This specification is not final and is subject to change. Use is subject to license terms.

Class Loading Cleanup

Changes to the Java® Virtual Machine Specification • Version 14-internal+0-adhoc.dlsmith.20191107

This document describes changes to the Java Virtual Machine Specification to align its rules for class loading with those enforced by the reference implementation.

One change in JVM implementation behavior is proposed: throwing IncompatibleClassChangeError rather than VerifyError when a final class is extended or a final method is overridden (5.3.5).

Changes are described with respect to existing sections of the JVM Specification. New text is indicated like this and deleted text is indicated like this. Explanation and discussion, as needed, is set aside in grey boxes.

Chapter 4: The class File Format

4.10 Verification of class Files

Checks for subclassing of final classes and overriding of final methods are now specified as part of class creation (5.3.5), which is where Hotspot and OpenJ9 actually perform the checks, before an instance of the class can escape into user code.

As a result, verification is solely concerned with Code attributes. Rules that amount to a search for Code attributes can be deleted, including section

Even though a compiler for the Java programming language must only produce class files that satisfy all the static and structural constraints in the previous sections, the Java Virtual Machine has no guarantee that any file it is asked to load was generated by that compiler or is properly formed. Applications such as web browsers do not download source code, which they then compile; these applications download already-compiled class files. The browser needs to determine whether the class file was produced by a trustworthy compiler or by an adversary attempting to exploit the Java Virtual Machine.

An additional problem with compile-time checking is version skew. A user may have successfully compiled a class, say PurchaseStockOptions, to be a subclass of TradingClass. But the definition of TradingClass might have changed since the time the class was compiled in a way that is not compatible with pre-existing binaries. Methods might have been deleted or had their return types or modifiers changed. Fields might have changed types or changed from instance variables to class variables. The access modifiers of a method or variable may have changed from public to private. For a discussion of these issues, see Chapter 13, "Binary Compatibility," in The Java Language Specification, Java SE 12 Edition.

Because of these potential problems, the Java Virtual Machine needs to verify for itself that the desired constraints are satisfied by the class files it attempts to incorporate. A Java Virtual Machine implementation verifies that each class file satisfies the necessary constraints at linking time (5.4).

Link-time verification enhances the performance of the run-time interpreter. Expensive checks that would otherwise have to be performed to verify constraints at run time for each interpreted instruction can be eliminated. The Java Virtual Machine can assume that these checks have already been performed. For example, the Java Virtual Machine will already know the following:

There are two strategies that Java Virtual Machine implementations may use for verification:

In both strategies, verification is mainly concerned with enforcing the static and structural constraints from 4.9 on the code array of the Code attribute (4.7.3). However, there are three additional checks outside the Code attribute which must be performed during verification:

4.10.1 Verification by Type Checking

A class file whose version number is 50.0 or above (4.1) must be verified using the type checking rules given in this section.

If, and only if, a class file's version number equals 50.0, then if the type checking fails, a Java Virtual Machine implementation may choose to attempt to perform verification by type inference (4.10.2).

This is a pragmatic adjustment, designed to ease the transition to the new verification discipline. Many tools that manipulate class files may alter the bytecodes of a method in a manner that requires adjustment of the method's stack map frames. If a tool does not make the necessary adjustments to the stack map frames, type checking may fail even though the bytecode is in principle valid (and would consequently verify under the old type inference scheme). To allow implementors time to adapt their tools, Java Virtual Machine implementations may fall back to the older verification discipline, but only for a limited time.

In cases where type checking fails but type inference is invoked and succeeds, a certain performance penalty is expected. Such a penalty is unavoidable. It also should serve as a signal to tool vendors that their output needs to be adjusted, and provides vendors with additional incentive to make these adjustments.

In summary, failover to verification by type inference supports both the gradual addition of stack map frames to the Java SE Platform (if they are not present in a version 50.0 class file, failover is allowed) and the gradual removal of the jsr and jsr_w instructions from the Java SE Platform (if they are present in a version 50.0 class file, failover is allowed).

If a Java Virtual Machine implementation ever attempts to perform verification by type inference on version 50.0 class files, it must do so in all cases where verification by type checking fails.

This means that a Java Virtual Machine implementation cannot choose to resort to type inference in once case and not in another. It must either reject class files that do not verify via type checking, or else consistently failover to the type inferencing verifier whenever type checking fails.

