }
6969 void CMSPrecleanRefsYieldClosure::do_yield_work() {
6970   Mutex* bml = _collector->bitMapLock();
6971   assert_lock_strong(bml);
6972   assert(ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::cms_thread_has_cms_token(),
6973          "CMS thread should hold CMS token");
6975   bml->unlock();
6976   ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::desynchronize(true);
6978   _collector->stopTimer();
6979   _collector->incrementYields();
6981   // See the comment in coordinator_yield()
6982   for (unsigned i = 0; i < CMSYieldSleepCount &&
6983                        ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::should_yield() &&
6984                        !CMSCollector::foregroundGCIsActive(); ++i) {
6985     os::sleep(Thread::current(), 1, false);
6986   }
6988   ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::synchronize(true);
6989   bml->lock_without_safepoint_check();
6991   _collector->startTimer();
6992 }
6994 bool CMSPrecleanRefsYieldClosure::should_return() {
6995   if (ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::should_yield()) {
6996     do_yield_work();
6997   }
6998   return _collector->foregroundGCIsActive();
6999 }
7001 void MarkFromDirtyCardsClosure::do_MemRegion(MemRegion mr) {
7002   assert(((size_t)mr.start())%CardTable::card_size_in_words == 0,
7003          "mr should be aligned to start at a card boundary");
7004   // We'd like to assert:
7005   // assert(mr.word_size()%CardTable::card_size_in_words == 0,

7530   }
7532   // First give up the locks, then yield, then re-lock.
7533   // We should probably use a constructor/destructor idiom to
7534   // do this unlock/lock or modify the MutexUnlocker class to
7535   // serve our purpose. XXX
7536   assert_lock_strong(_bitMap->lock());
7537   assert_lock_strong(_freelistLock);
7538   assert(ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::cms_thread_has_cms_token(),
7539          "CMS thread should hold CMS token");
7540   _bitMap->lock()->unlock();
7541   _freelistLock->unlock();
7542   ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::desynchronize(true);
7543   _collector->stopTimer();
7544   _collector->incrementYields();
7546   // See the comment in coordinator_yield()
7547   for (unsigned i = 0; i < CMSYieldSleepCount &&
7548                        ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::should_yield() &&
7549                        !CMSCollector::foregroundGCIsActive(); ++i) {
7550     os::sleep(Thread::current(), 1, false);
7551   }
7553   ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::synchronize(true);
7554   _freelistLock->lock_without_safepoint_check();
7555   _bitMap->lock()->lock_without_safepoint_check();
7556   _collector->startTimer();
7557 }
7559 #ifndef PRODUCT
7560 // This is actually very useful in a product build if it can
7561 // be called from the debugger.  Compile it into the product
7562 // as needed.
7563 bool debug_verify_chunk_in_free_list(FreeChunk* fc) {
7564   return debug_cms_space->verify_chunk_in_free_list(fc);
7565 }
7566 #endif
7568 void SweepClosure::print_free_block_coalesced(FreeChunk* fc) const {
7569   log_develop_trace(gc, sweep)("Sweep:coal_free_blk " PTR_FORMAT " (" SIZE_FORMAT ")",
7570                                p2i(fc), fc->size());

