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rev 49011 : 8197405: Improve messages of AbstractMethodErrors and IncompatibleClassChangeErrors.
Reviewed-by: coleenp, dholmes

 491   // Size of klass in word size.
 492   virtual int size() const = 0;
 494   virtual void collect_statistics(KlassSizeStats *sz) const;
 495 #endif
 497   // Returns the Java name for a class (Resource allocated)
 498   // For arrays, this returns the name of the element with a leading '['.
 499   // For classes, this returns the name with the package separators
 500   //     turned into '.'s.
 501   const char* external_name() const;
 502   // Returns the name for a class (Resource allocated) as the class
 503   // would appear in a signature.
 504   // For arrays, this returns the name of the element with a leading '['.
 505   // For classes, this returns the name with a leading 'L' and a trailing ';'
 506   //     and the package separators as '/'.
 507   virtual const char* signature_name() const;
 509   const char* class_loader_and_module_name() const;

 511   // type testing operations
 512 #ifdef ASSERT
 513  protected:
 514   virtual bool is_instance_klass_slow()     const { return false; }
 515   virtual bool is_array_klass_slow()        const { return false; }
 516   virtual bool is_objArray_klass_slow()     const { return false; }
 517   virtual bool is_typeArray_klass_slow()    const { return false; }
 518 #endif // ASSERT
 519  public:
 521   // Fast non-virtual versions
 522   #ifndef ASSERT
 523   #define assert_same_query(xval, xcheck) xval
 524   #else
 525  private:
 526   static bool assert_same_query(bool xval, bool xslow) {
 527     assert(xval == xslow, "slow and fast queries agree");
 528     return xval;
 529   }
 530  public:

 491   // Size of klass in word size.
 492   virtual int size() const = 0;
 494   virtual void collect_statistics(KlassSizeStats *sz) const;
 495 #endif
 497   // Returns the Java name for a class (Resource allocated)
 498   // For arrays, this returns the name of the element with a leading '['.
 499   // For classes, this returns the name with the package separators
 500   //     turned into '.'s.
 501   const char* external_name() const;
 502   // Returns the name for a class (Resource allocated) as the class
 503   // would appear in a signature.
 504   // For arrays, this returns the name of the element with a leading '['.
 505   // For classes, this returns the name with a leading 'L' and a trailing ';'
 506   //     and the package separators as '/'.
 507   virtual const char* signature_name() const;
 509   const char* class_loader_and_module_name() const;
 511   // Returns "interface", "abstract class" or "class".
 512   const char* external_kind() const;
 514   // type testing operations
 515 #ifdef ASSERT
 516  protected:
 517   virtual bool is_instance_klass_slow()     const { return false; }
 518   virtual bool is_array_klass_slow()        const { return false; }
 519   virtual bool is_objArray_klass_slow()     const { return false; }
 520   virtual bool is_typeArray_klass_slow()    const { return false; }
 521 #endif // ASSERT
 522  public:
 524   // Fast non-virtual versions
 525   #ifndef ASSERT
 526   #define assert_same_query(xval, xcheck) xval
 527   #else
 528  private:
 529   static bool assert_same_query(bool xval, bool xslow) {
 530     assert(xval == xslow, "slow and fast queries agree");
 531     return xval;
 532   }
 533  public:

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