The type checker enforces type rules that are specified by means of Prolog clauses. English language text is used to describe the type rules in an informal way, while the Prolog clauses provide a formal specification.

The type checker requires a list of stack map frames for each method with a Code attribute (4.7.3). A list of stack map frames is given by the StackMapTable attribute (4.7.4) of a Code attribute. The intent is that a stack map frame must appear at the beginning of each basic block in a method. The stack map frame specifies the verification type of each operand stack entry and of each local variable at the start of each basic block. The type checker reads the stack map frames for each method with a Code attribute and uses these maps to generate a proof of the type safety of the instructions in the Code attribute.

A class is type safe if all its methods are type safe, and it does not subclass a final class.

classIsTypeSafe(Class) :-
    classClassName(Class, Name),
    classDefiningLoader(Class, L),
    superclassChain(Name, L, Chain),
    Chain \= [],
    classSuperClassName(Class, SuperclassName),
    loadedClass(SuperclassName, L, Superclass),
    classMethods(Class, Methods),
    checklist(methodIsTypeSafe(Class), Methods).
classIsTypeSafe(Class) :-
    classClassName(Class, 'java/lang/Object'),
    classDefiningLoader(Class, L),
    classMethods(Class, Methods),
    checklist(methodIsTypeSafe(Class), Methods).

The Prolog predicate classIsTypeSafe assumes that Class is a Prolog term representing a binary class that has been successfully parsed and loaded. This specification does not mandate the precise structure of this term, but does require that certain predicates be defined upon it.

For example, we assume a predicate classMethods(Class, Methods) that, given a term representing a class as described above as its first argument, binds its second argument to a list comprising all the methods of the class, represented in a convenient form described later.

Iff the predicate classIsTypeSafe is not true, the type checker must throw the exception VerifyError to indicate that the class file is malformed. Otherwise, the class file has type checked successfully and bytecode verification has completed successfully.

The Prolog predicate methodIsTypeSafe ( determines whether the Code attribute of a particular method of a particular class or interface conforms to the structural constraints described in 4.9.2. The structural constraints are satisfied by the method if and only if the methodIsTypeSafe predicate is true.

The rest of this section explains the process of type checking in detail: Accessors for Java Virtual Machine Artifacts

The Prolog term Class represents a binary class or interface that has been successfully loaded (5.3). This specification does not mandate the precise structure of this term.

Similarly, the Prolog term Method represents a method of a Class, and the Prolog term Loader represents a class loader of a Class. We do not specify the structure of the method or class loader.

This expands on the notation discussion that was deleted from 4.10.1.

We stipulate the existence of 28 19 Prolog predicates ("accessors") that have certain expected behavior but whose formal definitions are not given in this specification.

classClassName(Class, ClassName)

Extracts the name, ClassName, of the class Class.


True iff the class, Class, is an interface.


True iff the class, Class, is not a final class.

classSuperClassName(Class, SuperClassName)

Extracts the name, SuperClassName, of the superclass of class Class.

classInterfaces(Class, Interfaces)

Extracts a list, Interfaces, of the direct superinterfaces of the class Class.

classMethods(Class, Methods)

Extracts a list, Methods, of the methods declared in the class Class.

classAttributes(Class, Attributes)

Extracts a list, Attributes, of the attributes of the class Class.

Each attribute is represented as a functor application of the form attribute(AttributeName, AttributeContents), where AttributeName is the name of the attribute. The format of the attribute's contents is unspecified.

classDefiningLoader(Class, Loader)

Extracts the defining class loader, Loader, of the class Class.


True iff the class loader Loader is the bootstrap class loader.

loadedClass(Name, InitiatingLoader, ClassDefinition)

True iff there exists a class named Name whose representation (in accordance with this specification) when loaded by the class loader InitiatingLoader is ClassDefinition.

methodName(Method, Name)

Extracts the name, Name, of the method Method.

methodAccessFlags(Method, AccessFlags)

Extracts the access flags, AccessFlags, of the method Method.

methodDescriptor(Method, Descriptor)

Extracts the descriptor, Descriptor, of the method Method.

methodAttributes(Method, Attributes)

Extracts a list, Attributes, of the attributes of the method Method.


True iff Method (regardless of class) is <init>.