7828 // when there are many objects in the overflow list and
7829 // there is much producer-consumer contention on the list.
7830 // *NOTE*: The overflow list manipulation code here and
7831 // in ParNewGeneration:: are very similar in shape,
7832 // except that in the ParNew case we use the old (from/eden)
7833 // copy of the object to thread the list via its klass word.
7834 // Because of the common code, if you make any changes in
7835 // the code below, please check the ParNew version to see if
7836 // similar changes might be needed.
7837 // CR 6797058 has been filed to consolidate the common code.
7838 bool CMSCollector::par_take_from_overflow_list(size_t num,
7839                                                OopTaskQueue* work_q,
7840                                                int no_of_gc_threads) {
7841   assert(work_q->size() == 0, "First empty local work queue");
7842   assert(num < work_q->max_elems(), "Can't bite more than we can chew");
7843   if (_overflow_list == NULL) {
7844     return false;
7845   }
7846   // Grab the entire list; we'll put back a suffix
7847   oop prefix = cast_to_oop(Atomic::xchg((oopDesc*)BUSY, &_overflow_list));
7848   Thread* tid = Thread::current();
7849   // Before "no_of_gc_threads" was introduced CMSOverflowSpinCount was
7850   // set to ParallelGCThreads.
7851   size_t CMSOverflowSpinCount = (size_t) no_of_gc_threads; // was ParallelGCThreads;
7852   size_t sleep_time_millis = MAX2((size_t)1, num/100);
7853   // If the list is busy, we spin for a short while,
7854   // sleeping between attempts to get the list.
7855   for (size_t spin = 0; prefix == BUSY && spin < CMSOverflowSpinCount; spin++) {
7856     os::sleep(tid, sleep_time_millis, false);
7857     if (_overflow_list == NULL) {
7858       // Nothing left to take
7859       return false;
7860     } else if (_overflow_list != BUSY) {
7861       // Try and grab the prefix
7862       prefix = cast_to_oop(Atomic::xchg((oopDesc*)BUSY, &_overflow_list));
7863     }
7864   }
7865   // If the list was found to be empty, or we spun long
7866   // enough, we give up and return empty-handed. If we leave
7867   // the list in the BUSY state below, it must be the case that
7868   // some other thread holds the overflow list and will set it
7869   // to a non-BUSY state in the future.
7870   if (prefix == NULL || prefix == BUSY) {
7871      // Nothing to take or waited long enough
7872      if (prefix == NULL) {
7873        // Write back the NULL in case we overwrote it with BUSY above
7874        // and it is still the same value.
7875        Atomic::cmpxchg((oopDesc*)NULL, &_overflow_list, (oopDesc*)BUSY);
7876      }

