1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  *
  23  */
  28 #include "memory/allocation.hpp"
  29 #include "utilities/globalDefinitions.hpp"
  31 /**
  32  * Guarded memory for detecting buffer overrun.
  33  *
  34  * Allows allocations to be wrapped with padded bytes of a known byte pattern,
  35  * that is a "guard". Guard patterns may be verified to detect buffer overruns.
  36  *
  37  * Primarily used by "debug malloc" and "checked JNI".
  38  *
  39  * Memory layout:
  40  *
  41  * |Offset             | Content              | Description    |
  42  * |------------------------------------------------------------
  43  * |base_addr          | 0xABABABABABABABAB   | Head guard     |
  44  * |+16                | <size_t:user_size>   | User data size |
  45  * |+sizeof(uintptr_t) | <tag>                | Tag word       |
  46  * |+sizeof(void*)     | 0xF1 <user_data> (   | User data      |
  47  * |+user_size         | 0xABABABABABABABAB   | Tail guard     |
  48  * -------------------------------------------------------------
  49  *
  50  * Where:
  51  *  - guard padding uses "badResourceValue" (0xAB)
  52  *  - tag word is general purpose
  53  *  - user data
  54  *    -- initially padded with "uninitBlockPad" (0xF1),
  55  *    -- to "freeBlockPad" (0xBA), when freed
  56  *
  57  * Usage:
  58  *
  59  * * Allocations: one may wrap allocations with guard memory:
  60  * <code>
  61  *   Thing* alloc_thing() {
  62  *     void* mem = user_alloc_fn(GuardedMemory::get_total_size(sizeof(thing)));
  63  *     GuardedMemory guarded(mem, sizeof(thing));
  64  *     return (Thing*) guarded.get_user_ptr();
  65  *   }
  66  * </code>
  67  * * Verify: memory guards are still in tact
  68  * <code>
  69  *   bool verify_thing(Thing* thing) {
  70  *     GuardedMemory guarded((void*)thing);
  71  *     return guarded.verify_guards();
  72  *   }
  73  * </code>
  74  * * Free: one may mark bytes as freed (further debugging support)
  75  * <code>
  76  *   void free_thing(Thing* thing) {
  77  *    GuardedMemory guarded((void*)thing);
  78  *    assert(guarded.verify_guards(), "Corrupt thing");
  79  *    user_free_fn(guards.release_for_freeing();
  80  *   }
  81  * </code>
  82  */
  83 class GuardedMemory : StackObj { // Wrapper on stack
  85   // Private inner classes for memory layout...
  87 protected:
  89   /**
  90    * Guard class for header and trailer known pattern to test for overwrites.
  91    */
  92   class Guard { // Class for raw memory (no vtbl allowed)
  93     friend class GuardedMemory;
  94    protected:
  95     enum {
  96       GUARD_SIZE = 16
  97     };
  99     u_char _guard[GUARD_SIZE];
 101    public:
 103     void build() {
 104       u_char* c = _guard; // Possibly unaligned if tail guard
 105       u_char* end = c + GUARD_SIZE;
 106       while (c < end) {
 107         *c = badResourceValue;
 108         c++;
 109       }
 110     }
 112     bool verify() const {
 113       u_char* c = (u_char*) _guard;
 114       u_char* end = c + GUARD_SIZE;
 115       while (c < end) {
 116         if (*c != badResourceValue) {
 117           return false;
 118         }
 119         c++;
 120       }
 121       return true;
 122     }
 124   }; // GuardedMemory::Guard
 126   /**
 127    * Header guard and size
 128    */
 129   class GuardHeader : Guard {
 130     friend class GuardedMemory;
 131    protected:
 132     // Take care in modifying fields here, will effect alignment
 133     // e.g. x86 ABI 16 byte stack alignment
 134     union {
 135       uintptr_t __unused_full_word1;
 136       size_t _user_size;
 137     };
 138     void* _tag;
 139    public:
 140     void set_user_size(const size_t usz) { _user_size = usz; }
 141     size_t get_user_size() const { return _user_size; }
 143     void set_tag(const void* tag) { _tag = (void*) tag; }
 144     void* get_tag() const { return _tag; }
 146   }; // GuardedMemory::GuardHeader
 148   // Guarded Memory...
 150  protected:
 151   u_char* _base_addr;
 153  public:
 155   /**
 156    * Create new guarded memory.
 157    *
 158    * Wraps, starting at the given "base_ptr" with guards. Use "get_user_ptr()"
 159    * to return a pointer suitable for user data.
 160    *
 161    * @param base_ptr  allocation wishing to be wrapped, must be at least "GuardedMemory::get_total_size()" bytes.
 162    * @param user_size the size of the user data to be wrapped.
 163    * @param tag       optional general purpose tag.
 164    */
 165   GuardedMemory(void* base_ptr, const size_t user_size, const void* tag = NULL) {
 166     wrap_with_guards(base_ptr, user_size, tag);
 167   }
 169   /**
 170    * Wrap existing guarded memory.
 171    *
 172    * To use this constructor, one must have created guarded memory with
 173    * "GuardedMemory(void*, size_t, void*)" (or indirectly via helper, e.g. "wrap_copy()").