True iff Method (regardless of class) is not <init>.

isNotFinal(Method, Class)

True iff Method in class Class is not final.

isStatic(Method, Class)

True iff Method in class Class is static.

isNotStatic(Method, Class)

True iff Method in class Class is not static.

isPrivate(Method, Class)

True iff Method in class Class is private.

isNotPrivate(Method, Class)

True iff Method in class Class is not private.

isProtected(MemberClass, MemberName, MemberDescriptor)

True iff there is a member named MemberName with descriptor MemberDescriptor in the class MemberClass and it is protected.

isNotProtected(MemberClass, MemberName, MemberDescriptor)

True iff there is a member named MemberName with descriptor MemberDescriptor in the class MemberClass and it is not protected.

parseFieldDescriptor(Descriptor, Type)

Converts a field descriptor, Descriptor, into the corresponding verification type Type (

parseMethodDescriptor(Descriptor, ArgTypeList, ReturnType)

Converts a method descriptor, Descriptor, into a list of verification types, ArgTypeList, corresponding to the method argument types, and a verification type, ReturnType, corresponding to the return type.

parseCodeAttribute(Class, Method, FrameSize, MaxStack, ParsedCode, Handlers, StackMap)

Extracts the instruction stream, ParsedCode, of the method Method in Class, as well as the maximum operand stack size, MaxStack, the maximal number of local variables, FrameSize, the exception handlers, Handlers, and the stack map StackMap.

The representation of the instruction stream and stack map attribute must be as specified in and

samePackageName(Class1, Class2)

True iff the package names of Class1 and Class2 are the same.

differentPackageName(Class1, Class2)

True iff the package names of Class1 and Class2 are different.

When type checking a method's body, it is convenient to access information about the method. For this purpose, we define an environment, a six-tuple consisting of:

We specify accessors to extract information from the environment.

allInstructions(Environment, Instructions) :-
    Environment = environment(_Class, _Method, _ReturnType,
                              Instructions, _, _).

exceptionHandlers(Environment, Handlers) :-
    Environment = environment(_Class, _Method, _ReturnType,
                              _Instructions, _, Handlers).

maxOperandStackLength(Environment, MaxStack) :-
    Environment = environment(_Class, _Method, _ReturnType,
                              _Instructions, MaxStack, _Handlers).

thisClass(Environment, class(ClassName, L)) :-
    Environment = environment(Class, _Method, _ReturnType,
                              _Instructions, _, _),
    classDefiningLoader(Class, L),
    classClassName(Class, ClassName).

thisMethodReturnType(Environment, ReturnType) :-
    Environment = environment(_Class, _Method, ReturnType,
                              _Instructions, _, _).

We specify additional predicates to extract higher-level information from the environment.

offsetStackFrame(Environment, Offset, StackFrame) :-
    allInstructions(Environment, Instructions),
    member(stackMap(Offset, StackFrame), Instructions).

currentClassLoader(Environment, Loader) :-
    thisClass(Environment, class(_, Loader)).

Finally, we specify a general predicate used throughout the type rules:

notMember(_, []).
notMember(X, [A | More]) :- X \= A, notMember(X, More).

The principle guiding the determination as to which accessors are stipulated and which are fully specified is that we do not want to over-specify the representation of the class file. Providing specific accessors to the Class or Method term would force us to completely specify the format for a Prolog term representing the class file. Type Checking Abstract and Native Methods

abstract methods and native methods are considered to be type safe if they do not override a final method.

methodIsTypeSafe(Class, Method) :-
    doesNotOverrideFinalMethod(Class, Method),
    methodAccessFlags(Method, AccessFlags),
    member(abstract, AccessFlags).

methodIsTypeSafe(Class, Method) :-
    doesNotOverrideFinalMethod(Class, Method),
    methodAccessFlags(Method, AccessFlags),
    member(native, AccessFlags).

private methods and static methods are orthogonal to dynamic method dispatch, so they never override other methods (5.4.5).

doesNotOverrideFinalMethod(class('java/lang/Object', L), Method) :-

doesNotOverrideFinalMethod(Class, Method) :-
    isPrivate(Method, Class).

doesNotOverrideFinalMethod(Class, Method) :-
    isStatic(Method, Class).

doesNotOverrideFinalMethod(Class, Method) :-
    isNotPrivate(Method, Class),
    isNotStatic(Method, Class),
    doesNotOverrideFinalMethodOfSuperclass(Class, Method).