2628 HeapWord* CMSCollector::block_start(const void* p) const {
2629   const HeapWord* addr = (HeapWord*)p;
2630   if (_span.contains(p)) {
2631     if (_cmsGen->cmsSpace()->is_in_reserved(addr)) {
2632       return _cmsGen->cmsSpace()->block_start(p);
2633     }
2634   }
2635   return NULL;
2636 }
2637 #endif
2639 HeapWord*
2640 ConcurrentMarkSweepGeneration::expand_and_allocate(size_t word_size,
2641                                                    bool   tlab,
2642                                                    bool   parallel) {
2643   CMSSynchronousYieldRequest yr;
2644   assert(!tlab, "Can't deal with TLAB allocation");
2645   MutexLocker x(freelistLock(), Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
2646   expand_for_gc_cause(word_size*HeapWordSize, MinHeapDeltaBytes, CMSExpansionCause::_satisfy_allocation);
2647   if (GCExpandToAllocateDelayMillis > 0) {
2648     os::naked_sleep(GCExpandToAllocateDelayMillis);
2649   }
2650   return have_lock_and_allocate(word_size, tlab);
2651 }
2653 void ConcurrentMarkSweepGeneration::expand_for_gc_cause(
2654     size_t bytes,
2655     size_t expand_bytes,
2656     CMSExpansionCause::Cause cause)
2657 {
2659   bool success = expand(bytes, expand_bytes);
2661   // remember why we expanded; this information is used
2662   // by shouldConcurrentCollect() when making decisions on whether to start
2663   // a new CMS cycle.
2664   if (success) {
2665     set_expansion_cause(cause);
2666     log_trace(gc)("Expanded CMS gen for %s",  CMSExpansionCause::to_string(cause));
2667   }
2668 }
2670 HeapWord* ConcurrentMarkSweepGeneration::expand_and_par_lab_allocate(CMSParGCThreadState* ps, size_t word_sz) {
2671   HeapWord* res = NULL;
2672   MutexLocker x(ParGCRareEvent_lock);
2673   while (true) {
2674     // Expansion by some other thread might make alloc OK now:
2675     res = ps->lab.alloc(word_sz);
2676     if (res != NULL) return res;
2677     // If there's not enough expansion space available, give up.
2678     if (_virtual_space.uncommitted_size() < (word_sz * HeapWordSize)) {
2679       return NULL;
2680     }
2681     // Otherwise, we try expansion.
2682     expand_for_gc_cause(word_sz*HeapWordSize, MinHeapDeltaBytes, CMSExpansionCause::_allocate_par_lab);
2683     // Now go around the loop and try alloc again;
2684     // A competing par_promote might beat us to the expansion space,
2685     // so we may go around the loop again if promotion fails again.
2686     if (GCExpandToAllocateDelayMillis > 0) {
2687       os::naked_sleep(GCExpandToAllocateDelayMillis);
2688     }
2689   }
2690 }
2693 bool ConcurrentMarkSweepGeneration::expand_and_ensure_spooling_space(
2694   PromotionInfo* promo) {
2695   MutexLocker x(ParGCRareEvent_lock);
2696   size_t refill_size_bytes = promo->refillSize() * HeapWordSize;
2697   while (true) {
2698     // Expansion by some other thread might make alloc OK now:
2699     if (promo->ensure_spooling_space()) {
2700       assert(promo->has_spooling_space(),
2701              "Post-condition of successful ensure_spooling_space()");
2702       return true;
2703     }
2704     // If there's not enough expansion space available, give up.
2705     if (_virtual_space.uncommitted_size() < refill_size_bytes) {
2706       return false;
2707     }
2708     // Otherwise, we try expansion.
2709     expand_for_gc_cause(refill_size_bytes, MinHeapDeltaBytes, CMSExpansionCause::_allocate_par_spooling_space);
2710     // Now go around the loop and try alloc again;
2711     // A competing allocation might beat us to the expansion space,
2712     // so we may go around the loop again if allocation fails again.
2713     if (GCExpandToAllocateDelayMillis > 0) {
2714       os::naked_sleep(GCExpandToAllocateDelayMillis);
2715     }
2716   }
2717 }
2719 void ConcurrentMarkSweepGeneration::shrink(size_t bytes) {
2720   // Only shrink if a compaction was done so that all the free space
2721   // in the generation is in a contiguous block at the end.
2722   if (did_compact()) {
2723     CardGeneration::shrink(bytes);
2724   }
2725 }
2727 void ConcurrentMarkSweepGeneration::assert_correct_size_change_locking() {
2728   assert_locked_or_safepoint(Heap_lock);
2729 }
2731 void ConcurrentMarkSweepGeneration::shrink_free_list_by(size_t bytes) {
2732   assert_locked_or_safepoint(Heap_lock);
2733   assert_lock_strong(freelistLock());
2734   log_trace(gc)("Shrinking of CMS not yet implemented");

3527   // (coordinator_yield()) method that was observed to cause the
3528   // problem, we are using a parameter (CMSCoordinatorYieldSleepCount)
3529   // which is by default non-zero. For the other seven methods that
3530   // also perform the yield operation, as are using a different
3531   // parameter (CMSYieldSleepCount) which is by default zero. This way we
3532   // can enable the sleeping for those methods too, if necessary.
3533   // See 6442774.
3534   //
3535   // We really need to reconsider the synchronization between the GC
3536   // thread and the yield-requesting threads in the future and we
3537   // should really use wait/notify, which is the recommended
3538   // way of doing this type of interaction. Additionally, we should
3539   // consolidate the eight methods that do the yield operation and they
3540   // are almost identical into one for better maintainability and
3541   // readability. See 6445193.
3542   //
3543   // Tony 2006.06.29
3544   for (unsigned i = 0; i < CMSCoordinatorYieldSleepCount &&
3545                    ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::should_yield() &&
3546                    !CMSCollector::foregroundGCIsActive(); ++i) {
3547     os::naked_short_sleep(1);
3548   }
3550   ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::synchronize(true);
3551   _bit_map_lock->lock_without_safepoint_check();
3552   _collector->startTimer();
3553 }
3555 bool CMSCollector::do_marking_mt() {
3556   assert(ConcGCThreads > 0 && conc_workers() != NULL, "precondition");
3557   uint num_workers = WorkerPolicy::calc_active_conc_workers(conc_workers()->total_workers(),
3558                                                             conc_workers()->active_workers(),
3559                                                             Threads::number_of_non_daemon_threads());
3560   num_workers = conc_workers()->update_active_workers(num_workers);
3561   log_info(gc,task)("Using %u workers of %u for marking", num_workers, conc_workers()->total_workers());
3563   CompactibleFreeListSpace* cms_space  = _cmsGen->cmsSpace();
3565   CMSConcMarkingTask tsk(this,
3566                          cms_space,
3567                          conc_workers(),

