< prev index next >



823 oop ConstantPool::resolve_constant_at_impl(const constantPoolHandle& this_cp,                                                        
824                                            int index, int cache_index,                                                               
825                                            bool* status_return, TRAPS) {                                                             
826   oop result_oop = NULL;                                                                                                             
827   Handle throw_exception;                                                                                                            
829   if (cache_index == _possible_index_sentinel) {                                                                                     
830     // It is possible that this constant is one which is cached in the objects.                                                      
831     // We'll do a linear search.  This should be OK because this usage is rare.                                                      
832     // FIXME: If bootstrap specifiers stress this code, consider putting in                                                          
833     // a reverse index.  Binary search over a short array should do it.                                                              
834     assert(index > 0, "valid index");                                                                                                
835     cache_index = this_cp->cp_to_object_index(index);                                                                                
836   }                                                                                                                                  
837   assert(cache_index == _no_index_sentinel || cache_index >= 0, "");                                                                 
838   assert(index == _no_index_sentinel || index >= 0, "");                                                                             
840   if (cache_index >= 0) {                                                                                                            
841     result_oop = this_cp->resolved_references()->obj_at(cache_index);                                                                
842     if (result_oop != NULL) {                                                                                                        
843       if (result_oop == Universe::the_null_sentinel()) {                                                                             
844         DEBUG_ONLY(int temp_index = (index >= 0 ? index : this_cp->object_to_cp_index(cache_index)));                                
845         assert(this_cp->tag_at(temp_index).is_dynamic_constant(), "only condy uses the null sentinel");                              
846         result_oop = NULL;                                                                                                           
847       }                                                                                                                              
848       if (status_return != NULL)  (*status_return) = true;                                                                           
849       return result_oop;                                                                                                             
850       // That was easy...                                                                                                            
851     }                                                                                                                                
852     index = this_cp->object_to_cp_index(cache_index);                                                                                
853   }                                                                                                                                  
855   jvalue prim_value;  // temp used only in a few cases below                                                                         
857   constantTag tag = this_cp->tag_at(index);                                                                                          
859   if (status_return != NULL) {                                                                                                       
860     // don't trigger resolution if the constant might need it                                                                        
861     switch (tag.value()) {                                                                                                           
862     case JVM_CONSTANT_Class:                                                                                                         

823 oop ConstantPool::resolve_constant_at_impl(const constantPoolHandle& this_cp,
824                                            int index, int cache_index,
825                                            bool* status_return, TRAPS) {
826   oop result_oop = NULL;
827   Handle throw_exception;
829   if (cache_index == _possible_index_sentinel) {
830     // It is possible that this constant is one which is cached in the objects.
831     // We'll do a linear search.  This should be OK because this usage is rare.
832     // FIXME: If bootstrap specifiers stress this code, consider putting in
833     // a reverse index.  Binary search over a short array should do it.
834     assert(index > 0, "valid index");
835     cache_index = this_cp->cp_to_object_index(index);
836   }
837   assert(cache_index == _no_index_sentinel || cache_index >= 0, "");
838   assert(index == _no_index_sentinel || index >= 0, "");
840   if (cache_index >= 0) {
841     result_oop = this_cp->resolved_references()->obj_at(cache_index);
842     if (result_oop != NULL) {
843       if (oopDesc::equals(result_oop, Universe::the_null_sentinel())) {
844         DEBUG_ONLY(int temp_index = (index >= 0 ? index : this_cp->object_to_cp_index(cache_index)));
845         assert(this_cp->tag_at(temp_index).is_dynamic_constant(), "only condy uses the null sentinel");
846         result_oop = NULL;
847       }
848       if (status_return != NULL)  (*status_return) = true;
849       return result_oop;
850       // That was easy...
851     }
852     index = this_cp->object_to_cp_index(cache_index);
853   }
855   jvalue prim_value;  // temp used only in a few cases below
857   constantTag tag = this_cp->tag_at(index);
859   if (status_return != NULL) {
860     // don't trigger resolution if the constant might need it
861     switch (tag.value()) {
862     case JVM_CONSTANT_Class:

