/* * Copyright (c) 2017, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package compiler.valhalla.valuetypes; import jdk.test.lib.Asserts; import java.lang.invoke.*; import java.lang.reflect.Method; /* * @test * @summary Test value type calling convention optimizations * @library /testlibrary /test/lib /compiler/whitebox / * @requires (os.simpleArch == "x64" | os.simpleArch == "aarch64") * @compile TestCallingConvention.java * @run driver ClassFileInstaller sun.hotspot.WhiteBox jdk.test.lib.Platform * @run main/othervm/timeout=300 -Xbootclasspath/a:. -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions * -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI * compiler.valhalla.valuetypes.ValueTypeTest * compiler.valhalla.valuetypes.TestCallingConvention */ public class TestCallingConvention extends ValueTypeTest { // Extra VM parameters for some test scenarios. See ValueTypeTest.getVMParameters() @Override public String[] getExtraVMParameters(int scenario) { switch (scenario) { case 0: return new String[] {"-Dsun.reflect.inflationThreshold=10000"}; // Don't generate bytecodes but call through runtime for reflective calls case 1: return new String[] {"-Dsun.reflect.inflationThreshold=10000"}; case 3: return new String[] {"-XX:ValueArrayElemMaxFlatSize=0"}; } return null; } static { try { Class clazz = TestCallingConvention.class; ClassLoader loader = clazz.getClassLoader(); MethodHandles.Lookup lookup = MethodHandles.lookup(); MethodType mt32 = MethodType.methodType(MyValue2.class, boolean.class); test32_mh = lookup.findVirtual(clazz, "test32_interp", mt32); MethodType mt33 = MethodType.methodType(Object.class, boolean.class); test33_mh = lookup.findVirtual(clazz, "test33_interp", mt33); } catch (NoSuchMethodException | IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException("Method handle lookup failed"); } } public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable { TestCallingConvention test = new TestCallingConvention(); test.run(args, MyValue1.class, MyValue2.class, MyValue2Inline.class, MyValue4.class, Test27Value1.class, Test27Value2.class, Test27Value3.class); } // Test interpreter to compiled code with various signatures @Test(failOn = ALLOC + STORE + TRAP) public long test1(MyValue2 v) { return v.hash(); } @DontCompile public void test1_verifier(boolean warmup) { MyValue2 v = MyValue2.createWithFieldsInline(rI, true); long result = test1(v); Asserts.assertEQ(result, v.hashInterpreted()); } @Test(failOn = ALLOC + STORE + TRAP) public long test2(int i1, MyValue2 v, int i2) { return v.hash() + i1 - i2; } @DontCompile public void test2_verifier(boolean warmup) { MyValue2 v = MyValue2.createWithFieldsInline(rI, true); long result = test2(rI, v, 2*rI); Asserts.assertEQ(result, v.hashInterpreted() - rI); } @Test(failOn = ALLOC + STORE + TRAP) public long test3(long l1, MyValue2 v, long l2) { return v.hash() + l1 - l2; } @DontCompile public void test3_verifier(boolean warmup) { MyValue2 v = MyValue2.createWithFieldsInline(rI, true); long result = test3(rL, v, 2*rL); Asserts.assertEQ(result, v.hashInterpreted() - rL); } @Test(failOn = ALLOC + STORE + TRAP) public long test4(int i, MyValue2 v, long l) { return v.hash() + i + l; } @DontCompile public void test4_verifier(boolean warmup) { MyValue2 v = MyValue2.createWithFieldsInline(rI, true); long result = test4(rI, v, rL); Asserts.assertEQ(result, v.hashInterpreted() + rL + rI); } @Test(failOn = ALLOC + STORE + TRAP) public long test5(long l, MyValue2 v, int i) { return v.hash() + i + l; } @DontCompile public void test5_verifier(boolean