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  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  */
  24 package runtime.valhalla.valuetypes;
  26 import java.lang.reflect.Array;
  27 import java.util.Arrays;
  28 import java.util.ArrayList;
  29 import java.util.List;
  31 import static jdk.test.lib.Asserts.*;
  33 /*
  34  * @test ValueTypeArray
  35  * @summary Plain array test for Inline Types
  36  * @library /test/lib
  37  * @compile -XDemitQtypes -XDenableValueTypes -XDallowWithFieldOperator -XDallowFlattenabilityModifiers -XDallowGenericsOverValues ValueTypeArray.java Point.java Long8Value.java Person.java
  38  * @run main/othervm -Xint  -XX:ValueArrayElemMaxFlatSize=-1 runtime.valhalla.valuetypes.ValueTypeArray
  39  * @run main/othervm -Xint  -XX:ValueArrayElemMaxFlatSize=0  runtime.valhalla.valuetypes.ValueTypeArray
  40  * @run main/othervm -Xcomp -XX:ValueArrayElemMaxFlatSize=-1 runtime.valhalla.valuetypes.ValueTypeArray
  41  * @run main/othervm -Xcomp -XX:ValueArrayElemMaxFlatSize=0  runtime.valhalla.valuetypes.ValueTypeArray
  42  */
  43 public class ValueTypeArray {
  44     public static void main(String[] args) {
  45         ValueTypeArray valueTypeArray = new ValueTypeArray();
  46         valueTypeArray.run();
  47     }
  49     public void run() {
  50         testClassForName();
  51         testSimplePointArray();
  52         testLong8Array();
  53         testMixedPersonArray();
  54         testMultiDimPointArray();
  55         testComposition();
  57         testSanityCheckcasts();

  92         }
  93         catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
  94             fail("Class.forName(" + arrayClsName + ") failed", cnfe);
  95         }
  96     }
  98     void testSimplePointArray() {
  99         Point[] defaultPoint = new Point[1];
 100         Point p = defaultPoint[0];
 101         assertEquals(p.x, 0, "invalid default loaded from array");
 102         assertEquals(p.y, 0, "invalid default loaded from array");
 103         boolean gotNpe = false;
 104         try {
 105             defaultPoint[0] = (Point) getNull();
 106         } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
 107             gotNpe = true;
 108         }
 109         assertTrue(gotNpe, "Expected NullPointerException");
 111         Point[] points = createSimplePointArray();
 112         checkSimplePointArray(points);
 113         System.gc(); // check that VTs survive GC

 115         assertTrue(points instanceof Point[], "Instance of");

 117         Point[] pointsCopy = new Point[points.length];
 118         System.arraycopy(points, 0, pointsCopy, 0, points.length);
 119         checkSimplePointArray(pointsCopy);

 120     }
 122     static Point[] createSimplePointArray() {
 123         Point[] ps = new Point[2];
 124         assertEquals(ps.length, 2, "Length");
 125         ps.toString();
 126         ps[0] = Point.createPoint(1, 2);
 127         ps[1] = Point.createPoint(3, 4);

 128         boolean sawOob = false;
 129         try {
 130             ps[2] = Point.createPoint(0, 0);
 131         } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException aioobe) { sawOob = true; }
 132         assertTrue(sawOob, "Didn't see AIOOBE");
 133         System.gc(); // check that VTs survive GC
 134         return ps;
 135     }
 137     static void checkSimplePointArray(Point[] points) {
 138         assertEquals(points[0].x, 1, "invalid 0 point x value");
 139         assertEquals(points[0].y, 2, "invalid 0 point y value");
 140         assertEquals(points[1].x, 3, "invalid 1 point x value");
 141         assertEquals(points[1].y, 4, "invalid 1 point y value");

