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 670   // "claim_token", if it is not already.  Returns "true" iff the
 671   // calling thread does the update, this indicates that the calling thread
 672   // has claimed the thread in the current iteration.
 673   bool claim_threads_do(bool is_par, uintx claim_token) {
 674     if (!is_par) {
 675       _threads_do_token = claim_token;
 676       return true;
 677     } else {
 678       return claim_par_threads_do(claim_token);
 679     }
 680   }
 682   uintx threads_do_token() const { return _threads_do_token; }
 684   // jvmtiRedefineClasses support
 685   void metadata_handles_do(void f(Metadata*));
 687   // Used by fast lock support
 688   virtual bool is_lock_owned(address adr) const;
 690   // Check if address is in the stack of the thread (not just for locks).
 691   // Warning: the method can only be used on the running thread
 692   bool is_in_stack(address adr) const;

 693   // Check if address is in the usable part of the stack (excludes protected
 694   // guard pages)

 695   bool is_in_usable_stack(address adr) const;

 697   // Sets this thread as starting thread. Returns failure if thread
 698   // creation fails due to lack of memory, too many threads etc.
 699   bool set_as_starting_thread();
 701 protected:
 702   // OS data associated with the thread
 703   OSThread* _osthread;  // Platform-specific thread information
 705   // Thread local resource area for temporary allocation within the VM
 706   ResourceArea* _resource_area;
 708   DEBUG_ONLY(ResourceMark* _current_resource_mark;)
 710   // Thread local handle area for allocation of handles within the VM
 711   HandleArea* _handle_area;
 712   GrowableArray<Metadata*>* _metadata_handles;
 714   // Support for stack overflow handling, get_thread, etc.
 715   address          _stack_base;
 716   size_t           _stack_size;
 717   int              _lgrp_id;
 719   volatile void** polling_page_addr() { return &_polling_page; }
 721  public:
 722   // Stack overflow support
 723   address stack_base() const           { assert(_stack_base != NULL,"Sanity check"); return _stack_base; }
 724   void    set_stack_base(address base) { _stack_base = base; }
 725   size_t  stack_size() const           { return _stack_size; }
 726   void    set_stack_size(size_t size)  { _stack_size = size; }
 727   address stack_end()  const           { return stack_base() - stack_size(); }
 728   void    record_stack_base_and_size();
 729   void    register_thread_stack_with_NMT() NOT_NMT_RETURN;
 731   bool    on_local_stack(address adr) const {
 732     // QQQ this has knowledge of direction, ought to be a stack method
 733     return (_stack_base > adr && adr >= stack_end());
 734   }
 736   int     lgrp_id() const        { return _lgrp_id; }
 737   void    set_lgrp_id(int value) { _lgrp_id = value; }
 739   // Printing
 740   void print_on(outputStream* st, bool print_extended_info) const;
 741   virtual void print_on(outputStream* st) const { print_on(st, false); }
 742   void print() const;
 743   virtual void print_on_error(outputStream* st, char* buf, int buflen) const;
 744   void print_value_on(outputStream* st) const;
 746   // Debug-only code
 747 #ifdef ASSERT
 748  private:
 749   // Deadlock detection support for Mutex locks. List of locks own by thread.
 750   Mutex* _owned_locks;
 751   // Mutex::set_owner_implementation is the only place where _owned_locks is modified,
 752   // thus the friendship
 753   friend class Mutex;
 754   friend class Monitor;

 670   // "claim_token", if it is not already.  Returns "true" iff the
 671   // calling thread does the update, this indicates that the calling thread
 672   // has claimed the thread in the current iteration.
 673   bool claim_threads_do(bool is_par, uintx claim_token) {
 674     if (!is_par) {
 675       _threads_do_token = claim_token;
 676       return true;
 677     } else {
 678       return claim_par_threads_do(claim_token);
 679     }
 680   }
 682   uintx threads_do_token() const { return _threads_do_token; }
 684   // jvmtiRedefineClasses support
 685   void metadata_handles_do(void f(Metadata*));
 687   // Used by fast lock support
 688   virtual bool is_lock_owned(address adr) const;
 690   // Check if address is in the live stack of the thread (not just for locks).
 691   // Warning: the method can only be used on the running thread.
 692   bool is_in_stack(address adr) const;
 694   // Check if address is in the usable part of the stack (excludes protected
 695   // guard pages). Can be applied to any thread and is an approximation for
 696   // using is_in_stack when the query has to happen from another thread.
 697   bool is_in_usable_stack(address adr) const;
 699   // Check if address in the stack mapped to this thread. Used mainly in
 700   // error reporting (so has to include guard zone) and frame printing.
 701   bool on_local_stack(address adr) const {
 702     return (_stack_base > adr && adr >= stack_end());
 703   }
 705   // Sets this thread as starting thread. Returns failure if thread
 706   // creation fails due to lack of memory, too many threads etc.
 707   bool set_as_starting_thread();
 709 protected:
 710   // OS data associated with the thread
 711   OSThread* _osthread;  // Platform-specific thread information
 713   // Thread local resource area for temporary allocation within the VM
 714   ResourceArea* _resource_area;
 716   DEBUG_ONLY(ResourceMark* _current_resource_mark;)
 718   // Thread local handle area for allocation of handles within the VM
 719   HandleArea* _handle_area;
 720   GrowableArray<Metadata*>* _metadata_handles;
 722   // Support for stack overflow handling, get_thread, etc.
 723   address          _stack_base;
 724   size_t           _stack_size;
 725   int              _lgrp_id;
 727   volatile void** polling_page_addr() { return &_polling_page; }
 729  public:
 730   // Stack overflow support
 731   address stack_base() const           { assert(_stack_base != NULL,"Sanity check"); return _stack_base; }
 732   void    set_stack_base(address base) { _stack_base = base; }
 733   size_t  stack_size() const           { return _stack_size; }
 734   void    set_stack_size(size_t size)  { _stack_size = size; }
 735   address stack_end()  const           { return stack_base() - stack_size(); }
 736   void    record_stack_base_and_size();
 737   void    register_thread_stack_with_NMT() NOT_NMT_RETURN;

 739   int     lgrp_id() const        { return _lgrp_id; }
 740   void    set_lgrp_id(int value) { _lgrp_id = value; }
 742   // Printing
 743   void print_on(outputStream* st, bool print_extended_info) const;
 744   virtual void print_on(outputStream* st) const { print_on(st, false); }
 745   void print() const;
 746   virtual void print_on_error(outputStream* st, char* buf, int buflen) const;
 747   void print_value_on(outputStream* st) const;
 749   // Debug-only code
 750 #ifdef ASSERT
 751  private:
 752   // Deadlock detection support for Mutex locks. List of locks own by thread.
 753   Mutex* _owned_locks;
 754   // Mutex::set_owner_implementation is the only place where _owned_locks is modified,
 755   // thus the friendship
 756   friend class Mutex;
 757   friend class Monitor;

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