1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2010, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10  *
  11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15  * accompanied this code).
  16  *
  17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20  *
  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23  * questions.
  24  */
  26 package com.sun.prism.impl;
  28 import java.security.AccessController;
  29 import java.security.PrivilegedAction;
  30 import java.util.Arrays;
  31 import java.util.Collections;
  32 import java.util.List;
  33 import java.util.Properties;
  34 import java.util.StringTokenizer;
  35 import com.sun.javafx.PlatformUtil;
  36 import com.sun.javafx.Utils;
  38 /**
  39  * Contains the runtime arguments used by Prism.
  40  */
  41 public final class PrismSettings {
  43     public static final boolean verbose;
  44     public static final boolean debug;
  45     public static final boolean trace;
  46     public static final boolean printAllocs;
  47     public static final boolean isVsyncEnabled;
  48     public static final boolean dirtyOptsEnabled;
  49     public static final boolean occlusionCullingEnabled;
  50     public static final boolean threadCheck;
  51     public static final boolean cacheSimpleShapes;
  52     public static final boolean cacheComplexShapes;
  53     public static final boolean useNewImageLoader;
  54     public static final List<String> tryOrder;
  55     public static final int prismStatFrequency;
  56     public static final boolean doPiscesText;
  57     public static final boolean doOpenPiscesText;
  58     public static final boolean doNativePisces;
  59     public static final String refType;
  60     public static final boolean forceRepaint;
  61     public static final boolean noFallback;
  62     public static final boolean showDirtyRegions;
  63     public static final boolean showOverdraw;
  64     public static final boolean printRenderGraph;
  65     public static final boolean shutdownHook;
  66     public static final int minTextureSize;
  67     public static final int minRTTSize;
  68     public static final int dirtyRegionCount;
  69     public static final boolean disableBadDriverWarning;
  70     public static final boolean forceGPU;
  71     public static final int maxTextureSize;
  72     public static final int primTextureSize;
  73     public static final boolean disableRegionCaching;
  74     public static final boolean forcePow2;
  75     public static final boolean noClampToZero;
  76     public static final boolean disableD3D9Ex;
  77     public static final boolean allowHiDPIScaling;
  78     public static final long maxVram;
  79     public static final long targetVram;
  80     public static final boolean poolStats;
  81     public static final boolean poolDebug;
  82     public static final boolean disableEffects;
  83     public static final int glyphCacheWidth;
  84     public static final int glyphCacheHeight;
  85     public static final String perfLog;
  86     public static final boolean perfLogExitFlush;
  87     public static final boolean perfLogFirstPaintFlush;
  88     public static final boolean perfLogFirstPaintExit;
  89     public static final boolean superShader;
  91     private PrismSettings() {
  92     }
  94     private static void printBooleanOption(boolean opt, String trueStr) {
  95         if (opt) {
  96             System.out.println(trueStr);
  97         } else {
  98             System.out.print("Not ");
  99             System.out.print(Character.toLowerCase(trueStr.charAt(0)));
 100             System.out.println(trueStr.substring(1));
 101         }
 102     }
 104     static {
 105         final Properties systemProperties =
 106                 (Properties) AccessController.doPrivileged(
 107                                  new PrivilegedAction() {
 108                                      @Override
 109                                      public Object run() {
 110                                          return System.getProperties();
 111                                      }
 112                                  });
 114         /* Vsync */
 115         isVsyncEnabled  = getBoolean(systemProperties, "prism.vsync", true)
 116                               && !getBoolean(systemProperties,
 117                                              "javafx.animation.fullspeed",
 118                                              false);
 120         /* Dirty region optimizations */
 121         dirtyOptsEnabled = getBoolean(systemProperties, "prism.dirtyopts",
 122                                       true);
 123         occlusionCullingEnabled =
 124                 dirtyOptsEnabled && getBoolean(systemProperties,
 125                                                "prism.occlusion.culling",
 126                                                true);
 128         // The maximum number of dirty regions to use. The absolute max that we can
 129         // support at present is 15.