5524     HeapWord* curAddr = _markBitMap.startWord();
5525     while (curAddr < _markBitMap.endWord()) {
5526       size_t remaining  = pointer_delta(_markBitMap.endWord(), curAddr);
5527       MemRegion chunk(curAddr, MIN2(CMSBitMapYieldQuantum, remaining));
5528       _markBitMap.clear_large_range(chunk);
5529       if (ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::should_yield() &&
5530           !foregroundGCIsActive() &&
5531           CMSYield) {
5532         assert(ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::cms_thread_has_cms_token(),
5533                "CMS thread should hold CMS token");
5534         assert_lock_strong(bitMapLock());
5535         bitMapLock()->unlock();
5536         ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::desynchronize(true);
5537         stopTimer();
5538         incrementYields();
5540         // See the comment in coordinator_yield()
5541         for (unsigned i = 0; i < CMSYieldSleepCount &&
5542                          ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::should_yield() &&
5543                          !CMSCollector::foregroundGCIsActive(); ++i) {
5544           os::naked_short_sleep(1);
5545         }
5547         ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::synchronize(true);
5548         bitMapLock()->lock_without_safepoint_check();
5549         startTimer();
5550       }
5551       curAddr = chunk.end();
5552     }
5553     // A successful mostly concurrent collection has been done.
5554     // Because only the full (i.e., concurrent mode failure) collections
5555     // are being measured for gc overhead limits, clean the "near" flag
5556     // and count.
5557     size_policy()->reset_gc_overhead_limit_count();
5558     _collectorState = Idling;
5559   }
5561   register_gc_end();
5562 }
5564 // Same as above but for STW paths

5978 }
5980 void MarkRefsIntoAndScanClosure::do_yield_work() {
5981   assert(ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::cms_thread_has_cms_token(),
5982          "CMS thread should hold CMS token");
5983   assert_lock_strong(_freelistLock);
5984   assert_lock_strong(_bit_map->lock());
5985   // relinquish the free_list_lock and bitMaplock()
5986   _bit_map->lock()->unlock();
5987   _freelistLock->unlock();
5988   ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::desynchronize(true);
5989   _collector->stopTimer();
5990   _collector->incrementYields();
5992   // See the comment in coordinator_yield()
5993   for (unsigned i = 0;
5994        i < CMSYieldSleepCount &&
5995        ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::should_yield() &&
5996        !CMSCollector::foregroundGCIsActive();
5997        ++i) {
5998     os::naked_short_sleep(1);
5999   }
6001   ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::synchronize(true);
6002   _freelistLock->lock_without_safepoint_check();
6003   _bit_map->lock()->lock_without_safepoint_check();
6004   _collector->startTimer();
6005 }
6007 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6008 // ParMarkRefsIntoAndScanClosure: a parallel version of
6009 //                                MarkRefsIntoAndScanClosure
6010 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6011 ParMarkRefsIntoAndScanClosure::ParMarkRefsIntoAndScanClosure(
6012   CMSCollector* collector, MemRegion span, ReferenceDiscoverer* rd,
6013   CMSBitMap* bit_map, OopTaskQueue* work_queue):
6014   _span(span),
6015   _bit_map(bit_map),
6016   _work_queue(work_queue),
6017   _low_water_mark(MIN2((work_queue->max_elems()/4),
6018                        ((uint)CMSWorkQueueDrainThreshold * ParallelGCThreads))),