 174    *
 175    * @param user_p  existing wrapped memory.
 176    */
 177   GuardedMemory(void* userp) {
 178     u_char* user_ptr = (u_char*) userp;
 179     assert((uintptr_t)user_ptr > (sizeof(GuardHeader) + 0x1000), "Invalid pointer");
 180     _base_addr = (user_ptr - sizeof(GuardHeader));
 181   }
 183   /**
 184    * Create new guarded memory.
 185    *
 186    * Wraps, starting at the given "base_ptr" with guards. Allows reuse of stack allocated helper.
 187    *
 188    * @param base_ptr  allocation wishing to be wrapped, must be at least "GuardedMemory::get_total_size()" bytes.
 189    * @param user_size the size of the user data to be wrapped.
 190    * @param tag       optional general purpose tag.
 191    *
 192    * @return user data pointer (inner pointer to supplied "base_ptr").
 193    */
 194   void* wrap_with_guards(void* base_ptr, size_t user_size, const void* tag = NULL) {
 195     assert(base_ptr != NULL, "Attempt to wrap NULL with memory guard");
 196     _base_addr = (u_char*)base_ptr;
 197     get_head_guard()->build();
 198     get_head_guard()->set_user_size(user_size);
 199     get_tail_guard()->build();
 200     set_tag(tag);
 201     set_user_bytes(uninitBlockPad);
 202     assert(verify_guards(), "Expected valid memory guards");
 203     return get_user_ptr();
 204   }
 206   /**
 207    * Verify head and tail guards.
 208    *
 209    * @return true if guards are intact, false would indicate a buffer overrun.
 210    */
 211   bool verify_guards() const {
 212     if (_base_addr != NULL) {
 213       return (get_head_guard()->verify() && get_tail_guard()->verify());
 214     }
 215     return false;
 216   }
 218   /**
 219    * Set the general purpose tag.
 220    *
 221    * @param tag general purpose tag.
 222    */
 223   void set_tag(const void* tag) { get_head_guard()->set_tag(tag); }
 225   /**
 226    * Return the general purpose tag.
 227    *
 228    * @return the general purpose tag, defaults to NULL.
 229    */
 230   void* get_tag() const { return get_head_guard()->get_tag(); }
 232   /**
 233    * Return the size of the user data.
 234    *
 235    * @return the size of the user data.
 236    */
 237   size_t get_user_size() const {
 238     assert(_base_addr, "Not wrapping any memory");
 239     return get_head_guard()->get_user_size();
 240   }
 242   /**
 243    * Return the user data pointer.
 244    *
 245    * @return the user data pointer.
 246    */
 247   u_char* get_user_ptr() const {
 248     assert(_base_addr, "Not wrapping any memory");
 249     return _base_addr + sizeof(GuardHeader);
 250   }
 252   /**
 253    * Release the wrapped pointer for resource freeing.
 254    *
 255    * Pads the user data with "freeBlockPad", and dis-associates the helper.
 256    *
 257    * @return the original base pointer used to wrap the data.
 258    */
 259   void* release_for_freeing() {
 260     set_user_bytes(freeBlockPad);
 261     return release();
 262   }
 264   /**
 265    * Dis-associate the help from the original base address.
 266    *
 267    * @return the original base pointer used to wrap the data.
 268    */
 269   void* release() {
 270     void* p = (void*) _base_addr;
 271     _base_addr = NULL;
 272     return p;
 273   }
 275   virtual void print_on(outputStream* st) const;
 277  protected:
 278   GuardHeader*  get_head_guard() const { return (GuardHeader*) _base_addr; }
 279   Guard*        get_tail_guard() const { return (Guard*) (get_user_ptr() + get_user_size()); };
 280   void set_user_bytes(u_char ch) {
 281     memset(get_user_ptr(), ch, get_user_size());
 282   }
 284 public:
 285   /**
 286    * Return the total size required for wrapping the given user size.
 287    *
 288    * @return the total size required for wrapping the given user size.
 289    */
 290   static size_t get_total_size(size_t user_size) {
 291     size_t total_size = sizeof(GuardHeader) + user_size + sizeof(Guard);
 292     assert(total_size > user_size, "Unexpected wrap-around");
 293     return total_size;
 294   }
 296   // Helper functions...
 298   /**
 299    * Wrap a copy of size "len" of "ptr".
 300    *
 301    * @param ptr the memory to be copied
 302    * @param len the length of the copy
 303    * @param tag optional general purpose tag (see GuardedMemory::get_tag())
 304    *
 305    * @return guarded wrapped memory pointer to the user area, or NULL if OOM.
 306    */
 307   static void* wrap_copy(const void* p, const size_t len, const void* tag = NULL);
 309   /**
 310    * Free wrapped copy.
 311    *
 312    * Frees memory copied with "wrap_copy()".
 313    *
 314    * @param p memory returned by "wrap_copy()".
 315    *
 316    * @return true if guards were verified as intact. false indicates a buffer overrun.
 317    */
 318   static bool free_copy(void* p);
 320   // Testing...
 321 #ifndef PRODUCT
 322   static void test_guarded_memory(void);
 323 #endif
 324 }; // GuardedMemory