 130         dirtyRegionCount = Utils.clamp(0, getInt(systemProperties, "prism.dirtyregioncount", 6, null), 15);
 132         /* Dirty region optimizations */
 133         threadCheck = getBoolean(systemProperties, "prism.threadcheck", false);
 135         /* Draws overlay rectangles showing where the dirty regions were */
 136         showDirtyRegions = getBoolean(systemProperties, "prism.showdirty", false);
 138         /*
 139          * Draws overlay rectangles showing not only the dirty regions, but how many times
 140          * each area within that dirty region was drawn (covered by bounds of a drawn object).
 141          */
 142         showOverdraw = getBoolean(systemProperties, "prism.showoverdraw", false);
 144         /* Prints out the render graph, annotated with dirty opts information */
 145         printRenderGraph = getBoolean(systemProperties, "prism.printrendergraph", false);
 147         /* Force scene repaint on every frame */
 148         forceRepaint = getBoolean(systemProperties, "prism.forcerepaint", false);
 150         /* disable fallback to another toolkit if prism couldn't be init-ed */
 151         noFallback = getBoolean(systemProperties, "prism.noFallback", false);
 153         /* Shape caching optimizations */
 154         String cache = systemProperties.getProperty("prism.cacheshapes",
 155                                                     "complex");
 156         if ("all".equals(cache) || "true".equals(cache)) {
 157             cacheSimpleShapes = true;
 158             cacheComplexShapes = true;
 159         } else if ("complex".equals(cache)) {
 160             cacheSimpleShapes = false;
 161             cacheComplexShapes = true;
 162         } else {
 163             cacheSimpleShapes = false;
 164             cacheComplexShapes = false;
 165         }
 167         /* New javafx-iio image loader */
 168         useNewImageLoader = getBoolean(systemProperties, "prism.newiio", true);
 170         /* Verbose output*/
 171         verbose = getBoolean(systemProperties, "prism.verbose", false);
 173         /* Prism statistics print frequency, <=0 means "do not print" */
 174         prismStatFrequency =
 175                 getInt(systemProperties, "prism.printStats",
 176                        0, 1, "Try -Dprism.printStats=<true or number>");
 178         /* Debug output*/
 179         debug = getBoolean(systemProperties, "prism.debug", false);
 181         /* Trace output*/
 182         trace = getBoolean(systemProperties, "prism.trace", false);
 184         /* Print texture allocation data */
 185         printAllocs = getBoolean(systemProperties, "prism.printallocs", false);
 187         /* Disable bad driver check warning */
 188         disableBadDriverWarning = getBoolean(systemProperties,
 189                                              "prism.disableBadDriverWarning",
 190                                              false);
 192         /* Force GPU, if GPU is PS 3 capable, disable GPU qualification check. */
 193         forceGPU = getBoolean(systemProperties, "prism.forceGPU", false);
 195         String order = systemProperties.getProperty("prism.order");
 196         String[] tryOrderArr;
 197         if (order != null) {
 198             tryOrderArr = split(order, ",");
 199         } else {
 200             if (PlatformUtil.isWindows()) {
 201                 tryOrderArr = new String[] { "d3d", "sw" };
 202             } else if (PlatformUtil.isMac()) {
 203                 tryOrderArr = new String[] { "es2", "sw" };
 204             } else if (PlatformUtil.isIOS()) {
 205                 tryOrderArr = new String[] { "es2" };
 206             } else if (PlatformUtil.isAndroid()) {
 207                     tryOrderArr = new String[] { "es2" };
 208             } else if (PlatformUtil.isLinux()) {
 209                 tryOrderArr = new String[] { "es2", "sw" };
 210             } else {
 211                 tryOrderArr = new String[] { "sw" };
 212             }
 213         }
 215         tryOrder = Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList(tryOrderArr));
 217         String npprop = systemProperties.getProperty("prism.nativepisces");
 218         if (npprop == null) {
 219             doNativePisces = PlatformUtil.isEmbedded() || !PlatformUtil.isLinux();
 220         } else {
 221             doNativePisces = Boolean.parseBoolean(npprop);
 222         }
 224         /* Setting for text.