doesNotOverrideFinalMethodOfSuperclass(Class, Method) :-
    classSuperClassName(Class, SuperclassName),
    classDefiningLoader(Class, L),
    loadedClass(SuperclassName, L, Superclass),
    classMethods(Superclass, SuperMethodList),
    finalMethodNotOverridden(Method, Superclass, SuperMethodList).

final methods that are private and/or static are unusual, as private methods and static methods cannot be overridden per se. Therefore, if a final private method or a final static method is found, it was logically not overridden by another method.

finalMethodNotOverridden(Method, Superclass, SuperMethodList) :-
    methodName(Method, Name),
    methodDescriptor(Method, Descriptor),
    member(method(_, Name, Descriptor), SuperMethodList),
    isFinal(Method, Superclass),
    isPrivate(Method, Superclass).

finalMethodNotOverridden(Method, Superclass, SuperMethodList) :-
    methodName(Method, Name),
    methodDescriptor(Method, Descriptor),
    member(method(_, Name, Descriptor), SuperMethodList),
    isFinal(Method, Superclass),
    isStatic(Method, Superclass).

If a non-final private method or a non-final static method is found, skip over it because it is orthogonal to overriding.

finalMethodNotOverridden(Method, Superclass, SuperMethodList) :-
    methodName(Method, Name),
    methodDescriptor(Method, Descriptor),
    member(method(_, Name, Descriptor), SuperMethodList),
    isNotFinal(Method, Superclass),
    isPrivate(Method, Superclass),
    doesNotOverrideFinalMethodOfSuperclass(Superclass, Method).

finalMethodNotOverridden(Method, Superclass, SuperMethodList) :-
    methodName(Method, Name),
    methodDescriptor(Method, Descriptor),
    member(method(_, Name, Descriptor), SuperMethodList),
    isNotFinal(Method, Superclass),
    isStatic(Method, Superclass),
    doesNotOverrideFinalMethodOfSuperclass(Superclass, Method).

If a non-final, non-private, non-static method is found, then indeed a final method was not overridden. Otherwise, recurse upwards.

finalMethodNotOverridden(Method, Superclass, SuperMethodList) :-
    methodName(Method, Name),
    methodDescriptor(Method, Descriptor),
    member(method(_, Name, Descriptor), SuperMethodList),
    isNotFinal(Method, Superclass),
    isNotStatic(Method, Superclass),
    isNotPrivate(Method, Superclass).

finalMethodNotOverridden(Method, Superclass, SuperMethodList) :-
    methodName(Method, Name),
    methodDescriptor(Method, Descriptor),
    notMember(method(_, Name, Descriptor), SuperMethodList),
    doesNotOverrideFinalMethodOfSuperclass(Superclass, Method).

These checks have been moved to class creation (5.3.5).

An empty section is left behind, creating a section renumbering problem... Type Checking Methods with Code

Non-abstract, non-native methods are type correct if they have code and the code is type correct.

methodIsTypeSafe(Class, Method) :-
    doesNotOverrideFinalMethod(Class, Method),
    methodAccessFlags(Method, AccessFlags),
    methodAttributes(Method, Attributes),
    notMember(native, AccessFlags),
    notMember(abstract, AccessFlags),
    member(attribute('Code', _), Attributes),
    methodWithCodeIsTypeSafe(Class, Method).

A method with code a Code attribute is type safe if it is possible to merge the code and the stack map frames into a single stream such that each stack map frame precedes the instruction it corresponds to, and the merged stream is type correct. The method's exception handlers, if any, must also be legal.

methodWithCodeIsTypeSafe(Class, Method) :-
methodIsTypeSafe(Class, Method) :-
    parseCodeAttribute(Class, Method, FrameSize, MaxStack,
                       ParsedCode, Handlers, StackMap),
    mergeStackMapAndCode(StackMap, ParsedCode, MergedCode),
    methodInitialStackFrame(Class, Method, FrameSize, StackFrame, ReturnType),
    Environment = environment(Class, Method, ReturnType, MergedCode,
                              MaxStack, Handlers),
    mergedCodeIsTypeSafe(Environment, MergedCode, StackFrame).


Chapter 5: Loading, Linking, and Initializing

5.3 Creation and Loading

A significant change to this section is to eliminate the notion of "loading" an array type. While array types can be resolved (, there is no need to force them into the loading process, which is mainly concerned with converting class files into live classes and interfaces. Note that wherever loading constraints are generated (5.4.2,,, the specification already excludes array types, suggesting that there is no need to track initiating and defining loaders of array types.

