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19  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any                                                            
20  * questions.                                                                                                                        
21  *                                                                                                                                   
22  */                                                                                                                                  
24 #ifndef SHARE_GC_SHARED_OOPSTORAGEPARSTATE_HPP                                                                                       
25 #define SHARE_GC_SHARED_OOPSTORAGEPARSTATE_HPP                                                                                       
27 #include "gc/shared/oopStorage.hpp"                                                                                                  
28 #include "utilities/macros.hpp"                                                                                                      
30 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////                                                       
31 // Support for parallel and optionally concurrent state iteration.                                                                   
32 //                                                                                                                                   
33 // Concurrent Iteration                                                                                                              
34 //                                                                                                                                   
35 // Iteration involves the _active_array (an ActiveArray), which contains all                                                         
36 // of the blocks owned by a storage object.                                                                                          
37 //                                                                                                                                   
38 // A concurrent ParState increments the associated storage's                                                                         
39 // _concurrent_iteration_active count when the state is constructed, and                                                             
40 // decrements it when the state is destroyed.  These assignments are made with                                                       
41 // _active_mutex locked.  Meanwhile, empty block deletion is not done while                                                          
42 // _concurrent_iteration_active is non-zero.  The counter check and the dependent                                                    
43 // removal of a block from the _active_array is performed with _active_mutex                                                         
44 // locked.  This prevents concurrent iteration and empty block deletion from                                                         
45 // interfering with with each other.                                                                                                 
46 //                                                                                                                                   
47 // Both allocate() and delete_empty_blocks_concurrent() lock the                                                                     
48 // _allocation_mutex while performing their respective list and array                                                                
49 // manipulations, preventing them from interfering with each other.                                                                  
50 //                                                                                                                                   
51 // When allocate() creates a new block, it is added to the end of the                                                                
52 // _active_array.  Then _active_array's _block_count is incremented to account                                                       
53 // for the new block.  When concurrent iteration is started (by a parallel                                                           
54 // worker thread calling the state's iterate() function), the current                                                                
55 // _active_array and its _block_count are captured for use by the iteration,                                                         
56 // with iteration processing all blocks in that array up to that block count.                                                        
57 //                                                                                                                                   
58 // As a result, the sequence over which concurrent iteration operates is                                                             
59 // stable.  However, once the iteration is started, later allocations may add                                                        
60 // blocks to the end of the array that won't be examined by the iteration.                                                           
61 // An allocation may even require expansion of the array, so the iteration is                                                        

19  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
20  * questions.
21  *
22  */
27 #include "gc/shared/oopStorage.hpp"
28 #include "utilities/macros.hpp"
30 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
31 // Support for parallel and optionally concurrent state iteration.
32 //
33 // Concurrent Iteration
34 //
35 // Iteration involves the _active_array (an ActiveArray), which contains all
36 // of the blocks owned by a storage object.
37 //
38 // A concurrent ParState increments the associated storage's
39 // _concurrent_iteration_count when the state is constructed, and
40 // decrements it when the state is destroyed.  These assignments are made with
41 // _active_mutex locked.  Meanwhile, empty block deletion is not done while
42 // _concurrent_iteration_count is non-zero.  The counter check and the dependent
43 // removal of a block from the _active_array is performed with _active_mutex
44 // locked.  This prevents concurrent iteration and empty block deletion from
45 // interfering with with each other.
46 //
47 // Both allocate() and delete_empty_blocks_concurrent() lock the
48 // _allocation_mutex while performing their respective list and array
49 // manipulations, preventing them from interfering with each other.
50 //
51 // When allocate() creates a new block, it is added to the end of the
52 // _active_array.  Then _active_array's _block_count is incremented to account
53 // for the new block.  When concurrent iteration is started (by a parallel
54 // worker thread calling the state's iterate() function), the current
55 // _active_array and its _block_count are captured for use by the iteration,
56 // with iteration processing all blocks in that array up to that block count.
57 //
58 // As a result, the sequence over which concurrent iteration operates is
59 // stable.  However, once the iteration is started, later allocations may add
60 // blocks to the end of the array that won't be examined by the iteration.
61 // An allocation may even require expansion of the array, so the iteration is

127 //   is convertible to bool.                                                                                                         
128 //                                                                                                                                   
129 //   If *p == NULL then neither is_alive nor cl will be invoked for p.                                                               
130 //   If is_alive->do_object_b(*p) is false, then cl will not be                                                                      
131 //   invoked on p.                                                                                                                   
133 class OopStorage::BasicParState {                                                                                                    
134   const OopStorage* _storage;                                                                                                        
135   ActiveArray* _active_array;                                                                                                        
136   size_t _block_count;                                                                                                               
137   volatile size_t _next_block;                                                                                                       
138   uint _estimated_thread_count;                                                                                                      
139   bool _concurrent;                                                                                                                  
141   // Noncopyable.                                                                                                                    
142   BasicParState(const BasicParState&);                                                                                               
143   BasicParState& operator=(const BasicParState&);                                                                                    
145   struct IterationData;                                                                                                              
147   void update_iteration_state(int value);                                                                                            
148   bool claim_next_segment(IterationData* data);                                                                                      
149   bool finish_iteration(const IterationData* data) const;                                                                            
151   // Wrapper for iteration handler; ignore handler result and return true.                                                           
152   template<typename F> class AlwaysTrueFn;                                                                                           
154 public:                                                                                                                              
155   BasicParState(const OopStorage* storage,                                                                                           
156                 uint estimated_thread_count,                                                                                         
157                 bool concurrent);                                                                                                    
158   ~BasicParState();                                                                                                                  
160   template<bool is_const, typename F> void iterate(F f);                                                                             
162   static uint default_estimated_thread_count(bool concurrent);                                                                       
163 };                                                                                                                                   
165 template<bool concurrent, bool is_const>                                                                                             
166 class OopStorage::ParState {                                                                                                         

127 //   is convertible to bool.
128 //
129 //   If *p == NULL then neither is_alive nor cl will be invoked for p.
130 //   If is_alive->do_object_b(*p) is false, then cl will not be
131 //   invoked on p.
133 class OopStorage::BasicParState {
134   const OopStorage* _storage;
135   ActiveArray* _active_array;
136   size_t _block_count;
137   volatile size_t _next_block;
138   uint _estimated_thread_count;
139   bool _concurrent;
141   // Noncopyable.
142   BasicParState(const BasicParState&);
143   BasicParState& operator=(const BasicParState&);
145   struct IterationData;
147   void update_concurrent_iteration_count(int value);
148   bool claim_next_segment(IterationData* data);
149   bool finish_iteration(const IterationData* data) const;
151   // Wrapper for iteration handler; ignore handler result and return true.
152   template<typename F> class AlwaysTrueFn;
154 public:
155   BasicParState(const OopStorage* storage,
156                 uint estimated_thread_count,
157                 bool concurrent);
158   ~BasicParState();
160   template<bool is_const, typename F> void iterate(F f);
162   static uint default_estimated_thread_count(bool concurrent);
163 };
165 template<bool concurrent, bool is_const>
166 class OopStorage::ParState {
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