 225          */
 226         String text = systemProperties.getProperty("prism.text", "");
 227         doPiscesText = "pisces".equals(text);
 228         doOpenPiscesText = "openpisces".equals(text);
 230         String primtex = systemProperties.getProperty("prism.primtextures");
 231         if (primtex == null) {
 232             primTextureSize = PlatformUtil.isEmbedded() ? -1 : 0;
 233         } else if (primtex.equals("true")) {
 234             primTextureSize = -1;
 235         } else if (primtex.equals("false")) {
 236             primTextureSize = 0;
 237         } else {
 238             primTextureSize =
 239                     parseInt(primtex, 0,
 240                              "Try -Dprism.primtextures=[true|false|<number>]");
 241         }
 243         /* Setting for reference type used by Disposer */
 244         refType = systemProperties.getProperty("prism.reftype");
 246         /* shutdown the pipeline on System.exit, ^c - needed with X11, so linux default is true */
 247         shutdownHook = getBoolean(systemProperties, "prism.shutdownHook",
 248                                   PlatformUtil.isUnix());
 250         forcePow2 = getBoolean(systemProperties, "prism.forcepowerof2", false);
 251         noClampToZero = getBoolean(systemProperties, "prism.noclamptozero", false);
 253         allowHiDPIScaling = getBoolean(systemProperties, "prism.allowhidpi", true);
 255         maxVram = getLong(systemProperties, "prism.maxvram", 256 * 1024 * 1024, null);
 256         targetVram = getLong(systemProperties, "prism.targetvram", maxVram / 2, null);
 257         poolStats = getBoolean(systemProperties, "prism.poolstats", false);
 258         poolDebug = getBoolean(systemProperties, "prism.pooldebug", false);
 260         if (verbose) {
 261             System.out.print("Prism pipeline init order: ");
 262             for (String s : tryOrder) {
 263                 System.out.print(s+" ");
 264             }
 265             System.out.println("");
 266             if (PrismSettings.doPiscesText || PrismSettings.doOpenPiscesText) {
 267                 System.out.println("Using " + text + " for text rasterization");
 268             } else {
 269                 System.out.println("Using platform text rasterizer");
 270             }
 271             String piscestype = (doNativePisces ? "native" : "java");
 272             System.out.println("Using " + piscestype + "-based Pisces rasterizer");
 273             printBooleanOption(dirtyOptsEnabled, "Using dirty region optimizations");
 274             if (primTextureSize == 0) {
 275                 System.out.println("Not using texture mask for primitives");
 276             } else if (primTextureSize < 0) {
 277                 System.out.println("Using system sized mask for primitives");
 278             } else {
 279                 System.out.println("Using "+primTextureSize+" sized mask for primitives");
 280             }
 281             printBooleanOption(forcePow2, "Forcing power of 2 sizes for textures");
 282             printBooleanOption(!noClampToZero, "Using hardware CLAMP_TO_ZERO mode");
 283             printBooleanOption(allowHiDPIScaling, "Opting in for HiDPI pixel scaling");
 284         }
 286         /*
 287          * Setting for maximum texture size. Default is 4096.
 288          * This will clamp the limit reported by the card to the specified
 289          * value. A value of <= 0 will disable this clamping, causing the
 290          * limit reported by the card to be used without modification.
 291          *
 292          * See RT-21998. This is a workaround for the fact that we don't
 293          * yet handle the case where a texture allocation fails during
 294          * rendering of a very large tiled image.
 295          */
 296         int size = getInt(systemProperties, "prism.maxTextureSize",
 297                           4096, "Try -Dprism.maxTextureSize=<number>");
 299         if (size <= 0) {
 300             size = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
 301         }
 302         maxTextureSize = size;
 304         /*
 305          * Check minimum texture size
 306          * This is a workaround for the bugs seen on device creating small textures (see TVP-256)
 307          * This value should not be set normally.
 308          */
 309         minTextureSize = getInt(systemProperties, "prism.mintexturesize", 0,
 310                 "Try -Dprism.mintexturesize=<number>");
 312         /*
 313          * Check minimum RTT size
 314          * This is needed for some embedded platforms to avoid rendering artifacts
 315          * when rendering into small RTT.