Creation of a class or interface C denoted by the name N consists of the construction in the method area of the Java Virtual Machine (2.5.4) of an implementation-specific internal representation of C. Class or interface creation is triggered by another class or interface D, which references C through its run-time constant pool. Class or interface creation may also be triggered by D invoking methods in certain Java SE Platform class libraries (2.12) such as reflection.

If C is not an array class, it is created by loading a binary representation of C (4) using a class loader. Array classes do not have an external binary representation; they are created by the Java Virtual Machine rather than by a class loader.

A class or interface is created by loading a binary representation of the class or interface (4) using a class loader. There are two kinds of class loaders: the bootstrap class loader supplied by the Java Virtual Machine, and user-defined class loaders. Every user-defined class loader is an instance of a subclass of the abstract class ClassLoader. Applications employ user-defined class loaders in order to extend the manner in which the Java Virtual Machine dynamically loads and thereby creates classes. User-defined class loaders can be used to create classes that originate from user-defined sources. For example, a class could be downloaded across a network, generated on the fly, or extracted from an encrypted file.

User-defined class loaders can be used to create classes that originate from user-defined sources. For example, a class could be downloaded across a network, generated on the fly, or extracted from an encrypted file.

A class loader L may create C by defining it directly or by delegating to another class loader. If L creates C directly, we say that L defines C or, equivalently, that L is the defining loader of C.

When one class loader delegates to another class loader, the loader that initiates the loading is not necessarily the same loader that completes the loading and defines the class. If L creates C, either by defining it directly or by delegation, we say that L initiates loading of C or, equivalently, that L is an initiating loader of C.

At run time, a class or interface is determined not by its name alone, but by a pair: its binary name (4.2.1) and its defining class loader. Each such class or interface belongs to a single run-time package. The run-time package of a class or interface is determined by the package name and defining class loader of the class or interface.

The Java Virtual Machine uses one of three two procedures to create class or interface C denoted by N:

If an error occurs during class loading while the Java Virtual Machine is attempting to load a class, then an instance of a subclass of LinkageError must be thrown at a point in the program that (directly or indirectly) uses the class or interface being loaded.

If the Java Virtual Machine ever attempts to load a class C during verification (5.4.1) or resolution (5.4.3) (but not initialization (5.5)), and the class loader that is used to initiate loading of C throws an instance of ClassNotFoundException, then the Java Virtual Machine must throw an instance of NoClassDefFoundError whose cause is the instance of ClassNotFoundException.

This discussion appears to be a roundabout way to say "when you load a class via reflection, you get direct access to the exceptions that the reflection API throws". But those details can be left to the reflection API specification. For our purposes, this section is only concerned with the behavior of the JVM as it loads classes.

The details about wrapping ClassNotFoundException in NoClassDefFoundError are moved to sections 5.3.1 and 5.3.2, below.

(A subtlety here is that recursive class loading to load superclasses is performed as part of resolution (5.3.5, step 3). Therefore, a ClassNotFoundException that results from a class loader failing to load a superclass must be wrapped in a NoClassDefFoundError.)

Discussions about recursion are best left to 5.3.5.

A well-behaved class loader should maintain three properties:

We will sometimes represent a class or interface using the notation <N, Ld>, where N denotes the name of the class or interface and Ld denotes the defining loader of the class or interface.

We will also represent a class or interface using the notation NLi, where N denotes the name of the class or interface and Li denotes an initiating loader of the class or interface.

5.3.1 Loading Using the Bootstrap Class Loader

The following steps are used to load and thereby create the nonarray class or interface C denoted by N using the bootstrap class loader.

First, the Java Virtual Machine determines whether the bootstrap class loader has already been recorded as an initiating loader of a class or interface denoted by N. If so, this class or interface is C, and no class creation is necessary.

Otherwise, the Java Virtual Machine passes the argument N to an invocation of a method on the bootstrap class loader to search for a purported representation of C in a platform-dependent manner. Typically, a class or interface will be represented using a file in a hierarchical file system, and the name of the class or interface will be encoded in the pathname of the file.

Note that there is no guarantee that a purported representation found is valid or is a representation of C. This phase of loading must detect the following error:

Then the Java Virtual Machine attempts to derive a class denoted by N using the bootstrap class loader from the purported representation using the algorithm found in 5.3.5. That class is C.