 142     }
 144     void testLong8Array() {
 145         Long8Value[] values = new Long8Value[3];
 146         assertEquals(values.length, 3, "length");
 147         values.toString();
 148         Long8Value value = values[1];
 149         long zl = 0;
 150         Long8Value.check(value, zl, zl, zl, zl, zl, zl, zl, zl);
 151         values[1] = Long8Value.create(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8);
 152         value = values[1];
 153         Long8Value.check(value, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8);
 155         Long8Value[] copy = new Long8Value[values.length];
 156         System.arraycopy(values, 0, copy, 0, values.length);
 157         value = copy[1];
 158         Long8Value.check(value, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8);
 159     }
 161     void testMixedPersonArray() {

 197         Point[][][] array3 = (Point[][][]) Array.newInstance(cls, 1, 2);
 198         assertEquals(array3.length, 1, "Incorrect length");
 199         assertEquals(array3[0].length, 2, "Incorrect length");
 200         assertTrue(array3[0][0] == null, "Expected NULL");
 202         // Now create ObjArrays of ValueArray...
 203         cls = (Class<?>) Point.class.asIndirectType();
 204         Point?[][] barray = (Point?[][]) Array.newInstance(cls, 1, 2);
 205         assertEquals(barray.length, 1, "Incorrect length");
 206         assertEquals(barray[0].length, 2, "Incorrect length");
 207         barray[0][1] = Point.createPoint(1, 2);
 208         Point? pb = barray[0][1];
 209         int x = pb.getX();
 210         assertEquals(x, 1, "Bad Point Value");
 211     }
 213     static final inline class MyInt implements Comparable<MyInt?> {
 214         final int value;
 216         private MyInt() { value = 0; }

 217         public int getValue() { return value; }
 218         public String toString() { return "MyInt: " + getValue(); }
 219         public int compareTo(MyInt? that) { return Integer.compare(this.getValue(), that.getValue()); }
 220         public boolean equals(Object o) {
 221             if (o instanceof MyInt) {
 222                 return this.getValue() == ((MyInt) o).getValue();
 223             }
 224             return false;
 225         }
 227         public static MyInt create(int v) {
 228             MyInt mi = MyInt.default;
 229             mi = __WithField(mi.value, v);
 230             return mi;
 231         }
 233         // Null-able fields here are a temp hack to avoid ClassCircularityError
 234         public static final MyInt? MIN = MyInt.create(Integer.MIN_VALUE);
 235         public static final MyInt? ZERO = MyInt.create(0);
 236         public static final MyInt? MAX = MyInt.create(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
 237     }
 239     static MyInt staticMyInt = MyInt.create(-1);
 240     static MyInt[] staticMyIntArray = new MyInt[] { staticMyInt };
 241     static MyInt[][] staticMyIntArrayArray = new MyInt[][] { staticMyIntArray, staticMyIntArray };
 243     static interface SomeSecondaryType {
 244         default String hi() { return "Hi"; }
 245     }
 247     static final inline class MyOtherInt implements SomeSecondaryType {
 248         final int value;
 249         private MyOtherInt() { value = 0; }
 250     }

 409         try {
 410             System.arraycopy(objArray, 0, valArray, 0, 3);
 411             throw new RuntimeException("Expected ArrayStoreException");
 412         } catch (ArrayStoreException ase) {}
 414         MyInt?[] myIntRefArray = new MyInt?[3];
 415         System.arraycopy(valArray, 0, myIntRefArray, 0, 3);
 416         checkArrayElementsEqual(valArray, myIntRefArray);
 418         myIntRefArray[0] = null;
 419         try {
 420             System.arraycopy(myIntRefArray, 0, valArray, 0, 3);
 421             throw new RuntimeException("Expected NullPointerException");
 422         } catch (NullPointerException npe) {}
 423     }
 425     static final inline class MyPoint {
 426         final               MyInt x;
 427         final               MyInt y;
 429         private MyPoint() {
 430             x = (MyInt) MyInt.ZERO;
 431             y = x;

