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rev 11871 : 8165231: java.nio.Bits.unaligned() doesn't return true on ppc

 598     static int pageSize() {
 599         if (pageSize == -1)
 600             pageSize = unsafe().pageSize();
 601         return pageSize;
 602     }
 604     static int pageCount(long size) {
 605         return (int)(size + (long)pageSize() - 1L) / pageSize();
 606     }
 608     private static boolean unaligned;
 609     private static boolean unalignedKnown = false;
 611     static boolean unaligned() {
 612         if (unalignedKnown)
 613             return unaligned;
 614         String arch = AccessController.doPrivileged(
 615             new sun.security.action.GetPropertyAction("os.arch"));
 616         unaligned = arch.equals("i386") || arch.equals("x86")
 617             || arch.equals("amd64") || arch.equals("x86_64");

 618         unalignedKnown = true;
 619         return unaligned;
 620     }
 623     // -- Direct memory management --
 625     // A user-settable upper limit on the maximum amount of allocatable
 626     // direct buffer memory.  This value may be changed during VM
 627     // initialization if it is launched with "-XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=<size>".
 628     private static volatile long maxMemory = VM.maxDirectMemory();
 629     private static final AtomicLong reservedMemory = new AtomicLong();
 630     private static final AtomicLong totalCapacity = new AtomicLong();
 631     private static final AtomicLong count = new AtomicLong();
 632     private static volatile boolean memoryLimitSet = false;
 633     // max. number of sleeps during try-reserving with exponentially
 634     // increasing delay before throwing OutOfMemoryError:
 635     // 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 (total 511 ms ~ 0.5 s)
 636     // which means that OOME will be thrown after 0.5 s of trying
 637     private static final int MAX_SLEEPS = 9;

 598     static int pageSize() {
 599         if (pageSize == -1)
 600             pageSize = unsafe().pageSize();
 601         return pageSize;
 602     }
 604     static int pageCount(long size) {
 605         return (int)(size + (long)pageSize() - 1L) / pageSize();
 606     }
 608     private static boolean unaligned;
 609     private static boolean unalignedKnown = false;
 611     static boolean unaligned() {
 612         if (unalignedKnown)
 613             return unaligned;
 614         String arch = AccessController.doPrivileged(
 615             new sun.security.action.GetPropertyAction("os.arch"));
 616         unaligned = arch.equals("i386") || arch.equals("x86")
 617             || arch.equals("amd64") || arch.equals("x86_64")
 618             || arch.equals("ppc64") || arch.equals("ppc64le");
 619         unalignedKnown = true;
 620         return unaligned;
 621     }
 624     // -- Direct memory management --
 626     // A user-settable upper limit on the maximum amount of allocatable
 627     // direct buffer memory.  This value may be changed during VM
 628     // initialization if it is launched with "-XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=<size>".
 629     private static volatile long maxMemory = VM.maxDirectMemory();
 630     private static final AtomicLong reservedMemory = new AtomicLong();
 631     private static final AtomicLong totalCapacity = new AtomicLong();
 632     private static final AtomicLong count = new AtomicLong();
 633     private static volatile boolean memoryLimitSet = false;
 634     // max. number of sleeps during try-reserving with exponentially
 635     // increasing delay before throwing OutOfMemoryError:
 636     // 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 (total 511 ms ~ 0.5 s)
 637     // which means that OOME will be thrown after 0.5 s of trying
 638     private static final int MAX_SLEEPS = 9;

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