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 434   // thread id on Linux/64bit is 64bit, on Windows and Solaris, it's 32bit
 435   static intx current_thread_id();
 436   static int current_process_id();
 437   static int sleep(Thread* thread, jlong ms, bool interruptable);
 438   // Short standalone OS sleep suitable for slow path spin loop.
 439   // Ignores Thread.interrupt() (so keep it short).
 440   // ms = 0, will sleep for the least amount of time allowed by the OS.
 441   static void naked_short_sleep(jlong ms);
 442   static void infinite_sleep(); // never returns, use with CAUTION
 443   static void yield();        // Yields to all threads with same priority
 444   enum YieldResult {
 445     YIELD_SWITCHED = 1,         // caller descheduled, other ready threads exist & ran
 446     YIELD_NONEREADY = 0,        // No other runnable/ready threads.
 447                                 // platform-specific yield return immediately
 448     YIELD_UNKNOWN = -1          // Unknown: platform doesn't support _SWITCHED or _NONEREADY
 449     // YIELD_SWITCHED and YIELD_NONREADY imply the platform supports a "strong"
 450     // yield that can be used in lieu of blocking.
 451   } ;
 452   static YieldResult NakedYield () ;
 453   static void yield_all(int attempts = 0); // Yields to all other threads including lower priority
 454   static void loop_breaker(int attempts);  // called from within tight loops to possibly influence time-sharing
 455   static OSReturn set_priority(Thread* thread, ThreadPriority priority);
 456   static OSReturn get_priority(const Thread* const thread, ThreadPriority& priority);
 458   static void interrupt(Thread* thread);
 459   static bool is_interrupted(Thread* thread, bool clear_interrupted);
 461   static int pd_self_suspend_thread(Thread* thread);
 463   static ExtendedPC fetch_frame_from_context(void* ucVoid, intptr_t** sp, intptr_t** fp);
 464   static frame      fetch_frame_from_context(void* ucVoid);
 466   static ExtendedPC get_thread_pc(Thread *thread);
 467   static void breakpoint();
 469   static address current_stack_pointer();
 470   static address current_stack_base();
 471   static size_t current_stack_size();
 473   static void verify_stack_alignment() PRODUCT_RETURN;

 434   // thread id on Linux/64bit is 64bit, on Windows and Solaris, it's 32bit
 435   static intx current_thread_id();
 436   static int current_process_id();
 437   static int sleep(Thread* thread, jlong ms, bool interruptable);
 438   // Short standalone OS sleep suitable for slow path spin loop.
 439   // Ignores Thread.interrupt() (so keep it short).
 440   // ms = 0, will sleep for the least amount of time allowed by the OS.
 441   static void naked_short_sleep(jlong ms);
 442   static void infinite_sleep(); // never returns, use with CAUTION
 443   static void yield();        // Yields to all threads with same priority
 444   enum YieldResult {
 445     YIELD_SWITCHED = 1,         // caller descheduled, other ready threads exist & ran
 446     YIELD_NONEREADY = 0,        // No other runnable/ready threads.
 447                                 // platform-specific yield return immediately
 448     YIELD_UNKNOWN = -1          // Unknown: platform doesn't support _SWITCHED or _NONEREADY
 449     // YIELD_SWITCHED and YIELD_NONREADY imply the platform supports a "strong"
 450     // yield that can be used in lieu of blocking.
 451   } ;
 452   static YieldResult NakedYield () ;
 453   static void yield_all(); // Yields to all other threads including lower priority
 454                            // (for the default scheduling policy)
 455   static OSReturn set_priority(Thread* thread, ThreadPriority priority);
 456   static OSReturn get_priority(const Thread* const thread, ThreadPriority& priority);
 458   static void interrupt(Thread* thread);
 459   static bool is_interrupted(Thread* thread, bool clear_interrupted);
 461   static int pd_self_suspend_thread(Thread* thread);
 463   static ExtendedPC fetch_frame_from_context(void* ucVoid, intptr_t** sp, intptr_t** fp);
 464   static frame      fetch_frame_from_context(void* ucVoid);
 466   static ExtendedPC get_thread_pc(Thread *thread);
 467   static void breakpoint();
 469   static address current_stack_pointer();
 470   static address current_stack_base();
 471   static size_t current_stack_size();
 473   static void verify_stack_alignment() PRODUCT_RETURN;