 432         }
 433         public boolean equals(Object that) {
 434             if (that instanceof MyPoint) {
 435                 MyPoint thatPoint = (MyPoint) that;
 436                 return x.equals(thatPoint.x) && java.util.Objects.equals(y, thatPoint.y);
 437             }
 438             return false;
 439         }
 440         static MyPoint create(int x) {
 441             MyPoint mp = MyPoint.default;
 442             mp = __WithField(mp.x, MyInt.create(x));
 443             return mp;
 444         }
 445         static MyPoint create(int x, int y) {
 446             MyPoint mp = MyPoint.default;
 447             mp = __WithField(mp.x, MyInt.create(x));
 448             mp = __WithField(mp.y, MyInt.create(y));
 449             return mp;
 450         }
 451         static final MyPoint? ORIGIN = create(0);
 452     }
 454     void testComposition() {
 455         // Test array operations with compostion of inline types, check element payload is correct...
 456         MyPoint a = MyPoint.create(1, 2);
 457         MyPoint b = MyPoint.create(7, 21);
 458         MyPoint c = MyPoint.create(Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE);
 460         MyPoint[] pts = new MyPoint[3];
 461         if (!pts[0].equals(MyPoint.ORIGIN)) {
 462             throw new RuntimeException("Equals failed: " + pts[0] + " vs " + MyPoint.ORIGIN);
 463         }
 464         pts = new MyPoint[] { a, b, c };
 465         checkArrayElementsEqual(pts, new Object[] { a, b, c});
 466         Object[] oarr = new Object[3];
 468         arrayCopy(pts, 0, oarr, 0, 3);
 469         checkArrayElementsEqual(pts, oarr);

  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  */
  24 package runtime.valhalla.valuetypes;
  26 import java.lang.reflect.Array;
  27 import java.util.Arrays;
  28 import java.util.ArrayList;
  29 import java.util.List;
  31 import static jdk.test.lib.Asserts.*;
  33 /*
  34  * @test ValueTypeArray
  35  * @summary Plain array test for Inline Types
  36  * @library /test/lib
  37  * @compile -XDallowGenericsOverValues ValueTypeArray.java Point.java Long8Value.java Person.java
  38  * @run main/othervm -Xint  -XX:ValueArrayElemMaxFlatSize=-1 runtime.valhalla.valuetypes.ValueTypeArray
  39  * @run main/othervm -Xint  -XX:ValueArrayElemMaxFlatSize=0  runtime.valhalla.valuetypes.ValueTypeArray
  40  * @run main/othervm -Xcomp -XX:ValueArrayElemMaxFlatSize=-1 runtime.valhalla.valuetypes.ValueTypeArray
  41  * @run main/othervm -Xcomp -XX:ValueArrayElemMaxFlatSize=0  runtime.valhalla.valuetypes.ValueTypeArray
  42  */
  43 public class ValueTypeArray {
  44     public static void main(String[] args) {
  45         ValueTypeArray valueTypeArray = new ValueTypeArray();
  46         valueTypeArray.run();
  47     }
  49     public void run() {
  50         testClassForName();
  51         testSimplePointArray();
  52         testLong8Array();
  53         testMixedPersonArray();
  54         testMultiDimPointArray();
  55         testComposition();
  57         testSanityCheckcasts();

  92         }
  93         catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
  94             fail("Class.forName(" + arrayClsName + ") failed", cnfe);
  95         }
  96     }
  98     void testSimplePointArray() {
  99         Point[] defaultPoint = new Point[1];
 100         Point p = defaultPoint[0];
 101         assertEquals(p.x, 0, "invalid default loaded from array");
 102         assertEquals(p.y, 0, "invalid default loaded from array");
 103         boolean gotNpe = false;
 104         try {
 105             defaultPoint[0] = (Point) getNull();
 106         } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
 107             gotNpe = true;
 108         }
 109         assertTrue(gotNpe, "Expected NullPointerException");
 111         Point[] points = createSimplePointArray();