warmup) { MyValue2 v = MyValue2.createWithFieldsInline(rI, true); long result = test5(rL, v, rI); Asserts.assertEQ(result, v.hashInterpreted() + rL + rI); } @Test(failOn = ALLOC + STORE + TRAP) public long test6(long l, MyValue1 v1, int i, MyValue2 v2) { return v1.hash() + i + l + v2.hash(); } @DontCompile public void test6_verifier(boolean warmup) { MyValue1 v1 = MyValue1.createWithFieldsDontInline(rI, rL); MyValue2 v2 = MyValue2.createWithFieldsInline(rI, true); long result = test6(rL, v1, rI, v2); Asserts.assertEQ(result, v1.hashInterpreted() + rL + rI + v2.hashInterpreted()); } // Test compiled code to interpreter with various signatures @DontCompile public long test7_interp(MyValue2 v) { return v.hash(); } @Test(failOn = ALLOC + STORE + TRAP) public long test7(MyValue2 v) { return test7_interp(v); } @DontCompile public void test7_verifier(boolean warmup) { MyValue2 v = MyValue2.createWithFieldsInline(rI, true); long result = test7(v); Asserts.assertEQ(result, v.hashInterpreted()); } @DontCompile public long test8_interp(int i1, MyValue2 v, int i2) { return v.hash() + i1 - i2; } @Test(failOn = ALLOC + STORE + TRAP) public long test8(int i1, MyValue2 v, int i2) { return test8_interp(i1, v, i2); } @DontCompile public void test8_verifier(boolean warmup) { MyValue2 v = MyValue2.createWithFieldsInline(rI, true); long result = test8(rI, v, 2*rI); Asserts.assertEQ(result, v.hashInterpreted() - rI); } @DontCompile public long test9_interp(long l1, MyValue2 v, long l2) { return v.hash() + l1 - l2; } @Test(failOn = ALLOC + STORE + TRAP) public long test9(long l1, MyValue2 v, long l2) { return test9_interp(l1, v, l2); } @DontCompile public void test9_verifier(boolean warmup) { MyValue2 v = MyValue2.createWithFieldsInline(rI, true); long result = test9(rL, v, 2*rL); Asserts.assertEQ(result, v.hashInterpreted() - rL); } @DontCompile public long test10_interp(int i, MyValue2 v, long l) { return v.hash() + i + l; } @Test(failOn = ALLOC + STORE + TRAP) public long test10(int i, MyValue2 v, long l) { return test10_interp(i, v, l); } @DontCompile public void test10_verifier(boolean warmup) { MyValue2 v = MyValue2.createWithFieldsInline(rI, true); long result = test10(rI, v, rL); Asserts.assertEQ(result, v.hashInterpreted() + rL + rI); } @DontCompile public long test11_interp(long l, MyValue2 v, int i) { return v.hash() + i + l; } @Test(failOn = ALLOC + STORE + TRAP) public long test11(long l, MyValue2 v, int i) { return test11_interp(l, v, i); } @DontCompile public void test11_verifier(boolean warmup) { MyValue2 v = MyValue2.createWithFieldsInline(rI, true); long result = test11(rL, v, rI); Asserts.assertEQ(result, v.hashInterpreted() + rL + rI); } @DontCompile public long test12_interp(long l, MyValue1 v1, int i, MyValue2 v2) { return v1.hash() + i + l + v2.hash(); } @Test(failOn = ALLOC + STORE + TRAP) public long test12(long l, MyValue1 v1, int i, MyValue2 v2) { return test12_interp(l, v1, i, v2); } @DontCompile public void test12_verifier(boolean warmup) { MyValue1 v1 = MyValue1.createWithFieldsDontInline(rI, rL); MyValue2 v2 = MyValue2.createWithFieldsInline(rI, true); long result = test12(rL, v1, rI, v2); Asserts.assertEQ(result, v1.hashInterpreted() + rL + rI + v2.hashInterpreted()); } // Test that debug info at a call is correct @DontCompile public long test13_interp(MyValue2 v, MyValue1[] va, boolean deopt) { if (deopt) { // uncommon trap WHITE_BOX.deoptimizeMethod(tests.get(getClass().getSimpleName() + "::test13")); } return v.hash() + va[0].hash() + va[1].hash(); } @Test(failOn = ALLOC + STORE + TRAP) public