1056   default:                                                                                                                           
1057     DEBUG_ONLY( tty->print_cr("*** %p: tag at CP[%d/%d] = %d",                                                                       
1058                               this_cp(), index, cache_index, tag.value()));                                                          
1059     assert(false, "unexpected constant tag");                                                                                        
1060     break;                                                                                                                           
1061   }                                                                                                                                  
1063   if (cache_index >= 0) {                                                                                                            
1064     // Benign race condition:  resolved_references may already be filled in.                                                         
1065     // The important thing here is that all threads pick up the same result.                                                         
1066     // It doesn't matter which racing thread wins, as long as only one                                                               
1067     // result is used by all threads, and all future queries.                                                                        
1068     oop new_result = (result_oop == NULL ? Universe::the_null_sentinel() : result_oop);                                              
1069     oop old_result = this_cp->resolved_references()                                                                                  
1070       ->atomic_compare_exchange_oop(cache_index, new_result, NULL);                                                                  
1071     if (old_result == NULL) {                                                                                                        
1072       return result_oop;  // was installed                                                                                           
1073     } else {                                                                                                                         
1074       // Return the winning thread's result.  This can be different than                                                             
1075       // the result here for MethodHandles.                                                                                          
1076       if (old_result == Universe::the_null_sentinel())                                                                               
1077         old_result = NULL;                                                                                                           
1078       return old_result;                                                                                                             
1079     }                                                                                                                                
1080   } else {                                                                                                                           
1081     assert(result_oop != Universe::the_null_sentinel(), "");                                                                         
1082     return result_oop;                                                                                                               
1083   }                                                                                                                                  
1084 }                                                                                                                                    
1086 oop ConstantPool::uncached_string_at(int which, TRAPS) {                                                                             
1087   Symbol* sym = unresolved_string_at(which);                                                                                         
1088   oop str = StringTable::intern(sym, CHECK_(NULL));                                                                                  
1089   assert(java_lang_String::is_instance(str), "must be string");                                                                      
1090   return str;                                                                                                                        
1091 }                                                                                                                                    
1094 oop ConstantPool::resolve_bootstrap_specifier_at_impl(const constantPoolHandle& this_cp, int index, TRAPS) {                         
1095   assert((this_cp->tag_at(index).is_invoke_dynamic() ||                                                                              
1096           this_cp->tag_at(index).is_dynamic_constant()), "Corrupted constant pool");                                                 
1097   Handle bsm;                                                                                                                        
1098   int argc;                                                                                                                          
1099   {                                                                                                                                  
1100     // JVM_CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic is an ordered pair of [bootm, name&mtype], plus optional arguments                                 

1056   default:
1057     DEBUG_ONLY( tty->print_cr("*** %p: tag at CP[%d/%d] = %d",
1058                               this_cp(), index, cache_index, tag.value()));
1059     assert(false, "unexpected constant tag");
1060     break;
1061   }
1063   if (cache_index >= 0) {
1064     // Benign race condition:  resolved_references may already be filled in.
1065     // The important thing here is that all threads pick up the same result.
1066     // It doesn't matter which racing thread wins, as long as only one
1067     // result is used by all threads, and all future queries.
1068     oop new_result = (result_oop == NULL ? Universe::the_null_sentinel() : result_oop);
1069     oop old_result = this_cp->resolved_references()
1070       ->atomic_compare_exchange_oop(cache_index, new_result, NULL);
1071     if (old_result == NULL) {
1072       return result_oop;  // was installed
1073     } else {
1074       // Return the winning thread's result.  This can be different than
1075       // the result here for MethodHandles.
1076       if (oopDesc::equals(old_result, Universe::the_null_sentinel()))
1077         old_result = NULL;
1078       return old_result;
1079     }
1080   } else {
1081     assert(!oopDesc::equals(result_oop, Universe::the_null_sentinel()), "");
1082     return result_oop;
1083   }
1084 }
1086 oop ConstantPool::uncached_string_at(int which, TRAPS) {
1087   Symbol* sym = unresolved_string_at(which);
1088   oop str = StringTable::intern(sym, CHECK_(NULL));
1089   assert(java_lang_String::is_instance(str), "must be string");
1090   return str;
1091 }
1094 oop ConstantPool::resolve_bootstrap_specifier_at_impl(const constantPoolHandle& this_cp, int index, TRAPS) {
1095   assert((this_cp->tag_at(index).is_invoke_dynamic() ||
1096           this_cp->tag_at(index).is_dynamic_constant()), "Corrupted constant pool");
1097   Handle bsm;
1098   int argc;
1099   {
1100     // JVM_CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic is an ordered pair of [bootm, name&mtype], plus optional arguments