6133   DEBUG_ONLY(_collector->verify_work_stacks_empty();)
6134   return size;
6135 }
6137 void ScanMarkedObjectsAgainCarefullyClosure::do_yield_work() {
6138   assert(ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::cms_thread_has_cms_token(),
6139          "CMS thread should hold CMS token");
6140   assert_lock_strong(_freelistLock);
6141   assert_lock_strong(_bitMap->lock());
6142   // relinquish the free_list_lock and bitMaplock()
6143   _bitMap->lock()->unlock();
6144   _freelistLock->unlock();
6145   ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::desynchronize(true);
6146   _collector->stopTimer();
6147   _collector->incrementYields();
6149   // See the comment in coordinator_yield()
6150   for (unsigned i = 0; i < CMSYieldSleepCount &&
6151                    ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::should_yield() &&
6152                    !CMSCollector::foregroundGCIsActive(); ++i) {
6153     os::naked_short_sleep(1);
6154   }
6156   ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::synchronize(true);
6157   _freelistLock->lock_without_safepoint_check();
6158   _bitMap->lock()->lock_without_safepoint_check();
6159   _collector->startTimer();
6160 }
6163 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6164 // SurvivorSpacePrecleanClosure
6165 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6166 // This (single-threaded) closure is used to preclean the oops in
6167 // the survivor spaces.
6168 size_t SurvivorSpacePrecleanClosure::do_object_careful(oop p) {
6170   HeapWord* addr = (HeapWord*)p;
6171   DEBUG_ONLY(_collector->verify_work_stacks_empty();)
6172   assert(!_span.contains(addr), "we are scanning the survivor spaces");
6173   assert(p->klass_or_null() != NULL, "object should be initialized");

6200     CMSHeap::heap()->total_collections();
6201   bool abort = (_before_count != after_count) ||
6202                _collector->should_abort_preclean();
6203   return abort ? 0 : size;
6204 }
6206 void SurvivorSpacePrecleanClosure::do_yield_work() {
6207   assert(ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::cms_thread_has_cms_token(),
6208          "CMS thread should hold CMS token");
6209   assert_lock_strong(_bit_map->lock());
6210   // Relinquish the bit map lock
6211   _bit_map->lock()->unlock();
6212   ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::desynchronize(true);
6213   _collector->stopTimer();
6214   _collector->incrementYields();
6216   // See the comment in coordinator_yield()
6217   for (unsigned i = 0; i < CMSYieldSleepCount &&
6218                        ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::should_yield() &&
6219                        !CMSCollector::foregroundGCIsActive(); ++i) {
6220     os::naked_short_sleep(1);
6221   }
6223   ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::synchronize(true);
6224   _bit_map->lock()->lock_without_safepoint_check();
6225   _collector->startTimer();
6226 }
6228 // This closure is used to rescan the marked objects on the dirty cards
6229 // in the mod union table and the card table proper. In the parallel
6230 // case, although the bitMap is shared, we do a single read so the
6231 // isMarked() query is "safe".
6232 bool ScanMarkedObjectsAgainClosure::do_object_bm(oop p, MemRegion mr) {
6233   // Ignore mark word because we are running concurrent with mutators
6234   assert(oopDesc::is_oop_or_null(p, true), "Expected an oop or NULL at " PTR_FORMAT, p2i(p));
6235   HeapWord* addr = (HeapWord*)p;
6236   assert(_span.contains(addr), "we are scanning the CMS generation");
6237   bool is_obj_array = false;
6238   #ifdef ASSERT
6239     if (!_parallel) {
6240       assert(_mark_stack->isEmpty(), "pre-condition (eager drainage)");