 112         System.gc(); // check that VTs survive GC
 113         checkSimplePointArray(points);
 115         assertTrue(points instanceof Point[], "Instance of");
 117         testSimplePointArrayCopy();
 118     }
 120     void testSimplePointArrayCopy() {
 121         Point[] points = createSimplePointArray();
 122         Point[] pointsCopy = new Point[points.length];
 123         System.arraycopy(points, 0, pointsCopy, 0, points.length);
 124         checkSimplePointArray(pointsCopy);
 126         // Conjoint, overlap...left
 127         System.arraycopy(points, 0, points, 1, 2);
 128         checkArrayElementsEqual(points, new Point[] { pointsCopy[0], pointsCopy[0], pointsCopy[1], pointsCopy[3] });
 130         // Conjoint, overlap...right
 131         points = createSimplePointArray();
 132         System.arraycopy(points, 2, points, 1, 2);
 133         checkArrayElementsEqual(points, new Point[] { pointsCopy[0], pointsCopy[2], pointsCopy[3], pointsCopy[3] });
 134     }
 136     static Point[] createSimplePointArray() {
 137         Point[] ps = new Point[4];
 138         assertEquals(ps.length, 4, "Length");
 139         ps.toString();
 140         ps[0] = Point.createPoint(1, 2);
 141         ps[1] = Point.createPoint(3, 4);
 142         ps[2] = Point.createPoint(5, 6);
 143         ps[3] = Point.createPoint(7, 8);
 144         boolean sawOob = false;
 145         try {
 146             ps[ps.length] = Point.createPoint(0, 0);
 147         } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException aioobe) { sawOob = true; }
 148         assertTrue(sawOob, "Didn't see AIOOBE");

 149         return ps;
 150     }
 152     static void checkSimplePointArray(Point[] points) {
 153         assertEquals(points[0].x, 1, "invalid 0 point x value");
 154         assertEquals(points[0].y, 2, "invalid 0 point y value");
 155         assertEquals(points[1].x, 3, "invalid 1 point x value");
 156         assertEquals(points[1].y, 4, "invalid 1 point y value");
 157         assertEquals(points[2].x, 5, "invalid 2 point x value");
 158         assertEquals(points[2].y, 6, "invalid 2 point y value");
 159         assertEquals(points[3].x, 7, "invalid 3 point x value");
 160         assertEquals(points[3].y, 8, "invalid 3 point y value");
 161     }
 163     void testLong8Array() {
 164         Long8Value[] values = new Long8Value[3];
 165         assertEquals(values.length, 3, "length");
 166         values.toString();
 167         Long8Value value = values[1];
 168         long zl = 0;
 169         Long8Value.check(value, zl, zl, zl, zl, zl, zl, zl, zl);
 170         values[1] = Long8Value.create(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8);
 171         value = values[1];
 172         Long8Value.check(value, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8);
 174         Long8Value[] copy = new Long8Value[values.length];
 175         System.arraycopy(values, 0, copy, 0, values.length);
 176         value = copy[1];
 177         Long8Value.check(value, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8);
 178     }
 180     void testMixedPersonArray() {

 216         Point[][][] array3 = (Point[][][]) Array.newInstance(cls, 1, 2);
 217         assertEquals(array3.length, 1, "Incorrect length");
 218         assertEquals(array3[0].length, 2, "Incorrect length");
 219         assertTrue(array3[0][0] == null, "Expected NULL");
 221         // Now create ObjArrays of ValueArray...
 222         cls = (Class<?>) Point.class.asIndirectType();
 223         Point?[][] barray = (Point?[][]) Array.newInstance(cls, 1, 2);
 224         assertEquals(barray.length, 1, "Incorrect length");
 225         assertEquals(barray[0].length, 2, "Incorrect length");
 226         barray[0][1] = Point.createPoint(1, 2);
 227         Point? pb = barray[0][1];
 228         int x = pb.getX();
 229         assertEquals(x, 1, "Bad Point Value");
 230     }
 232     static final inline class MyInt implements Comparable<MyInt?> {
 233         final int value;
 235         private MyInt() { this(0); }
 236         private MyInt(int v) { value = v; }
 237         public int getValue() { return value; }
 238         public String toString() { return "MyInt: " + getValue(); }
 239         public int compareTo(MyInt? that) { return Integer.compare(this.getValue(), that.getValue()); }
 240         public boolean equals(Object o) {
 241             if (o instanceof MyInt) {
 242                 return this.getValue() == ((MyInt) o).getValue();
 243             }
 244             return false;
 245         }
 247         public static MyInt create(int v) {
 248             return new MyInt(v);