long test13(MyValue2 v, MyValue1[] va, boolean flag, long l) { return test13_interp(v, va, flag) + l; } @DontCompile public void test13_verifier(boolean warmup) { MyValue2 v = MyValue2.createWithFieldsInline(rI, true); MyValue1[] va = new MyValue1[2]; va[0] = MyValue1.createWithFieldsDontInline(rI, rL); va[1] = MyValue1.createWithFieldsDontInline(rI, rL); long result = test13(v, va, !warmup, rL); Asserts.assertEQ(result, v.hashInterpreted() + va[0].hash() + va[1].hash() + rL); } // Test deoptimization at call return with return value in registers @DontCompile public MyValue2 test14_interp(boolean deopt) { if (deopt) { // uncommon trap WHITE_BOX.deoptimizeMethod(tests.get(getClass().getSimpleName() + "::test14")); } return MyValue2.createWithFieldsInline(rI, true); } @Test() public MyValue2 test14(boolean flag) { return test14_interp(flag); } @DontCompile public void test14_verifier(boolean warmup) { MyValue2 result = test14(!warmup); MyValue2 v = MyValue2.createWithFieldsInline(rI, true); Asserts.assertEQ(result.hash(), v.hash()); } // Return value types in registers from interpreter -> compiled final MyValue3 test15_vt = MyValue3.create(); @DontCompile public MyValue3 test15_interp() { return test15_vt; } MyValue3 test15_vt2; @Test(valid = ValueTypeReturnedAsFieldsOn, failOn = ALLOC + LOAD + TRAP) @Test(valid = ValueTypeReturnedAsFieldsOff) public void test15() { test15_vt2 = test15_interp(); } @DontCompile public void test15_verifier(boolean warmup) { test15(); test15_vt.verify(test15_vt2); } // Return value types in registers from compiled -> interpreter final MyValue3 test16_vt = MyValue3.create(); @Test(valid = ValueTypeReturnedAsFieldsOn, failOn = ALLOC + STORE + TRAP) @Test(valid = ValueTypeReturnedAsFieldsOff) public MyValue3 test16() { return test16_vt; } @DontCompile public void test16_verifier(boolean warmup) { MyValue3 vt = test16(); test16_vt.verify(vt); } // Return value types in registers from compiled -> compiled final MyValue3 test17_vt = MyValue3.create(); @DontInline public MyValue3 test17_comp() { return test17_vt; } MyValue3 test17_vt2; @Test(valid = ValueTypeReturnedAsFieldsOn, failOn = ALLOC + LOAD + TRAP) @Test(valid = ValueTypeReturnedAsFieldsOff) public void test17() { test17_vt2 = test17_comp(); } @DontCompile public void test17_verifier(boolean warmup) throws Exception { Method helper_m = getClass().getDeclaredMethod("test17_comp"); if (!warmup && USE_COMPILER && !WHITE_BOX.isMethodCompiled(helper_m, false)) { WHITE_BOX.enqueueMethodForCompilation(helper_m, COMP_LEVEL_FULL_OPTIMIZATION); Asserts.assertTrue(WHITE_BOX.isMethodCompiled(helper_m, false), "test17_comp not compiled"); } test17(); test17_vt.verify(test17_vt2); } // Same tests as above but with a value type that cannot be returned in registers // Return value types in registers from interpreter -> compiled final MyValue4 test18_vt = MyValue4.create(); @DontCompile public MyValue4 test18_interp() { return test18_vt; } MyValue4 test18_vt2; @Test public void test18() { test18_vt2 = test18_interp(); } @DontCompile public void test18_verifier(boolean warmup) { test18(); test18_vt.verify(test18_vt2); } // Return value types in registers from compiled -> interpreter final MyValue4 test19_vt = MyValue4.create(); @Test public MyValue4 test19() { return test19_vt; } @DontCompile public void test19_verifier(boolean warmup) { MyValue4 vt = test19(); test19_vt.verify(vt); } // Return value types in registers from compiled -> compiled final MyValue4 test20_vt = MyValue4.create(); @DontInline public MyValue4 test20_comp() { return