5.3.2 Loading Using a User-defined Class Loader

The following steps are used to load and thereby create the nonarray class or interface C denoted by N using a user-defined class loader L.

First, the Java Virtual Machine determines whether L has already been recorded as an initiating loader of a class or interface denoted by N. If so, this class or interface is C, and no class creation is necessary.

Otherwise, the Java Virtual Machine invokes loadClass(*N*) on L. The value returned by the invocation is the created class or interface C. The Java Virtual Machine then records that L is an initiating loader of C (5.3.4). The remainder of this section describes this process in more detail.

When the loadClass method of the class loader L is invoked with the name N of a class or interface C to be loaded, L must perform one of the following two operations in order to load C:

  1. The class loader L can create an array of bytes representing C as the bytes of a ClassFile structure (4.1); it then must invoke the method defineClass of class ClassLoader. Invoking defineClass causes the Java Virtual Machine to derive a class or interface denoted by N using L from the array of bytes using the algorithm found in 5.3.5.

    If the class or interface produced by loadClass has name N but is different than the class or interface created by defineClass, the Java Virtual Machine must throw an instance of LinkageError or a subclass of LinkageError.

  2. The class loader L can delegate the loading of C to some other class loader L'. This is accomplished by passing the argument N directly or indirectly to an invocation of a method on L' (typically the loadClass method). The result of the invocation is C.

In either (1) or (2), if the class loader L is unable to load a class or interface denoted by N for any reason, it must throw an instance of ClassNotFoundException, whereupon the Java Virtual Machine must throw an instance of NoClassDefFoundError whose cause is the instance of ClassNotFoundException.

If the result of the loadClass invocation is null, or is a loaded class or interface with a name other than N, the Java Virtual Machine must throw an instance of NoClassDefFoundError.

These additional rules attempt to capture actual error checks as observed in JDK 12 and OpenJ9 0.15.

The check in step 1 produces different errors in the two implementations: Hotspot throws a LinkageError, while J9 throws a NoClassDefFoundError.

Note that if defineClass is called by some loader other than the initiating loader, the check in step (1) is not performed. This is because the delegated loading is a reflective call, and so not subject to these JVM-level loading checks.

Since JDK 1.1, Oracle’s Java Virtual Machine implementation has invoked the loadClass method of a class loader in order to cause it to load a class or interface. The argument to loadClass is the name of the class or interface to be loaded. There is also a two-argument version of the loadClass method, where the second argument is a boolean that indicates whether the class or interface is to be linked or not. Only the two-argument version was supplied in JDK 1.0.2, and Oracle’s Java Virtual Machine implementation relied on it to link the loaded class or interface. From JDK 1.1 onward, Oracle’s Java Virtual Machine implementation links the class or interface directly, without relying on the class loader.

5.3.3 Creating Array Classes

The following steps are used to create the array class C denoted by N using class loader L. Class loader L may be either the bootstrap class loader or a user-defined class loader.

If L has already been recorded as an initiating loader of an array class with the same component type as N, that class is C, and no array class creation is necessary.

Otherwise, the following steps are performed to create C:

  1. If the component type is a reference type, the algorithm of this section (5.3) is applied recursively using class loader L in order to load and thereby create the component type of C.

  2. The Java Virtual Machine creates a new array class with the indicated component type and number of dimensions.

    If the component type is a reference type, C is marked as having been defined by the defining class loader of the component type. Otherwise, C is marked as having been defined by the bootstrap class loader.

    In any case, the Java Virtual Machine then records that L is an initiating loader for C (5.3.4).

    If the component type is a reference type, the accessibility of the array class is determined by the accessibility of its component type (5.4.4). Otherwise, the array class is accessible to all classes and interfaces.

Deleting this section will necessitate a renumbering or restructuring of the subsequent sections.

5.3.4 Loading Constraints

Ensuring type safe linkage in the presence of class loaders requires special care. It is possible that when two different class loaders initiate loading of a class or interface denoted by N, the name N may denote a different class or interface in each loader.

When a class or interface C = <N1, L1> makes a symbolic reference to a field or method of another class or interface D = <N2, L2>, the symbolic reference includes a descriptor specifying the type of the field, or the return and argument types of the method. It is essential that any type class or interface name N mentioned in the field or method descriptor (4.3.1, 4.3.2) denote the same class or interface when loaded by L1 and when loaded by L2.