 249         }
 251         // Null-able fields here are a temp hack to avoid ClassCircularityError
 252         public static final MyInt? MIN = MyInt.create(Integer.MIN_VALUE);
 253         public static final MyInt? ZERO = MyInt.create(0);
 254         public static final MyInt? MAX = MyInt.create(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
 255     }
 257     static MyInt staticMyInt = MyInt.create(-1);
 258     static MyInt[] staticMyIntArray = new MyInt[] { staticMyInt };
 259     static MyInt[][] staticMyIntArrayArray = new MyInt[][] { staticMyIntArray, staticMyIntArray };
 261     static interface SomeSecondaryType {
 262         default String hi() { return "Hi"; }
 263     }
 265     static final inline class MyOtherInt implements SomeSecondaryType {
 266         final int value;
 267         private MyOtherInt() { value = 0; }
 268     }

 427         try {
 428             System.arraycopy(objArray, 0, valArray, 0, 3);
 429             throw new RuntimeException("Expected ArrayStoreException");
 430         } catch (ArrayStoreException ase) {}
 432         MyInt?[] myIntRefArray = new MyInt?[3];
 433         System.arraycopy(valArray, 0, myIntRefArray, 0, 3);
 434         checkArrayElementsEqual(valArray, myIntRefArray);
 436         myIntRefArray[0] = null;
 437         try {
 438             System.arraycopy(myIntRefArray, 0, valArray, 0, 3);
 439             throw new RuntimeException("Expected NullPointerException");
 440         } catch (NullPointerException npe) {}
 441     }
 443     static final inline class MyPoint {
 444         final               MyInt x;
 445         final               MyInt y;
 447         private MyPoint() { this(0, 0); }
 448         private MyPoint(int x, int y) {
 449             this.x = new MyInt(x);
 450             this.y = new MyInt(y);
 451         }
 452         public boolean equals(Object that) {
 453             if (that instanceof MyPoint) {
 454                 MyPoint thatPoint = (MyPoint) that;
 455                 return x.equals(thatPoint.x) && java.util.Objects.equals(y, thatPoint.y);
 456             }
 457             return false;
 458         }
 459         static MyPoint create(int x) {
 460             return new MyPoint(x, x);

 461         }
 462         static MyPoint create(int x, int y) {
 463             return new MyPoint(x, y);

 464         }
 465         static final MyPoint? ORIGIN = create(0);
 466     }
 468     void testComposition() {
 469         // Test array operations with compostion of inline types, check element payload is correct...
 470         MyPoint a = MyPoint.create(1, 2);
 471         MyPoint b = MyPoint.create(7, 21);
 472         MyPoint c = MyPoint.create(Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE);
 474         MyPoint[] pts = new MyPoint[3];
 475         if (!pts[0].equals(MyPoint.ORIGIN)) {
 476             throw new RuntimeException("Equals failed: " + pts[0] + " vs " + MyPoint.ORIGIN);
 477         }
 478         pts = new MyPoint[] { a, b, c };
 479         checkArrayElementsEqual(pts, new Object[] { a, b, c});
 480         Object[] oarr = new Object[3];
 482         arrayCopy(pts, 0, oarr, 0, 3);
 483         checkArrayElementsEqual(pts, oarr);

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