6352 // We take a break if we've been at this for a while,
6353 // so as to avoid monopolizing the locks involved.
6354 void MarkFromRootsClosure::do_yield_work() {
6355   // First give up the locks, then yield, then re-lock
6356   // We should probably use a constructor/destructor idiom to
6357   // do this unlock/lock or modify the MutexUnlocker class to
6358   // serve our purpose. XXX
6359   assert(ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::cms_thread_has_cms_token(),
6360          "CMS thread should hold CMS token");
6361   assert_lock_strong(_bitMap->lock());
6362   _bitMap->lock()->unlock();
6363   ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::desynchronize(true);
6364   _collector->stopTimer();
6365   _collector->incrementYields();
6367   // See the comment in coordinator_yield()
6368   for (unsigned i = 0; i < CMSYieldSleepCount &&
6369                        ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::should_yield() &&
6370                        !CMSCollector::foregroundGCIsActive(); ++i) {
6371     os::naked_short_sleep(1);
6372   }
6374   ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::synchronize(true);
6375   _bitMap->lock()->lock_without_safepoint_check();
6376   _collector->startTimer();
6377 }
6379 void MarkFromRootsClosure::scanOopsInOop(HeapWord* ptr) {
6380   assert(_bitMap->isMarked(ptr), "expected bit to be set");
6381   assert(_markStack->isEmpty(),
6382          "should drain stack to limit stack usage");
6383   // convert ptr to an oop preparatory to scanning
6384   oop obj = oop(ptr);
6385   // Ignore mark word in verification below, since we
6386   // may be running concurrent with mutators.
6387   assert(oopDesc::is_oop(obj, true), "should be an oop");
6388   assert(_finger <= ptr, "_finger runneth ahead");
6389   // advance the finger to right end of this object
6390   _finger = ptr + obj->size();
6391   assert(_finger > ptr, "we just incremented it above");

6965     } // Else, some other thread got there first
6966   }
6967 }
6969 void CMSPrecleanRefsYieldClosure::do_yield_work() {
6970   Mutex* bml = _collector->bitMapLock();
6971   assert_lock_strong(bml);
6972   assert(ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::cms_thread_has_cms_token(),
6973          "CMS thread should hold CMS token");
6975   bml->unlock();
6976   ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::desynchronize(true);
6978   _collector->stopTimer();
6979   _collector->incrementYields();
6981   // See the comment in coordinator_yield()
6982   for (unsigned i = 0; i < CMSYieldSleepCount &&
6983                        ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::should_yield() &&
6984                        !CMSCollector::foregroundGCIsActive(); ++i) {
6985     os::naked_short_sleep(1);
6986   }
6988   ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::synchronize(true);
6989   bml->lock_without_safepoint_check();
6991   _collector->startTimer();
6992 }
6994 bool CMSPrecleanRefsYieldClosure::should_return() {
6995   if (ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::should_yield()) {
6996     do_yield_work();
6997   }
6998   return _collector->foregroundGCIsActive();
6999 }
7001 void MarkFromDirtyCardsClosure::do_MemRegion(MemRegion mr) {
7002   assert(((size_t)mr.start())%CardTable::card_size_in_words == 0,
7003          "mr should be aligned to start at a card boundary");
7004   // We'd like to assert:
7005   // assert(mr.word_size()%CardTable::card_size_in_words == 0,