1227   }                                                                                                                                  
1228   // now we can loop safely                                                                                                          
1229   int info_i = pos;                                                                                                                  
1230   for (int i = start_arg; i < end_arg; i++) {                                                                                        
1231     int arg_index = this_cp->invoke_dynamic_argument_index_at(index, i);                                                             
1232     oop arg_oop;                                                                                                                     
1233     if (must_resolve) {                                                                                                              
1234       arg_oop = this_cp->resolve_possibly_cached_constant_at(arg_index, CHECK);                                                      
1235     } else {                                                                                                                         
1236       bool found_it = false;                                                                                                         
1237       arg_oop = this_cp->find_cached_constant_at(arg_index, found_it, CHECK);                                                        
1238       if (!found_it)  arg_oop = if_not_available();                                                                                  
1239     }                                                                                                                                
1240     info->obj_at_put(info_i++, arg_oop);                                                                                             
1241   }                                                                                                                                  
1242 }                                                                                                                                    
1244 oop ConstantPool::string_at_impl(const constantPoolHandle& this_cp, int which, int obj_index, TRAPS) {                               
1245   // If the string has already been interned, this entry will be non-null                                                            
1246   oop str = this_cp->resolved_references()->obj_at(obj_index);                                                                       
1247   assert(str != Universe::the_null_sentinel(), "");                                                                                  
1248   if (str != NULL) return str;                                                                                                       
1249   Symbol* sym = this_cp->unresolved_string_at(which);                                                                                
1250   str = StringTable::intern(sym, CHECK_(NULL));                                                                                      
1251   this_cp->string_at_put(which, obj_index, str);                                                                                     
1252   assert(java_lang_String::is_instance(str), "must be string");                                                                      
1253   return str;                                                                                                                        
1254 }                                                                                                                                    
1257 bool ConstantPool::klass_name_at_matches(const InstanceKlass* k, int which) {                                                        
1258   // Names are interned, so we can compare Symbol*s directly                                                                         
1259   Symbol* cp_name = klass_name_at(which);                                                                                            
1260   return (cp_name == k->name());                                                                                                     
1261 }                                                                                                                                    
1264 // Iterate over symbols and decrement ones which are Symbol*s                                                                        
1265 // This is done during GC.                                                                                                           
1266 // Only decrement the UTF8 symbols. Strings point to                                                                                 

1227   }
1228   // now we can loop safely
1229   int info_i = pos;
1230   for (int i = start_arg; i < end_arg; i++) {
1231     int arg_index = this_cp->invoke_dynamic_argument_index_at(index, i);
1232     oop arg_oop;
1233     if (must_resolve) {
1234       arg_oop = this_cp->resolve_possibly_cached_constant_at(arg_index, CHECK);
1235     } else {
1236       bool found_it = false;
1237       arg_oop = this_cp->find_cached_constant_at(arg_index, found_it, CHECK);
1238       if (!found_it)  arg_oop = if_not_available();
1239     }
1240     info->obj_at_put(info_i++, arg_oop);
1241   }
1242 }
1244 oop ConstantPool::string_at_impl(const constantPoolHandle& this_cp, int which, int obj_index, TRAPS) {
1245   // If the string has already been interned, this entry will be non-null
1246   oop str = this_cp->resolved_references()->obj_at(obj_index);
1247   assert(!oopDesc::equals(str, Universe::the_null_sentinel()), "");
1248   if (str != NULL) return str;
1249   Symbol* sym = this_cp->unresolved_string_at(which);
1250   str = StringTable::intern(sym, CHECK_(NULL));
1251   this_cp->string_at_put(which, obj_index, str);
1252   assert(java_lang_String::is_instance(str), "must be string");
1253   return str;
1254 }
1257 bool ConstantPool::klass_name_at_matches(const InstanceKlass* k, int which) {
1258   // Names are interned, so we can compare Symbol*s directly
1259   Symbol* cp_name = klass_name_at(which);
1260   return (cp_name == k->name());
1261 }
1264 // Iterate over symbols and decrement ones which are Symbol*s
1265 // This is done during GC.
1266 // Only decrement the UTF8 symbols. Strings point to
< prev index next >