 316          */
 317        minRTTSize = getInt(systemProperties, "prism.minrttsize",
 318                PlatformUtil.isEmbedded() ? 16 : 0, "Try -Dprism.minrttsize=<number>");
 320         disableRegionCaching = getBoolean(systemProperties,
 321                                           "prism.disableRegionCaching",
 322                                           false);
 324         disableD3D9Ex = getBoolean(systemProperties, "prism.disableD3D9Ex", true);
 326         disableEffects = getBoolean(systemProperties, "prism.disableEffects", false);
 328         glyphCacheWidth = getInt(systemProperties, "prism.glyphCacheWidth", 1024,
 329                 "Try -Dprism.glyphCacheWidth=<number>");
 330         glyphCacheHeight = getInt(systemProperties, "prism.glyphCacheHeight", 1024,
 331                 "Try -Dprism.glyphCacheHeight=<number>");
 333         /*
 334          * Performance Logger flags
 335          * Enable the performance logger, print on exit, print on first paint etc.
 336          */
 337         perfLog = systemProperties.getProperty("sun.perflog");
 338         perfLogExitFlush = getBoolean(systemProperties, "sun.perflog.fx.exitflush", false, true);
 339         perfLogFirstPaintFlush = getBoolean(systemProperties, "sun.perflog.fx.firstpaintflush", false, true);
 340         perfLogFirstPaintExit = getBoolean(systemProperties, "sun.perflog.fx.firstpaintexit", false, true);
 342         superShader = getBoolean(systemProperties, "prism.supershader", true);
 343     }
 345     private static int parseInt(String s, int dflt, int trueDflt,
 346                                 String errMsg) {
 347         return "true".equalsIgnoreCase(s)
 348                    ? trueDflt
 349                    : parseInt(s, dflt, errMsg);
 350     }
 352     private static int parseInt(String s, int dflt, String errMsg) {
 353         if (s != null) {
 354             try {
 355                 return Integer.parseInt(s);
 356             } catch (Exception e) {
 357                 if (errMsg != null) {
 358                     System.err.println(errMsg);
 359                 }
 360             }
 361         }
 363         return dflt;
 364     }
 366     private static long parseLong(String s, long dflt, String errMsg) {
 367         if (s != null && s.length() > 0) {
 368             long mult = 1;
 369             if (s.endsWith("k") || s.endsWith("K")) {
 370                 mult = 1024L;
 371             } else if (s.endsWith("m") || s.endsWith("M")) {
 372                 mult = 1024L * 1024L;
 373             } else if (s.endsWith("g") || s.endsWith("G")) {
 374                 mult = 1024L * 1024L * 1024L;
 375             }
 376             if (mult > 1) {
 377                 s = s.substring(0, s.length() - 1);
 378             }
 379             try {
 380                 return Long.parseLong(s) * mult;
 381             } catch (Exception e) {
 382                 if (errMsg != null) {
 383                     System.err.println(errMsg);
 384                 }
 385             }
 386         }
 388         return dflt;
 389     }
 391     /* A simple version of String.split(), since that isn't available on CDC */
 392     private static String[] split(String str, String delim) {
 393         StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(str, delim);
 394         String[] ret = new String[st.countTokens()];
 395         int i = 0;
 396         while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
 397             ret[i++] = st.nextToken();
 398         }
 399         return ret;
 400     }
 402     private static boolean getBoolean(Properties properties,
 403                                       String key,
 404                                       boolean dflt) {
 405         final String strval = properties.getProperty(key);
 406         return (strval != null) ? Boolean.parseBoolean(strval) : dflt;
 407     }
 409     private static boolean getBoolean(Properties properties,
 410                                       String key,
 411                                       boolean dflt,
 412                                       boolean dfltIfDefined) {
 413         final String strval = properties.getProperty(key);
 414         if (strval != null && strval.length() == 0) return dfltIfDefined;
 415         return (strval != null) ? Boolean.parseBoolean(strval) : dflt;
 416     }
 418     private static int getInt(Properties properties,
 419                               String key,
 420                               int dflt,
 421                               int trueDflt,
 422                               String errMsg) {
 423         return parseInt(properties.getProperty(key),
 424                         dflt,
 425                         trueDflt,
 426                         errMsg);
 427     }
 429     private static int getInt(Properties properties,
 430                               String key,
 431                               int dflt,
 432                               String errMsg) {
 433         return parseInt(properties.getProperty(key),
 434                         dflt,
 435                         errMsg);
 436     }
 438     private static long getLong(Properties properties,
 439                                 String key,
 440                                 long dflt,
 441                                 String errMsg)
 442     {
 443         return parseLong(properties.getProperty(key),
 444                          dflt,
 445                          errMsg);
 446     }
 447 }