7530   }
7532   // First give up the locks, then yield, then re-lock.
7533   // We should probably use a constructor/destructor idiom to
7534   // do this unlock/lock or modify the MutexUnlocker class to
7535   // serve our purpose. XXX
7536   assert_lock_strong(_bitMap->lock());
7537   assert_lock_strong(_freelistLock);
7538   assert(ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::cms_thread_has_cms_token(),
7539          "CMS thread should hold CMS token");
7540   _bitMap->lock()->unlock();
7541   _freelistLock->unlock();
7542   ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::desynchronize(true);
7543   _collector->stopTimer();
7544   _collector->incrementYields();
7546   // See the comment in coordinator_yield()
7547   for (unsigned i = 0; i < CMSYieldSleepCount &&
7548                        ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::should_yield() &&
7549                        !CMSCollector::foregroundGCIsActive(); ++i) {
7550     os::naked_short_sleep(1);
7551   }
7553   ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::synchronize(true);
7554   _freelistLock->lock_without_safepoint_check();
7555   _bitMap->lock()->lock_without_safepoint_check();
7556   _collector->startTimer();
7557 }
7559 #ifndef PRODUCT
7560 // This is actually very useful in a product build if it can
7561 // be called from the debugger.  Compile it into the product
7562 // as needed.
7563 bool debug_verify_chunk_in_free_list(FreeChunk* fc) {
7564   return debug_cms_space->verify_chunk_in_free_list(fc);
7565 }
7566 #endif
7568 void SweepClosure::print_free_block_coalesced(FreeChunk* fc) const {
7569   log_develop_trace(gc, sweep)("Sweep:coal_free_blk " PTR_FORMAT " (" SIZE_FORMAT ")",
7570                                p2i(fc), fc->size());

7828 // when there are many objects in the overflow list and
7829 // there is much producer-consumer contention on the list.
7830 // *NOTE*: The overflow list manipulation code here and
7831 // in ParNewGeneration:: are very similar in shape,
7832 // except that in the ParNew case we use the old (from/eden)
7833 // copy of the object to thread the list via its klass word.
7834 // Because of the common code, if you make any changes in
7835 // the code below, please check the ParNew version to see if
7836 // similar changes might be needed.
7837 // CR 6797058 has been filed to consolidate the common code.
7838 bool CMSCollector::par_take_from_overflow_list(size_t num,
7839                                                OopTaskQueue* work_q,
7840                                                int no_of_gc_threads) {
7841   assert(work_q->size() == 0, "First empty local work queue");
7842   assert(num < work_q->max_elems(), "Can't bite more than we can chew");
7843   if (_overflow_list == NULL) {
7844     return false;
7845   }
7846   // Grab the entire list; we'll put back a suffix
7847   oop prefix = cast_to_oop(Atomic::xchg((oopDesc*)BUSY, &_overflow_list));

7848   // Before "no_of_gc_threads" was introduced CMSOverflowSpinCount was
7849   // set to ParallelGCThreads.
7850   size_t CMSOverflowSpinCount = (size_t) no_of_gc_threads; // was ParallelGCThreads;
7851   size_t sleep_time_millis = MAX2((size_t)1, num/100);
7852   // If the list is busy, we spin for a short while,
7853   // sleeping between attempts to get the list.
7854   for (size_t spin = 0; prefix == BUSY && spin < CMSOverflowSpinCount; spin++) {
7855     os::naked_sleep(sleep_time_millis);
7856     if (_overflow_list == NULL) {
7857       // Nothing left to take
7858       return false;
7859     } else if (_overflow_list != BUSY) {
7860       // Try and grab the prefix
7861       prefix = cast_to_oop(Atomic::xchg((oopDesc*)BUSY, &_overflow_list));
7862     }
7863   }
7864   // If the list was found to be empty, or we spun long
7865   // enough, we give up and return empty-handed. If we leave
7866   // the list in the BUSY state below, it must be the case that
7867   // some other thread holds the overflow list and will set it
7868   // to a non-BUSY state in the future.
7869   if (prefix == NULL || prefix == BUSY) {
7870      // Nothing to take or waited long enough
7871      if (prefix == NULL) {
7872        // Write back the NULL in case we overwrote it with BUSY above
7873        // and it is still the same value.
7874        Atomic::cmpxchg((oopDesc*)NULL, &_overflow_list, (oopDesc*)BUSY);
7875      }

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