To ensure this, the Java Virtual Machine imposes loading constraints of the form NL1 = NL2 during preparation (5.4.2) and resolution (5.4.3).

To enforce these constraints, the Java Virtual Machine will, at certain prescribed times (see 5.3.1, 5.3.2, 5.3.3, and 5.3.5), record that a particular loader is an initiating loader of a particular class. After recording that a loader is an initiating loader of a class, the Java Virtual Machine must immediately check to see if any loading constraints are violated. If so, the record is retracted, the Java Virtual Machine throws a LinkageError, and the loading operation that caused the recording to take place fails.

Similarly, after imposing a loading constraint (see 5.4.2,,, and, the Java Virtual Machine must immediately check to see if any loading constraints are violated. If so, the newly imposed loading constraint is retracted, the Java Virtual Machine throws a LinkageError, and the operation that caused the constraint to be imposed (either resolution or preparation, as the case may be) fails.

The situations described here are the only times at which the Java Virtual Machine checks whether any loading constraints have been violated. A loading constraint is violated if, and only if, all the following four conditions hold:

A full discussion of class loaders and type safety is beyond the scope of this specification. For a more comprehensive discussion, readers are referred to Dynamic Class Loading in the Java Virtual Machine by Sheng Liang and Gilad Bracha (Proceedings of the 1998 ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages and Applications).

5.3.5 Deriving a Class from a class File Representation

The following steps are used to derive a Class object for the nonarray class or interface C denoted by N using loader L from a purported representation in class file format.

This section says nothing about Class objects, which are only auxiliary to creation and loading. Instead, these rules describe how to derive an abstract "class or interface" from a name and class loader.

  1. First, the Java Virtual Machine determines whether it has already recorded that L is an initiating loader of a class or interface denoted by N. If so, this creation attempt is invalid and L is allowed to create a class or interface named N. If not, loading throws a LinkageError.

    A class loader L is not allowed to create a class or interface named N if one of the following are true:

    • L has already been recorded as as an initiating loader of a class or interface named N.

    • L is not the bootstrap class loader (5.3) and N is the reserved name java/lang/Object.

    The second case, combined with restrictions in 4.1, ensures there is only one root of the class hierarchy, and the name java/lang/Object can reliably be used to refer to it.

    The Java SE API enforces additional security restrictions that prevent unauthorized attempts to load classes in certain packages, including java.*.

    In practice, the security restrictions make it impossible to test the Object rule—a SecurityException will happen before the JVM can perform this check. But for internal consistency, it seems important to state.

  2. Otherwise, the Java Virtual Machine attempts to parse the purported representation. However, the purported representation may not in fact be a valid representation of C.

    This phase of loading must detect the following errors:

    • If the purported representation is not a ClassFile structure (4.1, 4.8), loading throws an instance of ClassFormatError.

      It doesn't make sense to try to parse a class file before determining that the version number is supported. The version check has to happen first.

    • Otherwise, if If the purported representation is not of a supported major or minor version (4.1) provides a major and minor version number in its 5th through 8th bites (4.1), but the version number is not supported by this Java Virtual Machine implementation, loading throws an instance of UnsupportedClassVersionError.

      UnsupportedClassVersionError, a subclass of ClassFormatError, was introduced to enable easy identification of a ClassFormatError caused by an attempt to load a class whose representation uses an unsupported version of the class file format. In JDK 1.1 and earlier, an instance of NoClassDefFoundError or ClassFormatError was thrown in case of an unsupported version, depending on whether the class was being loaded by the system class loader or a user-defined class loader.

    • Otherwise, if the purported representation is not a ClassFile structure (4.1, 4.8), loading throws an instance of ClassFormatError.

    • Otherwise, if the purported representation does not actually represent a class or interface named N, loading throws an instance of NoClassDefFoundError or an instance of one of its subclasses.

      This occurs when the purported representation has either a this_class item which specifies a name other than N, or an access_flags item which has the ACC_MODULE flag set.

  3. If C has a direct superclass, the symbolic reference from C to its direct superclass is resolved using the algorithm of Note that if C is an interface it must have Object as its direct superclass, which must already have been loaded. Only Object has no direct superclass.