test20_vt; } MyValue4 test20_vt2; @Test public void test20() { test20_vt2 = test20_comp(); } @DontCompile public void test20_verifier(boolean warmup) throws Exception { Method helper_m = getClass().getDeclaredMethod("test20_comp"); if (!warmup && USE_COMPILER && !WHITE_BOX.isMethodCompiled(helper_m, false)) { WHITE_BOX.enqueueMethodForCompilation(helper_m, COMP_LEVEL_FULL_OPTIMIZATION); Asserts.assertTrue(WHITE_BOX.isMethodCompiled(helper_m, false), "test20_comp not compiled"); } test20(); test20_vt.verify(test20_vt2); } // Test no result from inlined method for incremental inlining final MyValue3 test21_vt = MyValue3.create(); public MyValue3 test21_inlined() { throw new RuntimeException(); } @Test public MyValue3 test21() { try { return test21_inlined(); } catch (RuntimeException ex) { return test21_vt; } } @DontCompile public void test21_verifier(boolean warmup) { MyValue3 vt = test21(); test21_vt.verify(vt); } // Test returning a non-flattened value type as fields MyValue3? test22_vt = MyValue3.create(); @Test public MyValue3 test22() { return (MyValue3) test22_vt; } @DontCompile public void test22_verifier(boolean warmup) { MyValue3 vt = test22(); test22_vt.verify(vt); } // Test calling a method that has circular register/stack dependencies when unpacking value type arguments inline class TestValue23 { final double f1; TestValue23(double val) { f1 = val; } } static double test23Callee(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, int i6, TestValue23 v1, TestValue23 v2, TestValue23 v3, TestValue23 v4, TestValue23 v5, TestValue23 v6, TestValue23 v7, TestValue23 v8, double d1, double d2, double d3, double d4, double d5, double d6, double d7, double d8) { return i1 + i2 + i3 + i4 + i5 + i6 + v1.f1 + v2.f1 + v3.f1 + v4.f1 + v5.f1 + v6.f1 + v7.f1 + v8.f1 + d1 + d2 + d3 + d4 + d5 + d6 + d7 + d8; } @Test public double test23(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, int i6, TestValue23 v1, TestValue23 v2, TestValue23 v3, TestValue23 v4, TestValue23 v5, TestValue23 v6, TestValue23 v7, TestValue23 v8, double d1, double d2, double d3, double d4, double d5, double d6, double d7, double d8) { return test23Callee(i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, d8); } @DontCompile public void test23_verifier(boolean warmup) { TestValue23 vt = new TestValue23(rI); double res1 = test23(rI, rI, rI, rI, rI, rI, vt, vt, vt, vt, vt, vt, vt, vt, rI, rI, rI, rI, rI, rI, rI, rI); double res2 = test23Callee(rI, rI, rI, rI, rI, rI, vt, vt, vt, vt, vt, vt, vt, vt, rI, rI, rI, rI, rI, rI, rI, rI); double res3 = 6*rI + 8*rI + 8*rI; Asserts.assertEQ(res1, res2); Asserts.assertEQ(res2, res3); } // Should not return a nullable value type as fields @Test public MyValue2? test24() { return null; } @DontCompile public void test24_verifier(boolean warmup) { MyValue2? vt = test24(); Asserts.assertEQ(vt, null); } // Same as test24 but with control flow and inlining @ForceInline public MyValue2? test26_callee(boolean b) { if (b) { return null; } else { return MyValue2.createWithFieldsInline(rI, true); } } @Test public MyValue2? test26(boolean b) { return test26_callee(b); } @DontCompile public void test26_verifier(boolean warmup) { MyValue2? vt = test26(true); Asserts.assertEQ(vt, null); vt = test26(false); Asserts.assertEQ(vt.hash(), MyValue2.createWithFieldsInline(rI, true).hash()); } // Test calling convention with deep hierarchy of flattened fields final inline class Test27Value1 { final Test27Value2 valueField; private Test27Value1(Test27Value2 val2) { valueField = val2; } @DontInline public int test(Test27Value1 