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 // Steps 5.a and 5.b require knowledge about the GC backends, and therefore needs to
 // include the various GC backend .inline.hpp headers. Their implementation resides in
 // access.inline.hpp. The accesses that are allowed through the access.hpp file
 // must be instantiated in access.cpp using the INSTANTIATE_HPP_ACCESS macro.
-namespace AccessInternal {
-  template <DecoratorSet decorators, typename T>
-  void store_at(oop base, ptrdiff_t offset, T value);
-  template <DecoratorSet decorators, typename T>
-  T load_at(oop base, ptrdiff_t offset);
-  template <DecoratorSet decorators, typename T>
-  T atomic_cmpxchg_at(T new_value, oop base, ptrdiff_t offset, T compare_value);
-  template <DecoratorSet decorators, typename T>
-  T atomic_xchg_at(T new_value, oop base, ptrdiff_t offset);
-  template <DecoratorSet decorators, typename P, typename T>
-  void store(P* addr, T value);
-  template <DecoratorSet decorators, typename P, typename T>
-  T load(P* addr);
-  template <DecoratorSet decorators, typename P, typename T>
-  T atomic_cmpxchg(T new_value, P* addr, T compare_value);
-  template <DecoratorSet decorators, typename P, typename T>
-  T atomic_xchg(T new_value, P* addr);
-  template <DecoratorSet decorators, typename T>
-  bool arraycopy(arrayOop src_obj, arrayOop dst_obj, T *src, T *dst, size_t length);
-  template <DecoratorSet decorators>
-  void clone(oop src, oop dst, size_t size);
-  template <DecoratorSet decorators>
-  oop resolve(oop src);
-  template <DecoratorSet decorators>
-  bool equals(oop o1, oop o2);
-  // Infer the type that should be returned from a load.
-  template <typename P, DecoratorSet decorators>
-  class OopLoadProxy: public StackObj {
-  private:
-    P *const _addr;
-  public:
-    OopLoadProxy(P* addr) : _addr(addr) {}
-    inline operator oop() {
-      return load<decorators | INTERNAL_VALUE_IS_OOP, P, oop>(_addr);
-    }
-    inline operator narrowOop() {
-      return load<decorators | INTERNAL_VALUE_IS_OOP, P, narrowOop>(_addr);
-    }
-    template <typename T>
-    inline bool operator ==(const T& other) const {
-      return load<decorators | INTERNAL_VALUE_IS_OOP, P, T>(_addr) == other;
-    }
-    template <typename T>
-    inline bool operator !=(const T& other) const {
-      return load<decorators | INTERNAL_VALUE_IS_OOP, P, T>(_addr) != other;
-    }
-  };
-  // Infer the type that should be returned from a load_at.
-  template <DecoratorSet decorators>
-  class LoadAtProxy: public StackObj {
-  private:
-    const oop _base;
-    const ptrdiff_t _offset;
-  public:
-    LoadAtProxy(oop base, ptrdiff_t offset) : _base(base), _offset(offset) {}
-    template <typename T>
-    inline operator T() const {
-      return load_at<decorators, T>(_base, _offset);
-    }
-    template <typename T>
-    inline bool operator ==(const T& other) const { return load_at<decorators, T>(_base, _offset) == other; }
-    template <typename T>
-    inline bool operator !=(const T& other) const { return load_at<decorators, T>(_base, _offset) != other; }
-  };
-  template <DecoratorSet decorators>
-  class OopLoadAtProxy: public StackObj {
-  private:
-    const oop _base;
-    const ptrdiff_t _offset;
-  public:
-    OopLoadAtProxy(oop base, ptrdiff_t offset) : _base(base), _offset(offset) {}
-    inline operator oop() const {
-      return load_at<decorators | INTERNAL_VALUE_IS_OOP, oop>(_base, _offset);
-    }
-    inline operator narrowOop() const {
-      return load_at<decorators | INTERNAL_VALUE_IS_OOP, narrowOop>(_base, _offset);
-    }
-    template <typename T>
-    inline bool operator ==(const T& other) const {
-      return load_at<decorators | INTERNAL_VALUE_IS_OOP, T>(_base, _offset) == other;
-    }
-    template <typename T>
-    inline bool operator !=(const T& other) const {
-      return load_at<decorators | INTERNAL_VALUE_IS_OOP, T>(_base, _offset) != other;
-    }
-  };
 template <DecoratorSet decorators = INTERNAL_EMPTY>
 class Access: public AllStatic {
   // This function asserts that if an access gets passed in a decorator outside
   // of the expected_decorators, then something is wrong. It additionally checks
   // the consistency of the decorators so that supposedly disjoint decorators are indeed
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