    Any exceptions that can be thrown due to class or interface resolution can be thrown as a result of this phase of loading. In addition, this phase of loading must detect the following errors:

    • If the class or interface named as the direct superclass of C is in fact an interface, loading throws an IncompatibleClassChangeError.

    • Otherwise, if any of the superclasses of C is C itself If the attempt to resolve the direct superclass leads to the current thread attempting to recursively create a class named N using loader L, loading throws a ClassCircularityError.

      How can we decide whether a superclass is "C itself" without actually creating the superclass first? And, of course, we can't create the superclass without recursively applying this check. This dependency loop is broken by detecting when a second attempt is made to create a class named N.

    • Otherwise, if the class or interface named as the direct superclass of C is an interface or a final class, loading throws an IncompatibleClassChangeError.

      JDK 13 behavior when extending a final class is to throw VerifyError. An IncompatibleClassChangeError makes a lot more sense.

    • Otherwise, if C is a class and any non-static method declared in C can override (5.4.5) a final, non-static method declared in a superclass of C, loading throws an IncompatibleClassChangeError.

      Same comment about the exception type.

  4. If C has any direct superinterfaces, the symbolic references from C to its direct superinterfaces are resolved using the algorithm of

    Any exceptions that can be thrown due to class or interface resolution can be thrown as a result of this phase of loading. In addition, this phase of loading must detect the following errors:

    • If any of the classes or interfaces named as direct superinterfaces of C is not in fact an interface, loading throws an IncompatibleClassChangeError.

    • Otherwise, if any of the superinterfaces of C is C itself If the attempt to resolve a direct superinterface leads to the current thread attempting to recursively create a class named N using loader L, loading throws a ClassCircularityError.

    • Otherwise, if any of the classes or interfaces named as direct superinterfaces of C is not in fact an interface, loading throws an IncompatibleClassChangeError.

  5. If, since step 1, in another thread, the Java Virtual Machine has marked a class or interface named N as having L as its defining class loader, that class or interface is the result of class creation, and the class or interface created in steps 1-4 is discarded.

    This is the longstanding behavior of Hotspot, but there was no provision for it in the specification.

    The Otherwise, the class or interface created in steps 1-4 is the result of class creation, and the Java Virtual Machine marks C as having L as its defining class loader and records that L is an initiating loader of C (5.3.4).

5.4 Linking

5.4.3 Resolution

Many Java Virtual Machine instructions - anewarray, checkcast, getfield, getstatic, instanceof, invokedynamic, invokeinterface, invokespecial, invokestatic, invokevirtual, ldc, ldc_w, ldc2_w, multianewarray, new, putfield, and putstatic - rely on symbolic references in the run-time constant pool. Execution of any of these instructions requires resolution of the symbolic reference.

Resolution is the process of dynamically determining one or more concrete values from a symbolic reference in the run-time constant pool. Initially, all symbolic references in the run-time constant pool are unresolved.

Resolution of an unresolved symbolic reference to (i) a class, or interface, or array type, (ii) a field, (iii) a method, (iv) a method type, (v) a method handle, or (vi) a dynamically-computed constant, proceeds in accordance with the rules given in through

... Class, and Interface, and Array Type Resolution

To resolve an unresolved symbolic reference from D to a class or interface C denoted by N, the following steps are performed:

  1. The defining class loader of D is used to create a class or interface denoted by N. This class or interface is C. The details of the process are given in 5.3.

    Any exception that can be thrown as a result of failure of class or interface creation can thus be thrown as a result of failure of class and interface resolution.

  2. If C is an array class and its element type is a reference type, then a symbolic reference to the class or interface representing the element type is resolved by invoking the algorithm in recursively.

  3. Finally, access Access control is applied for the access from D to C (5.4.4).

To resolve an unresolved symbolic reference from D to an array type T, the following steps are performed:

  1. If the element type of the array type is a class or interface type, the named class or interface is resolved, as if by resolution of an unresolved symbolic reference to the named class or interface.

  2. A representation of the array type denoted by the symbolic reference is created.

If steps 1 and 2 succeed but step 3 fails, C is still valid and usable. Nevertheless, resolution fails, and D is prohibited from accessing C. If resolution of a class, interface, or array type successfully loads a class or interface, but a subsequent step (such as access checking) fails, the class or interface is still valid and usable. Nevertheless, resolution fails, and the symbolic reference that was being resolved is invalid.