val1) { return valueField.test(valueField) + val1.valueField.test(valueField); } } final inline class Test27Value2 { final Test27Value3 valueField; private Test27Value2(Test27Value3 val3) { valueField = val3; } @DontInline public int test(Test27Value2 val2) { return valueField.test(valueField) + val2.valueField.test(valueField); } } final inline class Test27Value3 { final int x; private Test27Value3(int x) { this.x = x; } @DontInline public int test(Test27Value3 val3) { return x + val3.x; } } @Test public int test27(Test27Value1 val) { return val.test(val); } @DontCompile public void test27_verifier(boolean warmup) { Test27Value3 val3 = new Test27Value3(rI); Test27Value2 val2 = new Test27Value2(val3); Test27Value1 val1 = new Test27Value1(val2); int result = test27(val1); Asserts.assertEQ(result, 8*rI); } static final MyValue1? test28Val = MyValue1.createWithFieldsDontInline(rI, rL); @Test @Warmup(0) public String test28() { return test28Val.toString(); } @DontCompile public void test28_verifier(boolean warmup) { String result = test28(); } // TODO enable once JDK-8224110 and JDK-8224211 are fixed /* // Test calling a method returning a value type as fields via reflection MyValue3 test29_vt = MyValue3.create(); @Test public MyValue3 test29() { return test29_vt; } @DontCompile public void test29_verifier(boolean warmup) throws Exception { MyValue3 vt = (MyValue3)TestCallingConvention.class.getDeclaredMethod("test29").invoke(this); test29_vt.verify(vt); } @Test public MyValue3 test30(MyValue3[] array) { MyValue3 result = MyValue3.create(); array[0] = result; return result; } @DontCompile public void test30_verifier(boolean warmup) throws Exception { MyValue3[] array = new MyValue3[1]; MyValue3 vt = (MyValue3)TestCallingConvention.class.getDeclaredMethod("test30", MyValue3[].class).invoke(this, array); array[0].verify(vt); } MyValue3 test31_vt; @Test public MyValue3 test31() { MyValue3 result = MyValue3.create(); test31_vt = result; return result; } @DontCompile public void test31_verifier(boolean warmup) throws Exception { MyValue3 vt = (MyValue3)TestCallingConvention.class.getDeclaredMethod("test31").invoke(this); test31_vt.verify(vt); } */ // Test deoptimization at call return with return value in registers. Same as test14, except the interpreted method // is called via a MethodHandle. static MethodHandle test32_mh; @DontCompile public MyValue2 test32_interp(boolean deopt) { if (deopt) { // uncommon trap WHITE_BOX.deoptimizeMethod(tests.get(getClass().getSimpleName() + "::test32")); } return MyValue2.createWithFieldsInline(rI+32, true); } @Test() public MyValue2 test32(boolean flag) throws Throwable { return (MyValue2)test32_mh.invokeExact(this, flag); } @DontCompile public void test32_verifier(boolean warmup) throws Throwable { MyValue2 result = test32(!warmup); MyValue2 v = MyValue2.createWithFieldsInline(rI+32, true); Asserts.assertEQ(result.hash(), v.hash()); } // Same as test32, except the return type is not flattenable. static MethodHandle test33_mh; @DontCompile public Object test33_interp(boolean deopt) { if (deopt) { // uncommon trap WHITE_BOX.deoptimizeMethod(tests.get(getClass().getSimpleName() + "::test33")); } return MyValue2.createWithFieldsInline(rI+33, true); } @Test() public MyValue2 test33(boolean flag) throws Throwable { Object o = test33_mh.invokeExact(this, flag); return (MyValue2)o; } @DontCompile public void test33_verifier(boolean warmup) throws Throwable { MyValue2 result = test33(!warmup); MyValue2 v = MyValue2.createWithFieldsInline(rI+33, true); Asserts.assertEQ(result.hash(), v.hash()); } }